Love Alarm 2: Episodes 1-6 (Season 2 review)

Anyone remember a little drama called Love Alarm? Netflix has just dropped the final half of the story in the shape of Season 2! That means it’s time to dig into our love triangle, the social and emotional repercussions of an app that tells you (and everyone else) your romantic feelings, and find some sort of resolution for our heroine.


Back about a year and a half ago, we watched Season 1 and fell into the complicated love triangle, and the even more complicated world, that the Love Alarm app created.

For a bit of review, the app was created by a high school student as a way to “show” instead of “tell” his crush that he liked her. The Love Alarm app goes insanely viral, taking over not only the school, but the nation. Soon, all of our characters live in a world where they can’t imagine not having the Love Alarm app. Indeed, the app quickly becomes both the currency and communication conduit of all romance.

In Season 1, we saw our heroine KIM JOJO (Kim So-hyun) first resist the app, then use it, and then abuse it, if you will. The app developer gives her a special feature: a “shield” that will block her from ringing anyone’s alarm — even if she truly loves them. Jojo uses the shield to literally hide her affection for HWANG SUN-HO (Song Kang) and ultimately break up with him + break his heart.

When Season 2 opens, we continue where we left off: a few years have passed, Love Alarm 2.0 is released, and Jojo is still blocking her feelings with the shield, unbeknownst to those around her. She’s long broken up with Sun-ho (who still loves her), and has committed herself to squishy second lead LEE HYE-YOUNG (Jung Garam), who’s loved her from the get-go.

As I recalled my experiences with Season 1, I remembered feeling frustrated by the social reliance on the app that we witness, and how it’s almost weaponized by its users. It lays one’s heart bare — which is fine in and of itself — but it’s how that is used that creates the problem.

The heart is no longer something with unplummetable depths and emotions; instead, it’s totally predictable, quantifiable, and mathematical. You ring someone’s alarm, or you don’t. Someone rings your alarm, or they don’t. Version 2.0 even shows, algorithmically, people that will love you in the future. In short, there’s no room for nuance or subtlety or anything that’s… natural.

Leaving Season 1 with a bitter taste in my mouth, I was hopeful that Season 2 would do what it was hinting at: show us a romance that said “Screw you” to the app, and went full-on analog. Show us that what the Love Alarm app did to society, by monetizing and quantifying love, was not only bad, but deleterious. Show us that love is about trust, and that data-driven guarantees are not guarantees at all. Alas, Season 2 didn’t do any of that effectively, at least to my reckoning.

For much of Season 2, we see Jojo dating Hye-young, trying to convince him — and herself — that she truly loves him. The fact that she can’t ring his alarm is something that they both pretend not to care about. But they do care about it.

Jojo senses that her relationship with Hye-young can’t be legitimate without the app involved, and so she sets on a mission to find the app developer and get the shield removed. There’s a little pocket of intrigue here when it comes to who is, or isn’t, the developer of Love Alarm, but really the main point is that Jojo is given the ability to ring the alarm of her choosing.

Ah, free choice — that’s where we’re headed? Free choice versus Love Alarm makes sense in my head, except for one thing: why does her choice have to be exercised using the app? Jojo is anxious to prove her love to Hye-young, but there’s no other way for her to do it besides the app — and even worse, it’s as if she doesn’t believe her own feelings until she has the assurance of the Love Alarm ping.

Furthermore, even though Hye-young says it doesn’t matter to him, the beautiful bridge scene where Jojo finally rings his alarm is definitely (and intentionally) one of the most romantic moments in the entire drama. So what are we really saying here? She loves him regardless of the app, but still needs the app to express herself? And why did we all but abandon Sun-ho and his passionate heart for Jojo?

If we spend Season 2 following Jojo “trying to like” Hye-young and kill the shield, we follow Sun-ho at an equal pace. He’s similarly “trying to like” his girlfriend-for-show YOOK JO (Kim Shi-eun, who’s adorable but useless here), and trying to understand why Jojo so suddenly stopped ringing his alarm. (It’s been years, but it’s still plaguing him.)

When Sun-ho finds out about the shield, it’s as if the heavy weight of misery he’s been carrying around has been lifted — there’s a reason she didn’t (or couldn’t) ring his alarm. He’s so elated that he tells Jojo he’s not even going to think about the alarm. Instead, he’s going to trust only her eyes. That sounds like a good plan to me, Sun-ho. And I certainly feel something between them. But why doesn’t it work? In the end, Jojo chooses Hye-young, not Sun-ho.

What does this OTP mean for our drama’s theme? I feel like I’m supposed to get some kind of second lead vindication from the fact that our OTP is Jojo and Hye-young — except by the time we get there, it no longer feels like Hye-young is the second lead.

Since Season 1, Sun-ho and Hye-young were set up as digital versus analog. And in Season 2, Hye-young is still our analog boy, with his love of archaic film cameras and radios, and it’s “digital” Sun-ho that’s rejected by Jojo. They had me up until this point.

But then, where’s the logic when it’s analog Hye-young wants his alarm rung by Jojo, and it’s digital Sun-ho who doesn’t care about the app at all? Hye-young might buck the trend and say the long-forgotten words, “I love you” — but that’s not until after they’ve had their relationship consummated by the app (if you will), so the argument loses the punch it should have had.

If I sound disappointed, it’s only because I had high expectations for the social statements we might get from Season 2. The ideas in Love Alarm are so fresh, and there’s so much to pull out that’s relevant for today’s society, that I left this drama feeling mostly the missed opportunities for rich, insightful storytelling.

That being said, Love Alarm does try to show us that Jojo and Hye-young realize love is a choice, so I guess that’s something. Jojo chose to shield her heart from Sun-ho, just as she chose to ring Hye-young’s alarm. But unfortunately, the app is too much a part of everyone’s psyche for that argument to come off completely.

If I could write my own ending to this drama, it would probably have consisted of a shift back to Sun-ho, right at that moment where he said he would look at her eyes for the truth, and not the app.

That could have been the turning point of the drama — where Sun-ho let go of relying on the app’s logic, and Jojo realized that she couldn’t (and shouldn’t) use the app to prove her love to herself or anyone else. I’m surprised to hear myself say this, since I’m generally a second lead kind of girl (and Hye-young embodied SLS in Season 1), but Love Alarm zigzagged so much with its love triangle, and what each end-game would mean, that it undermined itself.

I’ve talked mostly about the Love Alarm ships, not because ships are everything, but because that’s how the logic of the drama was constructed. The ships represent two different worldviews, and Jojo’s choice was meant to signal which view wins.

However, looking beyond the love triangle element, what the drama truly masters is tone. The story is slow and melancholy, and everything from the dialogue to the way the drama is shot carefully builds the mood. Even in its light and breezy moments, and with a rush of cherry blossom petals in the air, there’s something heavy about each scene. Is it the weight of a world where your heart is mastered by an app? Or is it just the weight of Being that’s put under a magnifying glass because of the app?

Either way, Season 2 concludes our story as our heroine finds the strength to navigate this heaviness, and also comes to understand her own heart. She chooses the person that she loves, and gets her happy ending. I just wish it had made a little more of an impact.


