Premiere Watch: Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramun

Time slot: Saturday-Sunday
Broadcaster: tvN
Genre: Fantasy, action, drama
Episode count: 12

Reasons to watch: The long-awaited sequel to 2019’s Arthdal Chronicles is here, continuing the story of our major players, their tribes, their tribulations, and their epic headdresses. Notably — and not exactly the thing one wants to hear when returning to a high-concept fantasy world — two of the main actors from the original drama have been replaced. Now, Lee Jun-ki plays the role of twins that Song Joong-ki once did, and Shin Se-kyung replaces Kim Ji-won as our heroine. While Jang Dong-gun and Kim Ok-bin reprise their roles, this main cast change-up is a bit of a risk from where I sit. Or, tvN is banking on the fact that not many people even remember Arthdal, since four years is practically ancient history in dramaland.
TL;DR: Arthdal is back for the continuing story now with Lee Jun-ki and Shin Se-kyung

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Legal streaming for this Kdrama... second season only: Disney+

For this Kdrama's first season, it was only on Netflix.


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Weird much?


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Bummer. Ok, so the dark side for sure cause I will follow Lee Jun-ki almost anywhere to be able to watch him in action.


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WTF! How did this happen? The show was successful on Netflix so what gives here?


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In my region, season 1 is also available in Disney+.


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I have no hopes in anything other than my man here, but would be nice if this season offers some ACTUAL conclusion to the whole thing after so long. And let LJG flaunt his acting chops along with moves here since apparently it won't do any justice to his looks...


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Will tune in only for LJG ... anything else will be a bonus. Low expectations is an understatement.


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I like Kim Ok Bin's dress in that top photo.

Frankly, I want to forget S1 too. Then I can watch this with zero bias and expectation. I hope this is better.


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Good way to look at it.

Let us cross our fingers for a decent watch ... we've been let down by too many dramas recently. Do the writers even read their initial episodes and plot points or they just go off the track with their stream of consciousness (like me).

It may make for some interesting comments (in this extra supportive DB Wooga Squad) but stream of consciousness and drama writing are a different kettle of fish.

(Going off again on her stream of consciousness ...) Why am I reminded of that kettle of chastity tea in Alchemy of Souls.


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If it helps tvN team, I might be your target audience here: I haven't seen S1 (don't know the plot or really anything either) and will blindly go into any show headfirst if LJG is attached to it...

12 eps though - didn't know this! I've got tentative high hopes though because it's on Disney and Disney hasn't missed (yet), let's see how it goes I guess.


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LJG ...hwaiting!


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Ok, you know what - I'm in that same target demographic with you. I'm going to at least TRY it, just to see LJG be cool.


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The Disney rodent prepares to scavenge the rotting corpse of a once-promising concept that even Netflix won't turn into a sequel?

Before it started I was even looking forward to it, but Arsedal was not just bad, it was the most offensively bad kdrama I've ever finished, even worse than sequel-less Blood or Doctor Stranger. It's time to make a stand-- the infestation of undeserved sequels of mediocre/horrid shows may seem unstoppable, but perhaps it can be at least slowed by an epic, expensive flop. So then we can get back to the good old days of kdramas actually having an ending.

I haven't said anything like this before, and I hope not to again, but now would be a good time for a boycott.

Of course, I'm hoping it fails not only because that's what they deserve after season 1 -- if it's good and Beanies start praising it I might be tempted 😬😱😱


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I hear you my Lord.

The unique flavor and Korean-ess of the dramas of the old is definitely missing in action.

Multiple seasons do no favors to an original story ... beyond 16 or 20 episodes it becomes like a flavorless bubblegum and stings the fans like a broken rubber band stretched too far.

K-drama have shown us time and time again how well a "complete" story can be told in 16 episodes.

As a K-drama addict I sadly concur with your thoughts.


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The Disney rodent prepares to scavenge the rotting corpse of a once-promising concept that even Netflix won't turn into a sequel?

This was just amazing. I haven't seen the first season, have no plans to watch the second. But this turn of phrase was so evocative and made me crack up for like five whole minutes! Just needed to comment to show my appreciation haha!


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Joining you in boycott, mine is more like running away for fear of infection! Not long-awaited but long-dreaded, and I tried to forget it (season 1) immediately. What could explain making more of it, was it a big hit in Korea?


