Master’s Sun: Episode 13

Longest week-and-a-day ever. Let’s get to it, shall we? Is Joo-gun a little dead, half-dead, almost dead, or a total goner? Now that we’re about to find out the answer, I’m not sure I really want to be shoved out of my denial. I like it here. It’s safe here.

A note: Master’s Sun has decided to extend after all, given the Chuseok preemption that kinda sorta forced its hand. Rather than end on a Wednesday, it’s adding an Episode 17 to even out the run. The show will now end on October 3.


Seo In-gook – “겁도 없이 (Without Fear)” for the OST [ Download ]

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Joong-won appears before Gong-shil as a ghost and says his final “I love you,” before disappearing into thin air. But you probably already know that because you’ve watched that scene about a thousand times looking for clues that he’s not really dead.

As Gong-shil collapses in tears, we cut back and forth to the operating room where Joong-won has flat-lined. The doctor charges up the defibrillator…

One spike… A heartbeat?

Charge two… a second spike…

Charge three…

Back to Gong-shil, who sits numbly in the hall. Aunt and Uncle rush in, and Aunt’s eyes flare up the second she sees Gong-shil, ready to place the blame on her for just being generally unlucky and bad juju for Joong-won.

The doctor comes out to tell the family that Joong-won’s heart did stop for a short while, but he pulled through. He’ll need surgery, but he’s going to just fine. Ohphewthankgod.

Gong-shil is stunned, and actually has to ask again, “He’s not dead?” She realizes that he must’ve come to see her like that coma lady at the hotel, and the first thing she says when she wraps her head around it all is that she has to go to him, because he thinks he’s dead.

But Aunt just keeps hearing the words “dead” and “died,” and slaps Gong-shil across the face for daring to put bad omens to lips. She tells her to stay away from Joong-won forever, and leaves her crying alone in the hall.

She sits there waiting in the same spot all day, caressing her sun necklace and willing the surgery to go well. Secretary Kim comes out to tell her that Joong-won isn’t awake yet, but the surgery is over, and she can sneak in to see him while Aunt has stepped out.

Gong-shil breaks down in sobs the second she sees him lying there, remembering how he said her world was too dangerous, but that that he’d gone ahead and let her bewitch him anyway. Naturally she blames herself for all of it, and cries, “I’m sorry.”

She reaches for his hand but can’t bring herself to make contact, and then Kang Woo arrives to check on her. She tells him that Joong-won came to her, and he thinks he’s dead—what if he never comes back and his body just stays here unoccupied? Augh, the Hong sisters and comas. Talk about bad juju.

She says that she can only see ghosts; she can’t conjure them. But that reminds her of the creepy shaman who warned her once, and she decides to seek her out.

The shaman tells her that it’s because Joong-won has seen the bright sun in the midst of darkness—that’d be her—that he thinks he’s dead. Lol, did he mistake her for the light at the end of the tunnel?

She says he’s preparing for death, not knowing he still has a body to go back to. Joong-won’s soul, meanwhile, sits in a chair and reads And Then There Were None. Hee-joo comes up to him, wondering how he can read. He says with no emotion that he can read because he’s dead now, and she’s just happy that he can finally see her.

Gong-shil pleads with the shaman for a way to call Joong-won’s ghost to her, to tell him he’s not dead. The shaman says she can’t see ghosts, but she can call them… for a price. She likes her ghost-seeing abilities very much, and offers to call Joong-won here if Gong-shil will become her property.

Oh noes. I don’t like the sound of this. Don’t make a deal with the devil! Gong-shil asks what that means to be her property, and the shaman just says vaguely that she won’t be able to do as she wishes.

The shaman asks if the calculations don’t add up, but Gong-shil needs no prodding: “I’ll become your property or anything else. Just bring him back!” Noooooooooooo.

The deal is done, and the shaman asks for a physical object that Joong-won will recognize. Gong-shil takes off the sun necklace and hands it to her. But there’s one more catch: the shaman says that in order to put Joong-won back, she’ll have to erase his memory of seeing “the sun that shines even in death.”

Gong-shil’s face falls to realize he won’t remember his “I love you,” but says that’s okay. The shaman clarifies: she needs to erase ALL his memories of her. WUT. Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, lady?

She says this is the price for brining him back. Will she pay it? But, what about the other price, where she’s already going to be your ghost-seeing slave? ARG. Gong-shil says through her tears that the crazy sun was going to have to get lost eventually, so it’s okay. Omg, has everyone drunk the crazy kool-aid today?!

And with that, the shaman begins her ritual. Joong-won finishes his book, and then starts to follow Hee-joo towards the bright white light. Don’t do that! He sees Hee-joo vanish and then walks toward the doorway… when suddenly the sun necklace appears in his hand with a gleam. The shaman’s voice stops him and says he needs to come back…

The room goes dark. In Joong-won’s hospital room, a woman’s hand caresses his face. Creepy. That’s not Gong-shil’s hand. It turns out to be Evil Twin, who says she’s been waiting fifteen years for the statute of limitations to end on her case so that she could finally see him.

Gong-shil runs down the hallway, pleading with Joong-won to wake up… and then he finally opens his eyes. Evil Twin is the first person he sees.

Gong-shil arrives just as Aunt walks up, and gets another stern warning that this is the end of the line for her. This time, when Secretary Kim tells her to wait for his signal to go in later, she shakes her head and says it really is the end of the line for her, and that she’ll no longer be someone in Joong-won’s life.

Secretary Kim is confused, until he goes in and Joong-won has no idea why he’s here. “Did I really get struck by lightning?” The last thing he remembers is asking to be struck by lightning if he was wrong… the night he met Gong-shil. Oh wow, it’s literally a rewind, not just selective amnesia.

Aunt keeps them from saying anything about Gong-shil, saying that they can sort out the brain stuff after he heals. Secretary Kim stops to exchange glances with Evil Twin, and I can’t tell yet how much he knows. Please just don’t be evil, okay ajusshi?

Joong-won looks down at his hand: “Something shone brightly and then disappeared…” Aw.

Gong-shil tells Kang Woo the truth, and then cries alone that night, reminding herself that she’s the one who promised Joong-won she’d leave when it came time. “That time must be now.”

Aunt makes Uncle and Secretary Kim promise to remain hush-hush about Gong-shil, but Joong-won can sense she’s hiding something from him. So when he comes home from the hospital, he pretends to take an interest in the food she prepared, and while she runs home to get it, he plies Uncle to spill the beans. Heh.