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i feel like the drama made a questionable choice by skipping forward from the cliff-hanger in season 1 to showing us that jojo and hyeyong were in a relationship. while i was never a fan of jojo x sunoh (too instalove for me), the lack of showing jojo warming up to the point of being comfortable enough to sleep (!) in hyeyong’s apartment left their relationship feeling empty to me.

then again, maybe it was the actors. season 2 had me the point where i looked forward to gulmi’s scenes because at least she had LIFE in her. i’m open to recs for kim sohyun, because i’ve only heard amazing things so am wondering if this drama is just the wrong genre for her.

one last note - the biggest leap in logic to me was the fact that love alarm is a relatively new app. so in jojo and all the other characters lifetimes, they had to have had crushes etc. before the app right? i feel like the hemming and hawing over how to express their love with or without the app was really undermined by this fact. like why wouldn’t they just go the “analog” way? but maybe it’s a larger commentary on how apps rule our lives...who knows...


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Kim So-hyun recs: I thought she was best in School 2015 & Bring It On Ghost. Others may prefer Page Turner or Tale of Nokdu.


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Absolutely agreed. A lot of people are saying that Sun Oh never grew up, but he had the most character growth. I literally waited 2 years to see Jojo pick the guy who just kept telling her he would ring her bell and basically used the app to verify his love for her (which pretty much goes against this whole drama of loving others regardless of the app...or was that not the point? LOL) Worse is the obsession HY had for her (at least Sun Oh tried to move on). HY was sooooo possessive. not cool.


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Was I the only bitter and hurt by JoJo's choice? The intense chemistry between Jojo and Sunho was undeniable. I must've missed the part where where fell in love with the other guy. I just keep feeling like she picked him out of pity. Yes the good guy does finish last, and it's possible that the time apart from SunHo made her fall out of love.... but excuse me PDnim, why did everything feel so awkward?! Both relationships at the end was just 🙄


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It was obvious she picked him out of pity, no chemistry whatsoever. I kept hoping there'll be a twist at the end where she goes back to Sun Oh. Makes me regret waiting for this season 2, it was so terrible


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Same I am hurt to she should chose sun -oh
🤮 the ending was too bad


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I totally agree. Only reason I waited for the 2nd series was to see JoJo & Sun Oh meet up and resolve their problems. But what did I get? NOTHING!.. Only saw endless Hye-Young waiting around for JoJo and doing everything and anything for her. How can any relationship develop when the two original principal characters have no meaningful interaction? The only time Sun Oh had a chance was when he told JoJo that ringing the love alarm was irrelevant to him, that looking into her eyes meant more. But she still ran away and by that time I got fed up.

There is no way anyone can persuade me this drama wasn't rigged to throw Sun Oh under the bus. He never had a chance and that's what bugs me the most about this series.


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I dropped the drama midway through/somewhere near the end of season 1 because it wasn't working, but I have to say I'm disappointed by the ending of the show. I was firmly on Team Sun-oh. Hye-young is nice and all, but he never said anything to Jojo, and she continued to suffer at the hands of her terrible family. Sun-oh, on the other hand, stepped up to be there for her. It may have been instalove, but over the course of season 1, it seemed like they were building something real and special, while Hye-young completely missed the timing. So for Jojo to suddenly break up with Sun-oh, and then a whole time skip later be with Hye-young (from what I read), makes no sense. [And yes, I'm commenting without having watched the show]

Other than that, the points @missvictrix makes about digital vs analogue and an overreliance on the app are so accurate. Frankly, even here, I wouldn't wish for Jojo to pick the analogue Hye-young, but I'd like to see her navigate something more humane and realistic with the digital Sun-oh. After all, technology is here to stay in our lives. We can't pretend it doesn't exist by going analogue, but we must try and find human connection through all the digital. So yeah, basically, disappointed (even though I didn't watch season 2 - actually maybe I didn't because I knew how it'd end, having looked it up when I gave up on s1).


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agree with you her relationship with Hyeyoung makes no sense and yes i dont watch season 2 too. i feel like her reason to break up with Sunoh didnt make sense in the first place so its hard for me to watch season 2. i watched the clips from twitter and its such a pity they wasted Song Kang and Kim Sohyun chemistry .


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Totally agree with you 110%


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Version 2.0 even shows, algorithmically, people that will love you in the future.

Next we need an app that will algorithmically tell us what shows we will love in the future.


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oh snap tell me about it!


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Need this.


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I NEED that app. So that I won't be strung along by Netflix like this ever again


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It was six episodes long and all those episodes make it Jojo's mission to force herself in love with Hyeyoung...at least it felt like it to me. I know at the end she said it turns out she was already in love with him but didn't know...but as a viewer, it didn't seem like that to me. I feel like Kim Sohyun and Jung Garam lack some chemistry-filled scenes. Their scenes were too "comfortable" so it didn't feel romantic. I think that's why a lot of viewers are upset with season 2.


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As someone who binged both season at the same time, I can't really connect with what people has been saying about the ending. On the contrary.... I really feel that the way Sunoh borderline forced his feelings and believes her feelings towards him kinda................. Annoying? (was gonna say disturbing but that's a strong word). I don't know but the moment Jojo started to try and find the developer to get rid of the shield, I do feel like that's when she started to believe that her feelings for Hyeyoung were there, otherwise why would she wanted to get rid of that knowing that it'd still ring Sunoh's? And like she said, at last she avoided confronting Sunoh (and getting the public informed) not because she was afraid of her feelings resurfaced, but she didn't want to hurt Hyeyoung. Which says a lot I think.

The paralel between Sunoh and his girlfriend with Jojo and Hyeyoung was actually interesting. Sunoh (unconsciously?) chose to not ring his girlfriend's alarm, while Jojo cannot ring any alarm but chose to find a way to ring Hyeyoung's alarm.

Also, Sunoh's girlfriend deserves much much much better redemption from Sunoh. She has been nothing but love and support.


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I guess its perspective. I think Hye Young insisting that he will wait for her, even though she looked mighty uncomfortable was too much as well. Even though Sun Oh leaned in to kiss her, her reaction wasn't pull down a curtain kinda freak out. Not sure why her chemistry with Hye Young was so lacking. Seriously feels like she chose him out of pity. Even when she wanted to ring his bell, it was to put him out of his misery kinda thing. The end with the tape was so forced.


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As a fellow binge watcher, can't agree more 😊


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I guess it's the one year wait that makes it hard to swallow that our Team Sun-oh ship didn't sail off but sank instead. Season 1 has all directions veered towards this OTP couple, and we thought season 2 exists for misunderstandings to be cleared up. I personally thought Sun-oh's declaration of trusting what her eyes tell him rather than believing the app's alarm was pretty powerful, or when Hye Yong's confrontation with Jojo after learning that she'd used the spear to ring his alarm IS an alarm that we are getting from the show that it's twisting back to the original OTP couple, but nope. Complete manipulation of our hearts and expectation. Hah.


