I Hear Your Voice: Episode 9

This one’s a nail-biter if there ever was one. And that’s saying a lot for this show, where basically every episode sends me on a spiral of emotions so twisty I don’t know which way is up. Everything goes down in this episode: the verdict, the face-off between hero and killer, and the fallout… the fallout…


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EPISODE 9: “If in difficult days even you go away”

Hye-sung wakes up in a hospital bed. Ohgodohgod. We don’t know how much time as passed, but the doctor tells Kwan-woo that the surgery went well and no major organs were damaged… But they’re going to have to call the police, because it was a stab wound. What.

She opens her eyes slowly and only sees Kwan-woo next to her, and the first thing she does is ask frantically for Su-ha, trying to get out of bed to go find him. Kwan-woo hugs her and begs her to stop moving before she hurts herself again, and aw, your concern is touching, but WHERE IS SU-HA.

Hye-sung says in voiceover: “I might have been able to stop him. What Su-ha was thinking… If I had just picked up on the scattered hints along the way, today might not have happened. Su-ha always listened to my voice, but in the moment he needed me, I didn’t hear his voice.”

And then we go back to three days ago. Dude, I don’t know if I’m emotionally prepared to find out how we got here…

Hye-sung starts her day by outing a blind grandpa for not really being blind, and her co-workers hear their shouting match as he says she’s a public defender who’s supposed to take his side no matter what, and she says that whole ‘innocent until proven guilty’ thing is what’s wrong with the world. Eep. Obviously she means Min Joon-gook, and the arrow pointed at Kwan-woo doesn’t go unnoticed. Lawyer Shin assures him that he did the best he could, but Kwan-woo doesn’t seem very reassured.

At school, one of Sung-bin’s classmates—the nearsighted kid—runs up to grab her legs when it looks like she’s about to jump out a window. She just asks him to hold on so she can get a better look, and he peers over the ledge to find that she’s spying on Su-ha. Heh.

She’s about two floors above him, and trying to read what Su-ha is writing in his journal. What, you can read that from there? That’s exactly what Squinty asks, and now I’m beginning to think that it’s not him who’s nearsighted, but her who’s super-powered. In any case she reads: “Even if I disappear…” and wonders what it means.

Choong-ki comes by and sees Su-ha about to ditch school, and says he’s going to tattle. Su-ha says he can do whatever he wants, and then turns back around to add that since this might be the last time (waaaaah) he’s going to offer a piece of advice: “If you like Sung-bin just tell her so, instead of picking fights with me.” She watches him go with a worried expression, feeling that something’s not right.

That night Su-ha waits outside until Kwan-woo comes out of work, and starts to follow him home. He suddenly ducks out of sight and Su-ha thinks he’s lost him, but Kwan-woo just circles around to get the jump on him, and says he used to be a cop after all. Su-ha asks if he knows how to fight, and Kwan-woo hilariously sticks his fists up, thinking Su-ha came here to fight him. Pfffft. Su-ha laughs and says he’s here to ask him for a favor.

Min Joon-gook lies in his holding cell on his last night before the verdict, smiling in anticipation of his freedom. He wonders to himself what kind of welcome the kid has planned for him.

The morning of the verdict, Su-ha puts on a baseball cap and takes one last look at his apartment before heading out. What he didn’t expect was Sung-bin waiting for him outside, wanting to go to school together. I love that she followed through on her niggling intuition.

She grabs his bag to try and convince him to go to school, and he can hear her thinking in alarm that she feels something like a knife in the bag. He hurriedly grabs it out of her hands and tells her not to think anything weird or say anything to anyone, and stalks off.

Thankfully that speech just made her more suspicious, right? Please do something to stop him. Please do something…

It’s time for the verdict, and Hye-sung is in the courtroom, but Su-ha is nowhere to be found. As the judge reads the circumstances of the case, it’s inter-cut with scenes from Mom’s brutal murder and the staging of the fire.

The verdict: not guilty. Damn. Min Joon-gook casts a glance back at Hye-sung, and then smiles to himself quietly.

Hye-sung storms out and Kwan-woo chases after her, pleading with her to tell him what to do. He says that he won’t lose her over this, and promises to do anything, if she’ll just tell him what. Hye-sung: “Nothing. Don’t do anything. I need someone to hate right now—someone else, otherwise it’ll be me. So don’t do anything, and just let me hate you.”

She walks away, leaving him speechless. She takes one step into her revolving door, and that’s when she breaks down.

The tears come rushing out and she just crouches there in the middle of the revolving door, crying out to Mom in uncontrollable sobs. Judge Kim sees her there and pauses, feeling terrible about having to acquit for lack of evidence.

Joon-gook gets released, and Su-ha is outside waiting for him. But a group of church people show up to pick Joon-gook up, so he just smiles over at Su-ha and hops in a van before he can confront him.

Lawyer Shin goes to visit his prisoner friend Hwang Dal-joong, who says that Do-yeon asked him to testify again in the appeal. But Lawyer Shin warns him to stay out of it, and tells him now that she’s Judge Seo’s daughter.

That’s the judge that put him away, and knowing what we know about Judge Seo, I’m guessing it wasn’t all on the up and up. Dal-joong breaks the crayon in his hand at the mention of that man’s name.

At the Seo Family breakfast table, Do-yeon tells her parents about planning for an appeal, and says that she’s going to get Hwang Dal-joong to testify again.

Suddenly Dad freezes at the mention of that name, and immediately tells her to let go of this case. Okay, before it was a maybe, but now you’re pretty much flashing neon lights at me—that’s her biological father, yeah?

Do-yeon doesn’t understand Dad’s sudden change of heart, especially when he was the one who told her to do all this for Hye-sung.

Kwan-woo gets a delivery, and it’s the old case files from Su-ha’s father’s murder trial. He sighs that they came too late, but stays late to read them anyway. And it’s only then that he reads the transcripts of that trial, describing in detail how Hye-sung showed up to testify, and how Min Joon-gook lit up in a rage and attacked her right there, screaming that he’d kill her and never stop until he found her.

It only NOW dawns on him that she might’ve been right about Min Joon-gook after all (BAH), and he thinks back to Su-ha’s request of him last night: he asked Kwan-woo to stick to Hye-sung’s side if Min Joon-gook went free.

