My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho: Episode 8

“She works hard for the money / So haaaard for it honey / She works hard for the money / So you better treat her right.” Never truer words, my friend. This episode, Mi-ho learns the value of a Dollar Won, and Dae-woong learns the value of a gift from the heart.

The last episode’s Little Mermaid metaphor just worked on all counts for me, but more than the metaphor itself, I loved Dae-woong stepping up to be a hero, to shield her heart from the tragic ending in her fairy tale. In this episode he continues to step up when it counts, and Mi-ho? She just continues to be awesome.


Dae-woong tells Mi-ho that The Little Mermaid ends happily, and to believe his words, not anyone else’s. He sweetly wipes a tear from her eye, as he says, “So don’t cry; it’ll rain.” Swoon. His sudden assertiveness since the last episode, especially about the ending of that book…it KILLS me.

They get up to go, and she leaves the book behind. Aw.

They missed the premiere, so Dae-woong stands in line to get tickets to another movie (Cyrano Dating Agency. Jealous.) While waiting for him, Mi-ho sees another couple on a date, and starts mimicking their actions. She sees the girl primping, and making cheesy wink-and-finger-guns gestures at her boyfriend, so she does the same to Dae-woong.

When she sees them share a drink with two straws, she gulps down her soda and then surreptitiously sticks her straw in Dae-woong’s drink, lying in wait. How cute. Dae-woong jumps back when he sees her, and scolds her for stealing his soda. Stupid boy.

Next, she sees the couple walking together, and the girl has her arm around the guy’s waist. So Mi-ho follows suit, putting her arm around Dae-woong, and reaching her hand (Omo) right into his pocket. Rawr!

He jumps, clasping his hand over hers. She smiles up at him like, hey baby. God, I love her. He’s startled at first, but then smiles right away, saying, “You couldn’t wait?” And then to her dismay, out of his pocket, he pulls out…a sausage! PWAHAHAHAHAHA.

A sausage? In your pocket? You have a Sausage in Your Pocket. I can’t…even….my head is about to explode from the number of jokes that are clamoring to get out. Suffice it to say, the man’s not squeamish about pulling a tiny sausage out of his pants. Pffft. Yes, I am twelve. I know.

Mi-ho gets foiled time and again for her attempts at skinship, but then during the movie Dae-woong tries to take a piece of popcorn out of her hair, and she manages to take charge of his arm for the rest of the show. Afterwards she tells him that dates are fun, and Dae-woong balks at her use of “Date.” He declares (protesting too much, I doth say), that this isn’t a date; it’s a walk, like taking the dog for a walk. And instead of taking her by the hand like she asks, he leads her away by her bag strap like a dog. Sigh.

They end up in the electronics department of the mall, where Mi-ho marvels at all the strange new gadgets, and Dae-woong stops in front of a display, drooling over the camcorder he’s been wanting. Dae-woong’s amused that she finds all the newfangled appliances interesting, so he uses the opportunity to poop on Dong-joo Teacher’s range of knowledge. He tells her that the stereo is a mind-reading device, the bathroom scale is an age-indicator, and the calculator is a human-remote.

He plays a trick on her with the vacuum like it’s eating his hand, so she rescues him by throwing it on the ground, where it breaks into pieces. He’s forced to purchase it in penance.

While waiting for him, Mi-ho runs over to the fans, playing with the sound of her voice and letting her hair fly in the breeze. Dae-woong sees her, and in a moment of reverie, says to himself that he was silly to think she would ever eat him up. He muses that like this, she looks just like a normal girl, and realizes that his mind keeps forgetting—that she isn’t. He watches her, and his heart starts to beat in his ears, and he begins to see her in a new light.

He snaps himself out of it, and turns the fan off (as if that’s the source of his feelings, HA) and walks away. He keeps looking back at her, knowing what he’s feeling, and we can see his mental process as he convinces himself that he’s crazy for even thinking it. I love that this entire process, from the discovery of his feelings, to the denial, is delivered silently, but we can read it plainly all over his face.