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I don't really like Jojo. In the first season, she lied to everyone important for her and the second she just continued. She knew how HY was hurting by this fact, but she never told him about the shield... HY was the only character I liked in the first season, so I was happy that he was the endgame. But they had no chemistry and looked super awkward. Jojo has feelings for him but broke the curtains to avoid his kiss but she had no issue with SH? Storywise and the acting failed to deliver this couple.

I found funny that Jojo thought that the big brother could be the developper... I mean you can change but at this point? Really?

For the app, the "If I didn't do it, someone esle would have" is not excuse. We didn't see the positive side of it. Who had a beautiful love story thanks to this app?


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As I said about River Where the Moon Rises, this girl is a lousy picker of men.


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You got me up with this!!!
I couldn't help laughing 😆😆


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I did watch few episodes of season 1 and stopped midway. I was going to pick it up after season 2 premier but it looks like it is not worth spending my time on. I will wait for next Kim So-hyun drama (River was a let down). Fortunately we have new Song Kang drama coming up in next week.


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i was really excited for season 2 of love alarm because of the cliffhanger of the first season but i'm a little upset how they glossed over that bombshell of an ending and she's suddenly with Hye young. I didn't even know until half way through that she was dating him, i thought she was just testing the waters with him while he stays by her side like the loyal puppy in love that we saw from the first season, until she called him her boyfriends woops.

I feel Jojo didn't really clear the air with Sun oh properly and it didn't help that she kept running away from him as well. I thought the show would go in the direction of her looking at her own feelings instead of an app even though i know the basis of their world is relying on an app to know who you like but it felt quite superficial.

Even though i'm a Hye Young and Jojo shipper and squealed every time they had interactions more episodes and development surrounding her previous feelings for Sun oh and the end of that could have been explored better.


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Ultimately, I enjoyed this. I suppose I don't care about the contradictory messaging too much. Here are my main thoughts:

-I like how it feels like the show has found its missing half. The story didn't stand upright with just season one. There's now a symmetry - in season one, Sun-ho was the hero (because we're all the main character of our love story) and Hye-young took a backseat, and in season two the opposite happened. I like how, even though the show's main aesthetics of bus stops and cherry blossoms are still here, it feels different, as if to purposely contrast between the immature love story of the first season and the more mature love story of the second.
-I also liked where Sun-oh ended up. I thought the fact that he was a perpetual sadsack here was a little amusing (when he definitely did know how to smile at the end of the last season), but he gained a lot of perspective this season. In 2019, I saw him as a child in an adult's body, craving love from the people around him, needing their constant support but not giving anything back. I think this season saw him forced to move away from that mentality because Hye-young and Jojo weren't there to carry him anymore. He started to look at the world like an adult. He saw the nuances in his Mum's behaviour, because growing up means understanding your parents as people, even if you can't forgive them. He realised his behaviour was draining Jojo so he let her go, but I imagine he took some comfort in knowing he will always have the 18-year-old version of her. So yes, I thought his character arc was actually quite satisfying (perhaps I'm just filling in the gaps though, I don't know).
-I'm still laughing about how Gul-mi got everything she ever wanted without revising her terrible personality at all. Gaining 1% of sincerity was hardly a character arc, but hey, it was entertaining.
-I think it's pretty cool that Jojo was introduced as the classic Candy, but time and time again throughout the show has proved herself to be incredibly selfish, to instinctually protect herself over others. It's definitely her tragic flaw, and it knocks her down over and over again. And she gets called out for it by the show! I thought the resolution of her story was really good - even though she's made some awful awful choices, they led her to a point where she was brave enough to hold herself accountable for them.


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Watch superior The One instead. Similar concept but void of typical drama limitations.
Netflix was pushing Love Alarm on me so I watched S1 before the S2 drop and got bored. FL is annoying, classic drama Mary Sue - overachieving orphan/poor girl that the hottest, richest guy in school inexplicably falls in love with even though she's supremely obnoxious and totally average (the actress lack of chin is distracting). I don't know why this girl is such a big star (I see she's in that River show that had a recast scandal recently).
ML is a classic drama Gary Stu - rich, unhappy with mommy/daddy issues, super hot so everyone falls in love with him (cue ridiculous scenes of girls swooning). But at least Song Kang earns his star status unlike FL. See I bothered to learn his name, I didn't bother with hers.
Love triangle is a drag and one can see from miles away how the story would end (read: not how it should which is ML and 2d ML getting together since their bromance is the only thing that really works).
Underwhelming, predictable, forgettable and dull.


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Idk why you have to attack Kim So-hyun's looks. Completely unecessary.


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It's possible she's such a big star because she's a damn good actor. One who stands out because of her unconventional beauty.


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I like that the FL has a look that we don't typically get for FLs in Kdramas, especially her rounded chin. I think she's very pretty when she smiles.


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Kim So-hyun deserves her star status. She is a much better actor than Song Kang, which is a given since he's relatively new in the industry.


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The actress playing the FL, Kim So Hyun, is objectively very beautiful tho. I would even admit that my introduction to her was shallow, I came across a scene of her cameo from Goblin on YouTube, found her stunning as heck, and googled her, and developed a huge crush on her. Her beauty is highly praised by Koreans whether ordinary people or fellow celebrities, rightfully so. She's even the ideal type of many korean male celebs, and that's why it's easily believable that in her dramas, she's always being fought over by good-looking guys.
About the chin thing, it's because her face tends to get bloated easily, especially when she's doing many crying scenes in a drama. She even apologized for her swollen face due to crying during the airing of Ruler Master of the Mask. In other dramas and in real life, I would say her chin is even quite pointy.
Also, she's a huge star not just because she's beautiful but she's also an amazing actress, especially for her young age. I admit her character here is not the best-written (she's not meant to be likeable), but her acting still elevated the character IMO.
She's known as a versatile actress who can play both innocent/angelic type of characters and also complex, layered antiheroines. Check out her drama School 2015 to see the versatility I'm talking about.
Sorry for the rambling, but I just think this drama doesn't do her justice


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LMAO Big, beautiful, expressive eyes, small pretty nose, full lips, high cheekbones, nice feminine facial shape—in what world are those “average”? Point me to that magical place where the average people look like the FL, and I would move there ASAP 😂
I'm a guy, first time watching the actress in anything, and I totally get her appeal, she's undeniably pretty and has this very romantic feminine vibe to her. She literally looks like a doll and I enjoyed her closeup shots a lot, probably the only thing that kept me watching as I found this season quite boring tbh 😂
Her acting ain't bad either and to be fair, it's not the type of role that would showcase the ability of an actress perfectly lmao


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@kingdomsgambit u just made a very very dumb and stupid comment like but at least , song kang earns his star status, unlike the FL; see, i bothered to learn his name, i didn't bother with her.

this two sentence made me flabbergasted. first, this is just so stupid and how self-centered you are. if anything, kimsohyun is already a star, she didn't even have to validate her star status through love alarm, coz she's already a star even before love alarm. so u are very ignorant and self centred or stupid abt this.

for the second one, i mean, who are you? i think the rest of us didn't even give a f*ck whether u bothered or not bothered with knowing their name. u saying like that seems implying that how important it is if u bother or not.. it's so funny u know..so self-centred and arrogant person. i just shake my head read ur comment abt this two things.