Kwan-woo said that he doesn’t believe Min Joon-gook is the killer they think he is, but Su-ha catches a tiny seed of doubt in his head and says he can’t be completely sure. If Min Joon-gook goes free, and if they’re right, Hye-sung will be his first target. Back in his office, Kwan-woo grabs his jacket and runs out.

Hye-sung trudges home that night and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge. Suddenly Su-ha is standing right next to her and nagging her to use a cup. Aw, are you imagining him already?

So she goes to reach for a cup and sees him standing behind her to get the cup for her on the top shelf, nagging that someone with such short arms ought to put the cups on the bottom shelf.

She sighs and just drinks out of the bottle anyway and goes to bed, telling herself that this is awesome because he was such a nag anyway. “I feel great. …Jerk. Why at a time like this…”

Suddenly there’s a loud crash in her apartment, and she rushes outside. Not even with a bat or anything? She finds her living room covered in smoke. Or gas? She hurriedly grabs her phone to call the police.

Kwan-woo arrives just behind a patrol car, and rushes up when he sees smoke coming from her apartment. The cops come out with a can of bug fogger they found, and say that there was nothing else. But Nice Cop wonders right away if this was Min Joon-gook’s doing. Turns out Su-ha went to go see them too, to request that they keep an eye on Hye-sung.

Kwan-woo says they have to search for Min Joon-gook’s whereabouts and barks orders at them like a cop, and they fall in line. He suggests that Hye-sung leave her apartment and go to the office for now, and tells her that Su-ha came to see him too, to request that he watch over Hye-sung. She gets a bad feeling…

And then as the cops drive away, we see Su-ha hiding on her street, with cans of bug fogger in his Bag O’ Trouble. What, you terrorized her on purpose? If the idea was to get her out of the house, there could’ve been less frightening ways about it, no?

He then calls Min Joon-gook and asks to meet, having already read his mind when they locked eyes earlier today: Su-ha is his first target, not Hye-sung. Min Joon-gook waits for him, holding a giant pipe.

At the office, Hye-sung calls Su-ha over and over, but there’s no answer. She starts to panic, wondering what he’s thinking, and then Sung-bin calls. They each ask the other if they’ve seen Su-ha, and Sung-bin tells her about this morning—when she felt a knife in his bag.

Hye-sung immediately tells her not to say a word to anyone and runs out. Kwan-woo chases after her, wondering how she’s going to find him. He takes out his phone to call the police, but she stops him and says they can’t involve the cops. He wonders what’s going on that she won’t let him call the police.

It’s then that she remembers Su-ha set their phones to track each other, and she finds his location. Hurry!

Su-ha arrives at an underground garage. He drops his bag and takes out his knife all while marching ahead towards the killer like a badass freight train, and right now he’s terrifying me more than Min Joon-gook is.

He sees the broken cameras on the ground and calls out to Joon-gook, who notes that the kid is pretty brave to come all alone. He asks where the girl is, and Su-ha says he can’t go near her because she’s with the police right now.

Joon-gook wonders if he isn’t afraid to die, and Su-ha says it’s all the same—either he wins and Min Joon-gook dies, or he dies and Joon-gook goes down for murder. Joon-gook laughs that it’s all the same to him too—either Su-ha dies and Hye-sung is heartbroken, or Su-ha becomes a murderer and Hye-sung is still heartbroken.

YES, see how the murderer wins either way, Su-ha? I can’t believe I’m saying this, but listen to the killer!

He yells at Joon-gook to come out and show his face, and Joon-gook says he thought it over, and decided that Su-ha has too much of an advantage in a fight, with his superpower and all.

He’s curiously been closing his eyes the entire time they’ve been shouting at each other, and then we find out why: Joon-gook shuts off the power and the whole place goes dark. Now Su-ha can’t see his eyes to read his thoughts, and on top of it all, Joon-gook has been sitting with his eyes closed the whole time, so he’s already accustomed to the darkness. Crap.

Su-ha raises his knife, but it’s only too easy for Joon-gook to sneak up behind him and knock him down with blow after blow using the giant pipe. Augh, he’s getting beaten to a pulp. I can’t watch.

Hye-sung and Kwan-woo follow the phone tracker to the building and split up to look for Su-ha. Kwan-woo worries that it’s too dangerous for her to go alone, but she screams that finding Su-ha is more important, and runs off.

Su-ha struggles to fight back in the dark, and then finally finds an opening when he manages to kick Joon-gook off his feet. He runs toward the electrical switch, and flips the lights back on. Phew.

The tables turn the other way, and Su-ha beats Min Joon-gook bare-fisted with ease now that he can read his thoughts. When Joon-gook is bloodied and barely standing, Su-ha reaches for the knife. Aaaaaack.

Joon-gook asks if he’s really going to stab him, when it’ll make him a murderer. Su-ha: “It doesn’t matter. You have to die so she can live.” Joon-gook laughs, “This is fun.” He screams at Su-ha to come at him and live his life in exactly the same way he did, asking to die just to push him over the edge.

Su-ha grips the knife tightly and approaches…

Just then, Hye-sung arrives and sees what’s happening. And with only a second to spare, she dives in between them, just as Su-ha reaches out to stab Min Joon-gook. Ohmygod. He stabs her right in the gut.

Blood drips down, and Min Joon-gook looks up in shock. And Su-ha… Su-ha lets out this noise that breaks my heart, like he’s suddenly back to being a tiny child. He shakes as he holds her, just letting out whimpering noises, not knowing what to do.

She looks up at him: “Hey dummy, didn’t I tell you? If you kill that man, you stop being a victim and become a murderer. You don’t ever listen to me.” I love the tone in her voice, like they’re arguing over morning coffee, not a gaping stab wound.

She collapses in his arms and he asks with tears streaming down his face why—why did she do this?

But Min Joon-gook sees his chance, and picks up Su-ha’s knife. He comes at Hye-sung, but Su-ha sees him in time and blocks her, taking the knife in the back. AAAAAUGH.

Joon-gook raises the knife to strike again, but Su-ha kicks him down and fights back. He gets the upper hand and starts to strangle Joon-gook, with that terrifying rage bubbling back up to the surface: “DIE!”

