Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12

This week is all about regret — less in terms of things done in the past, and more in terms of things left undone and unsaid. But unfortunately, dwelling on “if onlys” doesn’t always help us make better choices in the future.


Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12 Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12

As we might expect, Ha-min’s mother responded to finding his artwork by ripping it up in front of him and ordering him to attend the lessons she wanted, having already withdrawn him from the art studio. When Ha-min pointed out that she was treating him like a doll instead of a son, she slapped him. Jae-min saw it all, and now as he confronts her, he doesn’t hold back any of the resentment that has built up since Ha-min’s death.

His mother is remorseful, but redirects with the news that she’s pregnant. She wants to do better this time around, and she asks that he give her one more chance and help her make atonement to Ha-min. All Jae-min can muster is a small “congratulations.” And honestly, I can’t blame him.

That said, Jae-min’s mom does provide So-mang with deeper insight into Jae-min’s internal struggles, which he continues to keep a tight lid on. Before moving back to Seoul, she’d found him seconds away from jumping off the balcony. When she’d tearfully begged him to say she’d mistaken his intention, he’d mumbled with frightening lack of emotion that he just missed Ha-min too much. That’s why she sent him back to Ha-min’s old school.

Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12

As for Ha-min himself, he put on a brave face for So-mang following his forced departure from the art studio. But though So-mang tried to be there for him, things just kept happening to keep him beaten down. His grades plummeted, embarrassing him in front of the other students. One of So-mang’s friends found out about her key to the art room, unknowingly invading Ha-min’s sacred space.

Finally, he had enough. He called So-mang to the art room and grabbed her in a desperate hug to recharge his drained soul. But one of the other students saw them embracing, goaded Ha-min into a fight, and reported them for “inappropriate” contact. To protect So-mang from the inevitable rumors, Ha-min claimed he’d been with some other girl, producing as proof the art room keys he’d gotten copied.

Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12 Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12

Just like that, Ha-min plunged from school role model to the object of everyone’s disgust, gossip doing its usual job of turning an innocent hug into something far more scandalous. Ha-min suggested he and So-mang keep their distance from one another until everything blew over, and So-mang agreed, unaware that they wouldn’t speak face-to-face again for an entire year.

When they finally did speak to each other again, it was because a teacher asked them to carry boxes to the art room. After confirming that Ha-min had been intentionally ignoring her calls, So-mang’s patience waned. All she wanted was to support him, but she was starting to feel as though their time together had never been anything more than a dream. Ha-min, through tears, threw back that she was better off forgetting it happened, anyway.

Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12

What happened next is even more heartbreaking, and it’s one of the biggest sources of So-mang’s enduring regret. They relocated to the roof for privacy, where their argument escalated to the point that So-mang called Ha-min a coward for giving up on his own dreams and stormed off, leaving him alone. Halfway down the stairs, she almost turned back, but didn’t. To this day, So-mang wonders if she could have saved him had she returned to him then.

But it appears that Ha-min jumped from the school roof that very night, as evidenced by the story a teacher tells the present-day students to regain their attention on a rainy day. It’s a tough moment to watch: it starts out as just a fun ghost story for the distracted students, but quickly turns dark as we, So-mang, and Jae-min all start to realize the story is about Ha-min. So-mang stops him before he can get into too much detail, and later Jae-min returns the favor by interrupting when the teacher berates her for it. Then he gives her Ha-min’s diary to read.

Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12

As summer break approaches, so does the end of Bo-mi and Jin-young’s fake relationship. Although it’s clear to just about everyone that Jin-young is head over heels for Bo-mi, she’s still unsure of her feelings in general. Jin-young tells her to take her time deciding what she wants to do once their contract expires, and that he’s fine with whatever she chooses.

Jin-young was never overbearing or pushy, and now he pulls back even further than normal to give Bo-mi space. But finally, one rainy evening after Bo-mi has decided to stay late at school, Jin-young does what So-mang didn’t — he turns back. Whether he’s too late to officially express his feelings remains to be seen, but he may still be too late to do it tonight. Because Bo-mi owes Jae-min a wish, and now he’s come to collect: will she believe him if he says the student who died at the school was his brother?

Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12

The closer we get to the end, the heavier this story gets, and the more I dread what’s to come. We’ve seen all but Ha-min’s actual final moments and the immediate aftermath, and while I — and So-mang and Jae-min — need that closure, part of me wants to just skip over that part entirely when it does come. I keep finding myself hoping that there might be a way out, so to speak — that it will turn out Ha-min survived somehow, or that his death would be revealed to have been caused by some external force instead — but none of those ways out would be true to the story that’s being told. Or to the reality of hopelessness that Ha-min, and people like him in real life, experienced.

