Heh! The ever honest and good-natured Xiao Zhan. He always seems down-to-earth and is perfectly happy to be just an ordinary human being. Great to see his smile and hear his ready laugh.


    he seems like such a nice person <3


      He gives off the vibe that he’s happy as an ordinary guy, and shows that he’s dealing with all the sudden fame so well. Don’t know if I’m just imagining it, but there’s something about him, so genuine and natural, coming through in his interviews.


    D’awww he is so sweet and cute.

    It’s sad that these companies restrict their idols from dating. They have so much control over their lives they can decide if they can have a partner or not.


      it’s funny that he sounded even cheerful about that here. as the interviewer said, this one was filled with positivity! 😀


      @trinpie @zgs1994 I feel that it’s because he’s so clearheaded and knows what he wants that he’s fine with the restrictions. He made a decision to give up his old career (or put it on hold) to take up singing and he knew what he had to sacrifice. Since it was a decision that he made, knowing the ways of these companies and showbiz, it’s really the most mature thing that he is at peace with the life that comes with his choice. I’m glad it comes out as sounding cheerful.

      Someone said that he’s pretty brave, because if he does not make it, or if he really retires in 20 years as he said he would, it would still be hard for him to go back to being a designer. I figure that if he retains the dream to sing, then he could continue singing indefinitely, just not as part of a boy group.


      Members of boybands are usually young and their fanbase likewise so the restriction may not be much of an impact.

      What struck me more was in another interview, Xiao Zhan said he won’t date anytime soon. Other than being too tied up with his career, I vaguely recalled he said dating would negatively impact his career. I wonder why he said that. I sure hope he will not feel restricted in any way.


        One other thing he said about dating was that he wouldn’t date because, with this career, it would give the other party a hard time. At least for a man, the age factor is not too much of a problem. He can still afford to milk his popularity for as long as possible and get married later.