Uncle is dying to talk and he knows it, and he can feel that there’s something crucial that they’re not telling him. He notices the stack of children’s books on his coffee table and thinks that weird too—why would he have books?

He picks one up… and his eyes widen. Omo. The letters aren’t dancing around. He can read. He turns page after page, and he can read them all. He gapes, “What happened to me? Did I really get struck by lightning?”

Gong-shil puts on her sun necklace, deciding that it’s okay to wear since he won’t recognize it anyway. She tells herself that this necklace is enough for her, and forces a smile. Oof, her stiff upper lip is heartbreaking.

As soon as she steps foot inside Kingdom, she sees Joong-won walking towards her. She clutches her necklace and braces herself, as he walks right past her with a smile on his face without a second glance. Ouch.

Suddenly the trashcan lid flips (heeee) and it makes Joong-won turn around. Something about Gong-shil makes him stop and wonder, and he begins to approach her, but she walks away without looking behind.

Aunt sees him and calls him over to block the run-in, and wonders why he came to work in his condition. He beams that a screwdriver to the back must be a cure-all for his reading problem, because now he can suddenly read.

He tells Secretary Kim ever so proudly that he’ll be reading his own files from now on, and then gets a giant bouquet of get-well flowers sent from Giant Mall’s CEO. Joong-won’s jaw drops: “Are he… and I… on flower-giving-and-receiving terms?” Hee.

Secretary Kim says they even played golf the other day (double hee) and that the reading is no surprise to him, since Joong-won has been working so hard at it lately. He adds that the police want to give him a courageous citizen award, and that they have to make decisions about the children’s center he’s building. Pwahaha, I love that Secretary Kim is telling him without telling him.

Joong-won decides that Aunt must be feeding him drugs, because nothing else would explain this behavior. “Did the sun rise upside-down all that time?” Secretary Kim just shrugs in his faux-innocent way: “A special Taeyang must’ve risen by Joo-gun’s side.”

Kang Woo comes by Gong-shil’s office and asks if she’s really not going to tell Joong-won the truth. He says the accident wasn’t her fault, and she knows, but this was a wake-up call for her too.

She was always so happy and relieved to have found her emergency shelter that she never considered how deeply she had pulled Joong-won into her world, when he could see none of what she sees. She realizes now she should’ve been more careful, to protect the person who couldn’t see.

She says she’s got her head on straight now, sighing that people always have to lose something to see clearly. But that’s not what Kang Woo is talking about—the feelings were real, so what’s she going to do about those? Yes, good question. She points to her sun necklace and calls it a seal (like the kind used to seal letters): “I have my feelings, so they’re not gone.”

Joong-won steps out of his office, intending to turn right. But his feet go straight, as if his body has a mind and a memory of its own. He wonders what this strange desire is, like he’s following a habit he doesn’t know, and follows his feet down the hall.

It leads him to Gong-shil’s office, which he only remembers is supposed to be a storage room. He peeks inside, and Gong-shil immediately turns her back, while Kang Woo explains that it’s an office he made, and she’s the employee who’s quitting today.

Gong-shil can barely contain her tears with Joong-won standing so close to her, and Kang Woo literally steps in between them to keep Joong-won from seeing her face. Joong-won can’t shake the strange feeling that he left something there, but goes on his way. He sits at his desk, wondering why he feels so blocked up when he should be happy.

Kang Woo wonders what kind of seal is so terrible at sealing, and offers to escort Gong-shil home. She assures him that she’s got her Gong-shil doll to keep her company, and heads out.

Secretary Kim comes down to see Kang Woo with Hanna’s photo in hand, and asks if this is what Daddy Joo gave him. He sighs that Joong-won was doing so well lately in moving on from the past, and wonders what made him dig into Hee-joo’s case again.

Kang Woo explains that there’s one crucial bit of information that Secretary Kim doesn’t know: Hee-joo was in on the kidnapping, and Joong-won has known this from the start. OH. I forgot he doesn’t know this.

Secretary Kim reels at the news. He goes to his desk and pulls out a framed photo of the twins, and says to himself that there must be some mistake—Hanna was so bright and sweet.

A flashback shows Secretary Kim with Hanna, who calls him Uncle. She lives well with her adoptive parents in England, and has recently connected with Uncle. She says that she’s going to Korea to find her twin sister too.

Flashforward to some time later, after Hanna has discovered that Hee-joo died. She asks why Uncle didn’t find Hee-joo sooner, and cries that her sister led such a sad life. She blames him in part for not finding them when they were younger, and tells him not to forget Hee-joo’s name.

Back in the present, Secretary Kim decides he’ll have to find Hanna. Okay, so clearly she’s got a new face, right? If he stared right at her in the hospital and didn’t recognize her, she got a new face. At least there’s a reason the identical twins don’t look identical?

Kang Woo gives Gong-shil an emergency bell and tells her that he’ll protect her from now on. But she tells him that she isn’t going to hang onto someone else any longer because she’s learned that it’s dangerous for the other person. Poor bodyguard without a body to guard.

He heads out with a longing sigh, and then runs into Yi-ryung on her way to see Gong-shil. He interrogates her about her agenda, and drags her away by the hood when he sees that she’s here to gloat and poke at wounds, as expected.

She counters that she’s going to keep at it the more he likes Gong-shil, so the only way to protect her is to stop liking her. HA. He says she really is a black-whiskered whale (what she called herself when he said he wasn’t interested in fishing in her pond), adding that he looked it up and it doesn’t exist, at least on this planet.

She misses the boat entirely on his insult and fixates on the fact that he looked it up: “Why, you thinking of raising me in your pond?” She promises she won’t even need tending to, and she’ll just grow really really big until he can’t chase her away.

He wonders if this is how Gong-shil sees him, and Yi-ryung pouts, thinking he means she’s pathetic. But he says she’s cool, and it’s made him realize he isn’t as pathetic as he thought, and that he should be bold like her… to Gong-shil. Haha. So not the intended effect.

Yi-ryung pouts in her car, and Kang Woo runs to Gong-shil and totally plagiarizes her whale speech, substituting “dinosaur” for “whale.” LOL. This has to be fake.

The music swells, she looks into his eyes, and they embrace. They land on the bed as the Dooly doll kisses his girlfriend… and Yi-ryung shakes herself out of her nightmare fantasy. She decides that something must be done, but what? Please tell me you’re going to meddle. Go forth and meddle!

Joong-won sits in his house pondering his wolf-goat books, while Aunt tries to get his attention after inviting Hanna over. He just asks about the books, and Hanna lies that they’re hers.

