A Couple’s World: Episodes 11-12 Open Thread

Just when we thought things couldn’t get more intense for our divorcée, this week there’s a police investigation that takes everyone a step deeper into the madness. Loyalties, motives, and lies are all getting tangled up, and everyone continues to fight for what they want without much regard for who gets hurt in the process.


It always feels like a minor victory when we’ve survived the weekly turmoil of A Couple’s World. It takes me all week to calm down from the adrenaline highs of this drama, where even the pop of a toaster can be terrifying, as Sun-woo shows us this week. And by the time we do recover, it’s the time for more episodes! Are you ready?

As it should, the death at Gosan Station becomes a huge deal. I think Sun-woo and I were the only ones that thought it was really Hyun-seo that died — but thank goodness it’s not. It’s In-kyu; he’s fallen from the roof and is very dead. While I’m not sorry to have the character of In-kyu and his vicious antagonism gone from this story, his death opens up a whole new layer of horrors. Suspicion, doubt, and betrayal are all at play after his death. The drama just keeps hitting repeat on those emotions, but it doesn’t get old for a millisecond.

There are so many bad outcomes from In-kyu’s death. Sun-woo is considered a suspect, especially since In-kyu was clutching her scarf when he plummeted to his death. Joon-young, who’s already at the breaking point, gets bullied about it at school. The Women’s Gossip Club is ruthless. Hyun-seo is terrified that she’ll be framed for the murder. And as if those chain reactions weren’t enough, Sun-woo is now (even more) suspicious of Yoon-gi, who suddenly appeared at the scene of the crime as well, shepherding her to safety.

But Tae-oh’s obviously the culprit, right? Not only does he drip with evil these days (okay, since forever), but he comes home with a blood-stained shirt, a parking receipt with an incriminating time stamp, and Hyun-seo is an eye witness that he was there, searching for In-Kyu with the devil in his eyes.

Tae-oh puts on such a show with Sun-woo, claiming innocence — but we know better, and so does Chairman Yeo. He’s secreted away the CCTV footage that will theoretically prove Tae-oh is the murderer, all for the sake of his daughter and granddaughter.

But it’s Sun-woo who comes to Tae-oh’s rescue. Say what? Yes folks, she actually a) thinks he’s innocent and b) is willing to do what it takes to prevent her son’s father from becoming a murderer. That means lying to the police + fabricating an alibi for Tae-oh. With the handy “proof” of his wedding ring (which Hyun-seo had picked up during their scuffle), Sun-woo says she and Tae-oh were together in her car that night. Have you no shame, Sun-woo?

The outcome of the investigation is that In-kyu committed suicide (this is way better than where I thought they were going to go, scapegoating Hyun-seo). Sun-woo and Hyun-seo say goodbye for the millionth time, but something else important happens here.

Hyun-seo draws an important parallel between how she was unable to break free from In-kyu (out of pity for him), and says that’s the same thing that she sees with Sun-woo and Tae-oh. This is the second warning that Sun-woo has gotten from fairly reliable females that are able to see her situation with some objectivity. Aaaaand that means more foreshadowing for us, too. Gulp.

Sun-woo can’t catch a break. She might have saved Tae-oh, but the next obstacle is Joon-young. He’s been getting more miserable by the second ever since this show started (I really feel for this kid), and what finally gets to him? The cunning words of Da-kyung. She’s evil, so she plants an evil seed in his mind: that his mother would have an easier time without him around.

I have to give it to Da-kyung for knowing exactly what to say to this poor little teen to make him take action. Next thing we know he’s breaking Sun-woo’s heart and leaving for Palace d’Tae-oh with a giant suitcase and not even a goodbye. I had a hard time with this. I’ve really been disappointed in Sun-woo’s parenting skills, but this is just so hurtful to her… and so bad for him.

Tae-oh is strangely sympathetic to Joon-young’s cold move — for the first time in forever, he seems to be thinking about the situation from someone else’s perspective (and ability that no one in this drama displays for long). But, I suspect that’s because there’s a splinter in his “good life” #2 — and sure enough, there really isn’t much happiness at his home anymore. He sleeps in another room, barely makes eye contact with Da-kyung, lies to her on a moment-by-moment basis… and suddenly it makes sense why Da-kyung decides to use Joon-young as a pawn.

It looks like it works, at least at first, though it’s positively galling to see the four of them playing family. And if it was like a knife through my heart, I can’t imagine how many knives it felt like to Sun-woo. Losing Joon-young, even temporarily, gives her some perspective, though, and I think she needed that. But what she does with it is another story.

