Wonderful World: Episodes 13-14 (Final)

It’s time to close the chapter on this tale of grief and healing, as our protagonists put their regrets to rest. At long last, they embark hand-in-hand on a call for justice, and along the way, they’ll come to find that love — in all its forms — is far more powerful than hate can ever be.


Wonderful World: Episodes 13-14 (Final)

The truth behind Geon-woo’s unjust death has been brought to light, and Seon-yul finally realizes the full events of that day. His heart condition had abruptly deteriorated, and that had been the catalyst that pushed his father to take the fall in exchange for an immediate heart transplant. His father had killed someone’s son to save his own; Seon-yul lives, now, because Geon-woo is dead.

Anguished by his own role in the murder, Seon-yul finally utters his first apology to Soo-hyun, tears spilling down his cheeks. He owes his life to her son, yet he’s squandered so much of it in futile vengeance against her, a fellow victim. In response, Soo-hyun reassures him that it’s not his fault, then apologizes in turn for the hurt she’s dealt to his family.

Wonderful World: Episodes 13-14 (Final)

Resolving to expose Joon’s crimes and serve justice, Soo-hyun takes the evidence to an attorney. Unfortunately, Joon’s widespread influence stops them in their tracks, thwarting their press conference and news articles.

At home, there’s more trouble brewing. Cowed by Joon’s threats to Soo-hyun’s safety, Soo-ho ransacks her room and steals Geon-woo’s tablet. Vindictively, Joon smashes it with a golf club, crowing that Soo-hyun will have her hands tied without the original evidence.

Still, Joon hasn’t accounted for Soo-hyun’s resilience and ingenuity. Circumventing Joon’s media embargo by holding a press conference for her book, Soo-hyun announces that her next book will be based on true events — the actual culprit behind the murder of her son, whom she boldly names as Joon.

The ensuing media frenzy leads to the opening of a criminal case, though Joon weasels his way through with honeyed words and manipulative PR. Desperate to topple Joon, Seon-yul attempts to provoke him, and they end up tussling on the ledge of a rooftop — but he’s quickly bested by Joon’s lackeys, and his voice recorder gets confiscated.

Amidst the scrutiny, Soo-hyun holds a public protest. At first, she’s alone, but she’s soon met with an outpouring of support from all the people she’s helped and uplifted over the years. Eventually, people arrive to join her in her protest, standing in solidarity even when Joon’s aides try to disrupt it. Seon-yul shields Soo-hyun from their rotten eggs, and amidst the crowd, we see familiar faces — Min-hyuk, Soo-jin, Soo-ho’s brother, and Yoo-ri.

Just then, a nearby billboard lights up with a news broadcast. It’s Soo-ho, delivering breaking news to screens all across the nation — and exposing Joon as a criminal. Soo-ho has been playing the long con; after Seon-yul had approached him to join hands, he’d ingratiated himself with Joon, waiting for the right time to strike.

That time has come. Courtesy of Joon’s mistreated secretary, whom Seon-yul had maneuvered into their plan, Soo-ho airs videos of Joon smashing the tablet and smugly admitting to his crimes on the rooftop. Then, Soo-ho takes out Geon-woo’s tablet — the real one — and plays the damning evidence on live television.

With the nation’s fervent support turned against him in an instant, Joon goes to trial. After a series of witness testimonies, from Hye-geum to Seon-yul, Joon is dealt his verdict — guilty, with life imprisonment. After the courtroom clears out, Soo-hyun envisions Geon-woo sitting next to her, comforting her like he always used to.

Wonderful World: Episodes 13-14 (Final)

Now that everything is over, Soo-hyun and Soo-ho finally have a heart-to-heart. She has a confession to make — through Geon-woo’s video, she’s realized that she hadn’t shut the gate properly that day. Joon had sealed Soo-ho’s lips with the CCTV footage, knowing the guilt would utterly destroy Soo-hyun. It still weighs heavy on her, but she now knows that she cannot allow it to consume her.

Under a wishing tree, Soo-hyun bids goodbye to Seon-yul, urging him to dream, heal, and truly live. They’ve been mired in their grief and agony for too long, and it’s time to step into a brighter future. “Let’s not live like barren trees. Let’s nurture new sprouts and live,” Soo-hyun says, a light, genuine smile gracing her lips.

Wonderful World: Episodes 13-14 (Final)

Six years later, we catch up with our main cast once again. Thankfully, Mom is living well, with Soo-ho earnestly taking care of her. Yoo-ri has launched her own fashion brand, while Soo-jin and Soo-ho’s brother are happily dating, hee. Now that they’re finally able to leave their tragedies in the past, Soo-ho continues to forge a trailblazing path as a righteous news director, while Soo-hyun and Yoo-ri have reconciled.

