Sigh. I think I’m dropping Dr. Slump, but not before watching this magnificent gif that @attiton Seon-ha created for her fanwall about 20 more times. Be sure to click on the sound icon for the full effect. Perfect music, perfect synchronization. This alone might justify the existence of the show.


    This episode was way below the standard of the previous episodes. Except it was musically inspiring.
    Now I feel all bad for not having made actual music for mine. Everybody will just have to karoaoke it.


    I haven’t reached this part of the episode. I’m wondering if @attiton had to adjust the speed of the video, they synchronized perfectly! Brilliant!!.


      I honestly heard the song in my head as I saw the scene unfurl in real time. It took me a bit, but I was eventually able to synchronize what I had in my mind with the audio files I could find and the video I made…it was Yoon Park’s twirl at the beginning that set me on the waltz. I honestly think the editors might have had it in mind 😉
