Flower of Evil: Episode 15

It’s amazing that our antihero still has his sanity after everything he’s been through. He’s managed to hold onto his humanity for so long, but with every blow, his grip on reality grows weaker. He’s still got a killer to track down, and this last confrontation may be more than his fragile mind can withstand.


Back when they were all teenagers, Moo-jin made a video at Hyun-soo and Hae-soo’s house where he went into the basement and saw something horrific. Now we see the rest of that video — he’d seen a bag with something human-shaped inside, but Do Min-seok had shown up and told him it was only an elk.

In the present, Moo-jin grins happily when Hae-soo tells him over the phone that the necklace he returned to her is as dazzling as it used to be. They make plans for her to come to his place with Eun-ha after stopping at Hyun-soo and Ji-won’s place for some of Eun-ha’s things.

But while she’s there, Hee-sung stabs her after promising not to hurt Eun-ha, who’s shut in her room. He believes she’s Ji-won, and he takes Ji-won’s shattered ID from Hae-soo as a souvenir before he leaves.

Luckily, Moo-jin ignores Hae-soo’s insistence that she’ll get to his place on her own. He drives to Hyun-soo’s home to pick her up and finds her bleeding out, so he calls for an ambulance in a panic.

At the station, Woo-chul and his team are trying to work out the timeline of the Baek family’s housekeeper’s last day. They have CCTV footage showing that Ms. Park left work at 7:30 p.m. and took a taxi home, then her credit card transactions show that she ordered dinner that was delivered at 8:30 p.m.

What’s strange is that the autopsy showed that she died within 4-6 hours of her last meal, which would make her time of death after midnight, yet other physical evidence indicates that she died before 9 p.m. Woo-chul is willing to chalk it up to human error, but Jae-sub wants to keep investigating.

Ji-won interrupts — she’s gotten the black box footage of the person who called Hyun-soo and lured him out of the house. Woo-chul notices that the caller carefully chose an area without CCTV cameras yet didn’t seem to consider the possibility of black boxes in cars. Ji-won gets a call, but Woo-chul tells her not to answer calls from unknown numbers.

A call to the station alerts the team to Hae-soo’s stabbing at Ji-won’s home, and Ji-won’s first thought is for Eun-ha. She rushes home and learns that Eun-ha is still in her room, refusing to open the door for anyone but her mother. Eun-ha opens the door when she hears Ji-won’s voice, and awww, Ho-joon’s sigh of relief to see that the little girl is okay.

Hee-sung goes to his mother’s pharmacy and grabs some rat poison, then calls Sang-chul to say that he has his money. Hyun-soo is left alone in his old basement, where Jung Mi-sook is still locked inside the cage. She’s terrified to see him standing there with a box cutter in his hand, even when he tells her his name and warns her that his father’s accomplice will be here to kill her soon.

He says that he plans to catch him, then uses the box cutter to slice the zip ties holding the door to the old cage closed. He snaps a metal lock onto the door then slides the key to Mi-sook, telling her that she’s now the only person who can unlock the door. How smart!

Mi-sook asks nervously why Hyun-soo would help her, and he says softly, “Probably because I’m in a similar situation as you. You probably don’t understand why this had to happen to you, and I feel the same way.”

At the hospital, Ji-won’s mother says that she resents Hyun-soo for fooling Ji-won for so long. But Ji-won says she hasn’t changed, and that she can’t be happy if Hyun-soo isn’t happy. She asks her mother to take pity on Hyun-soo when he returns.

Woo-chul and Ho-joon see Hee-sung on the CCTV footage from outside Ji-won’s house and realize that he’s the same person from the black box footage, though they can’t see his face clearly. Ho-joon suggests they leak false information to draw him out, so Chief Yoon tells reporters that the person who was attacked was Ji-won, and that she died.

Ji-won joins Moo-jin at the hospital, where he tells her that this is his fault for leaving Hae-soo alone. Ji-won says that Hae-soo didn’t fight back because she was protecting Eun-ha, and she promises Moo-jin that they’ll catch the guy who did this. The doctor tells them that Hae-soo is severely injured and lost a lot of blood, so they can’t promise anything until she regains consciousness.

Moo-jin remembers that Hae-soo asked Dr. Baek for the list of hospital volunteers, believing that one of them is the accomplice. He runs off, intent of getting that list. Ji-won is going to go with him, but Ho-joon calls to tell her that she can’t be seen because of the plan to pretend she’s dead. Oh no, this is gonna backfire so hard.

