So I started watching six flying dragons *for the first time* because of the amazing things be heard about the drama. Although I’m not that into sageuks and 50
Episodes *geez 🥵🥵 *

But because of these amazing actors I was willing to give it a trial

18 episodes in and I’m loving every bit of the story, but suddenly a villian that I’ve grown to love his scenes is suddenly killed off and I don’t know if I should be happy that the even guy is gone or sad because I’m going to miss this character so much( and his eye shadow 😭). A villian I loved Gil Tae min, Annyeong.

(Other characters I love moon hyul💜, bang ji❤️ and bang woo. I’m not so sure about bang won yet.)


    You’re braver than I. I’m suffering from lack of Yoo Ah In, so I keep thinking about this one.


    It’s worth it. You can get through the fifty episodes. I watched this drama some months back and posted my thoughts about it on my fan wall. I felt so drained towards the end (because of all that happened and because I watched fifty episodes in less than two weeks), but I was glad that I remained committed.
    And yes, Gil Tae-mi was quite the character!


      Aja aja I can get through the 50 episodes *lol*. Even if it takes more than 2 weeks I must get to the end. It’s so interesting.


        Yes, it might even be easier if you take your time with it. No need to cram everything in two weeks. 😉

        I’m not sure if I’ll ever watch this drama again (it was too much, though not in a bad way), but I am glad that I finally removed it from my watch list.


    It’s worth it!
    I loved Gil Tae Mi and wow, didn’t remember at all that he died as early as 18 😮


    HAAHAHHAHA The episode count is quite daunting but around episode 45, people were wishing for more episodes! Ahhh Tae Mi was awesome. That fight scene though omg! So beautiful! They got lucky with the snow too! Made the scene more dramatic.


    This week when I saw Park Hyuk-kwon popping up in Extracurricular, I was “Yay! Gil Taemi!” Loved him and his eyeshadow so much


    And puppy Moohyul 😍. I really need to pick this up again and watch until the end