Because this show is such a plot arc roller coaster, I haven’t really sat back and thought about what A Couple’s World is saying about marriage — or love for that matter — but it has been talking about it quite a bit. We’ve peeked into many a marriage and many a relationship, but what we find there is not much faithfulness and not much loyalty.

Love and marriage are often separated in this drama’s rhetoric, whether it’s Je-hyuk realizing he had love when he only sought passion, or Tae-oh’s admitting to Sun-woo that “once love becomes marriage everything is the same.”

I don’t mind one bit if Tae-oh is unhappy (in fact I think he deserves to be), but I’m not sure if I was ready for the explosion of anger, regret, and passion that ended this week’s episodes. All of those emotions, and more, have been lingering between our divorced couple for years now, and in a way it’s not a surprise that things got intense. I could naively suggest that maybe this would give them some closure, but who am I kidding — this is A Couple’s World. It’s only going to snowball from here.


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This version is definitely veering away from the original— that’s all I’m going to say 😅😅😅

Thank you for the weecap & OT, @missvictrix 😘😘


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i'm trying to decide if it's a good thing or not.... the story has become its own, separate from the original british drama, right...

i've liked this kdrama better from the start, even after watching the original Dr. Foster. i hope it IS better!
; )


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The Korean version is definitely darker and much more on the edge, but it’s not a bad thing 😏😏😏


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I think it is a good thing that the remake has morphed into its own show, and I'm hoping it will continue to get better.The writers have done an amazing job adapting it to Korea, the pressures from in laws, the social standing/reputation of the family, pressure from the community. They have managed to make the unbelievable scenes seem natural and justified based on what we have learnt from the characters.


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Yes!! I like how the writers have adapted it in a way that befits the S.Koream society and audience


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The emphasis on the male, too, as being more "important" than the female, though both are of the same status, professionally. When the backstabbing friend started to screech at the Director of the hospital for being such a chauvinist, I was rooting for her. She was like so angry. That scene where Da kyung looked resentfully at Joon Young and Tae oh had me wondering whether she felt threatened because Sun Woo had a son, while she bore him a daughter. And Sun Woo herself commented in the car that Joon Young's gf had such a close relationship with her mum, while Jun Young was so distant from her, and she said, "I wonder if it's because he's a boy." Again, an allusion to the disparity between the sexes.


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Good observation!!


I tried so hard to stay away from comments online to avoid spoiling myself, and I'm so glad it's different from the original. I would love it if someone could post how different it is in the final weecaps, so we can see how different it is, and from the comments here, how much better this remake is. I was so thrilled to read that it scored 24.9 % in the ratings for Episode 12, and has overtaken Sky Castle. The cast is amazing, everyone is just so good, from the main characters to the minor ones. I am just sad it's coming to an end soon. I have a feeling the success of this drama could spawn a new slew of cheating dramas. I read there's a new rom-com coming up called "You Cheat, You Die". I can't believe a cheating drama can be funny.


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Maybe someone will post about it in the final recaps or on their Fan Wall, to avoid spoilers 😉

Every year I say this:
It feels as if themes for dramas from PD to PD and network to network are pretty close/universal every year, as if the PDs decide to have a round table at some point to decide on a theme and to see if it escapes us as viewers or if we will actually notice it lol 😂


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From «The Last Empress» to «VIP». South Korea has never short of cheating dramas. «A Couple's World», however, has put this genre into next level. It is not simply makjang at its best, but it put spectacular psychological portrait and reasonable motivation to characters' development, so the plot is not something not making sense, but something very true and raw for people to see, and make people to think about it. In another comment I believe «A Couple's World» will become «A Doll House» moment in South Korea, because it does show the unfair treatment between sexes, either in offices or in families, and shows the true human side about cheating, yet evil. I am hoping it leads people to rethink family, relationship, as well lots of things in between.


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When I started this drama, I felt that VIP was better, in the sense that it evoked an emotional response from me - I was in tears so many parts of the drama - and I felt that Marriage was more melo and dramatic. But I have since realised that these are two very different dramas, both unique, and not to be compared. Jang Nara was just terrific...she ripped my heart out when she lost the baby, when she saw the mistress coming to work with the dripping umbrella - their umbrella - even now, I can remember her pain. What I want to say is these two dramas about cheating, such a sordid theme, are so thoughtful and made with such empathy I feel like the writer really knows a woman's heart. The wife, the mistress, the mother. All the different POVs. Flawed, but real.


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I wouldn't call it makjang at all. I use this for shows that have absurd events, crazy coincidences, ridiculous tropes. That's not in this story, characters do make some stupid far fetched choices and that's why I call it soap opera but never makjang because the results of their actions are always realistic and well explored.


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By the way I love xiao zhan. I hope he gets back all his sponsorships and starts filming right away.


