Ok, I’ve started Marry My Husband. Thr first episode is depressing af. But I get its setting up everything else. I’ve never liked time travel dramas. Should I watch or drop?


    The absolute gall of this family! She goes –alone–to thr hospital and learns she has cancer and all her stupid husband and his awful mother has to say is who’s going to cook now? He doesn’t work so all the money coming in is her income and he can’t pull his *ahem* out of her “friend” and come bring HER money to the hospital to pay her bills? He’s. So. Gross. And her friend looks her dead in the eye while she’s plotting her death “ill never leave you”
    He’s using her insurance to buy that awful woman a bag?
    I don’t know yall. These two absolutely deserve each other. I want her to go back in time and get her happiness and for them to be miserable together but I also want them to go to prison forever and ever and ever.


      We’re 25 mins into the first ep and we’re doing the “let me put your shoes on for you you delicate flower” already? Is this a record?

      Wait a minute! Is that my sweet girl from FMW being awful?! GASP.

      GIRL. It’s 2013. Make some good investments, go get checked for Cancer every few years and f that jerk you married and his awful mama.


      Oh my gosh this library/bookstore is doing things to my book loving heart and this floppy haired, glasses wearing boss guy is so handsome.

      Oh, they really were best friends their entire lives. And she’s sleeping with her husband talking about die already. It

      He did the look back! Swoon!

      It’s no wonder she has no dang friends.

      Dang it. I can’t hate her. She’s so cute. Oh look at her primping when our girl is getting yelled at for how she’s dressed! Ick I’ll overlook her cuteness. She’s a bad person. Yuck!

      Oh. Interesting. I wonder if she’ll ever feel guilt or regret it? Like clearly she’s a fake friend and they both absolutely deserve every horrible thing but I think it’s one thing to do something in the moment and another to watch something play out. I wonder if knowing how awful the friend is will help her see how awful the friend is and that will help her sustain her anger to dump her awful fate on her former friend.

      Also. Hot boss guy. Is he also from the future?


    If you don’t like TT, there is a lot that hinges on it so hard for you to continue.


      I really don’t like time travel. How much time travel is there though? I was assuming it would be maybe 1-4 times? The initial jump, maybe a jump to the future to see if things are better or worse at some point, back to the past again to fix and adjust and a final trip back to the future to pick up and start living her new life. I could handle that, but if this is one of those time travel dramas where were zipping back and forth every few mins per ep I can’t do it. My main problem is I can’t sit still and just…watch a drama. I have to do things with my hands. And it’s too difficult to try and do things with my hands and keep up with a million time lines!


        No zipping backwards and forwards so you don’t have to worry about that but flashbacks serve that purpose although no excessively.


    It does get better, but you have to see if it agrees with you. 😊


      I did really like the first ep as dark as it was. I loved how quickly she’s picking up on things and realizing that there has to be balance. I would have expected in a drama like this to have a few scenes where she’s relishing her future knowledge but I like that they didn’t swerve into something silly they go straight to the plot. But with as heavy as the first ep is I wonder if there’s any lightness in the drama?


        I don’t think ANY current K-drama can be accused of “lightness” – dark, darker, darkest is the way to go. 😭


          Boooo!! That could be why I’m just not loving dramas these days. I watch for lightness


          My favorite drama is season 2 of It Started With a Kiss, and then Fight for My Way, Jealousy Incarnate, Another Oh Hae Young, A Gentleman’s Dignity, Chicago Typewriter, I’m Not a Robot, Dal-Jas SpringI could go on and on. The only recent thing I’ve managed to finish to the end was Castaway Diva. I love a Noona Romance oh my gosh. The Thai version of It Started With a Kiss. Kiss Me. I loved all of those but I think theblast time I really had *fun* with a drama, not just watching it but had fun with was when EVERYONE here on db was watching that incredibly cracktackular Emperor drama, and the most recent Boys Over Flowers adaptation and there were groups of us who couldn’t wait for the subs (I think subs were funky that year) would watch all together with one lone bean doing on the spot translating and then we’d all watch again later. And oh my lands, the great beanie ship war when there were a ton of beanies watching A Poem A Day and there was an insane ship war flooding the board but because it was db it was the gentlest most hilarious war that there ever has been. I still have the fanfic that that war spawned.

          Maybe I’ve outgrown dramas. So much of my love of the dramas was wrapped up in my love of this community and I come here now and I don’t know anyone. All of the people that I knew back then seem to have…. grown up?and they’ve taken the friends that they made here and they’ve formed a new community. And I’m still here. Without a drama to watch, not really a part of the community anymore. And not really going anywhere with my life.

          I’ve always been known (back when I was known) for epic overshares. So there we go.

          What’s your favorite drama? What’s your catnip? I love the Noona romances and anything with adults. Which is a solid part of why I love noonas there aren’t candy’s looking for their prince charming there’s grown ass women looking (or not looking) for love and some guy comes and sweeps her off her hardworking feet. A grown up candy, if you will.


            Also, i have a well documented love hate relationship with the first 8 eps of Something in the Rain or (Pretty Noona who disappointed tf outta me)


            Thank you so much for taking out time to respond. You sure had a lot of fun drama watching before. I do hope you get some new dramas you like and find some new friends on DB. 😅


            My K-drama love started with Full House and hasn’t stopped since. For me I love all things K-dramas. While I discovered DB a long time ago, I couldn’t contribute and have started only recently. But have been a long time lurker and and loved both the old DB and new DB which has been an integral part of my drama watching experience.


    Watch 🙂
    If you fell for Mr.Glasses… and if you want some comeuppance for our (fascinating and well acted) villains, watch. 🙂
    There will also come later a smexy HR manager, on a bike. 🏍 😉


      You, friend, are speaking my language. I don’t know anyone’s name yet, but, I did feel like they were giving layers to the former friend. There’s a duality that I saw in that first ep. She can love and admire and want the best for her friend with her while heart, and be burning with jealousy and want everything the main character has. Both can be true at the same time. It’s like she’s walking on a balance beam, though, what tips her to the point where sleeping with her friends husband, wishing for her best friend to hurry up and die is more important than loving her friend?

      As for that husband! Yuck. She says that she stayed with him because she was scared of leaving, of being alone. I wonder if he was ever physically abusive–we know he was abusive in every other way and we saw him shove her so hard she fell through the table and died. And he slammed her against the wall and raised his hand to her without making contact. So. Hmm.