Having finally chosen the path towards healing, Soo-hyun now spends her time volunteering at an orphanage, taking care of the lovely children there. As for Seon-yul, he’s gotten back on his feet, having returned to medical school and started work at a hospital. He attends the book signing event for Soo-hyun’s latest publication, aptly titled Wonderful World, and their gazes meet. As they smile at each other, Seon-yul texts her: I’m okay, now.

What a poignantly heartfelt end to a drama that first put our hearts through a wringer, then gently patched us back up with a raw and humble sincerity. It did have its makjang elements, and there were a few narrative choices played up for drama’s sake, but ultimately it knew what story it wanted to tell. By forcing our protagonists to spiral to their lowest points, the show demonstrated that it is possible to climb up from the depths of despair, no matter how bleak and hopeless one’s life might seem.

At its core, Wonderful World is a tale of healing and human connection. It’s why the betrayals cut so deep, because of the unconditional trust and vulnerable love underlying them — and why the finale episode was so compelling, because of the intangible yet invaluable strength of sincere bonds. Soo-hyun didn’t have to go the extra mile to rally support behind her; through her unwavering kindness and resilience, she inspired others to take action.

For a drama about picking ourselves up after a fall and walking forward, its conclusion feels satisfyingly in line with its core message. Trauma doesn’t simply disappear, and tragedies can’t be erased — but if we allow the sands of time to slip through our fingers, rather than clutch them in our fists, so too will our pain ease and fade.

It’s a lesson that our protagonists have learnt from each other over the course of their journey, spurring each other to grow and accept a different perspective. This is particularly apparent in the scene where Seon-yul gathered signatures from fellow victims of Joon’s foundation, appealing to them with the empathy he’s learnt from Soo-hyun. He’s allowing himself to leave his manipulative scheming in the past, and present his unfettered self with an honest vulnerability.

Our drama may have ended, but our characters live on, stepping into a new chapter. They’re no longer going through the motions with their minds trapped in their memories, but living in the present and cherishing all that the world has to offer. For all that the human heart can harbor hate and vengeance, it is also capable of hope and love — and sometimes, reaching out to those around you might just be the first step to healing.

Wonderful World: Episodes 13-14 (Final)


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Wonderful World was such a beautifully crafted story, IMO. The twists and turns weren't necessarily shocking (though there were a couple of moments that genuinely left me surprised), but they each felt like natural evolutions and I was deeply invested in the characters' reactions and feelings at every turn.

Namjoo is an incredible actress, and Soohyun was a force onscreen. Plus, her chemistry with Eunwoo's Seonyul was off the charts despite not being romantic. I'm really proud of how much he's grown in this role, and I think Seonyul is such a complex character who will stay on my mind a lot time.


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I don't watch this but Soo Hyun is a SIGNIFICANTLY bigger than I am because she's able to forgive and feel empathy toward people who hurt and betrayed her.

Is this Cha Eun Woo's best performance to date? I like his look here the most and the way the weecaps are written makes it seem like he did a really good job of portraying a heavier character or maybe I should say heavier themes?


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I didn't watch the drama because of the heavy topic but made sure to come every week for the recap. Thank you @solstices for recapping everything beautifully. It has been a great experience reading the recaps every week.
The drama had a beautiful message about healing and grief that we should remind ourselves of every time it feels like life is too dark. Hoping that just like our leads found the light at the end of the tunnel, people suffering out there would find solace and happiness too.


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A deserving happy ending to the main character. To Soohyun & her family, to Seonyul. and the final blow delivered by non other than Kang Suho who finally lives up to his name as a protector. Drama full of twists and turns, dark and heavy revenge drama that live up to my expectation. Good jobs to all the casts, they were able to portray their character beautifully especially Cha Eunwoo. I can finally see his worth and hype.


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WonderfulWorld is an amazing series. It deserves all the accolades. It made me cry, it made me think. KimNamJoo and ChaEunwoo really won my heart. The ending hit me on a personal level. I hope they get many awards. It's so refreshing to watch a drama that carries such a powerful message. I'm thrilled that everyone found their happy ending.