It’s only when Hye-sung cries out to him to stop that he comes to his senses and lets go. He stumbles back to her. But… what about the knife?

Joon-gook picks it back up to finish the job, when Kwan-woo’s voice rings out, looking for Hye-sung. Joon-gook decides to flee before anyone else comes. Thank goodness for that. My heart can’t take much more of this.

Su-ha cradles Hye-sung in his arms, and with her last few seconds of consciousness, she thinks at him not to say a word to anyone—Min Joon-gook stabbed her, and if he ever says differently, she’ll never see him again.

Her eyes close, and he cries for her to wake up.

Kwan-woo is still running through the building when he spots Min Joon-gook fleeing the scene. They lock eyes, and Kwan-woo stops cold to see his true face—covered in blood and smirking back at him. On the one hand, I’m glad you finally know; on the other, now we’ve just added you to the killer’s hit list.

He finally finds them, and Su-ha pleads for help. Ambulances arrive and she gets rushed into surgery, and Kwan-woo breaks down in tears outside the emergency room.

Su-ha finds him there after getting his shoulder bandaged up, and the two boys stand outside the door, just crying and waiting.

Once the surgery is successful, Su-ha stands at her bedside while she sleeps, holding her hand tightly. She leans down to whisper something in her ear, which we don’t hear. Arrrrgh, it’s not goodbye again, is it? Say it ain’t so.

And then when she opens her eyes, we’re back to the scene that opened the episode. She demands to know where Su-ha is, and Kwan-woo holds her back, pleading with her to stay in bed.

In voiceover she says: “From that day on, Su-ha disappeared.” Aw, no.

She narrates as we watch the days following, as she calls Su-ha’s uncle who’s in another country and obviously couldn’t care less about finding him. We do find out where Su-ha’s money came from—Uncle took the bulk of Dad’s life insurance and doled out allowances to Su-ha.

“He didn’t have family that acted like family, and he hardly had friends that acted like friends.” In school, we see that the only person who cares about his empty seat is Sung-bin.

Min Joon-gook’s picture gets plastered on a wanted notice for attempted murder, and Kwan-woo quits the public defender’s office. Lawyer Shin doesn’t think this is the way to fix things, but Kwan-woo says it was his fault that Joon-gook went free and hurt Hye-sung, and he can’t live with that.

Patrol cars swing by Hye-sung’s house nightly and she gets new doors installed, and then one day, news breaks: a severed hand is discovered, and it’s been identified as belonging to Min Joon-gook.

The assumption is that he’s been murdered, and the search is on for the rest of his body. Among the evidence found is Su-ha’s knife with his fingerprints, and Joon-gook’s cell phone, with multiple calls from Su-ha. Balls.

Hye-sung gasps in front of the tv and then rushes down to the police station. She introduces herself as a public defender and immediately starts arguing with the detective about assuming that Su-ha is a killer.

He shows her all the evidence found at the scene, and urges her to convince him to turn himself in if he contacts her. She walks out murmuring to herself, “It’s not a dream. It definitely wasn’t a dream.”

Flashback to what Su-ha whispered to her that day in the hospital: “I won’t ever do what you’re worried about. I’ll keep my promise, so trust me.” She tells herself with a smile that Su-ha will keep his promise no matter what.

The detectives show up at school to search Su-ha’s locker, and Choong-ki points it out to them before walking out with a bag slung over his shoulder. Sung-bin tries to intercept the search, but they find it empty anyway, to her relief.

She tackles Choong-ki in the hallway for ratting out a classmate like that, but then we see the contents spill out of Choong-ki’s bag and it’s all of Su-ha’s stuff, like his headphones and his journal. Aw, Choong-ki.

Sung-bin comes by to do Hye-sung’s nails like always, and Hye-sung asks if she doesn’t miss Su-ha, knowing that Sung-bin likes him. She admits that she half wishes Su-ha would come back but half hopes he stays in hiding forever. Hye-sung says that there’s no way Su-ha is a killer, and Sung-bin smiles at the reassurance, saying that Hye-sung is smarter than her, so she knows best.

It’s then that she gives Hye-sung the Good Job Bear, saying that Su-ha meant to give it to her but didn’t get a chance to. Hye-sung has her doubts that it was meant for her, but Sung-bin says it’s definitely hers.

She heads home that night and plops down on her bag in exhaustion, and Su-ha’s voice comes out of nowhere. She takes the bear out and realizes it’s talking at her, and squeezes the belly to hear Su-ha say, “Good job, jjang-byun.”

She wonders what it means, and then remembers asking him to tell her that she did a good job when she was feeling down. She squeezes the bear over and over again, muttering, “Jerk. Banmal till the end.”

A year passes that way.

Hye-sung returns to her old self, plus one scar on her stomach, and her apartment is back to its former trash trough glory. At the bus stop, a group of high school boys makes her pause and she thinks about Su-ha.

Kwan-woo is back to his dorky hair and glasses (hee) and has been working at his parents’ jjimjilbang, running the snack counter and giving random grandpas legal advice.

Pretty the Paralegal comes for a visit and says that it’s been a year since Lawyer Shin and Hye-sung have spoken a word to each other while working in the same office, and says she’s returned to her old self.

Kwan-woo think he means she’s gotten younger-looking, ha, but he meant her other former self. We see her in court, and she’s back to her canned recitations, tone dull and lifeless.

“The defendant’s wife…” Judge Kim: “Your defendant is a woman!” Without skipping a beat: “The defendant’s husband…” LOL. Lawyer Shin overhears the judges wondering if she’s not just acting out because of Min Joon-gook’s case a year ago.

Do-yeon holds the elevator for her and asks her out to lunch sometime, thanking her for handing her a year’s worth of wins in court. Hye-sung asks if she likes winning like that, and Do-yeon says in all seriousness that it’s no fun, so she should get it together and fight for real. Dude, if Seo Do-yeon is telling you to get your shit together, you know there’s something wrong here.

On the bus ride home, she types a text message to Mom about her crappy day and her run-in with Do-yeon, wondering if she really should keep doing this job. And then we see that she’s been doing this every day for a year—sending Mom texts about the drama that she was watching and how it ended, wondering what she should eat today, whining that she got a cold. Great, now I’m crying.