Gong-shil is at the bookstore looking at the very same books, when Yi-ryung calls. She says she has something important to say and calls her back to the same restaurant where they met their friends. And then she calls Joong-won to send him there too.

When he arrives, Gong-shil is sitting with her back to him, but it’s the book in her hands that he notices—she’s bought a set of the same books. He starts to approach her table, but just as he does, that waiter ghost shows up and scares her.

As she jumps in fright, he grabs her shoulders, and the ghost goes poof. Without turning around, she knows he’s here, and struggles to hide her tears. He asks if she didn’t feel something strange just now—like a charge between them.

She lies no, and he walks away, wondering if it sounded like a come-on when he meant it literally. Gong-shil waits until he’s out of sight and sighs, “Even if your memories are gone, you’re still my emergency shelter.”

Even when he sees her leave he doesn’t recognize her face, but the encounter leaves him pondering the sensation when he touched her.

Secretary Kim asks for some vacation time since Joong-won can read on his own now, and Joong-won lets him go reluctantly with the reminder that his place is always by his side. Secretary Kim says with a heavy heart that he’s headed to England to find a niece, and then afterwards he has some important things to tell Joong-won.

After stopping by the coffee shop to see her sister, Gong-shil runs into Hanna, who recognizes her because of the stalking. She compliments her taeyang necklace and Gong-shil turns to go, when she sees Hee-joo’s ghost and calls out her name.

Hanna freezes, and wonders what Gong-shil could’ve seen that made her call out Hee-joo’s name. When Hanna goes up to see Joong-won a short while later, she’s wearing an exact replica of the sun necklace, which gives Joong-won pause. Arrrrrrrrrrgh. You’re so creepy.

Gong-shil tells Kang Woo about seeing Hee-joo’s ghost today, and he reminds her that there’s nothing she can tell Joong-won now because he won’t believe anything she has to say. He assures her that they’re close to finding the kidnapping accomplice and urges her to let it go.

As Hanna tells Aunt a little of her backstory, Secretary Kim shares what he knows with a friend. The twins’ birth parents were poor artists who died in an accident, and there was no family who could raise them at the time. Hanna was adopted and led a nice life, but Hee-joo grew up in the orphanage. What Secretary Kim doesn’t know is what on earth happened when the two girls met fifteen years ago.

The neighbor boys from the gositel come to claim their toys from Kingdom, except now Joong-won has no memory of them and is sure he would never do such a thing. But they have his card, so he lets them take the toys, and they sass him that they read for him and told him that he was “her special person” and everything.

“Whose special person?” “Gong-shil noona. Taeyang.” He stops cold. Does he remember?

Hanna asks Aunt about Gong-shil, and Aunt admits that she was close to Joong-won once, and that she used to say crazy things about calling forth the dead to heal wounds. Hanna agrees that it’s crazy.

Gong-shil arrives home that night to find Hee-joo’s ghost waiting by her door. Hee-joo says she knows Gong-shil loves Joong-won… and asks to borrow her body. Gong-shil asks if the message isn’t something she can convey for her, but Hee-joo insists the possession is necessary. Gong-shil asks if she can catch the kidnapper this way, and Hee-joo nods. Suddenly a hand grabs Gong-shil by the shoulder and Hee-joo poofs away. Eee!

Joong-won whirls her around: “On a stormy night—in that book, that’s the secret code so that those two recognize each other. You know me, don’t you? Who are you? Are you… Taeyang?”


First things first: he’s aliiiive! I don’t even care that it’s the obvious cop-out. I’LL TAKE IT. I’ll buy two and keep the other for a rainy day. I do think we would’ve gone to some interesting places had he died for realsies, but none of them would’ve been a happy place, so I’ll take coma ghost, thank you. As far as that save goes, it works within the confines of the universe and the rules that we’d already been given, so I’m totally fine with. Giddy even.

Now the amnesia I have less love for, partly because I feel like that shaman is just making up her own goddamn rules all willy-nilly, and I don’t trust her. Why are there TWO costs to bringing him back, and what is this vague you-be-my-personal-ghost-seer-property clause about? It feels like a just-in-case insurance plot point, especially on top of the amnesia. I think it would’ve been more effective to just have the one cost, no matter which—having both lessens the effect.

I’m okay with amnesia if it nets something interesting, and I do think we get some good angst out of Gong-shil being near but not able to touch, or in Joong-won feeling her absence but not knowing what it is. But I can’t help but feel that amnesia was the easy way out of their very messy you-take-responsibility-for-ending-things relationship, because it forced the separation for them. I really wanted to see them figure their own way out of that situation, mostly because it’s a mess of their own making, and I wanted them to face the consequences of touch first, think later.

Instead, amnesia sort of forces her hand into being the noble idiot and pushing him away for his own good. Blerg. Perhaps it even makes her more noble than she could’ve been had he remembered her. While I understand her reasons for blaming herself, still, I’m screaming, But he said he loved you! Twice!

I suppose we can look on the bright side and focus on how they’ll find their way back to each other, though given the number of metaphor clues, meaningful objects, and inside jokes, you’d have to be an idiot not to pick up on them, amnesiac or not. I like that the book is their code to recognize each other, and it is entertaining to watch Joong-won’s reactions to all his changes post-Taeyang.

Joong-won’s rediscovery of feelings is admittedly a straight-up retread of things we so recently discovered the first time around, but her heartbreak feels real, and she grounds it emotionally. Also, I can’t be the only one whose biggest relief (after Joong-won survived, of course) is that Secretary Kim isn’t eeeeeeevil. Now THAT would’ve been a disaster.


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And thank God episode 13 is here! It's been a century.

Thank you for recapping, Girlfriday xoxo


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I was thinking about the Creepy shaman, and girlfriday's peeve about two charges for the same magical event.
Is it me, or does the shaman look and act an awful lot like that octopus witch in The Little Mermaid? There were two charges there too: her voice for the legs PLUS the three-sunset-limit-or-you-are-mine-forever clause.
Hopefully that means Eric...err Joong-won, will put a spar into her chest so he and his love can have their happy ever after in their own Kingdom. ;-)


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I had to stop typing I laughed so hard!


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Aunt - you're so not cool about GS (she's just as stubborn as Araboji in My Girl) hope Uncle will do something about it eventho JJW is smart enough to figure it out on his own.

Evil Twin, you're responsible fr HJ's death not JJW..

Of Madam Go, i hope she's not as bad as we're led to think. I mean she can be a matchmaker for the living too, right? And for all we know she might take GS as her apprentice and be her successor..