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Waited almost 2 years for season 2 to come and and they delivered rotten garbage! complete waste of time!

I love kim so-hyun but this series is retarted just like the writer and director


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It is bad but I kept to myself. In today’s world, anything negative said you are branded a hater or downer. There is no point telling the truth from one’s perspective because you only encourage more to make up for your negativity. We have already crossed the line of a make up world.


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I respect your viewpoint. I didn't think it was the worst. It was pretty much in line with the 1st. Just okay, but I enjoyed the teen and young adult angst.


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I'm jealous if this is the worst kdrama you've ever watch 😁

Having said that, I sympathise that you get a dissapointing drama after your very long wait. This is why I hate the multi season format.


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It's probably because this drama's comment section isn't as interesting as Forest's. Dramabeans' Comment Section greatly salvaged our scarred lives caused by Forest.


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I was skim reading so didn't notice it first time. Can you please not use derogatory name calling? While you're free to dislike the show (i dont like it either), I don't think the writer and PD (and anyone really) deserve the term that you used toward the end.


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I can’t be the only one who loves season 2 much more than 1. Season 2 far from perfect, but the message are much more important. I like the fact that JJ is trying to work o her relationship with HY. Instead of thinking she is forcing herself into him, i thought she is being appreciative to people who loves her. She Is a kind of person who prefer to being lonely instead of hurting or being hurt. But she open herself to HY. She can see, feel and grateful for love she received from him and want to give it back. When it is turned out that she loves him too, for me it is just a bonus. She loves the right and good person who obviously loves her back. What a happy ending right? And the message about loneliness is so thick in this drama. Can you imagine a future where the young generation depend on an app to look for love? And they are mentally incapable of seeing what love is to the point that what happen in their relationship with other people doesn’t matter but what an app says about this person loves you and that person not is.


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I watched the first 3 eps of season 2, but it lacks vitality somehow. It is also so angsty. So I'll back Bruner this drama because I already know the ending and will go back later.


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I've shipped them together since the beginning. Sunho/JoJo. Uhn, I'm beyond disappointed. I skipped most of her scenes with Hyeyoung and that's a lot.


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I started season 1 when season 2 was released, anticipating I could binge both. But I think I am going to drop it after episode 3. It just doesn't work for me, I don't get it. Why did Sun-ho go out of his way to go after Sun-ho in the first place? Even if his best friend denied it, he knew his feelings. He seeked her out, pursued her. Was it love at first sight? I have no idea. There are other things, but I am not a big fan of triangles, where the leads switched back and forth. Looks like that's where its headed.


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The 2nd season doesnt hook me in like the 1st season did. Mainly because i just can't get into the premise. We can't understand our love anymore unless an app tell us?

In the 1st season, the app was just released and we're seeing a new way of communicating our like for someone. I see it being similar with the like of Facebook changing our way of communicating. In the 2nd season tho, in just a few years, somehow it is painted as the 'only' way to communicate love, without it there is no assurance of the sincerity of the feeling anymore? This is like without Facebook we can not tell anymore if someone is truly our friend or not. How ridiculous is that? Hence why i just can't get my head around the FL running around trying to undo what she did with the app. I don't know why she can't just say let us both uninstall this app and date just like, you know, ever other couple have been for the past millennia???


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You're right but also, if you had persisted, this is the point of this season.


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I re-watched S1 last week before S2 dropped to remember what went down. And I think the issue here is both ML regressed.

HY went after Jojo without the app telling him, he knew he liked her before the app existed (I actually think CDC created the app because of him, not GulMi lmao) and SH was very much attached to the app, and then in S2 that gets switched, and placed SH's character into a selfish stalker position (my guy, following a woman like that is illegal). HY expecting the app to confirm things when S1 showed us he gave no fucks about it...mmm, why? lol. Jojo not telling SH the truth about the shield for the entirety of 4 episodes! all that issue with him could had gotten solved in like 15 minutes of screen time in episode one.

I was very frustrated with the way her character was handled, and how she literally had to be pushed to the limits to face her fears (girl, running a marathon ain't therapy, go to a therapist, please). If this Jojo had ended up with that SH... not bueno. Selfish boy x Insecure girl do not go well together.

Also what was that...plot with HY's dad..???? I mean, it happened and it got dropped so quick, like "I'm goody 2 shoes because dad was, but he isn't like that so I can be human".. It was just used to show Jojo cared (I mean, she already did, not need to diminish HY's character like that).

Yuk Joo, ma girl, she's a rebound and she deserves better. SH to me should have been alone, he needs to grow up a little more.

This season lacked script, KSH is a great actress, but she struggles with love scenes, which I believe is because she's young and hasn't had real life experiences in that department. Even tho, she was great in Tale of Nokdu, even the kiss scenes! heck, Radio Romance too, I just feel like the writer didn't know what to do with HY and Jojo's scenes because they did feel like they were, acting, which, mmm lol

All the events from this season could've been solved in 2 episodes. If S1 had been 10 episodes, that would have been the end of it, but well. I don't know whether to say this was a satisfactory ending or not, because it focused so much on the love triangle, that if you liked Jojo/SH like I do lmao, ofc you're not going to like it, but like I said, the SH from S2 is not ready for a relationship, and HY...my man HY, I still think had CDC not told him about the spear and all that, he would had not gotten back together with Jojo. He needed reassurance not just from the app, but from the developer himself, to believe Jojo did like him, I just, the whole waiting for them to love you, does not sit well with me lmao, it's just so weird this world where technology > love


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But SK and KSH have tons and tons of chemistry so I don't think it's the romance department but the comfort level of the actors or maybe it was the bad writing.


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I tried so hard to watch it all, but I got really upset when she chose to ring Hye-youngs alarm. I guess I liked the idea of the love alarm to an extent as like some how finding your soul mate through the an almost algorithm. I think it also bothered me that I felt like Hye-young was always kind of pushing his feelings on her. Also what about the person who would wind up ringing his alarm?
Then we have Sun-ho, who was suffering in his own regards.. When it was made very clear that he no longer smiled... that just broke me.

All in all I was really hoping for Sun-ho and Jojo to get their happy ending, but I feel that it was ripped away from selfishness.


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I came in to this Sunho biased... I mean I watched S1 with nobody to root for really, Netflix was pushing it and I caved. But I'm a sucker for first loves and guys who make their move (but lo and behold cheating is still a no no) so I naturally finished Team Sunho. I rewatched S1 to prepare for S2 because I had forgotten everything (that should have been a sign tbh, a drama that's not memorable should speak for itself).

Alas, I went into S2 still rooting for Sunho and Jojo to resolve their breakup, for Jojo to be honest with Sunho and tell him that she deliberately shielded her heart for him to be "happy". In the end, Sunho was reduced to an emotional baggage that she had to let go, suddenly a part of her dark dark past. I had trouble accepting this because from the very beginning, it was her that broke an already emotionally unstable guy.