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He’s slowly, but surely, coming back out into the public eye and resuming work 👌🏻 As for sponsorships, that’s not under his control 🤷🏻‍♀️ He, and us as his fans, can only take it one step at a time


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Awww......wishing him all the best. Can’t wait to see his shows soon and stay happy and sane watching this crazy married world


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Well, nobody is surprised by that moment of love/hate sex and passion now, are we?? I mean Tae Oh never really planned on leaving Sun Woo, he just liked of sleeping with a young woman on the side. So, Sun Woo forced him to choose Da Kyung and leave. He asked her at the end if he should come back to her. Its super twisted and complicated what Tae Oh and Sun Woo share, their bond. Joon Young is stuck in the middle because Jenny to too small to comprehend any of this, lucky her. I can understand why Sun Woo would not let Joon Young's dad be the murderer, its Korea, Joon Young has it hard with a divorced parent as it is, a murderer for a father may just break that boy. I still think Sun Woo has a plan. Lets see if my intuition is correct. If it, then Ji Sun Woo is the most shrewd person out there in the whole of Gosun.


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I have yet to watch Ep 12 so I can only comment on Ep 11. I agree with you that Jenny is too small. Tae Oh is a doting dad to his toddler but he spent years with his son. They have a bond that goes beyond just dad and son due to the lack of his own father’s presence during his childhood.

I must say I was surprised that finally Joon Young expressed his views clearly at the restaurant and for the first time the father looked shocked. I applaud him for stating the truth. I really hope he grows out of this whole mess, focusing on himself rather than on his parents’ troubled whatever relationship.

Let’s hope Sun Woo has a grand plan of exit (after sleeping with Tae Oh) as I am still hoping Sun Woo would end up with Joon Gi. I am not a supporter of a divorced couple getting back after one of them has married someone else.

And I dunno why she could accept Tae Oh after he assaulted her brutally. And even though he didn’t condone subsequent assault, he gave a foothold and a yard to his accomplice, the very dead In Kyu.


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When DK was in the kitchen asking SW if she missed him and wanted to be with him, I found myself wishing she would ask him "Are you talking about me or yourself?" because he was obviously talking about himself.
But boy was the acting good here!


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I watched Ep 12. I felt sorry for Joon Young. And I almost find Tae Oh more sympathetic until he slept with Sun Woo. Ewwww that’s not nice....hmmm I hope the show won’t go into the reconciliation storyline as much as some ppl may like seeing that. It’s okay if he isn’t married to da kyung. I think it’s better he just divorce da kyung and stay single and neutral. Then he can focus on being dad to his two children.


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Ok this has officially entered bat shit crazy territory. First I thought JY was just being difficult but now I truly feel bad for the boy.


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Woah. This drama is too much for me. I love it!
I was expecting that their sexual tension would explode and boy did it! I agree with @missvictrix, instead of providing clarity and closure to them, things will only snowball from here. I’m looking forward to the wild ride.

As a side note I wonder what the consequence of Jy overhearing DK and To taking about how sw told him she killed JY will be ? Someone really needs to help this kid, the next episode preview it looks like finally his parents will be given some truths about their son and how he has been struggling. In all of this he is the victim. They keep using him as a pawn and never really converse with him and see where his mind is at.


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I've got to give it to Tae-oh for never telling Joon-young that Sun-woo lied to him that she killed Joon-young. Tae-oh didn't want to ruin his mom in his son's eyes.


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@panshel yes good point, I was thinking that too. Credit where its due, he really did protect his son and Sun Woo relationship with her son by not revealing it.


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@missvictrix, thank you for your weecap !

Yeah, I think that it's just a snowball from here. If I remembered well, the production said that SW's move will put her in danger ? Were they referring to the last scene of ep 12 ? Yes, I think because we saw again the scene between SW and HS : "Be careful. There's no guarantee that you won't end up like me". It might be the the closure of their toxic relationship for SW. However, we all know that TO is obsessed with his ex-wife. So, that might be the trigger of next big traumas as well.


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I love how Tae-oh loves Joon-young. Between Joon-young and Jenny, Joon-young is hands down his favorite child. I'm for Sun-woo and Tae-oh getting back together because Joon-young would be happy. And truthfully, Sun-woo and Tae-oh would be too.

It sucks they dropped the "Who killed Park In-kyu?" storyline because the best plot twist would have been Sun-woo. "Pretend like you didn't do it even if you did." The reason Sun-woo bargains with Chairman Yeo to frame In-kyu's death as a suicide is because she's the killer, and the reason Sun-woo lies to the police that she's Tae-oh's alibi is because now he can be her alibi.