Hee-sung sees the news of Ji-won’s death on his phone while driving out to Hyun-soo’s old home, and he smirks. Sang-chul is waiting for him, and they head down to the basement where Hee-sung stops to smell the rank air of his old haunt. He’s even more pleased to see Mi-sook caged and waiting for him.

He hands over the briefcase full of money, watching with satisfaction as Sang-chul takes a deep whiff of the cash like he knew he would. Sang-chul doesn’t smell the rat poison that Hee-sung sprinkled liberally amongst the bills, though his nose begins to bleed as he leaves the basement.

At the station, Ji-won reviews the CCTV video of the accomplice waiting outside her home. She agrees that he was there to kill her, then realizes that he must not know what she looks like. It seems odd, since he was close enough to get Hyun-soo’s fingerprints and plant Ms. Park’s hair in their car.

Jae-sub interviews the guy who delivered the food to Ms. Park’s apartment on the night she died. The delivery guy says that the woman he delivered to wasn’t deaf, because he knocked on the door and she promptly answered. In addition, according to the autopsy, Ms. Park had tofu at her last meal yet nothing the woman ordered had tofu in it.

He calls in this information, and Ji-won checks the CCTV footage of the woman getting into the taxi the night that Ms. Park was murdered. She growls that it could only be one someone who would do anything to protect the real killer — his mother. It also explains why the accomplice didn’t seem to know about the black box dashcams, because they weren’t common back when Hee-sung went into his coma, which means that Baek Hee-sung is awake.

Hee-sung grows angry when he discovers that the key Sang-chul gave him doesn’t work in the lock on Mi-sook’s cage. He screams and flails at her, but she stays at the far end of the cage where he can’t reach her, brandishing the box cutter from Hyun-soo. Hee-sung unfortunately spots Mi-sook’s gaze flicking to something behind him, just moments before Hyun-soo attacks.

Hyun-soo still manages to get the dog leash he’s holding (one of his father’s leftovers ~shudder~) around Hee-sung’s neck. Hee-sung fights hard, but Hyun-soo has done this before and he throttles Hee-sung until he goes limp, then punches him until he screams that it hurts. Only then does Hyun-soo see who it is that he’s caught, and he stares in shock as Hee-sung greets him politely through bloody teeth.

Moo-jin informs Dr. Baek and Hee-sung’s mom about the attack on Hae-soo. He asks for the list of volunteers, and Dr. Baek agrees to give it to him. While he’s in his office, Moo-jin gets a call from Ji-won, who tells him to leave the house immediately as they have good reason to believe that Baek Hee-sung is Do Min-seok’s protégé, and that his parents are acting as accomplices.

But instead of doing the safe thing and leaving, Moo-jin, still furious over Hae-soo’s stabbing, flies completely off the handle. He barges through the house in a loud, wild search until he finds the hidden bedroom and the hospital bed empty of its occupant.

Dr. Baek hears Moo-jin and Mom yelling and rips up the volunteer list he was about to hand over. He goes to the hidden bedroom where Moo-jin confronts him and his wife, then stalks out again. Dr. Baek grabs some drugs and loads up a syringe, intent on killing Moo-jin then turning himself in.

Moo-jin asks what that will accomplish, and Dr. Baek screams, “My son might finally change! If I sacrifice for him, he’ll finally change.” He blames Hee-sung’s murderous works on Do Min-seok, claiming that Hee-sung would have been normal if they’d never met.

With a huge eyeroll, Moo-jin tells Dr. Baek about the sack he found in Do Min-seok’s basement and how he chose to believe there was only an elk inside… “But regardless of how hard I try to convince myself, it doesn’t change the fact that the thing inside the sack was a human being, not an elk.”

Slowly approaching Dr. Baek, Moo-jin says that he must have always known what his son was capable of. Tears stream down Dr. Baek’s face as Moo-jin continues that it’s not Hee-sung’s future he wants to change, but that moment when he realized Hee-sung’s true nature and chose to ignore it.

He fearlessly walks right past Dr. Baek, only to whirl back and grab the syringe when Dr. Baek tries to inject himself with it. Moo-jin tells Dr. Baek that he’s obligated to stay alive until the truth is revealed, then leaves him sobbing on his knees. Mom sinks down beside her husband and says softly, “It’s strange — we both knew things would end this way, but we chose to come this far.”

