@yongsital Omg hey, its been a while! Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Hope you’ve been well!


    Hey!! It has been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve been well though! Well, as well as you can with this ongoing pandemic but still finding enjoyment in the little things, like kdramas. XD Hope you’re well too!


      Omg! Hey! Nice to hear from you, it has lol. Likewise, yeah this has been an odd and strange time. I’m been enjoying kdramas, and honestly I thought of you when I was watching The Red Sleeve b/c of our convo a while back. I recall us talking briefly about actor favs, and I said his workout vid was the 1st thing that came to find about Junho LOL. Turns out, I should’ve payed closer attention!! I see the light!! Is he still one of your favs? Is his personality what it seems? I’ve so much to say lol, I always like hearing your objective view!


        Oh yes Junho! Welcome to the light! I still love him haha! Even if I have yet to finish The Red Sleeve. Oh where to even begin. I’ve been burned so many times but I still ardently hope my remaining faves are good people lol Now Junho…hmm he comes across as a very objective thinker to me. I can’t think of an exact example right now but when I’ve read his interviews sometimes he surprises me because he says things that aren’t the expected, conventional answers. He’s also humble and remembers his roots, like how he always introduces himself as 2PM’s Junho vs separating his actor persona. But he’s also proud of what he’s achieved (and as a group) so he’s vocal about it and I like that. It’s a good balance. He can be serious sometimes but that’s part of his charm. I don’t think that’s one of those “cold” personalities that celebrities try to pull off. That’s just his personality.

        You know what made me a fan? I started watching Just Between Lovers with no notion of who he was but feel in love with his acting. The way he embraced his character’s sadness and PTSD was phenomenal and I admit this show and his performance came at a time in my life where I was nearly as emotionally broken as the characters. It may sound silly but I found some form of comfort through not only the drama but his performance in particular. Anyways, in that period of time I came across an interview where he talked about how he prepared for his role in JBL. He said he rented a room in Busan and lived there by himself for a few days to try to live how his character, Kang Doo, did and to better understand his character. I searched and searched the internet for this interview a few months ago because I wanted to reread it but to no avail. 🙁 That dedication and passion for his acting was what won me over though. I had that moment where I thought, oh this one’s a keeper. He didn’t and still doesn’t see it as a back up or side job to being a singer. You can see how much he enjoys it and the dedication he’s willing to put into it, which is why I think he’s captured people’s attention. He’s slowly built up his acting career with solid projects.

        Of course, I love his voice too. AND he’s a cat person. 😍 Anyone who loves cats gets extra brownie points from me.


          Gurl, I’ve seen the light and goodness its glorious. Man is a thirst trap!! He’s the hottest guy rn :D. Omo, I went ahead and read many of his interviews and IA. I think he’s grown a lot since, he was 16 when he became a celeb that’s gotten to have been hard on him. I did read up on his dating stuff lol, and I wonder b/c if you read his lyrics that he wrote, its sensual/sexy. Aww, I know what you mean. Yeah, he seems like a hard worker and driven. The fact that he read 60 books last year is super attractive! I think he’s a bit more careful now? b/c this is the same guy who broke 25 chopsticks w/ his butt LOL. He did say that an actor shouldn’t become too serious, so I think once he’s comfortable w/ someone, he opens up more and becomes goofy. I also think b/c of his big fame, he’s a bit careful he had that weird saesang incident w/ his brother in law.

          Aww, sorry to hear that. I do hope you’re doing much better now. I love that he and the rest of the cast still talk fondly about JBL. Junho even said a few months ago that the role he wants people to remember is JBL, and how proud he is of it. I read that too! He seems a bit method, for Chief Kim he cut off from people and stayed in his house. Hold on, is it this interview? https://jerwiepenpan.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/eng-trans-180203-just-between-lovers-lee-junho-actor-who-just-fell-in-love-interview/ He works hard, he also majored in acting in college, and did theatre in high school. He also dreamed of being a director when he was young, so he was destined for performing (acting/singing). I read that he said he has 95% say over his scripts, and the other 5% is JYPE. Only quibble is JYPE did him dirty starting out, like had Junho not auditioned 3 times for Cold Eyes, I do wonder how they’ll manage him now since TRS performed so well. Plus, it helps that the man has aged like wine.Altho I do miss the bulkier body/cheeks of Wok of Love lol, I hope he can ease up on his diet. That bath scene was crazy. I did like that he said he doesn’t care if his idol stigma attaches to him, he said all he has to do is act well.