Hye-in meets with Byung-soo and Sun-nyeo, plying them with lunch to get information about Mi-ho. She finds out that Mi-ho doesn’t go to school or have a job, and since she knows that Director Ban is chasing her for the lead role in the movie, her antennae go up about Mi-ho’s unusual stunt abilities. She wonders if that night at Dae-woong’s place, Mi-ho actually jumped off the roof…but then realizes that would be crazy…

At home, Dae-woong grills up some meat while Mi-ho sits in front of the fan. Thankfully, her perm wasn’t very permanent at all, although she wishes it had lasted longer. Dae-woong watches her warily, almost willing her to keep doing crazy things, to disabuse him of the idea that he could develop feelings for a gumiho.

She asks when they’ll go on more dates, saying that she likes to do stuff with him, and Dae-woong asks her leading questions like, “You like me because I buy you meat, right? You like meat, therefore you like me.” He declares that he’s going to stop buying meat, thinking she’ll decide that she doesn’t like him, but to his dismay, she says it’s regrettable, but she’ll deal. Heh.

He starts overreacting that she’s a gumiho—how can she be so cavalier about him not buying her beef? He tells her that she should be scary and threaten him—she’ll scare, he’ll be frightened, and he’ll REMEMBER that she’s a gumiho, and not a human. Mi-ho says that she doesn’t want to scare him anymore, and to just think of her as a person then. He’s not having any of that. “You’re a gumiho! You’ve got to live up to your tails. You have nine of them!”

He forces her to act the part, so they go through the motions of taking away her beef, threatening to eat him up, then fearing for his life. Mi-ho pouts, and Dae-woong goes to bed chanting to himself that the lines have to be kept clear, and he repeats over and over, “Gumiho, gumiho.”

Dong-joo, Fairy Godmother, wakes up from a nightmare about his long-lost love, Mi-ho’s doppelganger from centuries past. In the dream she tells him that she’s fallen in love with a man and asks for a way to become human. He then tells her to kill the man that she loves, which she can’t do. She asks Dong-joo to kill her instead, and he complies. He wakes up shaking and in tears. Gold star and dance of joy for those of you who guessed this angle on the backstory.

Dae-woong puts up a countdown board for the remaining days of their contract. He tries to convince himself that this helps put things in their place and tries his best to put some distance between himself and Mi-ho. He explains to her that this is the extent of their relationship, and that when the 100 days are over, he won’t concern himself with where she goes or what she does. He leaves and she waves goodbye, which he forces her to change to a threatening fist wave instead, and acts out his part of the fearful human, promising to bring home beef. Mi-ho frowns at his coldness.

She goes to see Dong-joo Teacher, and wonders if she should just tell Dae-woong that she wants to be human. Dong-joo, bitter from his nightmares, tells her that she shouldn’t expect Dae-woong’s affections, since she has nothing that humans want—money, talent, ways to get money, etc. He spits out angrily that he can’t understand why she would want to give up being a special, powerful being, to be a lowly human. Interesting. I like this angle on his character a little more, although if he’s so against it, I don’t know why he helped her so willingly.

Mi-ho wonders if he’s feeling okay, and puts a hand on his cheek and asks sweetly if he’s sad. His tears well up, but he says nothing. She offers him the vegetable juice that she was saving for Dae-woong, and leaves. It’s nice that both men are becoming increasingly affected by Mi-ho in different ways, and against their will, at that.

Hye-in and Dae-woong both get called to meet with Director Ban, and while waiting in his office Hye-in decides to pull some shenanigans in order to break the ice with Dae-woong. She purposely trips and knocks over a bunch of DVDs (the severity of which I don’t get, really) and they scheme to put them back while distracting the director. This suffices to get them talking on friendly terms again.

Mi-ho goes back to the department store and looks at the camcorder that Dae-woong wanted. She fantasizes about buying it for him, earning his respect as a human and making him happy all at once.

At home, Dae-woong looks at his ring and at the calendar, sighing that only 93 days remain, and that time is passing faster than he’d thought. Aw.

