Bingo Card for Doom At Your Service. What’s with that ending, anyhow?


    Amazing! Suddenly the bingo card opens a new world of endless fun. Why have I never seen those before?! Why?


      Check back a while on the fan wall, @darkcc …maybe a few weeks? You’ll see @CecilieDK‘s starting post and some developments with @reply1988 (mainly) and me (secondarily).

      Or, I guess faster is to go to @CecilieDK’s profile page and check out her whole fan wall.

      There’s also a “Joseon Only” card 🙂


    Why can I only upvote this once? WHY?! I want to upvote it to the moon and back!


      Cecee, your enthusiasm warms my heart.
      As Seon-ha said, from a Bingo Card that was initially in Danish, the idea has been developed and much improved in this community, and especially in cooperation with @attiton and @reply1988 .
      You are very welcome to join, the Sageuk version is still a work in progress, and so is the Vanilla Version bingo card, but not quite as much. (I mean, we have worked on it so that it’s kind of finished but with room for a stroke of genius or two, if that happens.
      (BTW, the Vanilla Version is probably really a K-drama Rom Com card – in the more action/thriller K-drama plots, people who fall rarely end up getting caught in kissing poses, which is a d*** shame, for K-thrillers as well as for reality).