          His voice is asmr quality. Its smooth and deep. Like he does his Insta lives, and damn is all I can say. His cats!! I love that he adopted his cat that almost died. He’s a cat dad, someone said that they want to see his cat pics on Insta b/c he hasn’t posted them in a while. I did notice his Insta pics quality got better compared to them. I do like the natural quality tho! I feel like he’ll choose his cats over his gf LOL.

          As for TRS, it was an interesting show set in the guise of romance. Both LSY and LJH were epic, but LSY was the beating heart. It talked a lot about her role/lack of choice in that era, and there was this thread that said it wasn’t a love story but about LSY’s role and the system that trapped her. Its hard to put into words, but while I did feel his love for her, I did feel like time/history failed them.


            OMG yes that’s the interview and what a delight it was to read it again. I love him so much, just the way he expresses himself. 😭 Thanks for finding it. I must have searched the wrong side of the internet. But yeah definitely a method actor. Honestly, I’m up for any genre tbh as long as it gets a good script. I wouldn’t mind a nice romcom like Eazel said because he’s super swoony lol but you know I’m picky with my romcoms. Like I realized the other day why HomeCha was not for me. The romance was just too much! It was like loads of sugar piled on. I like a good romance but dimples weren’t enough to convince me. You know I just finished watching When the Camellia Blooms the other day and that was a nice romcom. Yeah it had the serial killer plot but in essence it was rather comedic. KHN was so goofy yet lovable. I’d like Junho to be in a romcom like that. In Wok of Love he was more of the suave, talented guy. A more down to earth character would be fun. I always bring up NGM but he’s just such a good example. How is he so versatile? He continously impresses me. How he goes from dorky Ahn Dan Tae in Gongshim to stoic Seung Soo in Stove League is beyond me. I’m glad Junho was able to work with him. I’m honestly up for him working with anyone but it’d be cool if qhe could keep working with respected veteran actors as I’m sure it’s a great learning experience.

            I must warn you though, never watch him in Homme Fatale, if you haven’t already. That was a terrible movie and Junho…well it was not his best. I was so sad when I watched it lol. Honestly, I think JYP made him do it because they produced it and must have been like oh look we have this talented actor here. XD Poor Junho. But to be fair everyone else from the cast was terrible too. No fault of their own probably, must have had a bad director..and a bad script…

            I actually don’t mind how his acting career has progressed at all. I never really felt like he was underappreciated or disregarded. Every project he’s done, he’s impressed viewers with his acting and his costars always speak highly of him too. He’s gradually built his acting career and it was a nice pace. TRS probably got him more recognition from the general public. I’m not worried about his fans either tbh. He’s been in the industry for decades now and I think he’s found his comfort zone and “figured out” how his career as a public figure works. 2PM as a whole are well established individuals and I like that they all seem mature and don’t feed the delusional fan/oppa relationship. I think Junho will do just fine. His fans are either Hottests that have been with him for years and the fans he’s acquired from his dramas aren’t the Hallyu fans because none of his works have really been international hits.

            Have you seen this? His voice. 😍


            @yongsital I also read that he forgoed makeup to keep the natural unhealthy look of his character. What is so ironic for me is I was listening to some 2pm songs a year and a half ago, and watching some of their videos and thinking woah at the skinship lol. No lies, I searched 2D1N back when I was into him, and they mentioned Junho. So I googled, and was like “Isn’t he in 2D1N?” Much to my surprise, it was another guy LOL. But I looked at his works, and was like “Damn, this guy chooses well, but he’s in the military.” It’s like how come it took a while to notice him, when I came across his works/listened to some of his songs? I liked the healing aspect of HCCC, but SMA was the star of it. I liked the supporting characters, but it was good. Personally, I like mature/raw love stories or flirty/hot ones for romance:D. If they could combine the skinship of Something in the Rain with the flirty nature of Oh My Venus, and a good story, YES!! WTCB was solid, but it dragged in the middle but it finished strong. KHN: Twenty!!

            I saw him in Wok Of Love, and he was extra swoony there. I liked his more natural/casual vibes he gave there. Wonder if he’s one of those types that fall for his lead actress during shooting, and then out of it once it ends. https://twitter.com/berrybear88/status/1479430587811123202 NGM and him have such a cute friendship, he’s proud of Junho’s success. He’s been fortunate to work w/ such great veterans. NGM rose later in life, but he chooses well/mixes it up. I would love to see him work w/ Ji Sung/Kim Nam Gil/Kim Hye Soo!! All three of them have great reputations, and Junho would learn so much!