As for our second leads, i have to imitate Uncle here "Little Sun, fighting!!!"


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the 'two conditions' didn't really bother me that much because I saw it as "In order for me to do this for you, you have to become my property. Aside from that, the only way it can work is to remove his memories of you" They seemed to be two seprate issues, but yeah, Ghost lady = way creepier antagonist than the twins IMO


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I know the amnesia was coming, and was something planned out from the beginning as the books highlight. But while I liked the metaphors up to now, it seems cheap just because it's already an overdone trope in kdramas. Still not a fan of the fact he died for some random ghost side story instead of because the real complication aka Evil Twin.

One thing I was glad about is that Joongwon seems to realise something is wrong, and Hana isn't the special person, no matter how much his aunt pushes for it. (In comparison to BOF urgh.) Seriously hope he remembers who she is before the ghost possession or we're going to have some confusion on our hands.

I do like how he's being proactive about the situation. I thought there'd be a deus ex machina where she says something that tips him off (I think we were all waiting for it throughout the ep, so many hints), but instead he comes up to her and is like Look Give Me The Keyword.

Forever a fan of the uncle omg. His desperation is hilarious. Just imagining samgyupsal dinners at the gositel after all of this is over with the cast. Him being bffs with the cheap security guy, who's dating her sister, who's being civil with Yi Ryeong forever grasping for Kang Woo, who is polite and stands his ground with Joong won, who has a firm grip of Taeyang's hands even as his aunt looks on with a cold sniff.

(Evil Twin can go back to England thnx.)


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I was really getting Boys Over Flowers feels too. I was wishing it wouldn't happen, that although Hanna is creepy, they wouldn't take her character in that direction. But they did and I'm a little disappointed with that because it seems overused.


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What I really love is that try as much as SheWhoShouldBeDead does to put herself in front of Joong-Won to be noticed by him, he sees right through her.

I don't mean that he see her schemes, instead she is like glass to him, something that wasn't there. I was nervous that her wearing the sun pendant would confuse Joong-Won because he held the pendant in his vision, but instead he noticed the pendant, but wasn't the least bit interested in BeDead.


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-Half dead/half nekkid.
-So he did feel that tingle in the first episode. That lying liar that lies!
-Secretary Kim is not evil...(or I would have stopped watching right there)
-When did Joong-won become more sunny than Gong-Shil?
-Little Sun, you're the best dork ever.


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Second "best dork ever"!


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I had a feeling JJW would escape death through a loophole like this. I'm glad; I really didn't want to have to pull strings and have something not nice happen to the Hong Sisters. I'm also glad he's on track to getting his memory back and there's actually a reason given for why being stabbed in the back with a screwdriver caused amnesia, because otherwise it would be off-the-charts ridiculous.


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But Vampire Prosecutor said that the statue of limitations pauses when the person leaves the country...


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We learn so much through dramas.


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And so much of it INCORRECT [not referring to SoL]


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Seriously that Ha Na girl should just go kill herself. I almost fell off my seat when she said she owns those story books.


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I actually like her. I mean, she's pretty non-existent as a threat so far. Although I agree, her random comments, intrusions feel abrupt and therefore jarring. It looks like she's clueless about how evil she's meant to be or wants to be.

The girl who plays her seems really nice though. And not much character has been built around her, so...the part with the books. I blame it all on bad writing, Hong Sisters!


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Thank you for the recap. I always been a silent reader.

-JJW is alive, thank God.
-why TGS quickly seek help of madame Go
-what kind of slaves it will be.

Oh no I cant wait till wednesday, seriously. I can say that I addicted to this.


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I am so not happy with the extension! This episode is pretty draggy... and yes, I totally dislike the creepy shaman and Hanna here. And, with JW's amnesia, I just feel so heartbroken for Taeyang. Hopefully, this will be solved very soon (as in the next episode)!!!! I do not like it at all:(



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As soon as JJW woke up and it became the "Let's Push Hanna" show, I could only think of Ursula and the Little Mermaid. Ursula took the voice to be recognized by our dazed Prince, Hanna took the necklace. As long as it ends the Disney way and not the Hans Christian Anderson way (where Tae Gong Shil becomes foam and Hanna wins), I'm all set to enjoy the eventual take down!


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Thanks for the recap!!

I was confidant that Joong-won would survive, so my main worry was that Secretary Kim would be evil, but he's not. YAY!!!!!

When the shaman first mentioned the amnesia, I was super ready to be disappointed -oh the angst! the misunderstandings! something about golddiggers! -, but I thought it played out pretty well and at a faster pace that expected. Joong-won felt something was off pretty quickly.

The writers also didn't waste time on having Joong-won be mean to Gong-shil. And we got a lot of laughs from Joong-won's reactions to all the good deeds he has done and his now friendly relationship with Giant's CEO. And we got Yi-ryung trying to bring our leads back together again, even if she has self-serving motives.


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I like how they don't seem to be wasting too much time on the amnesia plot (fingers crossed!)

Maybe a dose of good old-fashioned inexplicable jealousy (seeing GS with Kang Woo) will help Joong Won get his memories back sooner?


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Ok after fuming mad for the rest of the night, I can accept the latest developments.

Yes, it's not amnesia. It's a trade off for GS to get him back alive. I just feel that Hong sisters shouldn't have taken this angle, although it is in line with the wolf/goat story.

I can accept it but it doesn't mean I have to like it. We just have to see how this will benefit the ghost matchmaker.

Imagine how JW will feel when he finds out about her sacrifice. It's great to see that his brain may not remember her but his heart does.

I only hope that he can see right through the evil witch. Why is she trying to pass off as someone he loves? I know she waited 15 years for the Statue of Limitation to come to an end. So what is up her sleeve?

I think GS will let HJ borrow her body. The question is whether JW regain his memories before or after that? And whether she can get her body back.

The million dollar question is - how does losing his memories of GS benefit the ghost matchmaker? Maybe because she lets her use her body freely?? Is it a ploy by the evil twin as well?

Another long torturous wait of a week. I hope this is temporary. After putting us through 2 weeks of torture, Hong sisters better reward us by having him remember GS by ep14, and with lots and lots of skinship, deep passionate kisses and bed scenes.


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"I think GS will let HJ borrow her body. The question is whether JW regain his memories before or after that? And whether she can get her body back."

I have trepidations about this.
Even if the Dead-Twin was the good twin I was not happy about how happy Dead-Twin was about Joong-Won being dead so they could be together.