Still, Hyeyoung is a likable character. He was patient, warm and sweet, I literally swooned for him that first quarter of S2 episode 1. So rooting for him in S2 was natural. But I had too many questions for his and Jojo's relationship. It felt forced even though they had supposedly matured, and this coming from someone who prefers adults over high schoolers' love stories. And whatever happened to that vanishing Jojo from the list of someone who will love you in HY's app? Did I miss how that part concluded? That scene gave me a glimmer of hope for a turntable but ehh. It got lost somewhere.

And Jojo, my dear dear Jojo. Why is she always caught up cheating. I mean --- BUT. Sometimes she's okay, sometimes she's not okay. Glad she realized how she has hurt the people around her, by pretending she's okay. By keeping things to herself, she hurt people. I don't suppose she'll change though. HY liked her even before, so I don't think she'll ever change.

I have to admit, I got disappointed because my ship didn't sail. I'm never a fan of love triangles because that would mean a 50-50% chance I'd also end up disappointed. But I stayed for this drama precisely because I don't know what I'm going in for, the love triangle was central to the story so I had to deal with it (and let's face it, I was sure Jojo and Sunho would get a decent closure, but this wasn't the closure I was hoping for!!!) and dystopian is always attractive to me. The drama had so many fillers and plot holes and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought -- we waited almost two years just to get this weirdly written 6 episode drama. I mean, some web dramas are better written than this!


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"And whatever happened to that vanishing Jojo from the list of someone who will love you in HY's app? Did I miss how that part concluded?"

I don't remember if it was explicitly stated or just heavily hinted, but she disappeared off his "someone who will love you" because she became someone who DOES love him, now in the present. Her shield meant that she still wasn't ringing his love alarm yet at that point, but the shield wasn't made for Love Alarm 2.0 so I guess didn't block her feelings from changing that part of the app. Am I making sense? Lol.


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Yes, I'm pretty sure Duk-gu spell out clearly when he met Jojo at the end that she'd have disappeared from his potential loves list when she actually fell in love with him. I think you're correct on the Shield not being able to effect that part of the app.


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I am sure the general population (i.e. all other users of Love Alarm, except HY) is not aware that once a person loves you, that person will be removed from the List of People That Likes You. Imagine the widespread confusion and heartache among the users when the person who likes them suddenly disappear from the list.


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This is such a complicated feature now that I think about it. Imagine married people who are in live would not have their spouse in that app just because they love each other already. Goes to show why you don’t really need the app to begin with. One that I think the drama failed to deliver - at least to me. Oh well.


I went back to that part.. and now I realized I skipped over it lol. Thanks for this!


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While the concept of love alarm is mainly build around our triangle, I would have love to see further the side arcs that they have introduced but was too big to delve on, like the impact of the app in the society, how it shaped the society's view of love. Like what Dong Guk said, the app suddenly became the new norm as how to confess, how to show your love, how to receive love. It became embedded in everyone's lives that it was a second nature like breathing.

And what about Dong Guk and his brother's debate on the version of 2.0. Brian made a good point that "probability" lessens the impact of feeling alone but in Dong Guk's perspective, in as much as it gives you hope, it limits your free-will to love because it ties you to the idea, that you have a higher chance of finding true love among these people shown by algorithm. As a creator, he doesn't want to play god among the app users and yet, that's exactly what his app did to the society. A conundrum to itself. And when he further explained that disappearing in the "probability section" doesn't actually mean you no longer will love the person but it might actually mean that you are in love with that person, is again open to different interpretations depending on a person's perspective. So many points made, so few episodes.

The concept is refreshing and apt to our times. It's the kind of story that spurs several alternate endings, good for fanfiction.


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I read the review above without realising it would cover the whole series and was surprised at the way they resolved the love triangle. I was assuming the usual , 1 to 2 and back to 1 model. I agree the first ML and FL relationship had greater chemistry. Would they have made each other happy in the longer term? Possibly? The second ML may have been portrayed in a cheesy way at times ... but he wants to make FL happy and is the stronger character-wise of the two male leads. So I am watching, now, not worried that he will be disappointed. I do feel sorry for first ML though and agree with someone who said that the he has been portrayed in a less attractive way in this second series. Not sure why he went from romantic and spontaneous to sulky and shouty.

Is Love Alarm 2 as good as Love Alarm 1? No. I think Love Alarm 1 made more of the balance between life struggles and the technology of the Love Alarm. Love Alarm 2 has some strong elements but doesn't quite balance them out so the genre is a bit uncertain. That said, here's to mature choices in love and the nice guy who is less swoony getting the girl!


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I didn’t like season two I thought she was going to stay with Sun-oh. This made me sad hate this season


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What you say @missvictrix about the heavy tone tone is true. It felt almost unbearably heavy and slow, and I had to force myself to keep watching. Then when Kim Jojo says "You were too heavy", I didn't know what she meant until she reconciled with her past as a little girl. I'd actually forgotten about the family suicide and her escape. I'd forgotten what a damaged person she was. Once I remembered that (only in the final part of the final episode), I didn't feel so frustrated with her. I'd spent most of the second season wanting to shake her into saying something. So many close ups of her dumbstruck, unable to respond or to explain herself. I partly blame the gap in time between the two seasons for my losing track of her story.

Ultimately she was a damaged and unlikeable person who did indeed "lie for her convenience", even though her convenience was for her self protection. She says at the end that she didn't want to hurt others or get hurt. Ironically she hurt several people badly. It's also hard to believe she was so desirable that two guys were fighting each other for her.

For someone who had spent her whole life believing that she didn't deserve to live like an ordinary person and running away from relationships that really touched her heart and put her at risk of being hurt even further, running the marathon was an important thing to do. It was like joining in the stream of life, being like everyone else who was living in the here and now. It was turning running away from others into running with others.

The other thing that bothered me was the use of conversation/words. Her inability to explain herself (or even respond to what people said to her) fits nicely with the fact that the Love Alarm made it unnecessary for people to actually take the risk of saying "I like you" or "I love you". I also found the voice overs, which we were supposed to understand as verbal exchanges, but left room to believe that they were only unuttered thoughts, also unbearably exhausting and frustrating. The drama ended up making the point that there was a vast difference between expressing things and letting technology do it for you (or even letting it tell you what you feel or want to say). It's deeply ironic that using technology to speak for you in order to alleviate the risk of rejection, in the end led to so much unhappiness and loneliness for so many people. Even a mass suicide. I found it terrifying to think of a world of adolescents growing up with Love Alarm and not knowing anything else. As Duk-gu points out to his brother, if our apps tell us who to date, our portals tell us what to read, and our algorithms tell us what to watch, countless possibilities are eliminated. LA also shows us that technology can be made to lie. Instead of self-protecting lies, sincerity is what counts.

I found the cinematography interesting when it focused on reflections, especially when Hye-yeong looked at himself in the mirror to see what...