By now, Hyun-soo has Hee-sung tied to a chair while Mi-sook remains safe in her cage. Hee-sung gloats that, despite having caught him, Hyun-soo will always be in his shadow. In a shaky voice, Mi-sook asks Hee-sung why he kidnapped her, but Hee-sung says he doesn’t regret it.

Hee-sung waxes poetic about the biography he’ll write in prison about his close relationship with Do Min-seok. Hyun-soo wants his phone, so Hee-sung tells him which pocket it’s in and asks him to request an ambulance when he alerts the police because he thinks he’ll need one.

We see a flashback of Hee-sung with Do Min-seok on a fishing trip together. Min-seok had lamented that Hyun-soo was a failure despite all his work. At Hee-sung’s stricken expression, Min-seok had assured him that he was “the best work I’ve ever accomplished.”

When he pulls Hee-sung’s phone from his pocket, Hyun-soo is horrified to see Ji-won’s bloody ID badge tangled up with it. Hee-sung politely asks for his souvenir back, but Hyun-soo begins to tremble. Hyun-soo screams at Hee-sung to tell him that he’s lying, but Hee-sung only says, “Do Min-seok turned me into a murderer, so I’m going to do the same thing to you. It’s only fair.”

Mi-sook yells at Hyun-soo to call the police, but he’s too far gone to hear her. Hee-sung mimics Hae-soo’s order to Eun-ha not to open the door for anyone but her mommy, still believing that he was Ji-won, though he promises that he didn’t hurt Eun-ha.

Hyun-soo uses the phone to call Ji-won, but since he was just told not to answer calls from unknown numbers, she ignores it. He calls the police station, who confirms that detective Cha Ji-won was murdered, and Hyun-soo absolutely flips. He wails with grief and fury, and Hee-sung says that whether Hyun-soo hands him over to the police or kills him, he wins either way.

Hyun-soo grabs Hee-sung’s switchblade from the floor and calmly tells Mi-sook to call the police and tell them that he killed someone. She begs him not to do this over someone like Hee-sung, but he’s not listening. “Tell them I cut off his hands and feet while he was still alive so that he couldn’t be identified. Even after all that, he wouldn’t die and crawled on the floor, so I killed him over and over!”

Seeing his death in Hyun-soo’s eyes, Hee-sung has the sense to be scared. He tries to scrabble away from Hyun-soo, and when Hyun-soo lunges at him with the knife, he kicks him in the chest, knocking them both backwards. Mi-sook holds onto Hyun-soo through the cage bars and screams for Hee-sung to run.

Hee-sung manages to get out of his bonds and takes off. He trips over Sang-chul’s dead body outside, then disappears into the woods with Hyun-soo right behind.

Ji-won goes to the Baek home with the police and demands to know where Hee-sung is, but all they know is that he went to meet Sang-chul. Ho-joon hurries in with the news about the call to the Mapo station from someone asking after Ji-won, and at first they assume it was Hee-sung checking up on whether “Ji-won” died.

But when they learn that he also asked about Eun-ha, Ji-won realizes that it must have been Hyun-soo, because Hee-sung would know that he didn’t attack Eun-ha. She checks the caller’s number and sees that it’s the same number that tried to call her earlier, and it belatedly dawns on her that it was Hyun-soo, and that now he thinks she’s dead.

She calls the number back, and Mi-sook finally leaves her cage to answer it. She’s glad to hear Ji-won’s voice, proving that she’s alive, and she bursts into tears and begs Ji-won to come save Hyun-soo.

Hyun-soo continues to stalk Hee-sung through the forest, and eventually he catches up and stabs Hee-sung in the shoulder. He grabs Hee-sung’s leg and hamstrings him, and when Hee-sung yells for Hyun-soo to just kill him, Hyun-soo calmly orders him to run. Hee-sung does, and Hyun-soo momentarily loses him… until the specter of his father shows up to lead the way.

Ji-won and the team arrive at Hyun-soo’s old home, where Mi-sook asks to speak to Ji-won. She confirms that Hee-sung claimed to have killed her and hands over her bloody ID badge. She says that it’s not Hyun-soo’s fault if he kills Hee-sung, but Ji-won retorts that murder is murder regardless of the reason.

Min-seok leads Hyun-soo to the edge of a cliff and grabs him by the throat, pushes him to the ground, then sits on him and points the knife at his face. Hee-sung whispers gleefully, “Kill me already. The endless pain will be yours to bear anyway.”