Even Myung-sook is getting redeemed; every character is getting redeemed: Ye-rim, Je-hyuk, Da-kyung, Tae-oh. Da-kyung ought to cheat on her husband with her handsome spy. At least Spy is closer to her age unlike Tae-oh who's old enough to be her dad.


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....Da-kyung ought to cheat on her husband with her handsome spy. At least Spy is closer to her age unlike Tae-oh who's old enough to be her dad....

I like this part. Just dump Tae Oh, please. He is Too old for her.


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No redemption for these characters please. Jebal jom, definitely no to 2nd chances!


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Yes I rather watch her making out with dr charming. I don’t like Tae oh. He has this really scary and sleazy look ...


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I suspect Dr. Shady killed Park In-kyu. Everything is a coincidence with Yoon-gi. His niceness is fake af.


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I really don't understand about Park in-kyu death in this drama. Who killed him? Explain to me please


Ye-rim has long been redeemed. She tried to convince her unni to let go of her grudge and is Sun-woo's confidant and drinking buddy.

Je-hyuk tried to avoid signing Ye-rim's divorce papers and wangled information about Gosan Station out of his cop friend to help Sun-woo. Je-hyuk is largely played for comic relief now.

Myung-sook stood up for Sun-woo, single women, AND divorced women against Director Gong (killed three birds with one stone) and quit the Women's Association in solidarity with divorcée Ye-rim.

Da-kyung's "Jenny appa" is cheating on her and sleeps in his office instead of their bedroom. Everything Da-kyung is doing is to protect her family for her daughter's sake.

Tae-oh is shunning his new family and protected the mother of his child when he suspected Sun-woo may have killed In-kyu. I clapped when Tae-oh abandoned his daughter on the floor to drive his favorite child Joon-young to school.


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Thank you, @missvictrix for the quick summary. Yes, that's what I've been saying all along - tell the truth of the circumstances to your children. Da-kyung had it easy in manipulating Joon-young since the boy is already having a hard time at school because of his mom. Now the boy knows what his mother did so she could get custody. Aah, the trauma children face when the parents aren't honest! :(


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This. I am so disapppointed with the parents esp SW for consistently dismissing the son.. Deliberately changing topics and even lying to him. She keeps treating him as a baby. At least TO talks with (not to) his son that is why he is able to finally say what he felt. I am actually already feeling that JY is not going to fare well if he stays with his mom. Poor kid, unless his parents change , boarding school might actually be better for him just to be away from the toxic family and community!.


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I see what you mean... his dad communicates with him like a friend... open and frank...
But the mom is trying to protect him by not divulging much details not knowing that being evasive led to misunderstandings...
The poor kid just wanna be with big parents. He might not be ready for boarding school yet....


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Typo ... just wanna be with his parents...


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That is the dilemma.. toxic parents (and/or) step mother or away from them. He unfortunately does not have grandparents, and he does not appear to have aunts or uncles. That kid is headed for trouble ..


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I feel sorry for him in Ep 12. I wanna slap Da Kyung. It’s cruel of her to separate him from his mom as she herself is a mom.


This episode made me so sad as I am reminded of how I had to hide my feelings of despair and fear when dealing with my son's rebellion, deception and anger. I had to put on a cheerful and strong front, so as not to exacerbate a bad & tense situation at home. And the fear of not knowing what would happen next, what bad behaviour would be round the corner. When my son left for his undergraduate studies in USA, I was very relieved and happy.

To me, it is not wrong to send JY overseas due to the toxicity at home which was partly caused by the adults and partly by JY's own behaviour.


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SW shouldn't forgive TO even though he's her ex husband. Because he has betrayed her and that's a fact, which will never change. The fact that her patient pointed out that she may be spiralling downwards and may even follow in her patient footstep should already give her a wake up call.


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This show has turned me into a nervous wreck.

I jumped, like @missvictrix at the clack of the toaster. The grating grind of the chopping seal (what do you call that thing, anyway?) as Je hyuk rolled it slowly and deliberately over the red ink made my hair stand on end, like nails running over a blackboard. He did it twice. And each time, he grinned. Like he was baiting Ye Rim, and knowing that he was getting under her skin.

The end scene. I stopped breathing. And that Tae oh turned it around, and asked her - the sheer audacity of it made me want to punch him in the face, "Is this what you wanted? Couldn't you have let it go, and forgive me, and let it remain just that - a fling? Tell me the truth, you want me now." And the slap, the struggle, the breakdown ( Sun Woo in tears, after so long was just sad, sad, sad), the wild kissing - I screamed - the trail of discarded underwear, makeout in the dark (I think), concluding with the blackout, and the voices, low and intimate: "Do you want me to come back to you?" "No. Protect that marriage." So deliciously wicked and twisted and hot and I can't wait to see what happens next.

