My copy of The Love Hypothesis arrived, has anyone read it? I just want kilig. Also, yesterday (April 14th) was Law School’s 1st Broadcast Anniversary. A year has passed yet I’m still there~


    I read The Love Hypothesis and really liked it! I went on a romance book binge this winter and it was one of my top picks. I think you’ll find what you’re looking for there.


    I loved it! It actually lived up to the hype (for me) and I’m really looking forward to this author’s work in the future. I was on a romance kick and this was my favorite of the books I read.

    I think some people find the protagonist a bit frustrating, but I’ve known people in academia who were just as accomplished as she was and who felt a lot of the same doubts and emotions she had.


    I enjoyed it a lot. I liked both the MCs, though there armaments of “Just tell the truth already”, lol.
    If you listen to podcasts Heaving Bossom’s just did an ep of it. Their eps are basically recaps so spoilers, but they are fun.


    I loved it – one of my 5 star reads this year! The academia setting is unique for romance.