Hyun-soo is about to end Hee-sung when he hears Ji-won’s voice cry out, “Jagi-yah!” He looks over in disbelief to see her and the whole team standing nearby, and she begs him to drop the knife and let the police handle this. But Hyun-soo can’t trust his own senses anymore, as he’s still seeing Min-seok behind Ji-won, and he believes that she’s only another hallucination.

He wails that Hee-sung said she died, but Ji-won assures him that she’s really there and moves closer. Hyun-soo sobs that he can see the dead so it’s hard to believe that she’s real, but Ji-won urges him to drop the knife and come to her.

He drops the knife and staggers towards her, and Woo-chul sees that he’s no threat and orders his men to arrest Hee-sung. But just as Hyun-soo and Ji-won reach each other, Hee-sung stabs a cop with the dropped knife, takes his gun, and shoots. Hyun-soo has just enough time to put himself between Ji-won and the bullet, and he drops to the ground, blood pouring from his head.

Meanwhile, in ICU, Hae-soo finally opens her eyes.

Hyun-soo wakes up in bed with Ji-won, in a room filled with white light. He asks how long he’s been there, but Ji-won tells him not to ask questions so that he can forget everything. Caressing his face, she says, “You struggled so hard and did your best. Thank you so much. Now it’s time for you to rest.” Hyun-soo apologizes for how much he put Ji-won through, but she says it’s okay because she loved him so much, and that every moment she spent with him will be a beautiful memory.

She tells Hyun-soo not to worry about her anymore, and when he notes how quiet it is, she says that’s because they’re the only ones there. Hyun-soo says that they must be in paradise, then he yawns, so Ji-won wishes him goodnight. He tucks his face under her chin contentedly and drifts off to sleep.


I’m sure that last scene means that Hyun-soo is dying, but I don’t think he’s dead yet and I’m positive he’ll survive this… physically, anyway. If he does, he still has a long way to go to heal emotionally — he’s never lived a normal day in his life, first being groomed (thankfully unsuccessfully) by a murderous father then living his entire adult life as someone else. Luckily he has the pure, real love of his wife and daughter to give him something to live for and work towards, and I’m sure he’ll be okay eventually, but there’s still a long, painful road of healing ahead of him.

I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but I actually felt sympathy for Hee-sung’s parents in this episode. They are absolutely horrible people for what they’ve done, hiding their son’s homicidal nature and even helping him frame Hyun-soo for murder, but for just a short moment, you could sort of see why they did it. Hee-sung is their only child, a son they were so proud of until they found out who he truly was, and then he was immediately taken from them for fifteen years. They probably felt that they never got a chance to try and help him, and when they finally had a chance, they just didn’t know how to do that in a healthy way and reacted emotionally instead of rationally. Don’t get me wrong — they need to go to prison, yesterday. But I do have compassion for what they’ve suffered.

Although it never made a huge deal out of it, Flower of Evil has presented such a great argument of nature vs. nurture; whether humans are born hard-wired to behave a certain way, or if influences as they develop can override their basic personality. Do Min-seok admitted in this episode that he tried to train Hyun-soo to be a killer but failed, while he succeeded with Hee-sung. I have always personally believed that people are influenced by both nature and nurture, but that nature tends to win out more often than not. I would argue that it’s not that Min-seok failed or succeeded, but that he couldn’t override Hyun-soo’s most deep-seated nature to be loving and empathetic, while Hee-sung was on his way to being a killer long before Min-seok ever met him. Min-seok certainly did a huge amount of damage to Hyun-soo’s psyche, but he never became a killer, because it’s just not in him to be one. Meanwhile, Hee-sung would have ended up a murderer regardless of his privileged upbringing and loving parents, it’s just that meeting Min-seok hurried the process along.

Now, I do think that the show has kind of gone around in circles for the last few episodes, but for me, this penultimate episode brought back that sense of nervous anticipation I felt at the beginning, that is-he-or-isn’t-he question regarding whether Hyun-soo was a murderer or not. And I’m not gonna lie, I wanted Hyun-soo to do Hee-sung some painful and permanent damage down in that basement when he believed he’d murdered Ji-won. If anyone could be justified in lashing out in that moment, it’s Hyun-soo! But then I’m also glad that Mi-sook stopped him, not for Hee-sung’s sake, but for Hyun-soo’s. He hasn’t always been stable under pressure, but he’s always stopped himself before crossing that line, and I do think that he would have carved Hee-sung into tiny pieces if Mi-sook hadn’t interfered.