I like the backstabbing friend now she's shifted her loyalties totally to Sun Woo. Hilarious, actually. I find her snark and sarcasm so funny. And yay, for standing up for single women everywhere. Men are jerks in this show, except for Yong Gi...but I'm still suspicious of him.

The scarf is an important symbol in the show. It was a scarf with a strand of hair caught in the fabric that started it all, the first sign of Tae Oh's betrayal. It was a scarf again - bloodied this time - that brought Sun Woo and Tae Oh together again, uniting on the same side, to protect their son. I feel like the story has completed an arc - betrayal, denial, confrontation, divorce, and now, reconciliation. But, I can't be sure. Every time I think I know what's going to happen, the show turns around and gives me a new twist.

There were some lines that stood out for me. "Marriage is a delusion. Love is the start of this delusion. And the end of it." A cynical Sun Woo says this to her ex, smiling a twisted little smile. It broke my heart.

But, a reformed Je hyuk declares, "Love is as necessary as breathing. As water. Love is a habit. You get used to it. And you only realise how much you miss it when it's gone." Can I say how amazing the actor playing Je hyuk is? Je hyuk SMOULDERS. His eyes are so soulful my heart aches. And sometimes he looks so sad my heart breaks.

My theory is this. Sun Woo was there on the rooftop. She convinced In kyu to jump. She manipulated everything so that Tae Oh would come back to her. Remember what she said? "I thought that I was safe, that the fence and the foundation of my marriage was strong, that what was mine would remain mine. I was deluded." I think she wants Tae Oh. She never stopped wanting him. She knows Tae oh better than anyone. And he knows it. "Why did you walk out on us,...


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"Why did you walk out on us to be treated like (dirt)?" she crys, and he looks down, unable to meet her eyes.

Because, if you are going to walk out on your wife and your son for another woman, you had better make damn sure it's worth it, you had better make damn sure you are happier than you have ever been in your life, more in love than you have ever been in your life. Because if you're not happy, then that great love you left your family for was just passion, or lust, or infatuation. It burns away as fast as it started, leaving only regret. And you are just a fool who made the dumbest mistake of his life and threw away his family for nothing.


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I am not sure if SW did it but I agree with what else your saying.. I have a theory too that SW is going to fix her family and get rid of DK and the Chairman and his wife. I wonder if that is why she said " protect that marriage" because she is going to plan to get rid of them. I am not sure how but its an idea floating in my head.


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I took "protect your marriage" to mean "don't break up your marriage." What you are implying is "protect your marriage...from danger." Yikes. You are scaring me.


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Lol, I am not sure but I thought it was weird that she said that.. SW is really smart and I would think it was justice if she chased that family out of town instead of them chasing her out of town..


Comment was deleted


I read a comment on episode 13 preview saying that [SPOILER REDACTED]


That's not really it kkk.
He never walked away from anything, he didn't have any intention of leaving them, he gambled and paid the price. When it was no longer possible to keep the old family the best choice seemed to be to get married to DK. Don't forget TO is a weak man who needs a family and not having father, he would never leave any of his children. SW is a hypocrite for asking him this, I hate how she is always saying he left his son when she set him up telling that lie so she would get custody and drive JY away from him.


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I'm glad we finally get a check in with Joon-young, he has been neglected during this war between his parents. Da-Kyung knows how much he loves his son, he just doesn't have the bond with the baby. I think he is over the sleepless nights, changing nappies, (caring for another human being who is wholly dependent on you and therefore your needs have to come second). If Da-Kyung wasn't pregnant, there is no doubt he would be continuing his double life. I don't think Tae-oh can afford to go back to Sun-woo, not when his livelihood is tied together with Da-kyung though her father and considering his reputation.
I think Sun- woo won't rest until Tae- oh's life is destroyed, I 'm wondering if she would regret it, would she be able to move on. I'm worried that we will see Sun- woo returning to Tae-oh who has lost everything and starting over with him. Making sure he knows without her, he is nothing...


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I agree with you ...
Tae oh was horrible to Sun Woo...she’s got to be nuts to return to him ... he might just treat her as a mistress coz he still want rich daddy in law and wife.


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Beanies, where are you watching this?


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add drama before the world cool and google


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Watch at Kissasia too


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Is she even healthy for her own child?
or both parents are equally bad when it comes to parenting..

don't understand why is this drama so popular..

up until ep 4 she is still playing the cinderella role


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What?! What Cinderella role?! Are we watching the same dram! They both parents are bad with different motivation but there is nothing resembling Cinderella in this drama


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They are both terrible parents.
The cast is great, the pace is fast, story is a lot better than most kdramas, social commentary is excellent, great technical quality as well.
No Cinderella in this.