He wonders why Mi-ho isn’t home, so he calls her. But Mi-ho is busy washing dishes at a restaurant, so that she can earn some money for the camcorder. Dae-woong sits at home waiting and waiting, growing annoyed at the thought that she might be hanging out with Dong-joo. Heh.

He even considers calling Dong-joo, but decides against it for the sake of his pride. She finally calls him back, and the concern is audible in his voice. He asks where she is, but all he gets is a curt, “I’m busy. Don’t call me. Don’t wait up.” She hangs up to get back to work, leaving him stunned and yelling at his cell phone in disbelief. He says with pettiness, “See if I ever call you again!”

And then he waits up for her all night. Kyah, so cute!

He calls her again. Mi-ho: “Why are you calling me? I’m busy.” Dae-woong: “You’re a girl and you’re out at all hours of the night.” Mi-ho: “Woong-ah, I’m a gumiho.” He catches himself forgetting again, and swears he’ll never call again. He takes the battery out of his phone, and goes to bed.

He wakes up in the morning to find that she’s home, but she gets ready and leaves again right away. Dae-woong insists that it’s not like he was waiting or anything, but he wants to know what she’s doing. She doesn’t have time to talk, and rushes off saying that she’s busy. I sort of love that the tables are turned now, and he waits around for her, stewing in his own feelings.

He eats alone, complaining that she’s late again today, and lets out a deep sigh as he crosses another day off the calendar. Poor puppy. He calls her again, but this time she has her phone off.

He wakes up in the morning to discover that she never even came home last night. He thinks again about calling Dong-joo, but decides he can’t, and just then, Mi-ho walks in. He grabs her by the wrist (oy, Woong-ah) and demands to know where she’s been. “Have you been with Dong-joo all this time?” She smiles, finally having the upper hand, and declares that she has. He tells her if she’s going to be out every night, to get out, and without skipping a beat, she says she’ll go to Dong-joo then. “If you’re regular cow, then Dong-joo is wild cow!” Hahahaha.

This is of course a dream, but it’s awesomely telling. He wakes up and chastises himself for dreaming such things. He decides it’s because he’s been waiting up for a gumiho—it’s causing him to dream crazy cow dreams. He regretfully crosses another day off the calendar and convinces himself that he’s better off not concerning himself with her.

Mi-ho counts her money with the chicken shop ajumma, and pouts that earning money is hard. The ajumma notes that she’s a good eater, so she’s got the perfect job for her. She takes her to the set of the home shopping channel, where they’re filming a commercial for beef. All they have to do as extras is eat meat—the perfect job for Mi-ho. She does so happily, and Dae-woong meanwhile misses her television debut, while wondering where the hell she is.

Byung-soo notices Mi-ho onscreen, and Dae-woong is shocked to see her, while annoyed that she looks like she’s having the time of her life (heh). He sees Director Ban and his aunt on their way in, so he blocks the tv from their view.

He goes home to find Mi-ho waiting for him, and she declares that it’s been forever since they’ve seen each other, and she’s missed him. That appeases him a little, but he still petulantly tells her that she looked like she was having fun eating on tv with the chicken shop ajumma, and that she can spend all her time with Dong-joo if she pleases, but to answer her phone.

She says that there were too many grill plates to answer the phone, outing the real reason she’s been so busy. She tells him that she’s been working hard to make money, so that she could buy him the thing he really wanted—the thing he picked out that day after the movies. He’s so impressed with her that he can’t help but smile, and she declares that he’s going to be so surprised by his gift, and runs upstairs to get it.

He waits with a chuckle, saying there’s no surprise if you tell him what the gift is. She bounds upstairs and with much fanfare, she presents him with…

…the SIGN for the camcorder that he wanted! AHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god…she thought he wanted the SIGN! I’m seriously busting a gut here.

Dae-woong totally sees why her very literal mind interpreted things this way, and he very sweetly doesn’t let on that she’s bought him the wrong thing. He praises her gift-giving skills, and tells her proudly that he’ll put it right next to his bed, and it’s the very thing he’s always wanted. AW.

