I don’t know what to feel about AoS eps 17 & 18. There were some scenes that I wanted to savor so much that I feel like playing it slow, but there were also some scenes that I’m fast-forwarding. It’s the last stretch for season 1 next week. Please stick the landing, Hong Sisters. And please for the love of Daeho spare the four seasons + Crown Prince. I’d just dare hope for Mu-deok. Given the S2 casting, she’s the character whose ending I’m unsure of the most.


    To my regret, I can’t inagine that Mudeokie is going to survive as she will become Buyeon and even if, they don’t end up killing her off, she will become an entirely different person. Naksu will likely get resurrected in her original body when her soul joins her original physical appearance.
    One random comment: those mages were a sorry and pathetic bunch. I’m not sure if it was because of their overacting or just the poor narrative.


      Lol at the mages. They didn’t even notice that their friend was missing.


    Adding my pleas to yours for an ending that spares all our faves! I don’t trust the Hong Sisters… 😭
