Big Mouth: Episodes 5-6

Confusion, hallucinations, death threats, and more murders — things get even darker this week in Gucheon. Luckily, our leads are the light at the story’s center once they decide to go at it together, embracing their situation — and each other.


Big Mouth Episodes 5-6

With so much confusion and new information, we’ve got a million things to talk about this week — like how even a prison drama managed to sneak in a requisite bathing scene for our male lead. On top of that, I asked for recalibration of our OTP last week and I’m happy to say that’s exactly what I got. These two are back in business together and more adorable than ever. Or is that just Lee Jong-seok’s smile? Which, I’m also happy to announce, has returned in abundance. Sure, half the time he looks like a psychopath, but the other half… ahhh, this is what I waited three years for.

We pick up on the edge of our seats waiting to see if Chang-ho will write the names planted by Ji-hoon in Big Mouse’s fake ledger. It’s tense. Ji-hoon on one side of the table and Chang-ho on the other, they write a list of five names each. The mayor is there, but he didn’t reach Chang-ho in time to warn him. The warden reveals the two lists and Oh. My. God. they are the same. But rather than disconfirming he’s Big Mouse, it has the opposite effect. Confusion ensues.

Big Mouth Episodes 5-6

The mayor knows he gave Chang-ho a list of fake names. What we learn is that Ji-hoon has written five names from the real Big Mouse ledger — he expected to see mis-matched lists, so Chang-ho would look like an idiot in front of everybody. Somehow, Chango-ho has written the correct five names. Now, everyone — Ji-hoon, the VIPs, the warden, and even the mayor — are pretty convinced he’s Big Mouse.

This is good news for Chang-ho because it pays. With the briefcase full of cash that he gets from the VIPs, he buys himself some prison benefits. First order of business? Pizza Party! After the slices have settled, the warden agrees to let Chang-ho do anything he wants in the prison, as long as he doesn’t commit any serious crimes. He uses this privilege to try to pressure the VIPs to confess to murder at their trial.

Big Mouth Episodes 5-6

I’ve always referred to the VIPs as one because up to this point they’ve always acted in concert. This week, one of them, DOCTOR HAN JAE-HO (Lee Yoo-joon), starts to separate from the pack as Chang-ho drives a wedge between him and the other two. Chang-ho gets Dr. Han alone and tortures him the way Chang-ho was tortured when he entered the prison. Out of fear for his life, the doctor finally promises to confess at the trial and turn in the other two.

With Chang-ho refusing to break character, including in front of Mayor Choi, the mayor meets with Mi-ho and tells her that Chang-ho is indeed Big Mouse. At first Mi-ho doesn’t waiver in her beliefs. Then, on her way home, she learns that Chang-ho paid off his debt with the loan shark. Thinking about where he could have possibly gotten the money if he’s not Big Mouse, Mi-ho starts crying her heart out. This is some next-level betrayal. I mean, this woman lost her life savings because of this guy, took a shady job to figure out why he’s been framed, and is currently riding home on the city bus — this is what she gets in return?

Big Mouth Episodes 5-6

Luckily for Mi-ho, the (all female) nursing staff at her hospital will be going on their annual prison visit to give checkups to the prisoners (this isn’t uncomfortable at all). At the visit, Mi-ho gets a chance to talk to Chang-ho alone (given his new Grade A status) and the truth comes out. We learn as Mi-ho does that after Chang-ho received Mayor Choi’s list, someone knocked him out and put a tarot card in his pocket with a second list on it. Chang-ho was torn about which list to use at the meeting with Ji-hoon until he saw the mayor frantically trying to visit him. Since then, he has been receiving other tarot cards, which either prophecy an event or give him instructions. For example, the “judgement” card was to force the VIPs to confess and receive punishment for their crime. He believes these cards are from the real Big Mouse.

Mi-ho wants to know why he is continuing to pretend. Chang-ho says if he doesn’t keep acting out what Big Mouse wants him to do, he will die. At the same time, he wants to use his position to figure out who Big Mouse really is. Mi-ho sees two separate cases now and they decide to split them: she will work on finding the doctor’s research paper and he will work on exposing Big Mouse (we’re getting some classic noir elements now as it’s obvious these two cases will link in the end). Mi-ho is the only one Chang-ho trusts with this information and their balanced bond is back — after last week’s falter — giving me what I need to care about these characters again.

Big Mouth Episodes 5-6 Big Mouth Episodes 5-6

This drama is full of cartoonish villains that don’t give enough nuance to take them seriously. Dr. Han of the VIP trio is one of them. There’s a scene this week, though, where he’s so monsterish that, afterward, the show adds a discussion of Korea’s domestic violence hotline (1366, if you’re wondering). His wife, JANG HYE-JIN (Hong Ji-hee), comes to visit him at the prison with the nurses who are there giving checkups and serving food (huh?). She rejects him sexually, what with prison cameras all around, and he punches her in the face. The move comes out of nowhere and feels like the apex of terrible — until the next thing that happens: he accuses her of cheating and tries to strangle her. He stops short and apologizes before she leaves.

We know almost nothing about the backstory of these characters so at first it feels like Han Jae-ho is just an abusive, paranoid, a-hole. The thing that bothers me about how it plays out, is that it turns out she had actually cheated on him. She was having an affair with the murdered doctor, SEO JAE-YONG (Park Hoon). The two met while she was running away after being beaten by her husband in what looks like a regular occurrence. Something about the order of events doesn’t sit right with me. It plays like vindication for the husband, intentional or not.