He asks her if it was hard earning money, and when she tells him how much the restaurant paid her for washing dishes, he’s shocked, and marches over there to give the owner a piece of his mind. He gets the remaining wages out of him and hands it over to Mi-ho. She frowns that he must’ve taken advantage of her because she seemed stupid, but Dae-woong reassures her that she’s not stupid—she’s just different, because she’s a gumiho. He tells her not to let her tails droop.

Hye-in buys herself that same camcorder, and decides to buy one for Dae-woong too. Sun-nyeo conveniently lets slip another piece of information: that Dae-woong isn’t so much healed from his accident, as working through the pain, “for love,” because of Mi-ho. Hye-in grumbles at that.

Dae-woong heads into the studio for a costume test, and tells Mi-ho to wait for him, and that he’ll take her out to eat tonight. She perks up, saying, “A date?” He tells her it’s going out for a walk, and she frowns.

Director Ban and Aunt Min-sook come back from a lunch date, and she hooks her arm into his as they coo back and forth at each other. But then Sun-nyeo appears with Hye-in around the corner, and Doo-hong freaks out, pushing Min-sook away with such force that she ends up flying a few feet and landing on the floor. Sun-nyeo comes bounding up, commanding Daddy’s attention, and Doo-hong can’t bring himself to acknowledge Min-sook in front of his daughter. Min-sook agonizes over her plight.

Hye-in happens to see her and asks if she’s okay. Min-sook recognizes her face from Dae-woong’s phone, so she asks if she’s Dae-woong’s girlfriend. Hye-in cops to just being a friend, but when Min-sook admits to knowing very little about said girlfriend, she sees an opportunity. Hye-in lays it on thick that she’s not one to judge, but she thinks that Mi-ho latched onto Dae-woong with a plan to use him for his money, and tells Min-sook that Dae-woong was seriously injured, but is continuing to do the movie at Mi-ho’s urging. Gah, hateful bug-eyed girl!

She gets up, proud of herself for her masterful meddling, but then jumps out of her skin to find Mi-ho standing right behind her. Awesome. Mi-ho confronts her about her lies, and when Hye-in defends her position, Mi-ho resorts to scaring her. Love it.

Hye-in leaves in a huff, wishing she would’ve said more. She decides to use the camcorder to send a message to Mi-ho. It gets delivered to the house, and Mi-ho opens it up, to realize that this is what Dae-woong actually wanted. She looks at her gift, and Hye-in’s, and it dawns on her just how lacking hers is. Breaks my heart. Couldn’t you just let them pretend, Show?

Across town, Min-sook tells Grandpa about Dae-woong’s accident and Mi-ho’s involvement in pushing him to do the movie against the doctor’s wishes. Grandpa fumes.

Mi-ho goes to see Dong-joo, and she tells him glumly that she thought she was just different, but she realized today just how lacking she is. Dong-joo tells her that even if she becomes human, she can’t be with Dae-woong. With other people, who just think she’s dumb or short a few marbles, she can learn and get by, but with Dae-woong who knows that she’s fundamentally different, it’ll never work. She hangs her head in defeat.

As Dae-woong finishes his work, he turns down Byung-soo’s invitation to go out, saying he received a gift from Mi-ho, so he’s going to bring home some beef, the cut of which is called “flower.” Byung-soo thinks it’s amusing that Dae-woong is bringing home flower beef instead of flowers, and Dae-woong insists that “my Mi-ho is different,” and that she doesn’t like flowers. Or…wait…he realizes that he doesn’t really know, since he never asked.

So he comes home, wielding a giant bouquet of flowers. Adorable. He pauses in the entryway, thinking it’s a little ridiculous to present flowers to a gumiho, but then he sees his camcorder sign in the trash. He brings it back in, and sees Hye-in’s gift, realizing that Mi-ho must’ve found out that her gift wasn’t exactly what he had wanted.

