I love and am duly obsessed with every single one of MYs outfits. But, they read like costumes that a character would wear…mayhap in a fairytale. Not things that a real person would wear day in and day out.
I wonder if/when that will be addressed…


    Maybe near/at the end, when she (hopefully) finally is able to reconcile everything with everyone, even herself, and does feel the need to be so uptight nor feel like she needs to put up such a perfect and composed front for everyone to see anymore


    They might not address it at all. Like IU’s wardrobe in Hotel del Luna too was as fancy and formal as Seo Ye Ji’s is but they never addressed why she wore them in her daily wear.


    I like her outfits very much, they are interesting and match her personality very well. I doubt anything about them will ever be said because dramas ignore clothing and the way it represents what the character wants to show or hide. They’d rather talk about food nonstop kkk. I understand when you say they feel like costumes and I think it’s done on purpose, MY has a larger than life personality and a desire to feel above everyone around her and society’s norms, her wardrobe reflects that very well. She is also very conscious about her own sex appeal and again, it shows, even in the latest eps when she uses more pieces with fair colors and a romantic flair, it’s paired with transparency and black underwear to keep faithful to the character’s sense of being in control.