Big Mouth Episodes 5-6

The link between Dr. Seo and Hye-jin turns out to be more important than we might expect. Mi-ho gets a clue from one of her patient’s caregivers that the doctor’s paper is on a chip, hidden in a cross necklace worn by… “that woman.” The person giving the information is then murdered mid-sentence in front of Mi-ho (and I covered my eyes for like the fortieth time this episode). Mi-ho immediately suspects Joo-hee, who wears a cross necklace and is obviously involved in dubious dealings. Upon inspection, her necklace has nothing, and we already know it’s Hye-jin. Mi-ho and her Scooby Doo team have just figured this out and we’ll have to tune in next week to see how they solve the case.

I feel like the show is finally hitting its stride. For one, it’s purposefully pointing fingers all around and giving us the fun of guessing who Big Mouse is like an old-school murder mystery. I expect it will keep spinning us in circles until the end. While parts of it feel comic book-y and over the top (super strength, heinous villains), at its center we have some complex characters. Chang-ho and Mi-ho are facing extraordinary circumstances as ordinary people. While Chang-ho plays the role of Big Mouse like a total nutjob, he becomes human again when he opens up to his wife. Mi-ho never loses her every woman vibe but still steps up to be a crime fighter. Seeing these two together is my real reason for watching.

And then there’s the mayor. He’s been humanized more than any of the other side characters and yet I still don’t trust him. Or, maybe it’s the fact that he’s more likeable than the rest that I find him suspicious. I’ll be interested to see whose side he’s really on, and how much I can trust my own instincts.

Big Mouth Episodes 5-6


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So the domestic violence hotline looks like a year in the middle of the Middle Ages? Uh...

Korea’s domestic violence hotline (1366, if you’re wondering).


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is then murdered mid-sentence in front of Mi-ho

We've been too busy complaining about Truck of Doom to notice all the vehicles complaining about Falling Human of Doom. #whyher


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This show just keeps getting more and more compelling, I'm so glad I started it
LJS with that wink (AND THAT BLACK SHIRT GAWDDAMN) just gave me a Kang Chul throwback.

-The main concern for me is that CH is digging huge grave for himself. I mean even if he does get his name cleared (the VIPs confessing, Gihoon gets taken down etc) how is he gonna handle the real Big Mouse?
I guess since people believe he is BM, the real BM might try to keep it that way forever to continue his baddie deeds. And we know that BM is in the prison with him (or one of his lackeys, I say its Jerry) but anything could happen the moment BM doesnt need him anymore so I'm curious as to how that would play out.

-this woman be risking it all and I live in fear thinking about her safety.

But overall I'm hoping it would continue to progress well!


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How about this theory about BM? Rather than being in the prison, BM have someone in the prison. Like Jerry ... I mean, I can dismiss my doubts about people around Chang-ho. His father-in-law for example. Rx police officer who works in Chang-ho's office? Why on earth should you give up years of work to work with a broken lawyer. And working in his office gave him every opportunity to hide money there. Unless this is story inconsistency, or there is an explanation later, I find this strange....


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OMG if its the father-in-law I dont think I'll ever be able to recover from that but thats a really good theory!!!


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Ah, i miss that wink and smile from Jongsuk. I didn't expect a bathing scene too! This fan is happy🤭

I still believe this show is about telling Changho's journey to become his own version of Big Mouse (or maybe it's about Big Mouse trying to survive and tell the world that he is not Big Mouse to become Big Mouse again huh) and not really about guessing who is the real Big Mouse.
Though i'm suspecting the mayor, so far the guessing has been going to people who are still alive. What if the real Big Mouse, or the leader of an organization called Big Mouse, is already dead? And someone else is now is replacing that person?
(Why this scenario feels too familiar...)

I'm curious how far they'll be using Miho to the story. Will she become a warrior or stay as Changho's pillar because she is the reason for him to become Big Mouse?


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I am getting frustrated with the amount of times Mi Ho keeps sharing info to others when Chang Ho asks her not to do it. I like that she is feisty, but she is so reckless. I did enjoy the tension they built up for the faking Chang Ho as the Big M, but I want Chang Ho to be back in the society because after seeing the same protoganist-gaining-trust-of-prisoners plotline in other dramas, it is quite tiring and repetitive. Is there no other way to cut down on budget instead of filming in same prison sets?🙄


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If i remember correctly, Miho only gave them vague answers about Changho. Since there's no way to avoid being questioned.
"Changho is Changho" for me it means that the Changho you know is really him, he's someone you know. "I decided to trust him" means whoever Changho is, she is with him. She didn't tell them anything about Changho's identity.

And i'm with you about the show is starting to feel repetitive.


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Didn't Chang-ho granted earch prisoner a wish? I wonder what happened to that story?


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I forget about this! I wonder how Changho got such power when he hasn't granted any wish. Just because he beat up 2 people? Just because he survived many attacks? Just because he's "Big Mouse"? I really don't understand


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Ueah, me niether. I mean, even if his power came from appearing on power, killing a few(which technically was done by BM) and afew punches, he should start to do something about thise wishes, or the word will spread that he is not dependible


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*whispered chanting from the back of the room* Jerry, Jerry, Jerry...


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I think most of us are waiting for Kwak Dongyeon to shine in this show


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Sometimes, Changho shows some expressions that make me wonder, only a veteran criminal would react like that, so although the show is making it look like he is not Big Mouth, and I'm totally fine with him not being the big mouth, I'm still holding to that idea. :D


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