The Producers: Episode 5

The complicated love geometry starts taking shape with this episode, as feelings become more concrete… and directed at people who are missing all the cues. It’s basically a one-directional merry-go-round, where everyone’s looking at someone who’s looking at someone else, and it makes for some great romantic angst. But what’s more important at this stage is that friendships emerge, and that our baby duckling seems to be finding his place within his new PD family.


Kim Bum-soo – “사랑의 시작은 고백에서부터” (Love Begins With a Confession) for the Producers OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 5: “Understanding editing”

Cindy suddenly starts to see the bumbling maknae PD Seung-chan in a new light when he very gallantly comes to shield her from the rain. By the time he’s got the umbrella open overhead, she looks positively smitten.

That is… until Seung-chan turns his head and notices the cameraman struggling to cover up their equipment in the rain, and ditches Cindy to go shield the camera. HA. All that build-up, and she’s now standing in the soaking rain in disbelief.

The documentary crew interviews Seung-chan and asks how he made his decision, and he answers very scientifically that it was about which could withstand the water better–Cindy or the camera. He looks pleased with himself, until they ask if he doesn’t think Cindy will be mad about it.

Cindy watches Seung-chan pitch their tent in the rain, then at the last step she comes out in front of the camera and pretends to help him. He doesn’t roll with the scenario the way she wants, so she spells it out for him that they could edit it to make it look like she pitched the tent, complete with the caption she’d like, done in pink lettering.

Seung-chan says he can’t do that, clarifying that it’s not the pink captions but the lying that he has a problem with. She argues that this isn’t a documentary; it’s variety. Seung-chan: “Yes, it’s REAL variety. Real wild road variety,” quoting 1 Night 2 Days’ famous tagline.

Main PD Joon-mo nearly cries tears of joy to hear that Seung-chan got Cindy to carry luggage and sleep outside in the rain, and the writers marvel that if it hadn’t been the clueless maknae PD, no one would’ve dared to make the big star do those things.

They all commiserate about how they couldn’t make their last cast do anything, and when one of the writers jokes that at this rate, Seung-chan might even make Cindy do dinner bokbulbok (the classic 1N2D luck game for food), Joon-mo tells them to call and make it happen.

But Seung-chan doesn’t even get the call because he’s already too busy running the game. Cindy spins and spins to try and win dinner rights, until she finally collapses on the ground and whines that it’s too hard. Ever the stickler for rules, Seung-chan shouts, “Fail!” then tells her that because this is the first episode, she has a special chance to call a friend, and if that friend offers a word of encouragement to her, she can eat.

It seems simple enough, but Cindy looks around anxiously and asks if she can’t do the elephant nose spins again. She picks up her phone to call someone, but really has no friends to call upon, and nervously dials her idol groupmates. One of the girls picks up and tells her that she’s got a lot of nerve, and to never call again. Ouch.

Seung-chan breaks the awkward silence with a half-hearted “Fail,” feeling bad. He comes to the tent later that night to set up a few cameras, and gives Cindy all of the things he prepared in his backpack, like music, a book, and a hat for her morning bed head.

She asks in a small voice for him to edit out that phone call, but Seung-chan says that’s not really something he has control over. Cindy insists that she’s not an outcast and she does have friends, trailing off as she says they’re just busy. Seung-chan just backs out of the tent quietly.

Cindy and Seung-chan rejoin the rest of the cast and crew in the morning, where Seung-chan has to be her partner for the breakfast speed quiz. He’s a terrible partner, who uses convoluted, esoteric explanations for things as simple as eel sauce and bokbulbok, which are classic things found on any season of 1N2D. The more he talks the worse it gets, which is pretty par for the course with him.

She finally gets one right despite his ridiculous clues, but when the cameraman calls for a cut to swap tapes, CEO Byun storms over to them and has a fit. Cindy hides her face in embarrassment as Seung-chan gets chewed out for his terrible speed-quiz skills.

CEO Byun has it out with Joon-mo privately, where she shouts that Cindy is a top star who makes or breaks their company. Joon-mo doesn’t want to hear about how much Cindy is worth, and argues that CEO Byun only sees people as media content and numbers, and asks if that’s how she let “that thing” happen to “that girl.” This must be whatever caused their strife in the first place, and CEO Byun grows incensed that he brought it up.