So instead, I’ll hope for, well, hope. For that much-needed closure and healing, especially for So-mang and Jae-min. For our characters to learn how to be honest with themselves and each other long before it’s too late. And for those who made terrible choices in the past to grow from those mistakes and do better moving forward so that future Ha-mins will have all the support they need.

Seasons of Blossom: Episodes 11-12


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😭😢😥, Ha Min, 😭😭😭.


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@mistyisles thank you for the weecap. It was just too sad watching these episodes as we saw Hamin admit that Somang was his last resource to recharge and he couldn’t imagine how he would cope if he lost her. Literally, just as he acknowledged this he was forced to see what life would be like if she was removed. Because he was a teenager with limited options for being in control of his life he accepted his ‘fate’ and switched to survival mode which resulted in his grades dropping. It’s hard to imagine the energy he would have needed to just to get through each day in a school where the superficial friendships faded away, and at home where he must have received unprecedented levels of criticism.

I wonder if the boy who made the initial false accusation or the class of fair weather friends or the teachers who refocused their attention on to the one who took first place ever acknowledged the part they played in destroying Hamin’s peace and joy.

I wonder if Hamin’s mum who gained a fresh start with a new husband and third child can understand what that feels like for Jaemin who lost his irreplaceable older brother who was his dependable protector and only source of unconditional love.

There were so many awful moments this week but the worst was watching with horror as the teacher literally mocked Hamin labelling him as a loser in front of the two people who loved him the most.

The wait for next week to see if there will be any healing for those left behind is going to be a long one.


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I literally cursed when the teacher was speaking. I can't believe he did that. How can he take HM's pain, HM's suicide and call it "a ghost story"?
*Inhale* *exhale*

And yeap, the fact that he was talking trash about a dead kid in front of his loved ones made it 200% worse.

I hope they never show that teacher again.


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It was really sad to see everything Ha-Min and So-Mang had together to be taken from them one after the other. First, it was the art lesson, they couldn't see each other and couldn't speak anymore and it continued at school, they lost the art classroom...


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SoB episodes 11&12 = Pain.

I cried a lot for Ha Min, Jae Min, So Mang.
I screamed to So Mang "go back there and tell him you're sorry". "Tell him you didn't mean it" like three times (while crying of course and telling her that I know it wasn't her fault but that I really need it her to go back).
I cursed at the crappy teacher.
I kept crying.

Oh my, and I cried so hard with the deleted message. That totally destroyed me. No wonder So Mang can't move on; that and the rooftop...

Just thinking about this episode makes me cry. Rayos.


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You know what's sad is that its really true...there is nothing "just she" could have done to help him live...extended his life a little bit but how far? If she was the only light that anchored him and shone the way what would have happened on the days she lost her own light? that kind of dependance on someone else to live breeds insecurity...and love can't survive that...she wouldn't have known how deeply he hurt with the way he loved and also wanted to protect him, she wasn't a psychologist and she too was battling with the insecurities of first love . Even outside of insecurity he would at some point felt an overwhelming guilt towards her. By surviving longer coz he had someone to help him the problem with his parents' would have never gone away ... why? Because he really loved them. He loved his mom so much he felt a profound guilt for being born. Maybe if he was just born unfeeling none of this would have happened, because then he could have ignored the expectations and sacrifice of his parents and been a kid who could completely cut them off and follow his dream _no problem. But he wasn't and humans aren't made that way.
l know this because numerous times I've sat after I've survived a particular bout of depression and wondered why it wasn't as simple as holding on very hard_ working very hard ,getting independence and chasing my dreams and happiness. Why even in the face of almost finishing my race l can't push myself over the finishing line. Its because l know that the things that have hurt me till now, my family who have been this way till now__will persist and not really change . The inadequacy and insecurity that l was born into is not defined by the roof l live under and the pocket that feeds me, its my heart that has held onto it very well . In that same way l am sure that Han Min wouldn't have survived just by having a bright light beside him...he had to have had his parents fix this and his heart let go of all the nasty things his parents taught it to think . People who commit suicide are pretty strong but l think that most of them don't do it because they want people to remain behind and feel pain...yes there may be a particular trigger but they don't just "snap" or "decide" to die, they would have been thinking hard of every single way they could try to live ,every single scenario where life could be different but then they realise that the problem is no longer really the environment but rather its within them...all the pain they've suffered has come to live within their hearts and its hell__ so they want to leave the body that keeps them on a cruel earth like this one ...or like Han min beautifully put they want to breathe.
l know lve typed so much stuff its garbled and mixed but this was such an emotional drama for me ....
My last point is that Han Min's always protecting other people (i.e his mom, his brother) was what turned him into a person who fake liked people _not_ principally to be liked but...


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