Chaebol 1
Much better than I expected.
It makes me laugh (I liked that car key collection with the model cars 😄) and yet there are glimpses of depth… and sadness.


    He ends up sad in a pool again soon. No joke.

    However, I have something else to report to you @dorotka!

    I really was supposed to be writing for work today, but instead caught up on my “have I dropped this show” episodes. Episode 36 of LYOL had me TOTALLY GRIPPED and there was almost ZERO Tae-ho.

    Tae-min was great. All the brothers were silly. The mom is having a redemption arc of some type…then at the end TWIST TO BRING IT ALL DOWN!!!

    What a ride, even just for an hour.


      Oooh, so you are back with LYOL? 🙂
      It’s a ride now, indeed.
      Taemin was not too nice the previous episodes, but he was beautifully tragic in E36. 😁


    I liked the first episode! I liked the art style and colors, and I liked the slick vibe. I just want it to be the Numbers of cop shows, ya know? 😂 Although I’m ready to nope out at light-speed if it gets too violent for me 😅