She points out that what he’s doing is no different–he’s starving a young girl and making her the butt of the joke because it’s good for ratings. CEO Byun: “Are my numbers shallow and your numbers elegant?” Joon-mo looks over at Cindy sitting off by herself as the rest of the cast eats and chats together, and the question weighs on him.

He takes his anger out on Seung-chan and yells at him for letting Cindy starve last night, as if he wouldn’t have done the very same thing. Seung-chan hangs his head and apologizes, and Joon-mo says that he’s run out of things to yell at him for because he’s always screwing up, and he’s sick of it.

Back at the studio, Ye-jin chats with PD Hong-soon who relays the 1N2D drama straight off the set, which he knows so quickly because he goes to church with their director. She laughs and points out that he used to be buddhist, and he says he was, when their director was. Ye-jin sighs when she hears about Joon-mo’s drama, knowing full well that he’ll regret yelling at Seung-chan almost immediately.

She’s right, of course, and the cameraman who was with Seung-chan all night tells Joon-mo that Seung-chan hasn’t eaten a single thing either, because he didn’t want to eat when Cindy couldn’t.

Seung-chan gets on the crew bus and keeps moving back a row every time someone else gets on, until he ends up sitting right next to Joon-mo with nowhere else to go. They sit in awkward silence, but before long they’re both asleep and leaning on each other, aww.

Ye-jin spends her Sunday in a staff meeting because they need to fill Cindy’s spot on Music Bank and plan for her summons at the Standards Commission. She tells her staff that Big Bang needs to make adjustments for their appearance, and the bratty writer gets it done in two seconds by texting Seungri directly.

The rest of the team gapes, and the writer drawls apathetically that she’s closer to G-Dragon than Seungri. Well her proximity to idols explains her outfit, because she’s constantly dressed like she’s going clubbing.

Ye-jin gets distracted when the 1N2D team returns, and she finds out from Seung-chan that Joon-mo went straight to the cast and crew dinner. Ye-jin warns Seung-chan that he can’t be going to staff dinners when he’s supposed to stay sober and tight-lipped about her living situation, and when he says he won’t drink, she gets a better idea and asks where he’s going.

Cindy’s manager is surprised that she wants to go to the dinner, but she tells him that she has to because the PDs wield all the editing power. She even attributes their frequent use of the word “cut” to be a reminder to everyone that they hold the proverbial knife in the editing room.

She says that CEO Byun made a mess of things with the PD, so now it’s up to her to make nice so that the PDs look upon her scenes favorably come editing time. Cindy’s lacking for a lot, but not industry savvy, I’ll give her that.

People start to gather at the 1N2D party, and Joon-mo notes that CP Kim’s wife and daughter are at the next table over. CP Kim acts like they just happened to be nearby, like he didn’t call them here to get a free meal.

Cindy hangs around outside waiting to make a grand entrance, and runs into Ye-jin and her Music Bank team. Cindy fails to greet them and asks Ye-jin who she is, adding the belated non-apology that she didn’t recognize her with no makeup on. Yikes, someone’s got her claws out tonight.

Ye-jin grouses but stops in the bathroom to put makeup on, then walks in with her team as if they’re just here for their own meeting. She refuses to join the 1N2D tables, calling their mood too light when her team has to prepare for a summons to the Standards Commission, and gives Cindy a pointed look.

It only takes two seconds for her own team to betray her and sit with the idols, and Ye-jin has to call them back to her own table like a warden. Eventually she’s sitting next to Joon-mo anyway, and starts needling him to agree with her that Cindy is a two-faced diva.

Joon-mo is feeling bad about the shoot and in no mood to badmouth Cindy, and it just eggs Ye-jin on to keep fishing. She keeps angling for something that Cindy did wrong, pelting Seung-chan with questions until he finally relents that she did complain a little about the suffering.

Ye-jin feels vindicated to hear that, only to deflate completely when she sees that Joon-mo has ditched their table to sit with Cindy. Her face falls to watch them laughing and drinking together, and Seung-chan clocks it all.

Eventually they’re all drinking and sitting together at one long table, and Ye-jin starts passive-aggressively asking what one wears to a Standards Commission hearing. Joon-mo tells her to just wear a conservative suit, and Cindy gives a half-assed apology that Ye-jin has to go because of her. Though she adds that she still doesn’t understand what was so wrong with her outfit, reminding her that Seung-chan said it was pretty. No, don’t bring that up again!