Mi-ho comes home later that night, and is surprised to walk into a darkened apartment. In the middle of the room is one floodlight, above the camcorder sign. Dae-woong steps out from behind it, and asks why she threw it away. She says it wasn’t what he wanted, which he acknowledges—it wasn’t what he originally wanted, but it’s a gift from her, so now it’s what he wants, and he’ll learn to like it.

With that, he presents her with the flowers. She lights up, saying that she loves them, and he’s surprised to see that against his preconceptions, she does like flowers like a regular girl. He says that he didn’t know, since she’s different, but he’s glad that she likes his gift. Mi-ho still lingers on the fact that she didn’t get him the gift that he wanted. He corrects her—she’s wrong about that, just as he was wrong about what her likes and dislikes are. He declares that they’ll correct those things by learning about each other, and living to match their tastes. Gah. WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE?

Mi-ho says that from now on, she’ll ask him everything, and true to form, she starts right away.

Mi-ho: Right now, how much are you afraid of me?
Dae-woong: Honestly, I’m not afraid of you at all. I was pretending before.
Mi-ho: Do you hate being with me?
Dae-woong: Honestly, I don’t hate it. I guess I’ve gotten used to you.
Mi-ho: Then…from now on…is it possible that you could start to like me? Even if I’m different from you, couldn’t you…like me?

Dae-woong looks up at her darling face, brimming with eagerness at his response. He gulps, weighing it in his mind. And as he starts to think that maybe he really could, a petal falls from the bouquet and he catches it in his hand. He clasps it, about to respond…

…when Grandpa charges in, breaking up the moment. Aw, Grandpa! Couldn’t you have waited like THIRTY SECONDS?

He declares that it’s over—they’re to break up, and growls at Dae-woong to pack his bags. Ruh-roh!


I love how fast we’re progressing plot-wise, and yet how slowly the relationship is developing between our leads. They’re slowly learning how to trust each other, how to figure out what the other person wants—it’s such a realistic portrayal of what happens in a real relationship, once you get past the puppy love stuff, when trying to figure out how to live together in the real world. Well, minus the supernatural stuff. But that’s why I love this kind of story—because the “difference” that they’re speaking of is such a great metaphor for the distance we go as human beings to truly understand one another.

Hye-in bugs me, of course, but she doesn’t bug me as much as a classic second lead, because she really has no traction here. There’s no room for her in this couple, and her ploys always fall flat, and so far, they usually serve to give our couple yet another excuse to bond, so as a plot device, I’m all for Hye-in.

Her latest stunt with the family will probably muck things up for a little while though, seeing as how Grandpa seems more irate than the time his precious fish died. I would think Dae-woong could find a way to reason with him, but I wouldn’t mind a little angst to separate them for a little while, as long as it made them miss each other like crazy.

I love that Mi-ho is consistently open about her feelings for Dae-woong and that she isn’t afraid to ask him the kinds of things that it would take other drama heroines centuries to put into words, if ever at all. It’s so refreshing to have them both be so forthright, because the source of angst for them is in the mythological, not the mundane. As long as that giant elephant is still in the room—love or death—then the little conflicts are free to be resolved and we don’t have to feel like the little misunderstandings that drive other drama plots are running this one. See? I love this show for reasons other than the cuteness. I swear.

Oh, who are we kidding. If I had a stuffed doll of Lee Seung-gi’s left dimple, I’d nibble on it like Mi-ho with her stuffed chicken leg. Nom, nom.


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I love this drama, and wished I could understand korean and not have to wait for these recaps.

Now that episode 8 has been broadcast, life can move on for me until NEXT Wednesday night.


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Your comment about LSG's left dimple made me just about pee my pants...although I'd do the same thing...:-D


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doesn't the song remind you of the city hall music? i think it's the same female singer...


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yes it does. I had the same thought.


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I LOVE THIS DRAMA. repeat, ditto, again,repetez....YOWZA

I havent enjoyed a drama this much since...City Hall.

I want to not watch it so I can have no interruptions, but I cant stay away. The chemistry between the actors is just amazing.

