I don’t exempt myself from what I am about to say because many actors are objectified on this site, at times repeatedly and blatantly. This is disturbing. I don’t mean acknowledging the physical beauty of someone but those kinds of references which reduce someone to their looks alone and are demeaning.
I try to check myself but I have been involved in it too. Today, this lingering concern has upset me a fair bit and has made me feel like a hypocrite as just because we are interacting anonymously, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be conscious of our attitudes and words because words have power. I’m going to do better.


    Thanks for sharing your reflections. This is one of those areas where there is a very thin line between being ok and going too far down the objectification route. It is hard not to get swept up in it when appearance is exploited by the industry when choosing leads as they know who will get the high ratings and therefore make the money. It is shocking how much of a contrast in the looks depart there is when watching dramas from other countries, K-Drama actors are seriously on another level.


    I echo Tessa in giving my thanks about your reflections.
    I also know that I do this a lot and am not going to look for an excuse to exempt myself from the criticisms. At the same time, it is for the fact that I know how objectifying the entertainment industry is—across the board, not just in S.Korea, East Asia, etc.— it is also SO IMPORTANT and ALL THE MORE important for myself, personally, to be able to find something that is more and that is outside of just looks which I love and adore about the entertainers (actors, actresses, singers, etc.) whom I am a fan of. Their works, their personalities, their integrity, their morals & values, their intelligence, how they treat others and how they present themselves (the “aura” and impression they give off) are all things that are all much more important to me than just their looks and physicality. I always say that the physical looks of a celebrity/artist is just the EXTRA/bonus


    Words have tremendous power indeed. And especially here, on anonymous portals, I think it’s important we are kind to actors, writers, producers and to one another.

    Like you, I’ve made mistakes too! Loved reading the reflection & sending love 🙂


      Thank you for taking the time to reply. I made an error of judgment today which wasn’t malicious or intentional but nevertheless, it blew up in my face. Life is about learning from our mistakes. And, thank you for sharing your values. I loved reading about it.