And then, Ye-jin’s infuriating writer points out in front of everyone that Cindy wasn’t acting out because she got yelled at by Ye-jin, and asks why Ye-jin told them that she taught Cindy a lesson that day. OH MY GOD, STOP TALKING.

Ye-jin swallows what’s left of her pride and offers her glass out to Cindy to cheers and put the past behind them. Cindy replies coldly that she doesn’t drink beer and sips her soju, leaving Ye-jin hanging. Ye-jin downs her beer in one shot to wash away the bitter humiliation.

Ye-jin stops Seung-chan outside the restrooms and warns him to stop drinking now, and he worries that she’s had a few too many too. She insists that she can handle her liquor, unlike him, but then he watches curiously as she takes off her shoes before entering the bathroom.

She interviews with docu crew that she’s not drunk at all, and then they cut to Joon-mo, who says that you can always tell that Ye-jin is drunk when she says she isn’t drunk. As everyone files out to go home, Ye-jin starts yelling at Seung-chan loudly, “Did you tell people that I’m living with Joon-mo?! Did you spill my secret?”

Seung-chan hurriedly tries to shush her while pointing out that she’s about to out her own secret, and when she tells Joon-mo that they should go home, Seung-chan quickly ushers them out while saying loudly, “Yes, let’s all go to our respective homes!”

Joon-mo interviews that Ye-jin’s drunk behavior is worse than most, because she starts spilling secrets left and right with no filter, and becomes an aegyo monster who only speaks with cutesy affectation.

Cut to: Ye-jin cooing for round two with an unsettling amount of aegyo, as Seung-chan gapes and Joon-mo tells him not to be too alarmed. This is so great. She runs between them and throws her arms around their shoulders and squeals as they carry her down the street.

Cindy sees them from her van, and looks on with longing at the group of friends. Her manager asks how it went with that maknae PD who was supposed to fall in love with her, and she backpedals to say that she said she could make it happen, not that she would.

Seung-chan’s parents cluck disapprovingly when Cindy’s Music Bank performance comes on TV, and when his little sister points out that Cindy is on the cast of oppa’s new show, Mom worries that scantily-clad starlets will be all over her son.

Ye-jin has successfully wrangled the boys for round two, but when Joon-mo gets excited at the plate of live octopus, Ye-jin yells at him for being cruel when the octopus just wants to live. Joon-mo: “You ordered it!” He argues that she always orders raw fish because she loves it and then cries because it died, hee.

She keeps insisting that he’s a cruel person, and when he asks why, she finally says what she really means, and asks if he’s really going on a blind date with the pretty prosecutor: “Then why did you kiss me?!”

Seung-chan’s eyes dart open at that. Ye-jin calls him cruel for shaking her up and then going about his business of relationships and blind dates as if nothing happened. Joon-mo either doesn’t know what she’s talking about or doesn’t acknowledge it, and Seung-chan stops Ye-jin from reach for another shot of soju.

Ye-jin: “What’s really hard on me is that when I used to like somebody, I’d come tell you all about it. But now that I like you, Joon-mo, I have no one to talk to! That’s… that’s the really hard part.”

Her confession shuts everyone up, and Seung-chan removes his hand and lets her have her shot. She looks like she’s swallowing back tears as she drinks… and then the moment is undercut when she immediately falls head-first onto the table. SPLAT.

We cut right to morning, as Ye-jin jerks her eyes open and shakes off the bad dream, only to realize that it wasn’t a nightmare at all. She inches out of her room and cringes when Joon-mo comes out of his, but he acts as if nothing happened.

She sighs in relief and thanks her lucky stars for his drunk behavior, which is to forget everything that happened. They’re both startled to find Seung-chan asleep on the couch yet again, and nag that this isn’t some bed and breakfast.

Ye-jin’s little brother Ye-joon comes home and they share an awkward breakfast. Ye-joon eyes Seung-chan warily thinking he’s trying to squat here for free, until he learns that he lives across the way in the building with the large expensive units, and suddenly he’s offering up his noona like a real estate bride. Seung-chan in turn asks Ye-joon not to stay out all night so often because it leaves his sister alone with a man. It’s cute that he thinks she needs to be protected from Joon-mo.