Suddenly she sees a guy walking down the street wearing headphones, and yells at the bus driver to stop. She runs after him, but it’s not Su-ha of course, and she pitches a fit at him for wearing headphones like that’s a crime.

She goes home and bandages up the cut on her heel from chasing the guy down, and takes out her frustrations on Good Job Bear.

The detectives make their way to the countryside on a tip, where they ask a grandpa if Park Su-ha lives here. He says no, but then whey they show him a picture, he freezes in shock. He takes them to the chicken coop, and there’s Su-ha. And he’s going by a different name.

Hye-sung gets a call from the detective that they found Su-ha, and she comes running to the station. He tells her that Su-ha is either really smart or really stupid, but doesn’t explain why. She goes tearing inside to find him for herself.

He’s being interrogated in handcuffs, and she calls his name, trembling. He turns to face her, and she erupts in a wave of questions—where has he been, why hasn’t he answered her calls, is he hurt, is he okay?

He stares at her for a while, and then asks in jondae, “Is Park Su-ha my name?” WHAT.

He says that’s what everyone here is calling him. “Do you know me?”

Oh. My. God.


Amnesia?! Of all the ever-loving… WHY?!

Okay, calming down now. It’s not the end of the world, given that there’s a murder investigation and this definitely throws a gigantic wrench in the works. It’s just, I was waiting and waiting for the big reunion, and he doesn’t even remember her! ARG. Why. I hate amnesia! It’s not that I think this show will use the trope lazily, but I hate that device to begin with, and now I have to watch episodes where Su-ha isn’t Su-ha? Nooooo. Just noooooo.

I’ll give you this though—I was totally surprised. We knew a time jump was going to come, and I did expect it around the halfway mark, given the build-up to the goodbye and the big showdown. I just didn’t expect the reunion to come with a side of What’s My Name. I do think that of all the gajillion uses of amnesia, this is a pretty good one, not that I’m going to stop crying about the fact that he CAME BACK WRONG. *grumble grumble*

Crying aside, plotwise this does open up the possibility for a whole host of interesting questions: Did Su-ha lose his mind-reading ability? Is the amnesia connected to that loss? And what, if anything, does it have to do with Min Joon-gook presumed dead, and the events leading up to the disappearance? He clearly contacted Joon-gook even after Hye-sung’s stabbing, so what happened in those days after he left the hospital and before he lost his memory?

Thank ye drama gods that Hye-sung stopped Su-ha in time before he could kill Joon-gook—I love that she saves him time and again, and that even though he’s the gallant knight, she’s actually the one who always comes to his rescue. And because we saw that play out, and saw his horrified reaction to Hye-sung taking a knife in the gut just to save him from becoming a killer, I trust his promise too. As much as I believe he was going to kill Min Joon-gook the first time, I trust that he didn’t the second time. Right? (Besides which, I’ll be a skeptic about the dead part until the next severed thing that shows up is his head.)

The drama’s premise was destined to get us to this place—where Hye-sung is defending Su-ha in court. I’m just sighing in relief that it’s not after he actually kills Min Joon-gook (onscreen, and not just presumably), because there’s just no coming back from that. But this—a murky case where they’re the underdogs fighting against a brilliant sociopath and going by faith in each other alone—that’s great stuff. And the hope is, of course, that their faith in the system is restored through this fight.

My favorite thing is that she spent a year running around chasing after all the Su-ha look-alikes in the world, just like he did for ten years with her. All of the touches like imagining him there, thinking about him at the bus stop, sleeping with Good Job Bear by her pillow every night—so little says so much. It’s a case where a year’s separation has evened out their playing field, not just in age (because he’s now officially a card-carrying adult) but in heart, because now she knows a little of what it’s like to think about him day and night and long for what she can’t have. It’s not the same, but they’re no longer playing in different leagues. It lets me dare to hope for a future… just yunno, after we clear him for murder, get his memory back, and catch a killer. All in a day’s work, right? *goes back to biting nails*


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Thank you so much. I'm always on edge when it comes to this drama^_^


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*mindblown* this was a REALLY intense episode... And thank god it wasn't a Thirsday episode or I'd have to wait a week... And that's impossible... This drama is SO GOOD so far, and I hope it stays good instead of crashing and burning at the end like... *ahem Gu Family Book* thanks for your recaps, it's nice to know that somebody agrees with my frustrations lol


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.."and now I’m beginning to think that it’s not him who’s nearsighted, but her who’s super-powered"

Seong-bin totally has supernatural powers.


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...when it comes to Su Ha.


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When I saw that the evidence of the severed hand the thing that came to mind "OMG it's WORMTAIL ALL OVER AGAIN!!!" they better not catch the wrong criminal!


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And he has an obsession with fish and aquariums.

Just give Suha a shark pendant and we've got ourselves Yisoo's younger half.


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puhaha looks like kim nam gil is rubbing off on lee jong seok -- we got ourselves a mini pornstache.


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Jung Woong In is just......awesome.
He can be a doting father, mumbling oppa, and kickass killer.. *bow*

and Lee Jong Seok!
I wonder if his chemistry off screen with Lee Boyoung helps him doing such a great acting. They're just awesome together ( not necessarily romantic )

I believe that was Min Gook cut his own hand and set all the evidences. Min Gook is capable doing that.

Amnesia - I think this is a great twist! Whether he's faking it or not, this is unexpected turn. Great job, chaka-nim!


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I totally believe Min Gook has the capability to cut off his own arm. But would he set himself up to live in hiding or to leave South Korea to set up such a vengeance?? Yeah..i guess he could.


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I believe it too. You're so right.


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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before but I love how the characters are catalysts for each other development in a domino kind of way; you see, while Su ha helped Hye sung to become her true self, she helped lawyer Cha to become a better man and also, the whole relationship provided Su ha a place to belong, a real person who cares about him. Once Su ha is gone Hye sung comes back to a shadow of herself, And also Cha loses his faith in himself/the law which defined him as character (oh how they broke him!). I yelled at the screen both at the time jump and the amnesia since I didn't know that was coming! So mad at the cliches, but then again, they have done such a great show that I accept them as art of the narrative.


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i assume that MJG cut his hand, i think he can do that since he already tried to hurt himself just to fake that he was saving HS's mom. about his amnesia, maybe he's just faking it so that the news will spread the rumors, and MJG has the idea that he got amnesia, and just trying to trap MJG on another plot. well just hoping to be like this...