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... I found the cinematography interesting when it focused on reflections, especially when Hye-yeong looked at himself in the mirror to see what his father looked like and when he looked at himself in the water after he'd met his father and questioned if he had the right to love anyone knowing how like his father he was. Also the photography scenes in his room using old technology were interesting. What did they do with the camera? Of course, took photos of themselves: a narcissistic generation.

For me, it all comes down to values in the digital age, The danger is that the surface becomes everything: how we look, how we represent ourselves, how popular we appear to be impacts on how we feel about ourselves and how we relate to others. It's all so superficial.


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This drama makes me hate Netflix's style of dividing dramas into sessions. I waited 2 years only to see my ship sunk in the worst possible way.

I also don't understand what this drama is trying to tell us. I thought it wanted to tell us that you should follow your heart instead of over-relying on some app. I thought the Shield is the catalyst that will teach Sun Ho and JoJo on how to trust their heart and not the app.

In S1, Hye-young is shown as someone who would trust his heart and does not need to rely on the app to make decision. On the other hand, Sun Ho was overly dependent on the app. So I thought the introduction of the Shield a good catalyst for Sun Ho.

in the first 3 episodes of S2, we were shown that Hye-young is perfectly okay without JoJo ever ringing his alarm. Then he is shown to be very upset with the use of the Spear and is very much concerned that JoJo did not 'naturally' rang his alarm. The shift in his character is very weird and unwelcoming.

I shipped Jo Jo and Sun Ho since S1, but the first 3 episodes managed to convince me of Hye-young and JoJo's relationship. However, when Sun Ho found out about the Shield and decided to no longer trust in the app, I saw this a monumental character growth on his side. At this point, I was convinced that Sun Ho and Jo Jo would be the end game because his independence from the app aligns with what (I thought) the drama is trying to tell us. But no. The drama decided to become weird again and the downtrodden Sun Ho is ditched. At this point, believed Jo Jo no longer deserves Sun Ho's love. Yuk Jo deserves him better.

In the end I am disappointed with this drama. I waited 2 years only to find out that my ship is mercilessly shot down in the worst possible way.


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I totally agree with you. Did you know that the writers & director are different for Love Alarm 2? That might explain a lot about our disappointment in this latest series. I also waited with anticipation to see JoJo & Sun Oh resolve their differences and was elated when Sun Oh told JoJo that ringing the love alarm wasn't important, that they should judge their feelings by how they felt. She totally disappointed me by running away from her feelings and that's when I knew they were doomed.


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I didn't know that the director and writer are different, no wonder S2 has different tone compared to S1.

The part where JoJo turned Sun Ho down after he decided to forgo the app is such a turndown. I too lost hope with the drama and JoJo at that point


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To me this comes down to what 'Love Alarm' is and what it's about (which wasn't measuring love btw, it was measuring like. It was a physiological measure of attraction). That you might get a psychological response to a person but in the end that's less important than your entire relationship with them, the person you want to be, and the life you want to live. Just because somebody rings your Love Alarm doesn't mean that much in the end. What Jojo chose was to love somebody who was right for her in multiple ways even if she didn't initially have a surge of hormones over them. She fell in love with their relationship and how they were together. Sunho could bang on about Love Alarm all he wanted but a relationship with him never made her happy. Constantly in the limelight being photographed, singled out, bullied and judged and dealing with his terrible parents. Yes they had chemistry but - as we saw with Sunho parents - chemistry means nothing if the person who rings your Love Alarm treats you like crap for 20 years and then gets caught cheating.

Tbh this show was much much better than I was expecting because it wasn't about that frisson of first love being sufficient to build a life relationship on. Because frankly it isn't. Who you choose to spend your life with is more complex than that and it does comes to choice. Jojo chose.


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You've summed up why I liked the show way better than I did! 👏👏👏


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Season 2 was lousy PERIOD!
Don't forget in season 1, Hye-young sucker-punched his best friend.
After the accident, Suh-Oh trusted him and asked Hye-young to help him with Jojo, but he just took the opportunity to keep Jojo from Suh-Oh for his benefit. So he lies to both Suh-Oh and Jojo. If Jojo knew this, I guarantee season 2 outcome would be completely different.
Thanks, Netflix, for teaching people that if you lie and it's okay to cheat friends and lie, you will get positive results!!


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Sun-Oh was a really sweet boyfriend to Jo-Jo in S1. So it really made it hard for me to move on to Hye-Young even though I do like him as a character as well.

Sun-Oh was so much happier and animated in S1 when he was with Jo-Jo. Then the show decided to make him a 'sad boi' throughout the entirety of S2. So his character ended up regressing.

On textbook, Jo-Jo and Hye-Young definitely suit each other. I actually liked the new confident and proactive Hye-Young in comparison to his extremely passive self back in the first half of S1. But I don't know what it is that made me not feel as invested in their romance. It just felt really bland. I don't know if it's the writing or the chemistry.


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please make a season 3 😭 I want Kim jojo with sun oh 😩 I hate the ending 😭😭


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I feel you. I dont like H.y for jojo


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Knowing that jojo picked HY over Sun yo it made me upset. The two doesnt have any chemstry at all. Hopin that there will be season 3 and it should be jojo and sun ho the comeback. Please don't let us viewers down.


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I was really expecting Sun-Oh and Jojo to be together in the end, especially the moment her mother asked about her and seemed to get a move and help her son.


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hate this season, I already found out about the ending, that's why I'm not going to watch it, a real waste of time after waiting so long for this one...The worst season ever


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I literally waited for season two like crazy, and now I regret it. It was disappointing to see that she loved HY out of pity throughout the season as if she is forcing herself to love him. The plot that love should be felt from within and should not be reliable to an app doesn't made too much of impact. It was like I ate a tasteless food. As the chemistry was missing. And the way the story was executed was very dull.


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Different Writers and different director. That's why alarm 2 didn't work for me. The vibe in Love alarm 1 and the chemistry was just not in the 2nd series. Sun Oh was relegated to being the guy on the outside looking in. He wasn't given meaningful scenes with JoJo to even start a relationship with her. It was obvious throughout the series that Hye-Young was the end game and that really annoyed me.