Ye-jin is jumpy as she heads to work and Hong-soon guesses that she got drunk and started a fight. She wonders if that’s what people think of her, and just wails that she’d like to strike yesterday from the record.

Hong-soon asks if the Toner Nazi (or really, all-purpose Office Supply Nazi) gives her team paper without a fuss, and Ye-jin sighs that it must be nice that his biggest problem is paper. He gets rejected for paper again until his team learns to recycle properly.

Ye-jin calls Seung-chan up to the roof to ask what he remembers from last night, and when he jumps to say “nothing at all,” she can tell he remembers everything. She tells him that she has a habit of lying when she’s drunk, and Seung-chan has picked up enough Ye-jin-speak by now to just roll with what she’s telling him.

She asks what “lies” she happened to tell, and stops him when he gets to the part about the kiss. She hands over her car repair installment for the day, only she says that this isn’t for the car–it’s for a special mission. She tasks him with finding out how much Joon-mo remembers about last night, because her last hope is that he blacked out and remembers nothing.

So Seung-chan gets all into his secret mission, preparing a health drink for Joon-mo to butter him up and get him talking about how much he drank last night. Joon-mo agrees that he drank more than usual, and says he really doesn’t remember much.

He asks what they ate on their second round because the receipt was for a large amount, and when Seung-chan mentions live octopus, Joon-mo doesn’t react and says that Ye-jin must’ve ordered the stuff she likes. Seung-chan stares like he’s trying to bore into Joon-mo’s brain to see if he’s telling the truth, and Joon-mo wonders what he’s staring at.

The Sherlock theme song plays while Seung-chan reports to Ye-jin about all the telltale signs that Joon-mo is more hungover than usual today, and she interrupts: “Are you watching Sherlock lately?”

The soundtrack cuts out and she tells him to stop detectiving and just tell her what Joon-mo said. She’s happy to hear that Joon-mo paid for the second round because she has the habit of paying when drunk, and Seung-chan delivers the bad news that she insisted on paying for the first round with the entire 1N2D team.

After having Seung-chan demonstrate Joon-mo’s drunk walk home (which she calls not quite sideways enough to be his full drunk walk), she tells him to stay close to Joon-mo all day and gather more intel.

Seung-chan turns to go, then stops for a moment and contemplates something, and comes back to say that if she ever needs someone to talk to and doesn’t have anyone, he’s a good listener and is good at keeping secrets. Aw, that’s so sweet. It’s unclear if she remembers her own words from last night, but agrees to come to him if she needs to talk.

Joon-mo shows Seung-chan around the editing suites, filled with rows and rows of bleary-eyed PDs. In their suite they have a saying taped up on the wall: “Even if it’s shot like crap (literally dog-cake), it can be edited to stick (sticky-cake).”

Seung-chan asks if it’s okay that everyone suffers like this, and Joon-mo interviews that they’re not okay, and that the last 1N2D PD Yoo Ho-jin (that’d be his current 1N2D PD in real life) suffered from a lack of vitamin D and was asked by his doctor if he worked in a coal mine.

Of course Seung-chan knows none of this and excitedly tells the docu crew that he finally feels like he’s doing a real PD’s work, describing editing as a process with no end and no answer, because you never finish a thing–you just stop editing it.

He then struggles to turn the computer on, and gets his first assignment as the maknae PD: dinner orders. It turns out to be a stressful job, and he spends his evening standing in the lobby waiting for deliveries with other anxious managers and team maknaes.

And then he gets yelled at for ordering from the wrong place, and has to get advice from his FD sunbae about how to navigate the minefield of dinner orders. Talk of Joon-mo’s childlike taste buds reminds Seung-chan that he ordered jajangmyun even though he usually hates greasy food when hungover, and he reports this new clue to Ye-jin.

She calls it inconclusive, and Seung-chan asks if it’s really best for Joon-mo not to remember–if what she said was a lie, then it shouldn’t matter, and if in case she meant what she said, doesn’t it mean he ought to know?

Ye-jin replies, “You’ll find this out as you begin to edit, but when a person says something and gets no reaction, you have to edit out those words.” She says that even if on the off chance that Joon-mo does remember her words, she says he’s treating her the same as if nothing happened: “Doesn’t that mean he’s edited my sincerity?”

