I can’t tell whether I like Familiar Wife, or whether I am REALLY INTO Han Ji-min (and Ji Sung and Jang Seung Jo) but primarily Han Ji-min.

Please advise.


    I like her but I love her relationship with his sister in the new timeline. The sister might be my favorite character right now.


    My first time watching any of these actors, well except for Cha Hak-yeon, and they are so great.


    i mean i said it episode 2 but i’ll repeat she could get away with anything w me she’s so pretty i can’t fault her


    While hating the premise that Joo-Hyuk is so selfish that he’d literally trade his family for his fantasy, it’s refreshing that he gets his comeuppance when he realizes that Woo-Jin’s life in his fantasy is also better off (not to mention that his fantasy is just that – a fantasy). I’m giving this show a chance to redeem Joo-Hyuk into a mature, responsible father/husband/co-worker who can find value in his RL and make the changes to make it his and their best life. After all, you only go around once.


      I also hate the premise. Which is why I’m so confused as to what is keeping me coming back for more. I think it would be nice if they weren’t destined for one another – because I do hate fated things – but I know that’s not the story they will probably tell.


        The actors/actresses are so watchable, that helps a lot! But also it’s a kdrama, so zany is the name of the game and I’m okay with the over-the-top stuff that I hate, because we can already see Joo-Hyuk is beginning to recognize his own fatal flaws and reflect on his behavior (and even repent). Which, I might add, doesn’t always happen in RL!


    I love Familiar Wife (I find it really compelling) and I’m really into Han Ji Min (and Ji Sung and Jang Seung Jo).

    I’ve liked Han Ji Min in a couple of other dramas but she’s just great here.

    Ji Sung is great as usual.

    Jang Seung Jo first crossed my radar in Money Flower; he was really good in that and I’m happy to see him playing a totally different kind of character in this drama.