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I don’t even know where to start. At first I felt sad (and frustrated AFTER WAITING FOR TWO WHOLE YEARS – this is not a James Cameron production!) we were getting only 6 episodes, but when I saw it couldn’t wait for it to end. I wish I just had only looked how it ended up instead and not watch this at all. HOW CAN I UNSEE SOMETHING?
It was the most tiring, slow-paced, boring season ever. I have watched season 1 probably over 5 times. It was my first k-drama and that’s why I was so invested. For someone to wait for almost two years and checking every month to see if there was an update, this was a letdown.
Let me just start by saying that the characters were all completely different (in a negative way). We knew none of them really. There was no character development. Sunoh was pretty much non-existent (like how can you give the most important character so little screen time while he was the one that made almost everyone watch and like this show?). They knew what they were doing from the start. They knew from season 1, that they needed the views for next season if HYxJOJO would be the endgame, so they took advantage of Song Kang’s image and SunOHxJOJO love story, so in S2 they really pretended it had never existed.
JOJO was the most toxic, indecisive FL I have ever seen. How can you still be like that at that age? Is she 10 yo? She was only hurting everyone around her for no apparent reason. She had no characteristics and no evolvement. No goals, no dreams, nothing. She was never studying, never caring for her friend (seriously what was the purpose of putting her in the show?) or anyone around her. Yet she always felt like everyone around her was hurting her. Instead of wanting a boyfriend (I think her having 3 bf’s in a k-drama is a record), she should’ve just let the brothers alone to avoid their friendship to break. She just toyed with them. They did Sunoh so dirty, both Jojo and Heyyoung.
Heyyoung grew up with him and let a girl come in between them. Yes, maybe he liked her first but that never means he should’ve had her from the beginning. He worked with her FOR YEARS and she never, ever knew him, never cared for him – how people can come up with the idea of, BuT hE LikEd HeR fIrSt! SHE DID NOT EVEN KNOW HIM AFTER YEARS LOL. That says enough about him. He was a very passive person. When Sunoh wanted to communicate about where they went wrong as friends (because Sunoh REALLY did care), he just had the audacity to completely disregard him and just walk away without saying anything. That was WAY worse than what Sunoh did to him (even though in s1 Sunoh was like “Jojo is not an object, let her choose”).
They both broke the bro-code. Heyyoung was the most boring character ever. When characters are silent and shy, they usually have an inner quirky-ness. Heyyoung had nothing. I still don’t know what Heyyoung was doing at his internship or what he wanted to become in life. Just like Jojo; no dreams, no goals- nothing. His only obsession in...


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life was someone he “loved” for over four years without knowing a single thing about that person and having never really talked with her (seriously, what did he like about her again?!).
Sunoh on the other hand was the only normal character (plus Gul-mi, never thought I would say this). He was trying to communicate to understand what was going on and what happened. He wanted to give Jojo all his love when he never even had love from his closed ones. He was never a rich brat. I never understood why people thought he was a bad person. There was not one bad thing about him. He was always there for others without judging them. He never cared about his money or fame and even did good causes. He was not a toxic character nor was he the unhealthy factor in his relationship with Jojo. Even with Yukju he was straighforward and she knew everything about what he did and didn’t feel. Throughout the series I kept thinking of how Jojo did not deserve him and how Yukju was a sweet girl. The scenes with his parents were really confusing and the whole production felt rushed. In S1 everything looked more real and thought-out, now we didn’t even see one single worker of his mother next to her. Did the new director and writer watch S1? I don’t think so. They should be FIRED.
There was literally no plot, no plot development. Romance consisted of them just walking each other home and texting if they have eaten. They were so boring. Jojo was just a pathetic character and I don’t get how no one left her in her life without dying. Jojo and Heyyoung both lacked the skill of communication and communication is key. That was a major red flag. Also, how she did the same FAULT again when using the spear for Heyyoung. Like you used the shield and regretted it and now you use the spear? No wonder he had left. Not to add, HY did not even know about the shield, like ever?
I never thought I would’ve said this but the only one I really liked in this show was Gul-Mi. Such a funny, insane but still sane girl she was. I was glad that Duk Gu hadn’t died and she got her karma.
Duk Gu was annoying to me about how Jojo would’ve rang Heyyoungs love alarm regardless. Because there was no reason for her to like Heyyoung. There was nothing that he had that Sunoh didn’t have. It was all about timing. She breaks up with Sunoh because of her past issues (EVEN AFTER SEASON 2, I don’t understand why) but four years later she still has those issues and no character development, yet suddenly gives Heyyoung a chance. Why? Why not Sunoh? Because suddenly Heyyoung came to the damsel in distress. She would’ve liked anyone at that point.
ALSO, where was the whole Anti-Love alarm group? Why put that in the drama in s1 only to never go back to it in s2? That would’ve made it more realistic and interesting. We all were waiting for that. As I said, they seem two different dramas that not even the characters resemble from one season to the other. Also, almost forgot about that. It’s proven that they...


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knew what they were doing from the start as Sunoh magically was converted from main lead on S1, to second lead on S2.
The saddest scene were I broke down was when Sunoh and Jojo met up for closure. It felt so forced and if it was just for Song Kang and Kim So Hyun they probably would’ve chosen JojoxSunoh. I felt like it was all about timing. It looked like a missed chance. Her saying that she would install the shield again if she went back was disrespecting Sunoh. She should’ve felt ashamed for causing him so much pain. I felt like Jojo would’ve liked anyone who came in front of her. If Sunoh would’ve stayed by her side regardless, I wonder what would’ve happened.
One really funny thing was the “plotwist” they decided to add, like wow! Let’s do it that way! PeOpLe WiLl Be ShOok! When Jojo disappears from HY’s love alarm when Sunoh kisses her. “They will think while watching the trailer that is because she realizes she loves Sunoh, but we will do it because she realizes she loves HY!” Like WOW! Yes! I am so SHOOK! OMG! Y’ALL ARE A GENIOUS! (eyeroll). Only think I thought was, you really REALLY missed this opportunity to capture the public, continue with what your 85% of the audience wants, enhance the ratings and the actors career even more (as if Song Kang needed that, he is already a BRILLIANT actor).
Nobody should feel sorry. Netflix knew what they were doing. We all warned them for not putting out a half-assed season. The fact that they also took away our Sunoh moments and made them Heyyoung’s (liking list etc) was so painful. The scenes were lacking, and a lot of things were left out or rushed (where the hell is the love alarm 2.0 event scene from S1?!). I won’t watch anything of this director and screenwriter again. I cannot believe how they passed this. Even my cat could write it better. There was not even one “wow” moment. I just feel pain for my wasted two years. Like really who did think that this was a good idea? LOL.
There is something that still don’t understand until this day, though. The author uploaded episodes only two days before the launch of S2. There she talks about the spear, which is in the k-drama. That means for sure the incompetent director and the author have talked. WHY, WHY THE AUTHOR found S2 a great idea to do? It should’ve stayed in the archives, for sure. WHATEVER, the new chapters of the webtoon now explain that Sun-ho was the person that has helped Jojo unlock the shield, for her to be with HY. Also, he took the spear and used it on his GF. He finally rings his GF alarm. After this happens, JOJO feels DEPRESSED and realizes her love for him. EXACTLY. THE AUTHOR is leading the story the right way, just as it could’ve ended if the people involved were more competent. It’s a way of her showing how bad they fucked up the series. When the webtoon finishes, if going the right way, will give the reason to the 85% of the audience – because yes, it’s the 85% and NETFLIX KNOWS about it thanks to the poll they did...


