It’s not easy bein’ green 🐸 I’m not so good with words, but OK(cat) with drawing so here is my little contribution to Heartbeat Fest 💚

One of the highlights was the Kermit on the Rocks meme haha! Even though Heartbeat was Grease (with a way better love story) turned into The Outsiders, the fanwall and recap chats were perfect throughout! I’ve not been super active on DB but can’t remember the last time we had this much fun with a show. And Heartbeat was pretty heckin’ fantastic for the first 11 (and beginning of 12) episodes. As big a disappointment the ending was, I would still count it as a favorite up to that point because I think what it did well, along with the good vibes from the DBHottest, make up for that #HeartBurnedbutstillBeats