Seung-chan understands now: “So that’s why you hope he forgot, in case he’s edited you.”

Cindy only has two hours to sleep before an early day, and struggles to fall asleep that night. She remembers Seung-chan’s music and book, and opens up his copy of Demian to find a passage underlined:

“Nobody loved him. Nobody was his friend. He was a good person, but he didn’t try to be liked by anyone.” She underlines the passage too, and soon falls asleep with the book on her pillow.

Seung-chan sits by Joon-mo’s side as he edits all night, and Joon-mo stops to ask at one point if it’s four in the afternoon or morning. He stops at the scene where Cindy doesn’t get chosen by any of her castmates and asks Seung-chan for a brilliant caption to make the moment funny.

All Seung-chan can come up with is bland and generic things like, “Cindy gets left behind. What will she do?” and Joon-mo accuses him of being a spy sent from Running Man (their timeslot competitor on SBS), heh.

Many bleary-eyed hours later, Joon-mo finally hits upon something interesting–Seung-chan’s footage with Cindy, where he stops to tie her shoe. Joon-mo makes sure that Seung-chan isn’t running from debt collectors or living a double life on the internet and decides that it’s safe to air his face on TV.

Seung-chan doesn’t like the idea, but can’t manage to argue with Joon-mo’s nail in the coffin: “So you’re saying you won’t do it for the good of the program?”
Joon-mo interviews that Seung-chan has an innocence that could come across well onscreen, because an audience can tell right away if you’re going in front of the camera for selfish reasons.

We cut to CP Kim, who sidles up to the Office Nazi to ask what he gets paid for doing the opening of 1N2D, and whines when he hears it’s a measly sum because he’s an employee of KBS.

Hong-soon hears this and gets all fired up about the Office Nazi and invites everyone into a group chat room devoted to bringing her down. The only people who stays in the chat room with him is the Office Nazi herself, and he deletes it in a hurry.

Seung-chan thanks the FD sunbae for the food advice and says proudly that he got praised for his lunch choices. He nearly cries at the thought of dinner though, and blubbers, “I wish we only had to eat once a day!”

The good news is that dinner is taken care of when CEO Byun comes by with a cart full of food with Cindy’s face on it and feeds the whole variety department. She admits to the director and CP that she had another tiff with Joon-mo, and they balk at her request to do something about the edit, because they know not to try and get into a turf war with Joon-mo over his show.

So she’s forced to head down to the editing suite herself, and Joon-mo greets her coldly and asks if they drank together and made up and he forgot about it. She hands him an envelope and he threatens to call the police, thinking it’s money, but finds a lottery ticket instead. She tells him that he has to keep taking her calls now or else she’ll assume he won the lotto and tell everyone.

She says that this show is the first thing Cindy has wanted to do, and asks that they take care of her. Joon-mo orders his dinner from Seung-chan just to spite her.

We see the dinner rush happen all over again as maknaes run around (and one gets chewed out over at Gag Concert), and CP Kim’s book is opened to Chapter 5: “Understanding Editing: Leave only what’s most important.”

Hong-soon tries to close the elevator doors before the Office Nazi can catch him, but is forced to share the awkward ride. Cindy is so engrossed in Seung-chan’s book that she doesn’t seem to care that people are snapping pictures of her. And Ye-jin takes out old pictures of her and Joon-mo, as kids and as tenagers, always together.

Seung-chan heads back to yesterday’s pojangmacha to pick up Joon-mo’s dinner, and is surprised to hear from the ajumma that Seung-chan was the drunk one and that Joon-mo was sober enough to haul them both home. At the same time, Joon-mo realizes that he sent Seung-chan back there and quickly calls to change his dinner order, but Seung-chan has left his phone behind.

Seung-chan scans his memory for what happened last night, and then he remembers: Ye-jin passes out on the table, and then when Joon-mo gets up to haul her home, Seung-chan throws his hands out between them and declares that he won’t let them go home together.

Seung-chan drunkenly slurs, “Ye-jin sunbae said she likes you! She likes you, so I don’t want to let her go. I don’t want to send the two of you home alone. I don’t like it… that she likes you.” OMO. He crashes with a thud right next to her on the table.