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The final episodes did not disappoint because Seonyul and Soohyun were able to work together against Kim Jun. One of the many scenes that stood out was when Jun was standing in front of his supporters & Suho came on screen, not as an Anchorman, but as a father who lost his son. Behind this exposure is mastermind Seonyul who worked with politicians, Jun, Jun's Assistant, Soohyun, Suho & Han Sang. Without these collaborations, it would be next to impossible to bring Jun down. The drama was well written having each character intertwined into the story in an intriguing way that kept us interested until the end. The chemistry between the casts were amazing especially Queen Kim NamJoo and Cha Eunwoo. Both characters were in pain, suffered a huge loss and both NamJoo & Eunwoo conveyed these scenes so well that when they cried, we couldn't help but cry with them. The pain, the loss, the suffering, only at the end did they finally get their justice.


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The writing of this drama was disapointing. Nothing was really surprising, so it felt very repetitive to see the characters reacting to things we already guessed. In a general way, I don't like the theme of comitting crime using the justification of kids to do it.

Soo-Hyun> I didn't like she positionned herself as a lesson giver when she had no right to do.
Seon-Yul> He always knew his father was guilty, he confessed a part. So, his revenge against was Soo-Hyun was exaggerated. But it was the most interesting part of the show.
Soo-Ho> I didn't like the fact they used this character as a mystery, good husband or not? It would have been more interesting to see him and Soo-Hyun trying to grieve together this time and fighting together.
Yu-Ri> Why Lim Se-Mi chose this role? She had nothing to do.
Kwon Min-Hyuk> They should use him more to show how Eun Soo-Hyun and Kwon Seon-Yul could help him in long term, help him to connect with people, etc.

Kim Nam-Joo was good in this role but Misty is still her best performance.
Cha Eun-Woo wasn't really good in the first episodes but got better after. But I still have issues with his speaking ton, it doesn't sound natural, it's too controlled.


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It was far from disappointing. Maybe you just have a different plot in mind as compared with the writer and the director. But that does not diminish the beauty of the execution of Wonderful World and how the production delivered the message they wanted to impart to the audience.


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For you. For me it was. I didn't have any idea before watching this drama. But I think by trying to make a mystery and a story about grief, they missed the 2 points at the end.


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I think we can agree to disagree. And I hope those who will try to watch the series will be able to create their own opinion because the mystery is there. What's obvious for you may not be too obvious for everyone else. Even though I predicted some of the scenes in the series, WW still shocked me in the last 2 episodes. They showed us that grief is usually not the end of it all. That there is life despite all that grief.


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@arelhleineroue15 - "Agree to disagree." Thank you for responding to someone's conflicting opinion in such a reasonable, non-confrontational tone.


I don't think so they missed the 2 points (mystery and grief)you're saying. It has been 13 years. Justice was served and the manipulator/real culprit was sentenced. MYSTERY solved. Now, let's talk about GRIEF. How do you want the story end when talking about grief? Guess you have something in mind. Care to share>


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The mystery never was a mystery in the first place.

And for the grief, it shouldn't have been connected to the villain and the investigation. I wished her grieving journey was connected to her husband first and Seon-Yul in second.


Gotcha! Unfortunately it wasn't your script and story. You're expecting too much from a 14 episode drama. I have so many thoughts when watching the drama but it never made me feel something is missing not even disconnection of the story to the characters. Not even a fan of Namjoo but glad she was able to exhibit her part. Still the best drama ever I've seen and of course Cha Eun Woo being a versatile and billiant actor nailed it.


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Look, I enjoyed the drama, but I'm annoyed that you're getting so much backlash for expression your opinion, so I'll leave this comment in support.
Also, I agree that Soo-hyun had a tendency to dish out advice to everyone, when she was a questionable source. I never saw her a this wise woman the drama portrayed her as, nor did I like the excusatory tone the story had when it came to her very conscious decision to run someone over.


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Thank you for the support! 🥰


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Happy and satisfied with the ending, Soohyun found happiness again by meeting children at an orphanage and volunteering. Seon-yul regained his normal life, re-entered medical school. All the cast in WW are amazing and performed perfectly, especially Cha Eun-woo. His emotions, anger, low voice tone, all of them are on point. I'm really impressed with his acting skills.WW drama is worth watching and really enjoyed it.


