I hate the fact that I am the kind of person who absorbs a lot of environmental stress. At one point, I need to stop torturing myself and wait for people to make their own choices. Its exhausting tbh


    It’s called empathy, Mani. And you are fortunate to be that kind of person. Now you need to learn that being able to put yourself in other’s place doesn’t mean you NEED to do it. Always remember that putting yourself in the first place is not being selfish. You are just taking care of yourself. So when you feel you are being dragged into that kind of exhausting feeling, ask yourself this: what would I say to another person who told me they were feeling like this and needed air to breathe? Would I tell them to step back? If so, why am I not stepping back?
    Follow your own advice. Put yourself in the middle and be gentle to yourself.
    Takes time and practice, but I know you will do it.


      Thank you for the advice Eazal. Its been difficult but I am trying to practice these things


    When it starts to get overwhelming, take a deep breath, Mani. Write in your journal, or take a short break, go for a walk. Please be kind to yourself. Focus on what you can and should only do, set boundaries, and practice positive self talk. Remember that it is not your job to be everything to everyone. ((Hugs)) to you, Mani.
