The silently horrified and disgusted look of a woman presented with an ugly and pretentious ring.


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    Ugh that was such an ugly ring lol


      It looks like a wedding cake and all I could think was, it’s going to catch on everything she wears with all those little prongs (former jewelry designer here). Ugh. And Won wouldn’t have bought a ring over the counter anyway, he would have been in a private room like the jewelry scene in Crazy Rich Asians 😜
      The amount of PPL was so over the top in this show.


    Okay for real though!! That’s the best you could do Gu-won?? 😭

    Always did wonder what I’d do if I was presented with an ugly engagement ring. Do you ask them if they’ve kept the receipt to exchange it? 😂 Quite a few of my friends have gotten engaged recently and scoping out their rings, only TWO I’ve deemed not ugly/pretentious/gaudy.

    I’m not that much of a vain materialist I swear and I of course appreciate thought & sentiment and all that BUT if it’s not my style, it’s not my style 😂 My girlfriends and I have made sure we’ve told each other exactly what kind of ring we want (and what we don’t want) so that we can drop hints to each others significant others, or straight up intervene, when and if necessary hahahahaha


      Engagement rings used to not be a thing where I come from – I suppose it’s spreading now, because people want to propose like in the movies and those youtube videos. But it used to be wedding rings you bought, and when you got to that, you could decide together, and also, you could stay classic (simple gold ring) and it would never be really ugly.
      I have never seen an engagement ring as ugly as this one, though. I mean, even a too-big-stone does not make a ring so imaginatively ugly.
      I guess they really needed a K-drama and *two* attempts at proposing (thus many close-ups of ring, alternating with groom-to-be’s nervous face and hands).