I have to say, I have absolutely adored Hee-sung as a character, and Kim Ji-hoon for making him so bone-deep evil. Hee-sung was bad from the beginning (despite his parents’ denials), and he never hid how low he was willing to go to be the absolute worst. I think that he always felt jealous of Hyun-soo because he got to have Do Min-seok as a father, yet resentful of Min-seok not treating him like a son but as a commodity that he produced. That’s why Hee-sung killed Min-seok, and why he was determined to turn Hyun-soo into a killer — he wanted to prove that he could do the one thing Min-seok couldn’t. I don’t know if he would have succeeded if Ji-won hadn’t shown up at the last possible second, but something tells me that Hyun-soo would have killed him, and that makes Hee-sung one of the most successful villains I’ve ever seen in a Korean drama. Well done, Show, well done.


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This episode was crazy and LJK’s acting had me on edge. The scene where he cries to Jiwon “I can see dead people” really broke my heart.. The anguish on his face throughout this episode when he thinks Jiwon is dead was hard to watch.


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His performance throughout this show has been amazing.


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Yes, he has crazy talent, I really hope he gets recognised for it soon, he deserves so many awards not just for this drama but his previous works as well


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He's already really famous in Korea! I think the biggest thing he's run up against is poor choice of projects, which keeps him from winning as many awards as he deserves.


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Totally agree with you.
He is so amazing here, you feel the same emotions as him. Good that he chose this one over others, many of his projects loose the momentum midway. This show has done justice to his acting skills ✌️✌️


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It was a leap of faith for HyunSoo to go to JiWoo, considering he as seeing her at the same time as his dad, and that hadn't happened since they've been together. LKJ really showed the desperation in his eyes. Loved it.


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I bet he's not dead,...but from the beginning of the show, I'd always thought that the only way this drama would be complete is if Hyun Soo died at the end. I don't see him having a happy life. Should just end it as tragic.


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That would be truly, utterly, the most cruel ending a writer could ever think of. We know there are a multitude of people who are heavily invested in Hyun Soo's life. But then, it would be deliciously heartbreaking just like Scarlet Heart Ryeo, anothe LJK starrer who stood out a few years back.


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When I watched the whole showdown I was reminded of "Hundred Million Stars From The Sky". The ending was just cruel. For everyone. I have hopes for this show to give us a "happy" ending though, still.


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Aaaargh, Do Not bring up Scarlet Heart Ryeo. I am still bitter about how his talents were wasted, how he had to work with one of the most untalented actresses in the business ... I still remember him dragging her wide-eyed self through every melo scene with a shudder. Lol yes, still bitter about that one. It could have been incredible, if they'd actually bothered to hire a real actress.


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He's not dead according to the preview, and that disappoints me a little, because that bed scene would be perfect as a closure.


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Thanks for the recap, @lollypip. In your last paragraph, you raised a few good points about Hee Sung which didn't occur to me before. I have enjoyed Kim Ji-hoon's interpretation of the character and I do wish the viewers had more opportunity to explore that. I thought it was unusual that for a serial killer and psychopath, Hee Sung can dish out the pain but he can't take it.

It was fantastic to watch Lee Jun-ki's acting in this episode. The range of emotions was fully fleshed out. So well done. Moon Chae-Won too.


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On a side note, Moo-Jin has the worst poker face ever. He was fortunate to be walking out of the Baeks' house alive because it could so easily have gone downhill for him.


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Hyun Soo has gone through so much; it's no wonder that he has had several breakdowns.

It was damn satisfying to see him beating up Hee Sung and the chase really heightened the emotions.

He was so conflicted/shocked/confused seeing his father and Ji Won again. Their opposite influences pressing down on him. I wondered in that brief moment if he wanted to give in to his father's side like he didn't want to disappoint him. Give in to the darkness and anger he felt.

Accept all the bad rumors about him as reality. His father had always looked like he was judging him. Ji Won calling out to him wasn't the
main thing that broke his trance. Hee Sung laughed at him, sounding pleased and triumphant. Hyun Soo stopped himself from going any further and did not let him win.

Gosh that last scene! No way he's dead. That would ruin the whole drama for me. And after all the unfair and horrible things he's been through, I would like to see him have a second chance at an ordinary life, unburdened by a fake name. Getting therapy and being happy with his family.


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Besides the murder-by-sniffing-rat-poison part, i am absolutely loving LJK's acting! I've repeated the ending scene numerous time <3 From when he thought Ji won's was murdered, to the discovery of her name tag, to phoning the police for confirmation up till the very end when he believed Ji Won is still alive. I think he finally realised Ji Won is alive because of Hee Sung's laughter - the only reason he would laugh is if Ji Won is really alive and he could hear their conversation and enjoy the torture there were in.