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First, obviously, I am not surprised that TO/SW hooked up. This was coming since they split. I also knew that they were still in love with each other. There is alot to unpack in this episode so lets try.

Part 1

1. SW saving TO didn't surprise me. The moment Min Hyun-seo said it was TO that killed PIR, I could see the wheels turning in SW head how to get him out of this. SW knew TO didn't do it but evidence was against both him and her and she was trying to protect them both. However, I am glad to see this opened TO's eyes a little bit. SW was the one to save him and not DK. DK basically told him to handle it and the Chairman was going to let him drown which is why SW gave TO the truth serum and pointed out that he left their family where he was respected to go to a family that treated him like trash.
2. DK pissed me completely off this episode. DK is not doing anything for JY benefit but for hers. Honestly, I have to admit it was clever what she did but she is trash. DK lured JY into their household saying its best for his mom so that she can leave and then planned to send him abroad. She was probably going to convince JY that it was his idea. It was a way to get rid of both SW and JY out of TO's life. It was Machiavellian and proves to me she is her fathers daughter. If SW finds out what she did, DK better hide.
3. The Chairman is horrible guy, he basically is burning everyone to make sure his daughter is happy. He offered SW money to leave and still wants her gone ( Im like seriously) and he was going to let TO go to jail knowing that he didn't kill the guy just to get him out of his daughters life.
4. TO ( my favorite character in this drama) did not disappoint. TO is like a petulant child who wants to play with all the toys in the toy chest, he can't just pick one. However, just like a child, TO has his favorite toy and trust me its not DK. TO doesnt want SW to leave. I feel like TO does care for DK and jennie but he needs SW and JY. SW and JY are the two people he can't breathe without. I do think if SW and JY left that TO would follow them. I think DK can see this too.
TO mentions JY, 100 times a day but the truth is JY is TO's link to SW. So everytime he says JY to me he is really saying SW too. I think that is why TO loves JY more than he loves Jennie because he loves SW more than he loves DK. I could be wrong but I think that is how it is.
TO also dished some truth serum to SW and broke down her reasons for staying ( which were all true). SW did want to come crawling back to her, she was waiting for it. SW does have regrets over not fighting harder to save her marriage. I said before TO would have stayed, he never wanted to be with DK ( which he confirmed it was just an affair to him). TO blaming SW does not surprise me, actually I was cracking up, this guy takes zero responsibility.. LOL.. TO is the funniest person on the show, I can't take him seriously.


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Part 2..

TO and SW are going to crash and burn or get back together. However, I am super curious by what SW meant when she told TO to " protect that marriage". I was wondering is SW going to go after the Chairman and DK? I honestly would not be surprised if SW ends up chasing that family out of town. Actually, that would be pretty hilarious especially if she had Madame Choi's backing. I also wanted to cry when JY was at the convenience store eating alone.. This kid is so lost and no one notices.

Episode Highlights
1. SW saving TO like a Boss
2. JH chasing after YR.. that was cute
3. SW yanking up the lady at the gun range.. HAHAHAHA.. SW crazy!! Love her
4. SW and TO finally giving in to their passion... 🔥🔥🔥🔥


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He does love Da kyung, I think, and Jenny. In a sad, regretful kind of way. Like he knows she gave up everything for him, she's so young, and he feels bad about it. He looks sorry every time he looks at her. He used to look at her with desire. No more. I think he's a terrific actor. He looks so hunted sometimes, like he's on the verge of breaking down.

And how ironic is it that when Sun Woo finally says she's leaving, he just looks crushed. And I agree with you, every time he says Joon Young, it's Sun Woo he's thinking of. I knew he was having a hard time when he gave that silly little wave at Sun Woo - made me laugh - before getting into the car with Joon Young, and kept telling Joon Young to say goodbye, and to call her. He looked so sad when Sun Woo stood there, looking so broken when he told her Joon Young called him to fetch him to his house.


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My take on the "protect that marriage"? She already knows how it feels to have her marriage broken, and even though she is now the other woman, she doesn't want to break up his current marriage (and comforts becoz of Chairman). I hope that's what it is.


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Quick question: was this drama ever advertised as a revenge drama? I don’t think it was. In fact from everything we’ve seen, this drama was never really about revenge on Sun Woos part. From the very beginning they’ve showed how unhinged and disturbed everyone in this show is, but more specifically, they’re showing all the different aspects of marriage/ relationships and the different ways women deal with it or don’t, specifically in Korean society. You have Ye Rim and Je Hyuk, the chairwoman who supports Sun Woo, saying she won’t divorce, and even Hyun Seo and her bf, who act as a foil to show how toxic Sun Woo and Tae Ho are and will continue to be to each other. All of the characters show how divorce is perceived and in this case, how toxic it can be when a child is involved and the divorce is on nasty terms.

