The break up scene is sadder when you look at their past behaviors.
The wall that Dan-ah put up crumbles down with her crying and Yeong-hwa being calm as to not make her feel sadder. He told her that he will do things drastically if she asks to break up with him but in the end, he’s the one that took the initiative to end the relationship because he loves her so much.
They grow so much from the first time they meet each other and I couldn’t be prouder as I root for them and their lives so much.
For me, Seo Dan-ah and Lee Yeong-hwa are the most memorable in my whole drama watching experience. They will not be forgotten for a very long time. ❤️


    Cried so hard during this scene. It really broke my heart.


    You could hear that woman’s heart cracking. Mine was shredded, but I’m glad she just let herself sob – she needed it.


    I’m still pretty confused if they did breakup or not because they still met, so maybe they were left as an open ending? But I don’t find a reason to believe that even after being the VP, she can’t be with him. Yes they belong to two different worlds but they’re so much alike on many levels. But this was a beautiful scene, I loved both SY’s and KTH’s acting here, it was probably the best from the entire drama.


      They look together together by the end, so happy for that! Made me wonder a bit too, tho, why they can’t have a time-off like our other OTP while Dan-ah wrestles her way to the top of her group..?
      But in a way, glad to know that these two can actually survive the beautiful (and so heart-wrenching) goodbye because they have been made better and stronger by meeting each other.


        To me they seemed like together but apart. I was actually convinced and thought it was better for both YH and DA to break up(even if I wanted them to keep going on) after YH and SG’s conversation. But then they had to throw that gallery scene and the last scene with them being seated together. I thought that hinted at “maybe they’ll get back together some day”. Even before DA was a VP she briefly met YH and they didn’t have much time to eachother however, yes I get it unlike SG who has left his chaebol-ness behind, DA is in a circle that can suffocate her if she chooses her happiness only. And I guess that is a realistic difference between the expectations from men and women in the same position. Even if I love open endings, I thought this one was left too ambiguous.


          I think you’re onto something with the “together but apart” – it felt in that last scene that they kind of ‘started over’? They had to break up when they did, though. The paradigm they were in wasn’t sustainable. Now they’ve had real, necessary time apart, and they are both now living and giving the priority to their own lives. I thought the flashback to Dan-ah talking about how he’s going for the finish line, but she’s working towards the half-way mark was really important – they were both moving at different speeds, and that was bound to strain and then snap the thread at some point. If they try again, they can take it at a more cooperative pace day by day and see how it goes for this lap. No on knows the future, but it’s more realistic.

          I’m basing this on a) what the show has conditioned me to believe is their theme song kicking in when they saw each other at the gallery + DA’s “I’ll make today my real birthday” comment, b) YH asking her what her definition of a happy ending is and if they can “share it because their love is eternal” and c) my personal over-investment into this show thereby wanting literally everyone to have it all, which is probably not as realistic as the drama suggests. 😆


            I was thinking about this too! I feel like their relationship is at standstill, they don’t know when it’s going to continue but it will, if either Dan-ah or Yeong-hwa decide to continue it. That is what I infer from the gallery scene. As YH mentioned before, he has a new goal now which to have DA not too far and not too near to him which is very similar to what they are doing now.


            Dan-ah “half-way mark” made me think she was talking about foreseeing their end already. As you said before about how she was looking so sad and even sadder after the pier moment, maybe for her starting is the same as knowing it will end…
            Have also prepared my breaking heart for a realistic open ending, so it made me super happy that show gave us the “everyone have it all” ending!


          their ending is something I never expected it to be. I thought that they will continue their relationship until the end, until Dan-ah decides to do something about it. Alas it is a realistic ending for them considering their situations and I’m so glad she decides to start the relationship anyway despite being scared of it because it makes her happy for awhile. I’ll just consider that they are happy together outside of the drama to cure my broken heart hahaa 😢


    Did not expect this scene to make me 😭