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Can't believe drama crazy is gone... Where am j suppose to to watch j dramas? For k dramas I can find alternatives j dramas not so much...


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What I dont understand is the preview of next episode always put an impression a normal drama series and yet, when the drama actually aired, it slaps me everytime... I always went, "It cant be right? It wont go to this extend right?" but IHYV kicks me and proof that they are a different drama and exceeds expectation.. I am a bit worried of what may come.. Please drama God, dont disappoint me like Gu Family Book.... :")


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Jung Woong In deserves a award for this role and hope he wins it!

I thought the episode would be so much better if they didn't show HS on the hospital... because I totally saw it coming HS is gonna stop SH by getting stabbed by him. It was no fun :(

Plus, amnesia?? Really show??

I also disliked how HS went back to her old self. If she hates this law system so much, why she doesn't try to be different at least and fight it instead of giving up and being unprofessional like that? Does she really need people on her life to make her do things right? I was wondering, is HS going to be a good lawyer if not for SH there helping her or if not for her wish of winning DY?? Will she ever be professional and do her work right?

Well, she disappointed me.

And HS being stabbed and SH turning almost a murderer - if HS didn't stop him he would be one, so I'm also disappointed on him btw. Violence is not the answer. No matter what. I'm kind annoyed he seems to be doing this just because of HS and not because of his dead father. You know, I know his father died many years ago, but still, he could at least think on his father too.


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HS is clearly suffering from depression: Her mom has been killed, her love story crashed before starting and the only person she cares for almost killed her and disappeared. Oh, and her job sucks...
Some would do suicide attempts for less than that and I'm glad to see her as a normal woman: Not a doormat, not a Wonder Woman. Just a woman who hit rock bottom in her life and needs an impulsion.


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yup. But the thing is, HS was like that before everything of this happen, before SH appear or her mom die.

She was unprofessional even before and just when people told her this is wrong, she started to change.

I would like so see her stand up for herself not because of others...

Needing an impulsion is one thing, depending of this person for everything (like she did with SH on the court or Lawyer Cha for help) is another thing...

but I must say yes, her life sucks.


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I would say her life was crap since long ago – we can go back as far as the firecracker incident, and who knows what happened before then (there could be a background story to Hyesung and her mom living with Do-yeon's family, and Hyesung's absent father).

I agree that she should stand up for herself and not be dependent on others, though I'm not sure she's dependent on someone for everything. She may be pretty lame in her job, but she is, after all, financially independent. Her struggle, for me, is more on the emotional level – she lives, but she has no passion, no emotion in her for anything she does, no friends or anything either. Suha is really the first one that is pushing her in that direction, because you can see, even now that he's disappeared, how he has emotionally impacted her. Which, with his reappearance and the suspicion for murder, might push her professionally again. Because the thing is, her unprofessional tactics, including using the wrong means to prove the truth, is NOT what will prove Suha's innocence. She and Oska will have to collaborate and each use the best of their abilities that they do have to win this case.


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totally agree with you on the depression, I'd add a side of grief and PTSD

Min Joon Gook accomplished what he intended to do. He stripped Hye-Sung of her support system.

He murdered her mother, killed her romance and set her knight running.

Her texts to Mom and her attachment to her morale boasting bear gives some insight into her loneliness.

Yes Hye-Sung is a uncaring lawyer. She has no faith in the system and learned at an early age that truth and integrity are lousy weapons against power. [firecracker incident]

But when she is in the presence of people who care about her [her mom and Suha] and demands more from her she gives it.

She was learning to care and take initiative--the deaf grandpa case, but the Joon-Gook verdict undermined the progress she has made in believing that fighting makes a difference. So she is back to surrendering to power by not caring.


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Totally agree with you. We're dealing with a kind of Go Dok-Mi character here. Except she is more extroverted in her depression. But at the core, there was a lack of meaning in her life. She began finding it again when she had to live with her OTL and just when she had begun healing, her idea about triumphant evil in the world was reinforced.


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Yup, the law is what set free her mother's killer. I can see how upset she must be.
I'm still surprised she's still going to work everyday.


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After all that happening? I wouldn't give a shit either. I'd be like, screw you law for completely dissing me in my moment of need. Why should she fight to make guilty people innocent when that exact thing destroyed her? I'm not disappointed in her, just sad for her.


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So, now everyone there is not innocent and should just go to jail? Didn't HS got blamed for something years ago even though she wasn't the culprit. Yeah have people who are guilty there and she has to defend them, but there is also INNOCENT people there hoping someone can them and you know be professional. If she lost faith on the law system then she needs to quit.


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" Dude, if Seo Do-yeon is telling you to get your shit together, you know there’s something wrong here."

^ My first laugh/chuckle for this whole entire recap of this episode... And ERMERGERD!!!!!! Really?!?!?! The ol' 'Kdramalandia amnesia??? REALLY?!??!?!? Show better have a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good explanation/plot point/whateveryouwannacallit reason for doing this!!!!!


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And if Hye-Sung don't care about repeatedly losing to Do-Yeon, you know she's off the deep end of not caring.


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although, I think that for this time around as to why Hye Sung isn't caring anymore is WAAAAAY different than when we were first introduced to her as a lawyer: the first time 'round, the reasons for her not caring is because she never took her job seriously and was just doing it for the money, NOW, her reasons for not caring is because she legitimately doesn't care or believe in the [justice] system anymore.... and I don't blame the girl, after all that's happened.... losing her mom and having the murderer get acquitted, then losing Su Ha ='(


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Agree. Both times she lacked in her job was for different reasons. the first time, like you said, was more of an indifference and money issues while the second time i'd say is more about the disappointment of the criminal justice system.


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I'm not even watching this show and I STILL freak out reading these recaps!

I know I'm spoiling myself of the suspense but if I were to watch this currently airing I'd probably go stir crazy.


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Same with me gaaah -_- I'm too excited when I haven't even watched a single episode of IHY ..