I believe [without evidence-]that Dead-Twin was aware that Joong-Won had other options and could return to the world of the living, yet kept that information to herself so that they could be together.

[I have no evidence for the above, but I'll stand by it, until a better interpretation comes along]


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I agree. She was too selfishly happy he was 'dead'.


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I was a bit unsure about the ghosts' meeting though. She disappeared by walking into the light - which was exactly was GS was trying to prevent JW from doing (& disappearing/fading/moving on?). And then she appeared again haunting the EvilTwin & meeting with GS.

So I saw it as JW's memory of her? and that-her disappearing meant his heartwound was also gone: which was why he is now able to read. It wasn't the actual ghost-HeeJoo, but JW's memory-ghost-first-love-reading-curse . (I don't know if I made much sense, or if I used enough hyphens...)


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I agree with you. I was wondering over that part as well, thinking, what? she is walking away? But then she came back...


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Anyone tracking the Secretary at all? I'm kinda surprised 'cause he's the big twist of this episode--ignoring the amnesia track.

I figure the timeline to be this:
- Secretary Kim works for JJW's father, but hasn't met JJW yet.
- He finds out about his niece finding her twin sister.
- He accidentally lets slip about the family he's working for and mentions the secret necklace. (This was well-established as secret because JJW never told Hee Joo and his father never told anyone else)
- Hanna finds sister and is upset to find her poor.... she hatches a plan to steal the necklace as ransom using her money from GB to do so.
- Hee Joo dies in the accident after tricking JJW.
- Hanna blames JJW for the accident and seeks revenge, stalking him, etc.

Secretary Kim, therefore knew that Hee Joo was involved, but didn't know he was the lynch pin that got everything started.

BTW, I think this episode was lightweight in light of Chuseok and also because they need to restructure the entire series... so making this episode lighter saves plot points for later so they can re outline. It's pretty clear they carefully outlined the entire thing, were ahead of schedule, (since you can see full scripts for BTS, etc) Hong Sisters can't have been happy about that. It would be my personal nightmare...


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i thought JJW told his father that he told Heejoo about the necklace himself?

Are we ever going to know why only JJW can be Gongshil's hideout from ghosts? And what happened to Gongshil on her accident?


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I think the action with the sisters might be reversed.

I think Hanna is a happy adoptee [unusual in k-Drama] in Great Britain, but misses her sister.

She goes back to Korea uses her twin telepathy to find her twin.

Hee-Joo and Joong-Won are having their weird push- pull /light emotional S&M relationship--Hee-Joo seems to switch between, nice and mean which confuses the hell out of the young Joong-Won. Or perhaps he is dating nice Hanna and mean Hee-Joo simultaneously without knowing it.
Maybe Joong-Won's aunt or father tried to breakup his relationship with HeeJoo because she didn't have the right background and connections. Perhaps instead of trying to end the relationship through Joong-Won, Aunt or Dad approach HeeJoo and pissed her off and sent her resentment about her lot in life through the roof. She hatches the kidnapping and ransom demand as payback for insulting her.

Then envious HeeJoo guilts Hanna the into kidnapping plot because Hanna won the jackpot with her adoption and HeeJoo drew the short straw living in the orphanage.

After the kidnapping chase kills Hanna, HeeJoo assumes her life. [Don't know why Hanna's British Community wouldn't notice a change in her language skills but whatever] She continues plotting her revenge deciding the ultimate humiliation would be to come back to Joong-Won after the statue of limitation expire. Win over everyone who had told her she wasn't good enough for him. Marry Joong-Won and a week or so into the marriage show up to family dinner wearing the ransom necklace.

This won't happen, because I am awful at predicting the trajectory of Korean drama--which is why I watch.


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I can't remember the order of the cities she lived in in the last 15 years following Joong Won around so she might not have returned to her home. How she might have fooled the parents I don't know.


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Hong Sisters always make you wild guess and then you are always wrong and their answer is 10x better. (usually, when there isn't a holiday and they didn't just get an extension after being ahead on their scripts... *shakes fist*)


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'She goes back to Korea uses her twin telepathy to find her twin.'

lol. when you say uses her twin telepathy, you're being sarcastic right? you say it so casually, and i'm flipping here.

oh i agree about the twin sisters involvement. i feel like both were involved romantically/emotionally with joong-won too. and i feel like the one who died is hanna too and hee-joo takes up her life. although i don't have enough evidence to substantiate that either. but it wont stop me from making my own version up. :)


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"Twin telepathy" came from the subtitles on Viki.

Hanna explained to her uncle-secretary Kim, who had not been able to find HeeJoo, that she was going to Korea to look for her twin sister and she would be successful because twins had telepathy.


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This has got to be the worst week ever... now I have to wait another week for the next episode. I'm dying.. really really dying.


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Not my fave ep.

Side note beofre i forget, the heirs teaser at the end...luscious. Lee Min Ho saying hey whats up baby in english, woke me right up.

I liked this ep because it was gong shil centric. Girl can act. I let loose a single vodka tear at the packing up the office scene. For me, thats huge.

We all knew the amnesia was coming...at least it is mystical amnesia???? That wretched shaman amd her double dealing. The dark killing the light...will hee joo / han na take taeyang to the brink? And whoever else said it first above, you are right, the twins parent trapped this and switched places. Hee joo be alive and ha na was the one in lurve with joong won. So the possession will be about sisters battling it out...catharsis much???


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Im ok with the amnesiac aspect as long as it gets resolved soon. Which seems to be the case, seeing how jw physically reacts to memories of gs. I like how it is reversed now, instead of gs running to jw when ghosts appear, jw saves her on his own accord.


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My only hope is that they don't drag out the amnesia plot for too long. One of the things that made me happiest in this series was how quickly they communicated their misunderstandings and totally went against normal kdrama angst setups, so I'm hoping this episode's ending will lead into everything getting resolved and then moving on to the evil twin + what the hell actually happened with the kidnapping plot.

I really appreciated how Joong-won was so sharp and not romcom dumb. Hopefully he'll continue to be that sharp, even if Gong-shil denies being his Taeyang and Hanna keeps doing her best to be a total creeper. (seriously, wtf buying the same necklace. Slow your roll Creepy.)


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I really enjoyed how sharp JJW is. I find that I don't mind amnesia as much as I hate "romcom dumb". Love your wording. :)


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JW being really smart made this ep bearable for me. Evil Shaman's spell, whatever the motivation behind it, is not quite up to matching his intelligence! yay!


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love u.
thank you


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Thank you for the recap.