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before S2 was ever recorded – and after launching it!. NETFLIX DOESN’T GIVE A SHIT at the moment as I have seen, but it normally takes about two months to give an outcome – they are seeing the bad reviews, the progressively decrease of ratings, and the comments as mine, which really make up the total audience for sure.
There is no way the bad in S2 can be mend in following the webtoon – but for sure in these two months, something has to be stated, seeing how this is going, as seeing how the author really is making sense to the story, a story with a less EMPTY HEADED Jojo, more REAL value to the story – because yes guys, don’t @ me if you were thinking of contradicting me, I don’t have the energy to discuss with people that find this story REAL, DeEp and WiTh MeSsAgE because clearly you haven’t been in Sun-ho’s shoes, or worse, you are either in a forced marriage or forced to love someone at 23 for whatever responsibility or lie you have told to yourself. Because “REAL MESSAGE” is force yourself in loving someone (both for Sun-hoxGF and JojoxHY)? Don’t get me started. OK I AM DONE, thanks for listening to my ted talk. Please again, don’t @ if you are thinking of discussing with non-sensical points, I am tired and won’t answer or even read it lol. Thank y’all <3


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Thank you for your recap of the series. I didn't know anything about the webtoon so your info was greatly appreciated. Like you I watched Love Alarm 1 at least 5 times. I LOVED it! That's why after waiting so long for the conclusion I was stunned, then angry, then outraged! I wished there was no Love Alarm 2 since it has already killed the first series for me. Maybe that's why Netflix waited so long to show LA2....hoping we would forget the amazing chemistry between JoJo & Sun-Oh and accept the wimpy relationship that ended the series.


i have so much to say but judt couldnt put it into words. im not articulate enough lol but basically binge watched both seasons and probably why i see things differently? but definitely #TeamHyeyoung! heres to more healthy and healing relationships in drama land!


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tbh it was not the best written drama out there. even in season 1. there was so much toxicity i had to ff most scenes. so yeah theres that


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Was lowkey forced by my girlfriend to watch this and the first season (we finished both seasons within around 3 days) and I surprisingly enjoyed season 1 mainly because of the beautiful female lead and the incredible chemistry between her and the rich dude lmao
It was surprisingly a bit deeper than what I was expecting too.
Season 2 was quite boring though, I mean I liked the nostalgic vibe and everything, and the FL's story arc, etc., but apart from that it fell flat to me.
I think it's a good thing she chose the other dude though, she's the type who just attracts drama in her life for some reason, and she needs a stable, calm, comforting, lowkey dude like him.
But anyway, I think I'll definitely check out the main actress other works now. She's beautiful and certainly can act


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What a freakin waste of time! I agree there would've been some vindication in the scene when Sunho asked JoJo to look in his eyes-I like your ending much better!!!
And JoJo-I kept wanting to shake her-give the girl some dialogue! All that withholding when both guys & friends were just trying to be close to her-I felt she was -though I get she was wounded & all-just pathetic & frustrating-very disappointed in Netflix's choice of show here !!! Thumbs down


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This show is just breaking my heart how they doing Sun-oh..... like it wasn’t bad enough she embarrassed and broke his heart in highschool, and even after HE still loved you and then you break his heart AGAIN and icing on the cake you date his Bestfriend....... like this shit really hurt my heart😭💔 but then again it is sun-oh’s karma in a way but damn my man’s can’t even keep a new gf because he can’t ring her alarm still wanting you.... definitely think there should be a season 3 and some justify for there love, definitely think she’s taking the easier option the one that won’t hurt as much if she loses🤷🏾‍♀️


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They are so sloppy with their CGI :(



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Wtf why did I even wait for the season2
Why why why did I even watch it why why I really like the season1 but the story change on the season 2 it really sucked


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Love alarm S2 makes no sense the writer of the story is totally unreasonable...I mean what kind of lame movie is this?!!! Why on earth did she leave sun-ho there was obviously no chemistry between she and the other guy but she picked him..while anticipating S2 I
was expecting her to go back to sun-ho not this nonsense....I regret watching it,it's a waste of time and data love alarm S1 and S2 is a lame piece of shit


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Unpopular opinion here, but I think Jojo's choice was right. Imagine being in a world where Love Alarm is the norm, and where people are literally getting married and showing off their alarms ringing. If it's this prevalent, maybe you want to do what other couples do, too. Hye-young loves Jojo but somewhere, it must be tiring for him, too, Jojo not ringing his alarm. Think of it as any gesture of love you do. Giving flowers to someone's point was going out to the field and doing hard work just to get you that bouquet. Now we can just order flowers. Flowers don't mean anything on their's own, neither does the charm bracelet your boo gave you, or even a wedding ring. It's just a way to show your love. In a world where showing love is so easy as ringing an alarm, the expectations must be higher than we have. Getting that ring, getting that alarm...I really don't blame Hye-Yeong secretly wanting to hear that bell or Jojo really, really wanting to show her love and she trying so hard to find the developer is nothing but sincere. We can act like we don't care about that stuff, and maybe we personally don't but that doesn't mean our partner feels the same way. I actually really like the ending. Except the Sun-ho saying I'll trust your eyes part. If that was scratched and Sun-ho realises that Love Alarm doesn't matter AFTER she says it is her own volition, then I'd love the ending more.


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The worst decision a director can make. The 2nd season is an imposition !! wasted time


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Love Alarm 2 was crap. I was so disappointed..I couldn't even bare to finish episode 6. You can definitely tell there was different writers from the first season to now. Like the 2nd season made absolutely no sense. She literally just settled and forced herself to be with HY. Like I do believe she LIKED him but she didn't love him. She LOVES Sun Oh. Everybody can see through that BS writing. It was just messed up. Both her and HY were trash to me.


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I don’t feel as harshly about HY and JJ, but I was definitely disappointed when I read a spoiler for Season 2. JJ somewhere says “ I made SO lose his smile in order to hide my pain.“ After I heard this, I thought for sure JJ would mature, return to SO, explain herself and redeem their love. Well, no such resolution of what I perceive as JJ’s initial, though somewhat justified, selfishness. Not much resolution at all really. Just nonsense.


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Honestly i thought the second season was pretty bad i mean there was no drama or anything other than sun-oh showing that he did love jojo still. The way it ended was pretty bad because if your going to end the story you must make an ending. This ending left us with thoughts like, "Will jojo go back with sun oh?'' "will her shield get removed?". Not sending hate just my opinion btw i liked the first season.


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This show has dragged on endlessly, and I became quite bored with it last night in the middle of the second season. I then searched the Internet for a spoiler on the ending, and I have to say I’m quite disappointed. I feel like the ending embraces ignoring your feelings, or worse, hiding your feelings. The ending further seems to embrace pursuing relationships simply for the sake of the relationship, rather than nurturing the feelings for a long-term relationship, or resolution and finally closure of one’s true feelings. A very empty ending for me.


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As some people say, that she should end up with Sun-ho, I can't agree tho I was fond on his character. He was her first big love, and their breakup was unexpected and left them both with unresolved issues. But it was childish relationship build on atraction. Her relationship wit Hye-Young was much deeper, based on relying on each other and support eachother. They spend more time on knowing themselves better. She didn't need a guy who will admire her and pay for her, she needed a guy, who would hold her hand and support her when life was getting unbearable. And even if the first love is always unforgetable, hardly anyone stays with their first love forever. I had loved someone deeply, and even now, after 20 years I have some regrets that I gave up on that love, still wouldn't be with that guy now.


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