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I'm very sorry, your honorable crusade has done nothing but increase interest in this "drama" for me, because of the hope it could bring some big laughs. I should say, I know nothing about it, except its a "chronicle" which suggests grandiose semi-classical music, and it also involves a "sword."

Which gives me this crazy idea, what if the sword is "destined" for one of the characters, and whenever he/she touches it glows!.

And then I have a totally out of nowhere concept--hear me out on this one---when one of the characters holds up the sword, it looks like electricity is sparking around it, OR lightning comes out of the sky and strikes it! I know, I know, its weird, unusual, and totally unexpected. But it could make this show a classic!


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Used to wait each week and also draw out our imaginary swords for He-man!!


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"tvN is banking on the fact that not many people even remember Arthdal"

Oh where is a spot on of amnesia when I need one.


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Knowing that the title of the 12th episode will be Arthdal Chronicles makes me thing it will be the end of the story. Because the first season suffered mostly because they hide the second part won't be the end... I still have no idea what they did it. The other titles are kinda funny, it makes me curious about the story.

It's weird how they didn't talk about the other roles. Did all the actors come back? Or they will be other changes and because we forgot about this drama, we won't realize that one character is not new but just was replaced by another actor? With a 10 years jump in time, they could kill a lot of characters off screen. For example, Ipsaeng was an important character in Eunseom's arc, but Kim Sung-Cheol is back? But it would be weird that Eunseom became old and changed but not Ipsaeng... so is he played by someone esle?


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Lee Hae-Woon has taken over Ipsaeng's role.
Kim Sung-Cheol has HELLBOUD 2, the ongoing "Death Note: The Musical," and a movie in preproduction.


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Oh thank you for the information!

I'm really bad with name... so if they changed their face in addition, it will be complicated 😅


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The Euseom/Ipsaeng (Song Joong-ki/Kim Sung-cheol) bromance was enjoyable to watch.


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As was the Vincenzo cameo!


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Well, I'm one of the people they banked on 'cause I don't remember the plot, but I definitely want to see Lee Jun Ki in action!

And there's no way I'm gonna rewatch the first season lol. 🤷

Aw, is this show going to be recapped? I hope so. Any willing recappers.. 🙏


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I committed about 24 hours to the original AC (figuring 18 episodes times 80 minutes) and that is all I am committing.
However, the cast pic above is one of the better dressed cast pics I have seen. I will give it that.


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Who gave the ok for the show poster ? 🙄
Was that poster 4 years in the making too ? 😂


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Why many negative comments? I think the first season was brilliant. It doesn't comparable with Blood, wth that is such an insulting comment. 😭

I know that there are a lot of confusing names of characters and places BUT the acting was all great! Even some supporting actors became main actors on their next project. The plot is interesting. And the meaning behind the story is intriguing.

I was just a bit down when they said Song Joongki and Kim Jiwon wouldn't participate here anymore BUT I love Lee Joon gi so much. I trust him. His performance was never disappointing.


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👋 welcome to the comments section.

Some dramas seem to have more comments directed at acting/storyline, costumes etc if you notice this and it impacts on your enjoyment on the site you can choose to only read the weecap by the DB writer and ignore the comments sections. However skim reading will usually identify your people and you can chat with each other and ignore the rest. See exhibit one: King the Land comments and two: See you in my 19th life comments. Some beanies have fan wall posts so they and others in the fan club can respond to the episode confident that they will be able to reflect on their likes and plot points without having to skim read past views that effect their mood.
I hope you find your people and have a fun time.


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Thanks. I understand that people have different perspectives and opinion though. I know my language seem a bit emotional but that's just the way I express myself and nothing serious ^^ And I still enjoy dramabeans website. Thanks again!


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😊 ok, that’s good to know.


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quick question for people who've seen S1: do i need to watch it before i watch S2 ?? can i go in completely blind or will i be utterly lost ? should i brush up on any recaps, etc, that i can find first ? send help, i desperately need to see the King & Queen of eye acting & mobile, facial expressions, aka, lee joon-gi and shin se-kyung, together on the same screen 🥺


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You need to watch Season one, it's so related.


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This drama is going to be streaming from next week in my region. Bummer! I had set some time aside for it this weekend. The weird part is that it is not available even on the most popular high seas. Only the raw episodes are there and no subtitles. From what I see the quality is not good :(


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In different regions, Disney+ has both seasons.


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