Thank you so much for the recap, I look forward to this episode...


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hehe, i love the comment about lee seung gi's dimple...he's so adorable!

i was skeptical about shin min ah as the lead, but now i really can't see it going to any other actress!


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You are SO awesome GF. And don't worry, if you're 12, I must be 12 along with you, because that part made me laugh so hard as well. All the innuendos are GREAT and they get funnier on repeat.

LOVE this episode and I'm hoping Grandpa's 'break-em-up' scheme serves to make DW realise HOW MUCH HE IS IN LOVE WITH MIHO please!

And yes, they need to stop making emo/metaphor boy mopey and sad with creepy music.


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thanx for the recap. I always look forward to your recap cuz it makes me anticipate the drama more.

Am i the only one who feels so sorry for Dong-joo? I love Miho and DaeWoong's pair up but at the back of my mind, I kept thinkming, why can't she just fall inlove with Dong JOo. That will make things it a lot less complicated for her and they're both supernatural beings.


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I am on Ship Dong-Mi and Ship Dae-Mi.

Leaning toward Ship Dong-Mi more though.


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I love Daewoong and Miho a looooot but my heart hurts for Dong joo. My first time suffering from second male lead syndrome, now I can understand people who have the same disease.

...Hong sisters, please don't let this Emo hunter be more emo.


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nom nom nom - wait that's 40k Tyranids


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Thank you really... I love your recaps GIRLFRIDAY you think/write the exact same thing I have been thinking... And your recaps are so easy to understand too thanks so much *HUgs*Hugs*


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Just when I think that Miho can't get cuter she does. This was a funny funny episode. The sign was great, and her reaction to flowers was precious. Everytime I hear that song "Fox Rain" I get tears in my eyes. Her child like quality makes me want to protect her forever. Silly me, it's only a drama.


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I thought the relationship situation between a gumiho and a human can also be seen as a social commentary by the Hong sisters on interracial relationships and how many Koreans still feel uncomfortable at the idea of Koreans dating/marrying non-Koreans. Perhaps the Hong sisters wanted to show that interracial relationships are like any other relationships, except with the added bonus of having to learn and adapt to each other's different cultures.

For instance, in this episode, Mi Ho worked at a restaurant washing dishes and received only $10/day because she didn't have proper documentation. Unfortunately, this is not so farfetched because foreigners without a proper work visa are often taken advantage of in a similar fashion.

Maybe I'm just overanalyzing this? But it doesn't take away from the fact that MGIG is a hoot of a drama that I thoroughly enjoy. Btw, girlfriday, thanks for pointing out about the sausage! I was watching the show while eating, and I missed that part. I initially thought he just handed her a movie ticket.


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It's a great analysis..

I think Hong sisters are great in representing real life in this drama..

Oh..I really love this drama. Not only is the cuteness, but also the plot. Everything's quickly solved.



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I wonder if that "tiny sausage" stands metaphorically for someone something else. Why tiny? I always say, why not medium or large? Oops. I think outloud again.


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You and JB are phenomenal. I got home to see this episode recap, and was grinning like crazy.

What I love about the Hong Sisters dramas is that theme of being different is a beautiful quality, not something you should try to hide. Honestly, all their dramas have something inspiring in them. Minho is such a kickass heroine, and I really hope in future dramas we get more leads like her.

She's got spunk, and refreshing honesty, if only more "humans" were like her.


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LOOOOOOOOOOVVE to the extreme. ^^

still gotsta watch it!!


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no playful kiss? :[


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OMG is this like the best series this year? I love it. Thank you so much for the recaps. very much appreciated.


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Well I really Think the Hunter is giving himself another chance if Mi ho becomes human then it wouldn't be a problem to try to be with her cause she looks like his lost love. But instead he'll be in the same position he was hundreds of years ago .. and this time he might take a different choice. (that's me just blabbing around)


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theyyyy areee soooo cutee ahhhh
i cried (tears of happiness) when he gave her the flowers


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i'm glad he's getting more and more fans because of this!