The end of episode did not surprise me lol I was on the edge of my seat and I’ve definitely watched that scene numerous times cause it’s so well acted but from his return, the sexual tension every time Sun Woo and Tae Ho were on screen was thick. I do not blame her for her momentary “mistake” cause she was married to him for more than 10 yrs.

I saw some knetz saying that married people are relating to the story a lot more because they can understand compared to single people and it makes sense. My parents are divorced and it was toxic, My dad and his family were very abusive to my mom, but I’m thankful that I and my siblings were far younger than Joon Young and my mom moved to a whole other continent even though her family begged her to stay with him.


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Just to add on even tho my mom left, it still took my mom another 12+ years to get over my dad and she wasn’t with him for near as long as Sun Woo and Tae Ho were together


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Also, sorry forgot to mention... I am 99% sure that DK told TO to throw SW under the bus. TO thought SW killed Park In Ryu and DK had said make me believe you didn't do that.. How was he suppose to do that? Easy, tell the police that it was Sun Woo but interestingly, TO also remained quiet. TO was protecting SW as much as she was protecting TO..


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Oh, I missed that. You are absolutely right. He didn't say a word about Sun Woo. They were protecting each other. And he wanted to call her at the police station, but he stopped. You know, what to me is the most unforgivable thing is that Tae oh beat her up so viciously, and almost strangled her to death, and I think this is why they can never be together in the end. That scene haunts me, because it's so brutal, and no matter how much she provoked him into attacking her, that was just a horrific act, and can never be forgotten.


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I agree, truly but also I have seen Sun Woo slap TO about 3 times since that too and no one mentioned anything because she is a woman but I agree, he did almost kill her. It was graphic. I honestly don't know how it will end though. I am 50/50 if they will reconcile or not.


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TO almost killed SW. He might have if the son didn’t walk in at the last moment. It was brutal.


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You might have missed the 'beating' part. That scene happened because SW goaded TO by pretending to have killed JY. She knew what time JY comes home and she timed it so that he will see what his father is capable of. It was SW's tactic to be able to get custody of JY.


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This. Is. Hell.

When Sun-woo and Tae-oh kiss, then make love (while Da-kyung is trying to call her husband) in the end of Ep.12, the singer behind the scene screams "Sad" (as well the song's title, go check it out), and the backing vocal is like this:

You'll be in the fire
You'll be in the fire
I bet you'll be in the fire
I bet you'll be in the fire

"Cause I'm sending you my pain and tears," it concluded.

I guess the one thing this Korean version way better than the BBC original is that it basically follows the original (The ex-couple have sex in the end of Season 2 in «Dr. Foster» as well), but the plot is way more make sense (Gemma only does that for revenge, but Sun-woo's emotion is way more complex, so as Tae-oh), thus the show is very powerful. This is only one of the examples, but when Sun-woo discovered Tae-oh prepares his and Da-kyung's new bedroom with almost everything he prepared for their own before, you know it won't be that same BBC drama.

And both Sun-woo and Tae-oh's feelings has been developed way earlier in the show. Suddenly I found that Tae-oh's seemed-evil declaration is actually true ("I love both women, why should I have to choose?" I paraphrased), as well that oh-so-familiar closet in Tae-oh & Da-kyung new house. Sun-woo's longing look to Tae-oh and Da-kyung even before they first leave Gosan is another proof. They are going to have a relationship which will be bombarded by South Korean audience (and they did), shouldn't the screenwriter plan ahead?

I guess some screenwriters really should learn from «Couple»'s spectacular script-writing. I am talking to you, Kim Eun-soek.


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I was staring at the snow sleeting ovsr the sidewalk, and I was thinking, how beautifully done this scene was, not overly dramatic, but just so lovely, with the cold and the shots of the ditch covered up by snow at the side. It was a scene that fitted so well with her character, the bleakness, the loneliness and the strength of her character.


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I heard the song too. I was drawn to the lyrics. Poignant and tragic, the history of their past, and a foreshadowing of darker days ahead..."pain and tears".

If only other dramas could evoke the same kind of awe in me.


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I was watching that ending 3 times, with the first 2 in tears, then searching for that song. That scene is very painful. This is just one spectacular execution in terms of direction, @yyishere, I can say.


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I rewatched it again!!!! I never rewatch a scene, but I did it this time, and the second time was even more piwerful than the first. They were absolutely perfect. Flawless. And when she broke down and cried, it was so, so sad. And the way they reached out to each other was just so fluid and so natural. I loved the scene. I watched another drama and another kiss a few hours later, and I felt nothing. It was supposed to be romantic, but I felt absolutely nothing.