            They could’ve leaned in harder for Homme Fatale, he looked good tho. I do wonder b/c JYP’s acting division closed, so who is managing his acting career? I wonder if he could go to an acting agency for acting, and singing for JYP? He needs to work in films again, or a Netflix project b/c he’s mentioned he watches it. You know he watched Bridgerton right :D?!

            He talked about how he was waiting for his season, and it paid off. For acting, he said during his injury he auditioned for Cold Eyes 3 times, and started his acting career. It’s like they didn’t expect him to blow up/be this great actor? I think the shippers prob. need to chill a bit. He sisterzoned her, but until he’s part of a love triangle/rom-com, hes good for now ;). I do love that LSY said she was excited to meet him b/c of Nobody Else (jfc why was he shirtless?) He struck me as someone who has many interests, reading, films, singing, acting. That said,he chooses his scripts well, like he could’ve done several romances and he knows the in/outs of fame.Only difference is he’s the IT guy rn, so people are anticipating his next work. He might’ve big pressure to fill since TRS did so well, & many insiders say he’s going into the A List. I’ve several actresses who I want him to work w/, Park Eun Bin,Lee Yoo Young, Han Ye Ri, Son Ye Jin for ex. He also has great chemi w/ older women.


          I hope you don’t mind me asking, but its something I’ve been wondering about. I read that due to TRS, he’ll rise to the A List/earn 100K per episode! It does feel a bit salty that his prior works didn’t garner the same praise/ratings, but oh well 🙁 I’m really excited/curious about what he chooses next! I know he’ll continue to perform, but for acting I figured b/c of Covid he might have more time to do other works. He said that b/c of his music career, he wasn’t able to take on more than 1 acting work per yr. Speaking of, during Cold Eyes, Jung Woo Sung said he would come from touring in Asia, and coming back early to shoot. However, when he did, he wasn’t able to shoot his scenes but he still stayed till the end of the day. I was impressed by that. I’m guessing as his fan from before TRS, you’re thrilled for him!? I just hope he his fans don’t go too overboard. Like the whole Yoona pic caption debacle was so silly lol.

          Are there any works/genres you want to see him tackle next? Anyone to work with? (I notice he has great chemistry with both men/women!).

          P.S: Thanks for indulging in my long threads! Always appreciate our talks btw!


            I can answer your last question: I want to see him doing comedy (I know he did Chief Kim and WOL), but I want to see him in a rom com, playing the clueless guy. He’s great with all those complex characters, but he needs to prove himself as a comedian. If he can do a comedy right, he will conquer the world.


            @Eazl Hey! The more Junho, the merrier 😉

            I was looking at my post and @leetennant mentioned him in a Pushing Daisies reboot. Basically he needs to do one! He’s the same dork who broke 30 chopsticks with his butt LOL. He was low key funny in Chief Kim. I want a fun mature romcom, with a bit of a twist. Did you see his SNL Korea skits? Lmao. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrMcgtP8SmA He’s done way too many gloomy roles lately, so for his mental sake as well, a romcom would be nice aha.


            If anyone knows a production company who’s willing to do that Pushing Daisies adaptation with that cast, I’m in.


          JBL is for many of us the reason why we are here. I couldn’t believe my eyes when searching for who is this amazing actor lead me to the Wikipedia page where I found he was an idol. What? And then I went to youtube. And then I was totally lost, no redemption for me.
          Junho is my bias and 2PM is my damn wrecker. As you can imagine, what a year it was 2021…
          I love him as an actor and I’m so glad to see him shine as he deserves. I never understood why JBL never got the recognition it deserved, because all the cast and crew was almost perfect.
          But as much as I admire the actor, I’m a 2PM fan and I want (I need!!!) more of their music asap.


            I really need to give JBL the proper viewing, instead of just chunks. Its great to hear what works brought them to be a fan of theirs. Its nice that the show has still remained and the actors themselves are proud of being in it. He’s a jack of all trades, and a really hard worker.

            His Hobutt is iconic lol. He literally finished his service and went straight into promotion. I really hope he can have a decent amount of rest, but I doubt it 🙁 Its crazy how My House fancam of his blew up, and snowballed into 2021. Melo tear jerkers like JBL doesn’t get the ratings it deserves, but I’ve noticed many who have appreciated it. The PD of TRS signaled this work as the main reason why she chose him.

            I want Junho to give us one or two more acting projects this year! Then he can do whatever he wants! But first, I want to see him in at least 1 more project before he does!