Back in the present, Joon-mo runs out towards the pojangmacha and finds Seung-chan plodding towards the station, lost in thought. He makes an excuse about wanting to add to his dinner order, but Seung-chan says that they don’t take credit cards at the pojangmacha.

That means Joon-mo lied about the receipt from last night and also about not remembering, and Seung-chan asks, “Do you remember now, Ye-jin sunbae’s words from that night that you edited? Do you remember?”


Various PDs are interviewed about editing, and CP Kim says that editing is time, like a contract with viewers that you’ll keep time. Real-life 1N2D PD Yoo Ho-jin says that he always just picks what’s funniest: “Like the slightly funnier-looking mountain, or the funnier-looking cloud.”

Hong-soon says that editing is an arrow, to piece hearts. He adds that viewers are important, but his bosses are more important. Ye-jin says that editing is makeup, because makeup can make anyone look better, as long as you have the confidence to back it up.

Joon-mo gets contemplative and decides, “Editing is… giving up. When you have something good and something better, you choose what’s better and give up what’s good. Because you can’t have everything. If you get greedy, you can lose it all.”


Aw, Joon-mo, don’t be like that! You won’t lose her if you stop being so scared! I love the twist on the drunken night, because I was expecting that Joon-mo was hiding something but had no clue it would be Seung-chan’s drunken confession on top of Ye-jin’s. I find Seung-chan’s puppy crush on her to be so endearing, especially his dogged fixation on them not being alone at night, even if I’m still rooting for Joon-mo and Ye-jin to get their happy ending (how can they not, with their adorable lifelong friendship?). But the more that Seung-chan is there for her as a friend and trying to help her figure out her mess of a love life, I can see him winning her over. And I admit that when he offered to listen because she confessed that not being able to talk to Joon-mo about her feelings was the hardest thing for her, I totally swooned.

I didn’t expect Ye-jin to be the one to develop such a cute friendship with Seung-chan, given their rough beginnings and her attempts to “train” him with impossible tasks and indecipherable messages. But they’re becoming a really cute alliance, with their secret spy missions and their doublespeak (now that Seung-chan has picked up on her way of saying the opposite of what she means, of course). I will admit that the comedy was better when he didn’t understand her at all, but in exchange their friendship is cuter.

And now that Seung-chan’s feelings are in the mix, it’s even better because it gives Joon-mo a run for his money. I know that right now he’s trying to bury everything because it’s complicated, but Seung-chan has a way of being direct and going after what he wants, so it can only be a good thing if he starts to pursue Ye-jin and makes Joon-mo wake the hell up.

It took a long time to get here, but I’m finally enjoying Cindy’s arc now that we’ve seen her softer, more vulnerable side, and I especially like the moments when she’s feeling like an outcast and trying not to let the loneliness get to her. The lonely at the top storyline is a bit cliche, but it’s a believable problem that the famous starlet with millions of fans feels utterly alone, and it makes her relatable when she can’t manage to call any friends because she doesn’t have any. When she gazed longingly at Ye-jin running down the street with the boys, it was a nice reversal to their earlier passive-aggressive fight at the restaurant. She may have won publicly (she always does), but privately, she’s always alone.

I find it ironic that an episode all about editing felt really really long, but I generally enjoy the mundane concerns on this show over things like food (so much pressure!) or office politics, as long as there’s humor to be found in it. Overall the relationships progressed nicely in this episode, and I especially liked how the concept of editing got worked through everything from the work of a PD to the way we choose to edit and repackage our memories of what someone said. The question that hangs in the air is why Joon-mo did it–because he really doesn’t feel quite the same, because of Seung-chan’s feelings, or because he’s just plain scared to risk their friendship? Because if he doesn’t act fast, he’s about to mess up three potential friendships, and counting.


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The only ship I can see working out from this mess is Yejin & Joon Mo. They're the closest we have to reciprocated feelings while the others are really one sided. But at the same time I can't see JM giving up friendship for love.. I don't know. I think it's best that they all end up alone in the end. I'd love Cindy and SC to end up together but it seems so difficult right now.


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Awww so heartwarming. That epilogue of Joo-mo breaks my heart. I'm such a sucker for best friends to lovers drama...