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"I watched another drama and another kiss a few hours later ..."
I guess we are watching the same drama, @yyishere, right? That is exactly why I mentioned Kim Eun-seok in my initial post. I can talk loads about that kiss when the associated recap is published, but for now, I would only say, it's more like a sexual harassment than being romantic for me.

Back to this drama, yes, you are right, it is a flawless scene. I didn't watch more time because I feel the pain of them, and it is so painful I don't want to taste that again, at least for the time being; but surely it is very beautiful. Both actor/actress mentioned this is one of their most memorable scene in their career, and I do believe them.


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I post it on my wall 2 weeks ago and added it to my playlist.
This drama drives me nuts but I can't get enough of it.


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"This drama drives me nuts ..."

Me too. I wrote on my own Facebook: "In the centre is the love between a psychopath and a power-hungry." If that doesn't drive us nuts, it is not a good show.


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Actually there is a BBC track for Dr. Foster that is perfect for this show.. Its perfect for Sun Woo.. Its by Ciara and its called Paint it Black.. wished they used that song


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"It could have been a passing affair ..... had you let it be one."

Wow, Tae-oh. Just wow.

Leave it to Tae-oh to find a new level to sink to beyond the base level he was already at.


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Come on you have to admit this guy is hilarious.. when he said that.. I burst out laughing.. however he really has some psychopath traits when you analyze his character.The symptoms of a psychopath are : an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement. He is also narcissistic and lies habitually. However, he is the most interesting character on screen to watch. he consistently makes me laugh.. smh


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Yes +1,000,000
He is narcissistic and abusive too. Sun woo may have had suicidal parents but it’s him who has some sort of personality disorders.


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I am not sure if TO is considered " abusive" in Korea. From a western or foreign POV, Yes, he is abusive because of what he did but unfortunatley, we have never seen him do that more than once and never with DK. In Korea, I am sure people are less outraged at his domestic violence. Also, SW has hit him about 3 or 4 times so far and no one said anything about that. I disagree with his actions but again this isnt my culture and what I have observed, people are more outraged about his affair than the DV.. Yes, he may have personality disorder.


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Granted throughout he never hit her... but after that he was pretty horrid to her, verbally and grabbing her roughly many times. Entering her place without her knowledge and breaking their wedding photo. And not to mention hiring that monster to scare her....

You are right that he has deep issues with entitlement, getting angry at her when he is the one at fault.

I dunno about the slaps, it certainly can’t be considered as a deliberate assault. Doubt those slaps left some bruises or scars. And he can’t complain about it since he almost killed her.


... omitted something ..
... throughout their marriage...


IKR?!. I think this was my first time to actually wish I could slap a kdrama character myself. Does that mean the actors are very good?!! . LOL!.


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Another interesting find: in Ep.12 I suddenly find everyone a bit kinder, even Da-kyung grown to be a better mother and wife somehow (or is it just me feeling this?) Meanwhile, that 2-faces female friend Myung-sook confronts hospital CEO Ji-cheol only appointed married person as his deputy shows the marriage tension in South Korea shows the discrimination in the country. These are all the BBC original doesn't have, yet very genius sideline.

No doubt «A Couple's World» will be controversial in South Korea, and the show may get lots of scolding and finger-pointing from the audience, but I guess it will become «A Doll House» moment in this conservative society, which I hope to see in the future.


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Everyone in Gosan is insane. I hate all of them now, except for that little moment when Doctor Sul finally said something plausible to defend herself and a little victory from Yerim's side (don't accept Jehyuk back please..)


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This show is exhausting. I can't even keep up.
Glad it's still on fire.


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Exhausting indeed. That's due to the roller coaster of frustration, hilarity, disappointment, pity, and other emotions you feel while watching this show. But why is it addicting , that i can hardly wait for the next weekend? LOL


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This drama feels like a horror movie which gets mostly bloodless bloody in slow burn as it simmers in lusts and finally spilling over in episode 12. Lusts drove them apart and yet lusts drew them together again. We watched intelligent display of cunningness by both genders, caught in the midst of a lustful storm, attempting to survive, and win. If they had been simple folks, perhaps less intelligent and success driven... relationship, marriage and love may have been also much less delusional and painful?


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What.the.hell.happened? Why a smart gal like Dr Ji ended up forgiving his scumbag ex? Why? Also what drove her to say "Save that marriage?" Is she a narcissist?


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I was disappointed too but I guess some people take longer to move on I hope they don't get back together


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This show is bonkers in a good way I hope the ending is different and as great


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Thanks for the weecap.


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I feel like the acting is great but the writing is so absurd that it seems dumber than when it started? Haha so much potential!!!


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