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oh yes he is!

I've always loved him in 2D1N, but never have the urge to watch Brilliant Legacy before, until MGIAG. I watched the whole BL eps last week, watched reruns of 2D1N online, search for all his songs, and watch all Youtube vids that has his name on it. LOL!


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yes i'm with you on all this LSG syndrome.. He suddenly become part of my daily routine.. well.. daydreaming whenever I can..


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I am watching the drama with Chinese subtitles on PP Stream & as my command of chinese is not that fantastic, your recap is really of great help. Thank you so much. This drama is really addictive.


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What does the petal falling in the end mean!? I'm sure it holds some sort of significance.

This drama is TOO MUCH. I want more! >: P



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I could be waaaay off, but it seems the Hong Sisters love to have something falling or breaking away to symbolize that bad stuff lies ahead. In My Girl it was the snow globe falling and breaking, and in You're Beautiful it was the star shaped ashtray(or whatever it was) that fell and broke in the recording studio.

Right after that petal fell(and was caught by Dae-Woong), the grandfather bolts in and declares that their relationship(DW and Mi-ho) is over. I think we're heading into some angst. Brace for impact! LOL


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Maybe death (oh noes!)... Loss of innocence (because of all the crappy stuff Miho has been through in the last few episodes)... Miho's heart or her general vulnerability, because Dae-woong closes his hand over it in a protective way...I wonder too, because if this drama gets too depressing, it is going to break my heart...


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I thought so differently to the flower petal scene! I thought that since the petal was from the flowers Mi Ho was holding, Dae Woong wanted to give his support to her, and he grasped his hand to show that he's ready to accept their differences and comes term with his own feelings.


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But the scary thing is that, by accepting Mi-ho's love, Dae-woong is accepting his own death - even if he doesn't know it yet. So there is a dark side even to the sweet aspect of this scene, I think.


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I agree with Alert! I see the falling petal as a positive symbolism...The falling petal might signify a troubled Mi-ho. The fact that Woong caught it and carefully enclosed it in his fist means that he is determined to protect her from harm.


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After having read Alert's and your counter points, I had a great excuse for watching the episode over again(like I needed an excuse! lol)...and I completely agree with you both! I jumped to conclusions on this one and was completely off.

Watching how Dae-woong carefully cupped the petal and gently enclosed it, while listening to the beautiful score playing in the background, I see now the beauty in its symbolism.

That's what I love about Dramabeans- I watch a drama episode, then come here to read the recaps and gain the different perspectives of fellow viewers. This really makes the drama viewing experience richer and a lot more fun.

Thanks, guys! =]


It symbolizes his answer 'YES' to her last question.


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Have you guys watched Mi Ho dance to BEG - Sign? Cute!

I also love the way she broke the vacuum cleaner. LOL XD


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how can every new episode so cute?
love, love, love!!!
girlfriday, your comments are so close to mine that I can't find a ny new words to add.
as always, Miho is over-cute as well as DW. the drama gives me excatly what I want! all the jealousy parts, Miho's being very honest, almost no misunderstandings, everything everything is just fine!
also, I can't stop loving Dong-joo teacher. he's so beautiful and in that episode I loved Miho's closeness to him when he was sad.
evil noona tries to show her capacity but this one became a bit rough.
I guess, our over-cute couple may stay away from each other for a while. it's good for missing part but I hope it won't take long.
sometimes I think that I can watch that drama forever and it never bores me^^


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so cute ~
loving this !

especially the sausage in his pocket part.


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thanks for the recap. it was hilarious just reading it. can't wait to watch the show :D


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Thanks thanks thanks sooooo much for your recap I was totally looking for it earlier but you didn't have it up yet. I'm so in love with this drama...and I'm totally loving that mi-ho is sooooo open with the way she feels about Dae-woong. Thanks again I'll be looking for your recap in for the next few episodes since they won't have eng sub for a while....


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GF, thanks for the recap..


Yeah, I'm listening to 'fox rain' now..