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Ohhh my gahd alsjhaisksbakalka
This drama had me crying, whimpering, and laughing all at once. At least the world knows that MJG is evil and crazy now. Sigh. I love su-ha's and jang byun's relationship so much. How they interact and care for each other like equals. Lawyer cha is good, nice, reliable and an adult and having him with jang byun works and they are perfect outwardly but i love it when in the moments of her need it is really su-ha who understands her. Just shows how much more poignant their relationship is despite all odds. I really wish they end up together now. The show just cant have him going solo after being alone for so long ;__; cries


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My first thought when Soo ha said that was that he's faking amnesia because he's smart. Am I the only one who thinks this?


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Tonally, this episode felt like a different show, amiright?


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Yup, i mentioned above that I Hear Your Voice is shifting tones from the light and fluffy to a more darker, intense tone. I actually don't mind at all because light and fluffy can only go so far.


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There's another very plausible possibility for what happened after Soo Ha left Hye Song: Soo Ha immediately sought after Min Joon Gook knowing that if he doesn't resolve the situation right away Min Joon Gook is going to find either her or him later on. It's just a matter of time.

There was another confrontation between Min Joon Gook and Soo Ha, but this time Soo Ha's decision would have been to incapacitate him and make sure MJG doesn't try to kill again. I believe Soo Ha did cut off his hand. The fact that the hand ended up in a river probably means that the confrontation happened near a cliff that had a river below. After he cut off MJG's hand during the fight, he was either pushed off while he was holding onto the hand in what ever scenario, which lead to the amnesia due to the fall and the hand that drifted down the river. It also explains his fingerprints, and his calls to MJG after the incident.

Am I just writing my own fanfic? LOL. This show is too good. First time commenting on a blog about a drama. It's just THAT exciting.


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My heart!!! My heart aches............ Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.............


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1) oh. I SUPER hate AMNESIA! been there, done that..IHYV is too good for amnesia! So it'd better be a fake one. Just like GF, I cannot stand the fact that SH is not SH anymore. I love this drama so much bcoz of its character. I love, miss and won't be able to accept that SH is not that -mindreader, smart,protective, obsessed with HS- anymore...with all the flaws and broken past history which made him a SooHa I love. Plus his eyes..the way he stare...I miss him already! (LJS is a great actor. The preview showed he looks very innocent & different)

2) On the other hand, the SH we know should always care bout HS and if MJG is out there, SH should either "stalk" him or watch over Hye Sung's life to make sure MJG did nothing to harm her. Instead, he disappeared for a year? That means: he really has an amnesia? or he kept MJG under his radar and make plans to frame him when the time is right and amnesia was part of the plan?

3) Plot twist : Lawyer Cha felt guilty and haunt down MJG and cut his hand off. And resigned bcoz he had go against the law to punish MJG. He's willing to come back and partner with Lawyer Jang only to help SH since he knows he is not the one who cut his hand. LOLLLL

4) I am so freaking worried that SH will not end up with HS. The center of the story is Soo Ha and Hye Sung. We all know that. But...nobody knows who HS will end up with... :(

5) I love how HS texted her mom and said that she's an eel now instead of dragon. It's so ironic that when she's a teen, she was so brave to the level that she wouldn't submit to DeoYoon's dad and admit their accusation even when she got kicked out from school and mom lost her job. She was a dragon when she decided to testify against a murderer back then. DY was the "eel" in the past, she framed her for the firework accident, and hid when SH's dad accident happened. Your past does not define your future. Now, they switch position. So ironic. But i love HS character with all the flaws she has. Not a perfect female lead. But an honest and realistic one.


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I'm not buying the amnesia thing. I think if he can read peoples minds he can pull this off without a hitch.
Or did he write her that letter and leave it in that book in his school locker thinking at some point down the road she'd read it.
I don't put it past crazy killer man to cut off his own hand to frame the kid for murder. Ah next episode save me!!! LOL


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"I'm not buying the amnesia thing. I think if he can read peoples minds he can pull this off without a hitch."

THANK YOU. And for our sakes, lets hope this is the case.
I just have this extreme dislike for amnesia plots. No matter how well they are executed.


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I think I'm not the only one who notice it about LJS/Park Su Ha...but...I feel so itchy that I have to shout it out:

Don't you think that Su Ha's mole on his right eye looks so excruciatingly HOT? It suits him too well! I must admit that it adds to his charisma, appeal, handsomeness and whatsoever....

Now, now...I miss the old Su Ha, the charming, loving, and protective over HS Su ha-yya. Writer-nim, please let us have the OLD Su Ha back!

I swear, if Su Ha doesn't end up with Hye Sung, I wouldn't ever watch KDrama for-who-knows-when (but for sure for a VERRRRRYYY long time)!!! My heart won't be able to take it...the agony! Gah. On the second thought, it's okay if Hye Sung and Su Ha ends up as noona-dongsaeng forever, BUT IT'S NOT OKAY IF HS ENDS UP WITH LAWYER CHA---I SWEAR A COUNTLESS TIMES that it's not a REALLY GOOD ENDING. I rather want HS become an old maid (and just be an older sister to Su Ha) than her marrying Lawyer Cha! If she ends up with Cha, it would be the worst ending EVER in dramas I've watched so far.

To end my rant, I will still believe that Hye Sung and Su Ha is the OTP for this show to the very end, unless the writer of this drama ends it the other way and slaps the ending to my crying face.


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lol i love your username <3


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He's totally faking.


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I hope so!


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This show is trying to kill me :(. I haven't been so on edge for a drama in a while (maybe not since I saw White Christmas last year). Ahh, I'm going to be thinking about this episode for the rest of the day until Episode 10. I shouldve watched this episode when it was earlier. It's so dark around 5am :(.

Is it bad that I sorta wanted him to kill Min Joon Gook? If only he could just dieeeee but not by Su Ha's hand :(.

I wasn't actually expecting such a big time jump (2 time jumps in one episode!) and I figured Kwan Woo and Hye Sung would eventually end up together in the end. But this is making me doubt that, Su Ha is now legal (yay~) and with the separation she's developing her own sense of longing. Of course, I think she and Kwan Woo will eventually make amends, maybe a lot sooner rather than later (based on the short preview at the end).

So happy for Choong Ki and Hye Sung! I was a bit surprised at his move and I misunderstood the scene while I was watching so big thanks for the recaps for clearing that up for me. That's why I love you guys!