I've been suffering waiting so long that I was just happy for the fix. I know a lot of people are screaming about the amnesia. But it works within this plot and drama theme. You guys all knew the separation episodes were coming. If they had used the other standard Kdrama separation plot lines- it wouldn't have fitted within this drama.

So yeah, oh ye of little faith. Be patient. They have written years of drama vs us yelling at the screen.


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well, Hanna needn't look the same now rt.Cuz they grew up n all. the photograph from england was taken 1yr after the kidnapping.so lots can change , just like L changing into So ji-Sub
overall i Like the fact that they brought JW back from the dead sooner.but I'm not liking what the consequence could be since GS signed the deal with Devil Woman. argh!? she gives me the creeps.


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Totally random but SJS has really beautiful hands.

I was disappointed when I found out they were going the amnesia route but found myself enjoying this episode more than I thought I would.

Now for the torture of waiting till next Wed. T^T 


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Amen to the comment about those hands. Am entirely fascinated by them!


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I have been noticing how beautiful and graceful SJS's hands are since the drama began.

I think GHJ mentioned that they were beautiful in an interview, just before he mentioned her great legs.

In Scent of a Woman Lee Dong-Wook hand were fascinating. They were not the same slender unviened look of SJS, but they were so powerful and expressive it was hard to look away, (especially since the camera tended to focus on them).


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I agree! I think they're trying to make up for the lack of skinship by offering us SJS's hands.


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His hands are indeed beautiful. Still...cant replace the tingling feel in my heart from the usual skinship between our OTP. Come on writers, the only way i get to touch SJS is thru GHJ so make her touch him more or vice versa!


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haha. we have such small expectations from the show, and they wont even fulfill that.


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Amnesia is such a godawful cliche I really wish they hadn't done it but I might learn to accept it if it's not reversed.


Hear me out. JW already knows something central is missing and he suspects GS is that thing. They're one ghost adventure away from being in a better place than where they left off. The push/pull was getting them no where and if the consequences of bringing him back from limbo stick it doesn't feel like such a cheap writing tactic.

Madam Go might be the real danger to GS and JH's ghost misdirection by the writers.


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Any suggestions on how amnesia can be done well in a show? It's certainly something that can, as it happens to people in real life.

I think 2 things might make amnesia more interesting:

1. Don't have some other person try to steal the spotlight of the protagonist. This irks me a ton.

2. Maybe have not amnesia, but slow memory loss for some reason.


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c'mon amnesia is overused for a drama, it is too common but yeah it is a relief the fact that JW is still alive.. I feel sad for GS actually for she need to go thru her life without her bunkers around T__T just hoping that the next ep will be a good one and same goes to the end of this drama, it must be good or i'll be totally mad ..........


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im sure that ep 14 will turn out good as JW almost shows the sign that he feel kinda stuffed up and i bet that he is gonna discover what led him to feel that way and also for the "electric shock"when he touch GS..

btw, I don't think the amnesia plot device is really that bad. I had so much fun watching this Ep and it's not really that heartbreaking because Joogoon's body and heart still remember his Taeyang.


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"Even if you say that you erased it, it doesn't go away that easily. Love doesn't remain in memories... It remains in the heart."


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Yes!! Joong Won won't forget so easily!

But that brings us back to: JW's dad said it to Kang Woo, and Hee Joo used to say it to JW - what's the connection between JW's dad and Hee Joo?


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Oh good memory! (that is, you have a good memory).

Maybe, when one twin went to pick up the ransom necklace from Dad, he said that to her, to try & appeal to her love or compassion. And that's why the goodtwin, feeling guilty, ending up dying. (It may also be why she, when she was possessing GS's body, said she loved him, he wasn't fooled, to return back to his old self. (?)


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Random, but did you guys know that Joong-wong's dad is Ha Jung-woo's dad in real life? I found out, was fascinated for a second, realised they don't look alike at all. And then I went right back to being frustrated about the show.


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haha, love random bits of info, thanks! Keep 'em coming :D


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thanks. anytime. :) i'm very productive when it comes to being useless.


Fack nooo!! amnesia!!! *flips tables*

Now I feel better...slight

Why did we go this route again, hmm? Okay so maybe they used it for Plot Advancement, The Heart Does NOT FORGET Even When The Head Does trope, the kdrama necessity of having Lovers Separate Temporarily On Their Way To A Happy Ending, blahblahblah. K, fine! Cast did a great job as always.And it did move the story along fastly with A+ angst aaand Joong Won is not dead. But the voodoo hoodoo juju amnesia feels so clunky, ya know? Im from the Philippines where the belief in our supernatural mythology is very strong (see Aswangs and Encantos) but this made me go OMO?!? Now I wanna run to my nearest faith healer/shaman and ask if this magical amnesia thingie is even possible hahaha. Oi but I'm holding on to this ride no matter what, thats how crazy I am about this drama. After this ep, things can only get better storywise and storytelling wise, yeah?

Oh and poor Gong Shil.How crazy good was GHJ in her scenes? she's killing it! Oppa remember your baby girl!

Ha, now I feel much better.Reealllyy.


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UGH. I have some gripes that need to be addressed...whyyyy the amnesia?? I thought the Hong Sisters would be better than that! But I am happy that it's not turning into 49 days... Good God, loved that drama but made me feel like such a masochist ... Anyways, the tears in this story, wow... she seriously looked like she had been crying for days...for once, the acting got to me! I am also very happy Sec Kim is not evil and also, he may become one of my favorite characters along the not-so-gay friend in Personal Taste...he's soo funny! I don't understand how the new evil witch thinks that she will never get caught with her uncle there? I mean...she's saying who she supposedly really is..although I believe that the one that died was Ha Nan, not her...and I am happy she is evil because to tell you the truth, when JJW had flashbacks about her, she was horrible! You could totally see her evilness... Dunno if that's a word but I'm using it! Lastly, not much of a cliff hanger...You know in the next epi, she will lie to him, he will wander around in like some type of invisible bubble until something way dramatic happens which I see it being the spirit's possession of TKS...Bah. I found the preview for the new Lee Min Ho drama more entertaining, especially when he speaks in English. LOL.


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this is totally random.

I was reading some comments elsewhere and someone had said that kdramas follow a trend (sorta pattern) each year. last year it was time travel and the likes (faith,Dr.jin,queen in-hyuns man.... and so on .)
this year we have ghost seeing abilities and super powers .
its almost like, the drama writers sit around every year and cast lots and pick a genre.
but I like !


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This is something I've been wondering about.