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Cindy being lonely and sad makes my heart break so badly. I wanna give her hug. I hope she has more screen time in ep6


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You can really tell those fans who just want to see the formulaic Korean series with 2 leads and 2 second leads. Now fans are debating as to who is the main and second male lead in this drama, when they've said from the beginning that the four stars are all leads.
I can see the dilemma for the writer to completely make an experimental story when the fans just want them to always go back to the same old formula.


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I hope the writer will not relent t conventional expectations.


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True. I'm totally find if they end up alone in the end. But no love triangle, please, that's so cliche. And KSH with noona romance is so 2013-2014. I like the slice of life story, development of secondary characters (Hongsoon-Goyangmi!!), the epilogues (I notice how capable the writer is when she can resume 'editing' in 5 different analogies while each is still making sense). I know you can do it, writer, I know!


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This is the endgame I want: Seung-chan will end up with Ye-jin. And Joon-mo will meet Jun Ji-hyun at a train station.


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Oh if they get to do it, with the real JJH and Sassy Girl references (JJH being drunk or at least still zuper zazzy or calling CTH 'Gyun Woo-yah') I won't be complaining. At all.


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i saw you on twitter LOL XD


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I'm not on Twitter though. So I guess I'm not the only one who wants this to happen. :)


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Wahhhhh ...am I only one who ships Baek Seungchan and Tak Ye Jin...... I don't know... but i just love the puppy-love-thingy here... but i still in doubt that Ye Jin don't like him back.. :( same as Cindy... she already like Seungchan- but he can't like her back... wahhhhh!!!!!! ... but I feel sorry for Joon Mo.. because Ye Jin seems like she avoid him...


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What if there's actually no love lines..they all just go seperate ways..married with other people or stay as single.. sorry to crush those cindy n seungchan ship dont u guys think it is impossible for a top star to develop feelings for a PD..what for a rookie PD..


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Out of the first 5 episodes, this is my favourite now. It's been slow-warming but we're finally getting there with the character and story developments!

I'm getting more respect now for Joon-mo. Yay! I guess Byun-pire drove some starlet mad before, which is why Joon-mo despises her so much...

Remember how the trailer seemed to pair Joon-mo and Cindy, and the other two too? I guess it might really get to those fuzzy waters at some point, sorta out of loneliness. Cindy, because BSC is a little too blur/strait-laced to know how(and when) to make her feel better, and because Joon-mo does try to take care of her a little out of whatever lasting effects from his hatchet with Byun-pire. And Yejin because BSC is the one keeping her secrets and worrying about her.

But OMG that revelation at the street food stall is killer. I feel a bit off-kilter now about BSC's feelings for Yejin. It's interesting though, that BSC is super duper obtuse with all other human interactions, but so sharp when noticing how Yejin feels and understands the real words being her bluffs. But please not that ship... )=

And I really want to smack that cheapo chief. He makes me super irritated whenever he comes on. Grrr.


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ROOTING FOR ROMANCE BETWEEN Baek Seung-Chan n Tak Ye-Jin. And writer plz dont make BSC to fall for CINDY.

really want to see love between BSC and TYJ. if any one knows how to contact with the writer or knows name of sites where i can send mail to them .


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Wahhhhhhhhh... NADO!... i like the romance between Tak Ye Jin and Baek Seungchan..... but many people against this couple ....... i don't know ..but i can see the chemistry between Gong Hyojin and Kim Soo Hyun.. (yeahhh Noona-Romance) ....from the very start..i already sense the possibility of OTP of the two ..


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I don't even see the romance between SC and YJ. It's more like he has grown fond of her because of their constant one on ones. I see them more as being really good friends and being each others confidant/confidante.


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Wow! I think GHJ was worried that she was not getting a lot of good reviews in ep 3 and 4 and she kind of scaled back her noisy character and tried to look cute with the drunken scene which failed miserably...it was contrived and I saw a person "acting" rather than YE Jin.?


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hilarious drunk ye-jin! i think we can relate to those "bad drinking habits"... unfortunately.


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Am a YJ♡SC shipper and love their interactions. I really find Cindy's scenes boring and tend to forward past them.


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"I find it ironic that an episode all about editing felt really really long" THIS.