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Man was I disappointed by the amnesia plot. I read reviews before I watched ep 9 and when I see the amnesiac plot I totally thought it was made up by netizens. And then I realise it's not. Why??? Are we back to 1990's melodrama? And then Min Jong Gook seems dead, which totally makes me wonder what they're gonna do over the next 7 episodes. Delve into Do Yeon's birth secrets? Find back Su Ha's lost memory? And the worst part, what if Min Jong Gook isn't dead yet?! I would like to watch a hand-less psychopath plan another revenge(again!) as much as having my tooth pulled out. Aw man I shall miss Su Ha so much(the one who knows his name


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He's faking it. I'm sure!


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While I'm loving every little thing about this show, the amnesia aspect is killing me.


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I'm going to say that it's highly likely that Su-ha's feigning his memory loss, and that it may even have been planned for at some point along the way. He could have used himself as bait to lure the psycho, as far away from Hye-sung as possible, and somehow deal with him without... killing him? It's the only iffy part that can't be clarified without further detail in the next episode. There's no doubt that he's going to keep his promise to himself that he's going to protect her no matter what the cost, and the one to Hye-sung that he won't become the very vicious man he's trying to hunt down. But for him to do that, he would need his memories - the writers chucking all of his recollections, emotions, and mind-reading ability would require so much rebuilding on his character to get him back to hero-mission mode. There's also his love for Hye-sung, which would be weird to start from scratch this far into the game; any strong feelings that come of it would feel really shoehorned in. I think there are two valid possibilities to consider right now, and they are either:

-Su-ha really has been slammed with amnesia. This plays out like a twisted reverse of how the show began, with him having searched faithfully for Hye-sung for a decade, never letting his thoughts of her slip his mind. He recognized her, she didn't, but she only needed a little prodding before she could remember. Now that the tables have turned, Hye-sung recognizes Su-ha while he can't, and it would probably take 1-2 episodes for her to try and cause his forgotten memories resurface. Then all would be well (not really), and they'd move on to tackling the psychopath.
-Or, as mentioned above, Su-ha could totally be playing tricks. It doesn't seem consistent with his personality (he's headstrong and relies on force more than sneaky planning), but then again, he's shown to be very clever and capable of doing things he normally wouldn't if it means protecting someone dear to him. It wouldn't surprise me if he took this route to have the killer focus on him and keep Hye-sung safe from afar. Obviously if this is the case, his ruse would come apart like a house of cards.

What needs to be explained either way is what the heck's been going on behind the scenes with Su-ha and Min Joon-gook - I think everyone would agree that the crazy jack sliced off his own hand to incriminate Su-ha. His true target is supposed to be Su-ha after having killed his father, and if it hadn't been for Hye-sung being there at the time to witness it, he would've succeeded. I definitely think this (at least temporarily) has moved onto a one-on-one war between Psycho Killer and Hothead Mind-reader. I could be wrong about the whole thing, though. I just can't wait for the next episode to see what happens.


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Oh my goooooooooooooood !!!

Can't say much more, be it before reading your recap or after ^^

OH. MY. GOD. !!!!!!


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Ah me... This show is just so stressful on my ahjumma heart!

When we saw the prisoner/judge/prosecutor birth secret thing I groaned, said to myself: "Oh, we don't need all that because we have tension enough. This sub-plot is not necessary."

Then the amnesia and I was like..."WOW!!! Well, they did that well! Mighty well, indeed!" K-drama writers are certainly skillful in all the possible reasons, causes, cures, of amnesia and unknowing. And usually, it's done so badly but this time..wow, it totally worked because it could mean that Su-Ha DID kill Min Gook (because Min Gook tried to murder him) and his mind couldn't take the guilt so it retreated from the crime. Hence, not only do we have to deal with legal guilt but personal morality and how we all deal with things we do. An avenger's guilt..even if the avenger hadn't meant to murder.

Of course, it's possible, Min Gook cut off his own arm to get Su-Ha blamed. (I WOULD NOT put it past him, but I doubt the writers would take that route.) Or possibly Min Gook was murdered by someone else. The great thing is that this story keeps surprising me so I keep thinking there is no way I can even guess what the next turn of events will be.

I figure the birth secret revelation will make Prosecutor De-yeon develop some compassion toward folks she considers evil. So, i guess it's a good thing. I hadn't thought that she needed to grow emotionally and spiritually as well as Hse-yung but hey...let her grow as well. She's kinda an okay character...if only she could just apologize for her past lie.

As for Lawyer Cha, oh my! I want to marry him!!!!! If Hse Yung won't have him, I certainly will. He is SO my type. But now..wondering...he will have to help heroine take care of her true(r) lover -- how interesting is that!

Thanks so much for recapping this...or where would we IHYV--squeers go?


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I think he's faking it. He's smart and he has the potential (+ a useful ability) to use this plan to protect himself. He has not been helped by the law and the last time he tried to kill the killer directly, he ended up stabbing Hye-sung. So having a covert plan seems natural at this point. I really want him to be faking it.

This episode was beyond my expectations. I did not expect it to be such a nail-biter. The previews were so misleading. And I didn't expect the time-jump to be done like that. I was actually giddy with joy at the episode after watching. I can't wait for episode 10.

Some moments of heart-wrenching acting:
- HS crying out for SH in the hospital
- HS writing a text to her mom every single day
- SH's whimpers when he stabbed HS (my heart was breaking into millions of pieces...it was painful to listen to him)
- KW leaving the office and resigning
- HS searching after the SH lookalike

Also I really like Seong-bin and Choong-ki. Especially the fact that Seong-bin gave HS the doll despite liking SH and that Choong-ki would try to protect him even if they were always at odds. SH wasn't that alone after all.


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He's definitely smart enough to fake the amnesia, I agree.

If he's faking it, I hope they don't let us in on it for like 2-3 episodes, because that could make it really intense.

I can't believe I'm hoping for that!!!


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LOL same! You know there's a problem when you like writers torturing you by killing awesome moms and having insanely smart/manipulative killers and characters faking amnesia without telling you...:P


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What a ride! The actor who plays the Big Bad is phenomenal. One creepy, bloody smile, and lawyer Oska just knew.

I am most afraid to see Creepy Stumpy in the next episodes. Our kids are still not safe.