There is the commercial aspect of it
-sometime the heroes in in the hospitality industry [owning resorts and such] and the drama shows off beautiful Korean scenery.

-then its design, shoe, bags, clothing etc.

-But the themes:
-One season every one see ghosts/ previous they all time travel.

And why are the women the one's seeing ghosts.
And both male leads fall into comas

And this is the second set of twins drama, where was was adopted abroad and one grew up in Korea. The abysmal ISYG is the other drama with that plot point.

And sometimes a name become in fashion and it seems all the female leads have the same name.

Like you, I'd like to know how they decide on a theme for the year, or for the season. When it comes to the occupations of the rich leads, I'm sure industry might be behind it. But I can't imagine that there is a lobbying group to ghost-intemediaries that lobbied for the storyline. I can just add copy, "Come see our ghost, ye lovers of the supernatural. Our beautiful, winsome mediums will introduce you to our more terrifying ghosts. Then stop my our Lotte indoor amusement park and stand on line to ride the pirate ship while ghosts hustle past leaving an unnerving sensation of chill behind." Wooooooo Wooooooo"


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Disliked Amnesia/Memory Blackhole but loved what it brought out in GHJ's killlllaaaaa performance. How goddamn natural is she at the heartbreaking scenes (and romantic and comedy scenes), goddddddddddddd.

SJS, ohaiii, worthy female lead and real-life love interest much?

(to add on, I found it ironic that he had his "Ghost" (tv series) game face on while he was stuck in that room of gloom. And I am guessing from his years of experience playing dead, he reaaalllly nailed the corpse look. I literally haven't seen anyone as effortlessly and realistically lifeless as he was in the hospital scenes.)


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thank god our adorible cupid is not evil or I would have cried foul. I was honestly more worried about that than jw being dead cause I just felt it in my gut that they could not possibly kill our hero 4 or 5 episodes to the final it would have killed the drama for many a viewer if you ask me. with the ratings they are getting what writer would committe such blatant dramacide. if they had killed off jw it would decimated this drama at least for me. I have to say I breathed a sigh of relief when kim turned out to be out of the loop of the kidnapping cause if not it just would have felt like his pull for our OTP was dirty and oh hells no.


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Ugh, this week is too short. and then waiting for the next episode will be tooooo long. I'm already feeling the wait right now.

Ahh, I hate amnesia, I hate it! Why? Why? Joong Won better remember it at the start of the next epp!


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Ugh so ready for twinie girl to hit the road but I know tae yang is going to pull some more noble crap and twin chick will try to convince him they should be together and use him not being able to remember

But at least hong sisters really stepped up this is probably my favorite of their shows and I've now seen them all (watched 2 I hadn't seen this week)


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why always korean drama heros forget heroin????


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Because the girls are always too weak and/or helpless. Maybe the amnesia device will fade away once stronger heroines are written in dramaland.


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1. So it must be that Hanna, not Heejoo, who came to talk to Joongwon when he was captured then. He has misunderstood ChaHeejoo all along. That's why Heejoo was bound in that car accident. Still Heejoo could not betray her twin, up until now, when she asked Taeyang, our Gongshil, for body possessing.

2. I think Joongwon's amnesia will be back very soon. It is in line with the book series' plot that the fox has amnesia and only regain his memory after hearing the secret code "one stromy night".

3. The next thing to worry about is that Heejoo would poss Gongshil's body and will try not to leave her. Remember the matchmaker's foreboding about some try to come back and the sun will be swallowed by the darkness? Even Joongwon's touching would not help then. That's why I said Joongwon's memory will com back soon, because it is this next plot of Gongshil being in a danger that the movie seems to be advance to.

Happy Ending should hopefully be on the way though. I don't think Hong Sisters are to make the same mistake of flop again. It is too bad for their records and careers. They should have learned now that what their strong points are: romantic Happy ending Comedies!


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I just finished watching the animated movie and I hear where you are coming from. I couldn't believe Gabu lost his memory and forgot all about Mei. That was truly the saddest part. Seeing how similar this drama follows the "One Stormy Night" storyline makes the amnesia forgivable.


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it's not even the amnesia that I hate but the stupid evil 2nd girl that always has to come in and take advantage. I was about to throw my laptop out a window if she stole TaeYang's necklace. I hate that device a la last minute BOF. barf.


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I'm ok with the amnesia trope in this case, mainly because JW still has the CEO skills to wrest back control of his love life from the others, and they're moving that along.

Also, I've only been watching Kdramas since January, so have yet to encounter the amnesia trope; (except in American soaps, where it's used constantly).

But 27 Kdramas in 9 months? Plus faithful reading of DB recaps? I may have a problem. ;D


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Unfortunately there are no 12 steps programs available at this time to deal with your issues.


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Can I just say that looking at the Dramabeans front page right now makes me so pleased?

So Ji-sub
Lee Jun-ki
Lee Min-ho
Jung Yong-hwa

All in a row.



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I think Gong Shil will loan her body to Hee Joo. But she'll go straight to Han Na and try to convince her to stop all this craziness. Who knows how much danger Gong Shil will be in then. Hurry up, 9/25!!


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I loved this episode for having the kiddle brothers be the unexpected force that connects JJW to TGS, and for the hints and possibilities for at least the next couple of episodes:

> The amnesia is exactly what JJW needs so his over-calculating and control-freak head is quiet enough to be frighteningly (for him) overtaken by his heart.
> The Kingdom Mall ghosts are actively helping JJW find his way back to TGS (can't wait for coffee ghost to reappear!).
> TGS needs a job, so she's going to work for the Giant Mall CEO (he'll flirt, she'll smile, and JJW will be bonkers but won't quite know why).
> CHJ (in TGS's body) really will start to take down her Evil Twin.
> Scary Ghost Lady won't know CHJ is in TGS's body.
> Secretary Kim will tell KW the whole story first.
> Comic-relief ghosts will help break the tension that's building.


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Considering the shaman's earlier warning coupled with her price for bringing JJW back, I wonder if she means to be the one who possesses GS's body and not give it back.
Just a thought.


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I've wondered if she herself isn't possessed and that ghost is lining up GS as its next host.


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Okay. I watched the episode halfway through then had to go get a massage. I come back 2 hours later and the recap was up and already had 150 comments. Good Lord, people! Don't we have a life? Were you guys doing the same thing I did and kept refreshing the darned page?
Anyway, the amnesia plot is a really cheap shot. IHYV did it so well but, that's another story. They were doing so well! Why do the amnesia thing? It's so bloody cliché!
I would love it if Han Na is indeed Hee Joo as inferred by some. What a twist! What a twisted character, if so.
Now, I have to make sure I'm busy until Wednesday night or else I'll go nuts.