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so fast your caption..
keep it up...
love u!!!!!!!!!!!


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Annyeong....I'm new here...i love this drama too...unlike the other kdramas..this one really kills...hehe..i love dae-ho couple!!


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«Gah, hateful bug-eyed girl!»

First time commenting here! Among many other cute and funny comments that you make, actually this "bug-eyed girl" comment that stuck in my mind. Especially with your screencaps, she DID looked like a bug ^^;;;; LOL

Loving your recaps, and thank you very much for doing it so fast! :)


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wow, i guess like you and some others, i'm also 12. i more than giggled at the sausage part!!

other than the funny little parts we get to see, this drama is really starting to grow on me even more than it already has! our little woongie is growing up quite nicely and miho is always straightforward without being blunt.

and thank goodness the perm is gone!!


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Thanks for the recaps :)


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LOl when Mi-ho presented Dae-woong with the sign instead of the actual cam recorder I swear, I lamost fell down like an anime character would!!!

Thanks for the the recaps ladies, keep up the GREAT work =)


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Seriously this series is too cute for words!!!


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It's just SO cute. I just finished watching it and I was clapping my hands at the last scene. And maybe the plethora of symbolism and metaphors aren't subtle but I do really like them - they're well thought-out and at times poignant.

Thank you for the recap!


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Woahhhhh..... Love thixxx film so0 much


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my take on MGIG...since it's said my GIRLFRIEND is a GUMIHO, then...


i think Miho will remain as a gumiho until the end! She wouldn't become human.

OR, they get married in the end. With Miho as a human.

Haha. Playing with words may give us a hint or two, no?

Love your recaps, JB and GF! Thumbs up! :)


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Maybe "mating" would cast death out of the scene haha.


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that's what I thought too! who noes! some accidental "mating" :p


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Thank you for the recap~~ There are so many cute moments in last two episodes~~ I love it~~


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I'm 26, and I still couldn't connect the whole sausage in pocket thing!!!

This is why I read you, dear dramabeans writers. (o;


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I have been reading from this website from last december but never commemted but when i saw so many comments i felt like posting one of myself so here iam. The inner insights of the dramas are really great. Hope that someone comments on this, i will be delighted


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Thank you, JB and GF, for the really quick recaps! I am totally enjoying this show and the chemistry between DW and MH. I just love how DW has stepped up in the last 2 episodes to make MH feel better after DJ tries to put her down. And how honest are the main couple with each other?! Totally endearing and really really sweet to watch!


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I love this show. Even reading abt it makes my heart pound and I get a really silly smile on face that is getting me stares from people who sittiing across from me. Oh well!


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I love this episode soooo much! Totally hooked onto MGIAG. Haiz, got to wait a week for the next episode though. Thanks girlfriday and Javabeans, you girls rule! :)


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Show, you complete me.

Time is just passing by now until the next episode.

MGIAG fighting!


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i'm always happy watching MGIG my tails are going to pop out! oooops... (i'm stealing mi ho's line) ;)

i sooo love this drama but one thing is a little disappointing... hye in... i mean, she's playing the part well, it's just that her character isn't very original.. i don't know... maybe it's just me...

oh well..as long as i enjoy the drama, why does it matter? our magical couple is enough to make my entire week ;)


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Is there an inside joke (or just a joke I don't know about) about the sausage in his pocket? Can anyone please tell me??? =))


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i love love your recaps and i have to ask you something:

Since i am korean,are you uh..(how do i put this?)
american or asian also?

Oh and im 14 but how old are you?
im just curious and yeah im also female :D


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I read your recap before I watch every episode. And it didn't spoil the excitement.

I just love this drama. I think I like Mi Ho because she is what I wanna be in terms self-expression. She is not bounded by norms, she can be very honest because she is not human.

Go Miho!!!


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I Loooovveeeeee Ep.8~!!! can't wait for next week!!


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mi gahhhhhhhhhhh! im tearing up to read this one~~~~~~~~~~ awwwwwwwwww!!!! and i dont even know why!


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