Sooo Arsenal Military Academy? I’m on episode 32, and I just really need Liengcham to reciprocate Yanzhen’s affections already okay
Also Shen Tingbai has my heart and my respect
Manting does too


    And Ji Jin
    And Heung Song


    And Yanzhen’s sister
    And Xiang Jun


      Gaaaaaaaaaasp!! Qiqi!!! I’m sorry bb girl. I know we haven’t talked about you, but we love you lots too!!! I loved that you fought so hard for your poem the first time I saw you. I love that you love Liangchen and admire him because he was your hero! I love that you are exactly like your amazing hot gege and that a Gu definitely runs in your blood. We love you Qiqi-bb! 😘😘


    And Xie Xiang’s shipping parents


      I love Xiang Xiang’s parents!!! Okay, okay I love anyone who loves Gu Yanzhen. But I love them extra because they grew to like him fast. Iffy at him at the beginning but they were a goner in no time. Just like me! 😁😆


    Not to forget petty king Yanzhen himself
    And his eyebrows
    And his kissy face
    And …


    And Xie Xiang herself who takes no crap from anyone
    And the way she looks for murder weapons when Yanzhen confesses
    And her patriotic zeal that stops her from seeing the romantic interest male characters have in her
    And her wig that amazingly no one notices (HOW, the theater troupe even styled it without noticing!)
    And her ability to pass physical exams (love how the “how” of how she passed the first episode military exam was ignored)
    And how she needs Yanzhen to lighten her life, just like he needs her to make him more serious (they balance each other!)


      Pffffffffft. It’s totally okay. Even her parents didn’t notice her wig when she came home passed out (episode 17). Show, you do you.

      And how she needs Yanzhen to lighten her life, just like he needs her to make him more serious (they balance each other!)

      Oho! You are very close to episode 38! When you are done with that episode and when you get a moment, do read my long essay about it and how it’s one of the most memorable.

      😉😉😉 I always have a thing with yin yang couples. Manting and Tingbai are too!


    And Shen Junshan
    Not the way he keeps getting romantic moments with Xie Xiang (my otp shipper heart is hurt each time he shows up instead of Yanzhen)


      I’ve read somewhere that some viewers liked Junshan as the one being admitted to the hospital most often – another role reversal in the show.

      But yes, Junshan is amazing minus his role in the love triangle lol. I kinda wish he had a forbidden romance with Xianrong! To see him be conflicted between love and patriotism!


        But he had? It was just never said, but I thought that they had thing going on from the way before.


          I honestly thought he only saw her as a friend. But thinking about it again, you could be right. They had a thing going on, but to me it was Xianrong who had her feelings more invested in what they had together than Junshan.


            Or rather she was more expressive than Junshen 😉


        Lol. He himself said he spent a lot of time in hospital that year.

        There were definitely feelings on her part. It’s harder to tell about Junshan. I’m going with Ji Jin’s speculation that Xianrong was not just a friend. I remember she came to the academy one day and Junshan ran out to meet her. The guys were hanging out by the gate wondering what was going on between the two, the little gossips. 😂


          I went back to ep 10 where he spent the night on the beach with Xianrong. I thought that was a beautiful scene.

          If Junshan ever had feelings for her romantically, I don’t think it was too deep. Hmmmm maybe the romantic in me expected that they would be some sort of star crossed lovers, fighting against all odds. Lol But he let go Xianrong just like that because he couldn’t stomach the fact that she was in association with the ones who murdered his family’s factory workers. He, I guess, will never get over that.


    Cocoa!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭

    I just really need Liengcham to reciprocate Yanzhen’s affections already okay

    I had long for a plot where female leads do not chase boys….. Arsenal gave what I wanted….. I cheered when Xiang Xiang doesn’t make it easy for him but my heart……! Somewhere deep down something is screaming in me at Xiang Xiang to please notice him and give him some love 😭😭😭 drama you’re too much 😭 you give me what I want and I’m still not happy lol.


      Hehe I love your love for this show! I’ve been busy irl so I’ve been vicariously squeeing through other’s fanwall posts ~ but my feelings couldn’t be kept back any longer 😘


        Your feelings cannot be contained. It doesn’t matter what other people say or think, your feelings will not change. 😉

        Good luck with real life! We’re here to spazz together when you can.


    And the fact that Coco is watching this drama! \^O^/

    I was wondering why you kept liking my posts and was about to ask. I’m so happy you’re enjoying it. 🙂


      I’m in a busy life season and I told myself I was only allowed to lurk on DB… but then the Camellia finale and AMA happened and I couldn’t keep my fingers from typing 😅🤦🏻‍♀️
      Thank you for your posts by the by ~ it’s been great having people to squee with, even while being silent hehe ~


    I was in ep 1 and FL passed the military exam without any explanation. I paused and decided to come back later. Then ML came up and was crazy rude to a singer and carried her away like a bag of potatoes. Was there any explanation that justifies that so maybe this can get a third chance? So many people like it.


      The explanation is that the first episode is bad, and that the male lead indeed starts out as a spoiled jerk. Give it a few more episodes and if you don’t like it don’t continue.

      Be warned, the drama has a degree of absurdity, so you just gotta roll with it. Overall it’s fun and has characters that grow and mature through their friendship and adventures they face together.


      I had the same conflict. You’ll have to go past episode 3 or 4 to understand the show’s charm.. ahem. I couldn’t get past episode 1 and now I completed 20 plus episodes in 2 days and am near the end now.


        Yay, welcome to the squad!!
        I also binged about 20 episodes in 2 days *cough* I only slowed down because I didn’t want it to end .