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Argh Im still not over it. What really kills me is that ep 12 setup and ending was so buffy-esque in that it was so real despite/or because of the fantasy setup.(fans of buffy will get this). And in ep 13 I am back in kdrama amnesia land, albeit a really good kdrama romcom.This drama has taken some leaves off the Candy-One Stormy Night-Secret Garden-Boys over Flowers-Little Mermaid playbook, so why cant they take a leaf off the buffyverse playbook. Now that was a series that was really good at making implausible setups on paper be really good on screen. I want ursula/chinese ajumma to explain her juju and magical price to pay on a level that I could fully swallow yeah? In the buffyverse the amnesia would perhaps be explained as a natural consequence of pulling a person soul who was ready to move on, back to the physical plane against their will and without warning. The trauma of going back would then result to amnesia that would be temporary or permanent depending on the situation.Ursula's real price was Gongshil and her powers to be at her beck and call always.
But then again who am I to question Hong sisters writing, I am a mere spectator in the peanut gallery no? And they have a really good track record, Big was the only dud. So am gonna trust them with the rest of the episodes. Excuse my ranting I just wanna get it off my chest .


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"t turns out to be Evil Twin, who says she’s been waiting fifteen years for the statute of limitations to end on her case so that she could finally see him. "-I know from other drama that the statue of limitations is +15 days for those who left the country, so lets see how they will play this card for Hanna.


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I hated this episode because I loved all the previous episodes so much. This is more of a filler episode than anything, and I really cannot wait to get to the next episode. The only consolation is that we get a glimpse of the truth in this episode, which is not a lot.

I am placing my bets on the dead twin being Han-na and the living one as Hee Joo, just because it doesn't make sense for Han-na, who had everything, to kidnap an innocent high schooler. Hee Joo was probably jealous of the sister, and seeing that Han-na fell in love with him, decided to take revenge by kidnapping him. I had this hypothesis last week when "Hee-joo" commented that she is thankful that Joo Joong Won still remembers Cha hee joo...She probably was being extremely sarcastic.

Oh well. I might be all wrong though. Another week to find out what's going to happen next. Sighhhh.


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He's alive...thankgoodness! I'll take it too! we all know that he'll live but still that needs to be confirm so now i can stop holding my breathe after the ending of ep.12.
Althou technically it is amnesia but the way that he got his memory lost is not that disappointing, nothing is ever free when one's making a deal with the dark side. And while once again my tears got drained from watching Ms.GHJ...I'm so looking forward to the next ep.
*btw why is that btch Hanna dressed as if she's going to a party while visiting someone at the hospital! Screw you and ur fake taeyang necklace!*


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Hanna is gorgeous (I live for her hair/wardrobe), but she's a total succubus. When she said those were her books? And she came in wearing the sun necklace? GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURL.........

Not a big fan of the amnesia, but it's a kdrama. Womp womp womp.


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hi yall,
this is my second post ever on here (although i'm a big fan of dramabeans and lurk here constantly, lol) but i just had to leave my two cents on my crack drama of the year ;)

master's sun...oh, you silly drama you. after all that anticipation, you made me rejoice that joong-won was alive after all (yay!!), only to let me down with copping out to yet another (blah) plot device of amnesia...which led to a pretty drab episode. following the heartwrenching cliffhanger that was episode 12, i honestly expected better! (was i asking for too much?) not the same old recycled plot device that annoys me to no end! i've never seen a hong sisters drama prior to this, so i wasn't aware that they use this device (along with the coma). but honestly...i expected that joong-won to be in a coma for the majority of the episode, but was surprised that he regained consciousness so quickly. no limbo within the worlds of the living and dead, like the lady from the hotel...

and why on earth would gong-shil make such a deal with that creepyass shaman?!?! she looks creepy-er than eun-oh's mom in arang & the magistrate! i watched it raw and didn't quite understand the deal that she made with gong-shil (i only understood that she was no longer going to even be a memory to joong-won, once he regained consciousness)...but seriouslyyy. ugh.

so what in the world is up with this hanna chick?!? ugh, talk about your basic annoying and creepy antagonist third lead...she's been an unlikeable character from the moment she entered the screen! (well, at least to me...her face and voice creeped me out).

either joong-won's aunt is dumb as a rock, or just plain oblivious to the fact that hanna is a suspicious chick? there were many red flags (such as knowing joong-won's inability to read and having lived in the various locales of where joong-won lived). and i don't understand the rationale of inviting a complete stranger into family dinners or trying to set her up with joong-won (any-girl-but-gong-shil)?? either she's unable to connect the dots or just plain oblivious.

i can't quite recall but i believe there was such an instance (either in a k-drama or even something from the u.s. mainstream shows/movies) where the antagonist tries to convince the amnesiac hero/heroine that they're the person that they loved dearly prior to losing their memory, by inventing evidence and instances that would "prove" that they're the real mccoy when they're actually the fraud?
when she pretended that the books were hers, it was laughable...but when she got the exact same sun necklace (after seeing it on gong-shil)...? that made me further enraged that she's trying so damn hard to be the memory that she is not. stroking his face at the hospital, along with being the first face he saw when he opened his eyes...? precious moments that she stole from gong-shil...whereas gong-shil got slapped and berated by joong-won's aunt.

and i have to agree with the previous comments...she intentionally got plastic surgery (enough so that no one in joong-won's circle, not even secretary kim) couldn't recognize her. i mean, given the 15 years, she could age...but wasn't joong-won and hee-joo high schoolers at the time of the kidnapping? that meant hee-joo's face would already be near adult age, so there shouldn't be much variation from her face at that age...

although this is the first drama i've watched from the hong sisters...they've definitely improved from last year's debacle (which i casually skimmed through on dramabeans' site in the beginning and jumped ship once it went downhill). i just hope they can keep the zippy fun and cute parts that made me addicted in the first place!

even though this episode underwhelmed...i'm still looking forward to next week. Wednesday can't come soon enough!! ;)


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wow you're really pissed. which makes for a hell of a read, this comment. :)

creepy shaman is creepier than all the ghosts that have featured on MS so far put together. i wouldn't trust her if i were gong-shil. and this deal about selling your soul to the devil that she is, i mean, what does that even amount to? what will happen if she breaks her promise? i'm not told what damage that's going to cause.


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Yup, shame on you Lady Choi!


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