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"May a beautiful world come As you overcome the pain"
10 thoughts that send a message to viewers from

1) Rage" that is buried in one's own heart from being treated When we encounter a very brutal day Only "mindfulness and wisdom" will take us through the cruel days. It's not using emotions.
2) We can't have peace of mind. If we still feel that the world is unfair to us Our hearts still hurt over the same old things over and over again. It needs cleansing. and always want justice for yourself We don't want to be taken advantage of
3) The series reflects to us that the world will never be as beautiful as the title "Wonderful World" says. But the problem is, how do we live in this not-so-beautiful world? Let us survive Let's be happy. and find a solution to the cruel story 'Rightly' both to ourselves and others.
4) This world is not kind to us. But we always have a duty to be kind to ourselves. Comfort yourself on bad days, apologize and forgive yourself on bad days. Don't let the pain that comes into your life eat away at you until you are unhappy
5) Will we be able to live happily in this world? Will the world be beautiful? It's up to us to be the ones looking at it. We are lifers. If we always view the world negatively The world will never be beautiful for us to see. But if we find it How do we live our lives happily? We will be able to see the world a little more beautifully. On days that may be difficult to pass
6) Some things in life We may search for fairness until the day we die. But we may not get justice back like in this series. That's because the world isn't always fair to us. We are the ones who will be the managers of justice that happens to us. We can demand and yearn for justice. But it doesn't come to us easily. Unless we are the ones who walk to find the solution to the problems that we face ourselves.
7) Don't walk alone. We will be able to overcome this cruel world well if we have a "Partner" that is good to us. This series tells us that We all need company. People who share our ideals People who fight together It makes it easier for us to fight against every obstacle. Don't go through difficult things alone.
8) The person we trust the most. May become the person who hurts us the most. In this cruel world If we are careless with our feelings Who gives too much heart to someone We will be the ones who suffer. Therefore, apart from ourselves Don't trust anyone until there's no space left in your heart for pain. Because humans can always change
9) Everyone has their own life rhythm. Tall people may not always be tall. People who are depressed don't always have bad days either. We have our ups and downs according to the timing of it. Don't underestimate yourself. One day it will be our day. The day we met the light and see a beautiful day...


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Love the ending! Finally, the characters got their wonderful world. Kim Ji Eun didn't disappoint. I think I cried the most in the last episode. It was really beautiful. All the actors did an amazing job! Definitely rewatching this!


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I didn't watch this like that. The only episode I watched was episode 5.
However, this story is gripping.

Even though I didn't watch it, the recaps didn't spare me the heartache. Thank you Solstices for effectively conveying the emotions in the drama to this kind of degree on paper.

I don't think I'll be able to display the length of Soo-hyun's empathy towards Seon-yul. Maybe I might but it is going to be very very hard. But it also not impossible. And I think I won't forget Wonderful World's reminding me of that.

So many have been said by you Solstices. I'll commit this part to my memory: "if we allow the sands of time to slip through our fingers, rather than clutch them in our fists, so too will our pain ease and fade."


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This is the best final episode I have seen so far. It is the most satisfactory and true to its name, a wonderful finale for a wonderful series. The character montage in the end was beautiful, highlighting each one of the characters that gave life to the series. You know that every character is memorable when you recognize each one of them in that montage. A reminder of how strong the chemistry they had. Now it makes sense how the ML and FL rated their chemistry 100% - 110% respectively. And the acting, WOW! Who would have thought Cha Eunwoo and Kim Namjoo could create that kind of chemistry without the usual romantic arc? Even though we started with a darker storyline, this drama certainly is a feel-good series that gives us a lot of hope.


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The writing of this drama was great and satisfying. Everything was really surprising with all the trope,but it didnt felt repetitive to see the characters reacting to things we already guessed. In a general way, I like the theme of good nature people comitting crime so that everyone is gray people and feels humane.

Soo-Hyun> I like she positionned herself as a lesson giver because she had first-hand experience right to do.
Seon-Yul> He didnt knew his father was guilty so his revenge against Soo-Hyun was understandable. It was the most interesting part of the show.
Soo-Ho> I like the fact they used this character as a mystery, good husband or not? It feels natural to see him and Soo-Hyun trying to grieve separately.
Yu-Ri> I'm glad Lim Se-Mi chose this role.

Kim Nam-Joo was good in this role and this is her best performance.
Cha Eun-Woo didnt appear much in the first episodes but got it was impactful everytime. I really love his speaking ton, it sounds natural.


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I've watch WW from ep 1 till the end and made the conclusion that this was the best drama of all times. All the actors are all amazing especially Cha Eunwoo which portrays the role of Kwon Seonyul. He has done his character so well and l'm very much amazed by his performance. As you can see his emotions he conveyed it very well. He brings his character to life that you can feel his pain and sufferings in reality. As l watched him in his pain there's a thing that struck in my heart and can feel it that it broke my heart 💔. He's a great actor indeed. His acting is plausable and l admired his perseverance in doing what is good in everything he does. I know that he will get the most coveted award, the best actor award.

ep up to the


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The story began with the happiness of a mother/wife and a career woman, but ultimately led to pain and anger. A young man who lost his parents and aimed for revenge. A husband who lost his son and a wife in prisoned but also seeking for the truth, but apparently forgot he has a wife and lost track to a girl whom his wife considered as a sister. A dirty politician who played all the lives of these people involved and was punished at the end. It's a wonderful world indeed. WHY?