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more like (so far) seungchan is the male lead, everything comes a lot from his point of view and surroundings, but joon mo - ye jin is the main couple. it screams a lot how they like each other but keep it inside.

the adoracle thing is while seungchan has his puppy crush, he doesnt get that what hes done to cindy makes people misunderstanding. he doesnt get that he actually makes a girl fell for him. lol.

and the epilogue... from lol-ing yoo pd, to totally engrossed joon mo's words. cha taehyun being cha taehyun, being himself that makes him great. like people said up there, he's not the sophisticated man like jo in sung, not the coolest like so ji sub, but hes more like someone next door that is so adorable.

ok, now i get greedy, i want 2d1n casts or/and dream high casts, make as cameos.


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I don't think Joon Mo purposely wanted Seung Chan to make Cindy play bokbulbok for dinner. He tried to get into contact with Seung Chan to prevent the bokbulbok from happening, but as luck would have it, Seung Chan's phone was on vibrate. So when he took his anger out on Seung Chan for starving Cindy, he really was pissed. Joon Mo would have absolutely not gone through with the dinner bokbulbok himself, even for the ratings. This isn't the first time he was shown upset about Cindy's lack of proper food. We even saw how peeved he got about CEO Byun not feeding Cindy well in the first episode, so he bought her an actual meal.

This is just something I noticed and wanted to share.


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i want more scenes of drunken seung-chan calling ye-jin "our yejin (우리 예진이)" and pinching her cheeks. but the drunken sort-of confession was nearly as cute.

i think it's obvious that seung-chan doesn't really stand a chance with ye-jin, but i still can't wait to watch him develop real feelings for her. i'm sure he's destined for a bit of heartache, but in the long run it couldn't do him too much harm; would probably do him more good, in fact. and i'm totally saying this as someone who adores seung-chan.

i don't really feel sympathy for cindy, the lonely top star. honestly, in all likelihood she's largely created her own situation. from what we've seen, she's not exactly a sweetheart. top star or not, if she were nicer to the people she interacted with on a daily basis, she might find herself with at least a sympathetic acquaintance or two, if not any friends.

i'm convinced the majority of people experience some type of loneliness. but cindy's loneliness seems to purely stem from her being a bitch on a daily basis, and that's just not something i can really feel sympathetic for. she needs to fix herself first if she wants to improve her situation.


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I also find Cindy's story to be cliche. But I can tolerate it since she's not completely rotten to the core.

As for the love lines, I still think ultimately they'll end up with each other. There'll be heart break ahead for our puppy. I love the feud between the office nazi and Hong Soon. As much as people have complained they're overdoing the cameos, but I'm still loving it. Now we have the gag con crew and Yoo PD, it just makes me happy.


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Yejin is a challenging character for me. One moment I am rooting for her and her unrequited love for Joon Mo. The next I kinda want to slap her because she reminds me so much of all the fake bitchy people I've had to deal with at work in the past. Also what the hell was she wearing in this episode?! Is it a denim hospital gown?


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I think this is the first time in a drama that I feel okay with any ship


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About luck game for food with Cindy: it actually seemed to me Joon Mo thought the opposite though - he called
Seung Chan to tell him not to starve her because it was already hard as it was for her for her first episode.


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Same! I thought he was calling to tell Seung-chan not be so obtuse and have the girl eat her dinner...


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I'm just shipping everyone all around. At this point, how do you even choose?!


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I'm such a sucker for the childhood friends being deeply in love but are too close to each other to realize it. Therefore I'm rooting for JM-YJ since day one. This kind of relationship is often very visible to outsiders but not the subjects themselves, all the more fun to watch lol.
Storywise I don't think it would make much sense if the writer makes YJ-SC the endgame couple. the nails have been hammered on the YJ-JM ship after 6 episodes now, they have finally realized they love each other more than childhood friends and then YJ would throw a decade long intense love feelings for JM and fall for SC? Makes no sense whatsoever! She has dated before but always gravitated back to JM, and this says a lot. It's not easy to give up such feelings!
I agree with some comments saying SC is like a catalyst that will change JM-YJ dynamic, they need sometime apart to realize how much they need each other. JM should stop being such a wuss in the next episode and step up his game, or else I'm going to be so pissed!
CTH and GHJ are doing a PHENOMENAL job of portraying their characters. Their styles really suit each other, both becoming their characters naturally and convincingly.
KSH and IU are getting better each episode for me, initially they are too off, too planned-out!
Anyways, I'm so looking forward to the next eps!


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i honestly want yejin and seung chan together because even after their age difference they make quite a good couple..


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