I think amnesia is real. I don't think he can hear voices. Maybe curing his amnesia will result in "I hear your voice, again?" He had a lot of guilt toward HS... he might be blocking it.

This is a great show. Love.


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Thank you so much for the recap! ^^
I trust the writers to at least make something interesting out of this cliched plot twist (amnesia), they haven't disappointed so far.


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"And then as the cops drive away, we see Su-ha hiding on her street, with cans of bug fogger in his Bag O’ Trouble. What, you terrorized her on purpose? If the idea was to get her out of the house, there could’ve been less frightening ways about it, no?"

I think the idea was to make the cops and Lawyer Cha believe that Min Gook was a real danger so that they could heighten security around Hyesung.


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I sincerely hope Joonggok didn't cut off his own hand. That puts him at a whole other level of crazy that I can't deal with. Plus there is the whole other nefarious subplot that they keep hinting at involving Doyeon's father. Remember Suha's dad was killed because he "couldn't keep his mouth shut." And Judge Seo is known for his underhandedness.

My theory, Mr. Park was about to blow the whistle on something connected with Judge Seo and that's why he was targetted. I don't know if Judge Seo ordered the hit, but I'm willing to bet he was aware of it. Whoever had Mr. Park killed probably went after Joongook as well in order to tie up all the loose ends and make sure that no one was alive to talk. Whether he is dead or just maimed, I can't call. But, you know everyone in Kdramaland must be interconnected so this explaination ties everyone together nicely.


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SU-HA yaaaaaaaa!!!!
What happened with the puppy?


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No way~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aghhhhh why it always amnesia~~~~~~


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oh my god why soo ha whyyyy. :(
i'm really curious about the mind reading ability too. it didn't seem like he stilll had it (then again it was only like 2 seconds of him on screen)

in regards to the knife and min joon gooks hand -- we do see him running off after the car park scene with sooha's knife in his hand. and lawyer kwan woo see's him -- right ?

so there is some crazy possibility that min joon gook deliberately cut off his hand and formulated some plan to frame soo ha as a murder to ruin his life? (but thats means he is creepily lurking somewhere still alive)

idk >< but i cant wait till the next episodes.

thanks for the recaps! x


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This a twist. I can't believe I actually cried so much from reading a recap. What more when I actually get down to watching it. Not too sure how much my heart can handle in the coming episodes.


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OMO...two cliches in one episode..amnesia and a time jump. Fanastic episode..riding the emotional roller coaster!

I think Su Ha is faking his amnesia. After stabbing Hye Sung, he went to the hospital, sat with her all night, and promised that he wouldn't become a murderer. Although he was hit with a pipe several times, he seemed like he had all his mental faculty at that time in the hospital and he would have kept his promise.

Also, I can't believe Min Joon Gook would chop off his hand to frame Su Ha. I think he is still alive, and he's working the incriminating evidence against Su Ha.Where's the rest of the body? Still don't think the hand belongs to MJG..Is he a surgeon? Otherwise creepy stumpy has been walking around a whole year... Wouldn't he stand out in public minus one hand? I won't believe he is dead until we see his corpse.


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For me, IHYV is my absolute favorite drama of 2013 so far because of the fresh stories, twists and plots that it offers. There's been a few like that already and out of those few I personally still choose this one. Everyone has their own favorite right?

All the characters are great, every actor is played his or her part perfectly and it's always worth waiting for another 2 episodes the next week.

But suddenly the writers decided to add in the ever cliched plot of "amnesia" that has been done to death in so many dramas already, some not even convincingly!

I hope to hell that Soo Ha is only pretending to have lost his memory for some reason.
If that's the case then I'll still rate this drama.

I cant wait to see the back story of Do Yeon's father and the man he sent to jail for 25 years. Also howall of that connects to Hye Sung and Soo Ha.


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Thanks for the recap:) I hope he's faking the amnesia. It'll of course save him from the murder accusation though i believe he could never kill min joon after the promise. But oh god... I do wish he had killed him. Somebody just kill that goddamn killer before he kills someone else. He has to die right??? Even if they find some evidence and send him to prison, he's gonna get released in 10 years and come after them as before. So he has to die. TOTALLY HAS TO DIE...!!!


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Why are people so sure MJG decided to cut off his own hand? He doesn't seem desperate enough to do that. No one in this drama even knows how to investigate properly or be competent in general, so for all we know it might not even be his hand.


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Damn, so the Hye-sung/Kwan-woo ship is sunk?

I'm fine with her choosing either or neither of the boys, but I did feel like Kwan-woo did start to make her empathise a little with other people (that scene of her on the subway in episode 7 imagining that old grandpa searching for papers to sell, after Kwan-woo brought up the point in court, really did touch me).


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i'm gonna bet you a bet. su-ha and MJG had another meeting, su-ha really is amnesic, MJG is not dead but he faked his own disappearance (the cut hand and all) just to frame su-ha - and i'll even throw in MJG fixing su-ha to go out to the place he was found in.

*i'll wait and see how much i got right*


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Who on Earth can normally hear other people's thought?! C'mon people, this is drama! Here we have the leading man who can hear other people's thoughts and having Amnesia now is no big deal! Why are people crying saying that it is cliche and all... Whatever it is I trust the writer/s of the drama to justify it nicely later on.
The theme and other moments of the drama is itself not something new but the presentation and execution is very good and unique! It is unpredictable and endearing till the end of each episode. Even now we don't know if SuHa is pretending or he in fact has Amnesia but whatever it is, it will be treated nicely as other "cliche" scenes were treated.

Can't wait for tomorrow!!!


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One nagging thing:
Given his good grades and smartness, I wish SuHa finished his High School at least. You know it is not easy getting good jobs without even a basic High School pass certificate. He is 'the man' and will have to live with his love interest who is older, more educated, well paid, financially independent, etc and in real life such things will surely be a huge dampening factor for their bright future together.
Ah.... yeah whatever... their relationship is much more deep so I guess it won't really matter in dramaland and also he still has enough time to finish his school and graduate from college...


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story seems like MJG and SH get into another confrontation, falling into water, and MJG loses his hand to a boat propeller while SH is knocked unconscious. so does MJG track SH down or the reverse happen? if SH is to keep his promise, would he choose to directly confront MJG?


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Also, this episode brought in 17.9% viewership ratings.
So close to 20%!


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