The drama showed how the real world evolved. And human as we are, we commit mistakes but we should learn from it. If we want to achieve happiness in life, Acceptance and forgiveness should go together and move forward to start a new life. Love still has the power to overcome negativity. Don't dwell with negativity too much, the world we lived in is wonderful place if only we care. Losing someone is very painful, but trust me one day you'll realize it isn't the end of this wonderful world. I can relate.

Kudos to the Wonderful World team for creating this amazing drama!
Not a fan of Namjoo sorry but she's good. And have good work chemistry with Cha Eun Woo. Of course Cha Eun Woo, just so wow. And that natural voice of him, just so perfect.
Congrats to all the casts!
Will still subscribe with Disney to rewatch this drama.


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A big thank you to show for landing so well, I will miss you! @solstices thank you for your super recaps and I look forward to your next.


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After the endless pain, hate, injustice and revenge this drama gave us the most satisfying ending.. it's like we cried the whole 13 episodes and teaches us forgiveness, healing and hope in the end was so refreshing and fulfilling, never felt like this in watching a drama for a long time 🥹💕
I really love Kim Namjoo and Cha Eunwoo's performance, they excellently portrayed their characters and Cha Eunwoo as a villain was amazing... So thankful for this healing drama it's a Wonderful World after all.


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It is a brilliant melo-thriller that knows what it goes. And yes, the plot keeps moving forward and so. So, the twist might not be mind-blowing, but at least it is not mindless. Kim Nam Joo, Kim Kang Woo and Cha Eun Woo did a brilliant job in this drama.


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I really liked this drama for its thoughtful and powerful message and the ending was as good as I had hoped for. The highlight was the 'Wonderful world song' towards the end - was it performed by the two leads? I could not find out.

Even though the suffering and tragedy was at times overdone, the journey of the two main characters was written very well. They started out arrogant, wrapped up in their own grief and hate and went through the agonising and difficult process to acknowledge that their actions were wrong. Being able to say sorry is the start of healing and forgiveness - well done drama.

Kim Nam-joo and Eun-woo had a strong connection and it was good to see Eun-woo rising up to the challenge of his character. Park Hyuk-Kwon is such a great villain!

My only niggle is how the drama treated the husband who also lost a son and was treated badly by his wife. The narrative did not allow for the couple to grieve for their son together, but maybe this is not unusual. It would have been a different story then, not the one the writer wanted to tell.


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For all of the emotions built up from episode 1, the ending is very satisfying, especially the final blow prepared by Suho. I lost count how many times I shed tears for the final episode but worth it. Kim Nam Joo is a great senior actress and for the first time I see Cha Eun woo is a talented actor and not just a pretty face. The rest actors and actresses also have done their best 👍


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Wonderful World is only the second k-drama I finished this year after Marry My Husband.

The pacing was just about right. I won't go into details about the plot itself as it would ruin that aspect for anyone looking to watch it, but the story kept me glued every weekend. I particularly liked that it was not afraid to show the main characters’ bad and better sides. The cast delivered convincing portrayals and the ending was solid.

Overall, it was worth a watch.


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Wonderful World is a masterpiece! The writing, directing, and acting were so perfectly executed, so that the finished product came out wonderful, and the drama lived up to its name. With regard to the acting, Kim Namjoon cemented her being the Queen. Even after being absent for 6 years in the craft, her comeback did not disappoint. As for Cha Eunwoo, he brought the character Kwon Seonyul to life so perfectly, so that I can confidently say that he was born to play this role. He brought his immense talent for nuanced-acting, i.e. not underacting or overacting. He was/is just perfect and did exceptionally well. Also, Cha Eunwoo proved yet again how much of a chemistry fairy he is. Him with KNJ exploded with 110% chemistry. I can’t get over how good they were. Can I ask for another project with them together; perhaps a sequel to Wonderful World? Would’t that be so wonderful!


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CEW fans/bots, spamming the comments section will change the fact that your star cannot act!

trying to hide the plan by making comments about the drama but the intent was so obvious, to segue into the "actor's" "praises". Lol.

They lowered the quality of the discussion here...


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