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This calls for the loss-of-memory trope big time! Bet that’s what the white room was setting up. The only way Hyun-Soo can have a future is without his past.


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Hyunsoo better not die or I'm gonna kill the writer of this drama ... I almost felt happy to see HeeSung cowering due to Hyunsoo but also I was worried he might cross the line the line, like JiWon said murder is still murder no matter the reason, how this drama will end is truly mysterious I have watched so many dramas so usually I have a idea how it may end but this the cliffhangers in all ending in each episode has left me baffled than I expected.... Then again what can I say ... Rather than ...
BEST DRAMA FOR 2020 !!! LJK's acting in this episode is truly out of this world the way !! Not only him MCW, KJH Also gets my applause.


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I agree 100%. LJK's acting in this ep is on another level. I have never seen such depth in any actors in the recent drama in Kdramaland.


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The episode was nerve-wracking in a good way. I agree that it put the show back to form. And hopefully it will wind down to a happy ending in the finale.

We all know Hyun Soo will survive. Its the aftermath of Do Hyun Soo getting his own name back and facing the legal repercussions of false identity are what I want to find out.

I lost all sympathy for the Baek parents the moment they conspired to kill Hyun Soo. Hyun Soo lived as their son and seemed to be a dutiful one at that but they did not hesitate to ruin him. I can never forgive them for that. They both deserve all the punishment of the law.

LJK was spectacular in this episode. For a moment I believed that he has indeed snapped. I do think that Hyun Soo wouldve killed Hee Sung if JiWon didnt show up when she did. He was crazy mad at that point. I am glad she saved him.


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@LollyPip thank you for the recap and the insight. I hadn't considered that Hee-sung "was determined to turn Hyun-soo into a killer — he wanted to prove that he could do the one thing Min-seok couldn’t". What a dynamic between Min-seok, Hyun-soo, and Hee-sung. A whole new drama could have been written about that.

Love LJK. He always convincingly enacted the promise of being a killer. To be able to capture that ambiguity is an achievement.

I have to say I wanted to see Mi-sook be less of a victim. She seemed to be taking way too long to get out of that cage and phone for help. I was v stressed.

Finally though Moo-jin came good and spoke the truth to the Baeks in a way that they could not ignore.


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HeeSung was trying to be successful in what DMS failed, and that would made the apprentice surpasses the teacher, and he almost did it. I really admired HeeSung for planning all this. He didn't care about spending the rest of his life in prison as long as he had made HyunSoo a killer.


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Well, that's bogus. Hee-sung couldn't 'turn Hyun-Soo into a killer' because he isn't one. Someone who kills a very bad person - in this case, someone who has killed many people, possibly killed his sister, apparently killed his wife - can we not give him a moral 'bye' in this case? If someone has killed people, continues to kill people, and if given the chance will kill more - is it really a moral sin to kill that person, to save yourself and others? 99.9% of people, if thrust in this horrible situation, would perhaps assault with intent to kill for the first and only time in their lives, as preservation for themselves and for others. I hardly think this is "success" from a serial-killer standpoint. It's a stupid premise.


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Hyun Soo has done a complete 180. He now feels all the emotions at once😑😑. Whatever. The death by smelling rat poisoning was so absurd, I actually laughed when I saw him dead. This is not a real thing. Also I had expected Hee Soo to pick up the knife, so wrestling the fully healthy cop's gun away from him was the only surprise this episode. The rest just made me annoyed. I can't fully appreciate the acting from the actors because the narrative jumped the shark into space, so until next episode.


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I'm with you about HyunSoo being out of character. He's been like this for the last 5 episodes, imo.
I liked the acting, but also I found it a bit forced, specially LKJ in the basement scene and during the chase in the forest. But I really appreciated his acting while he was desperately trying to know if JiWon was alive or not, because he was watching his dad at the same time. That moment really moved me.
As for the rest, I had already decided to take this episode as something I could laugh at, and... HeeSung in the basement crying stop you're hurting made me burst into laughter. Oh, man, that was a good one. I decided I liked him. I don't care if he's a lazy psycho. I like him.


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Fair enough, that was really funny too because he seemed really earnest when he said it, you could tell he was shocked at how much it hurt. Lol


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This episode was hard to watch esp the scene at the cliff. I'd say acting wise, the actors really did well especially LJG and MCW. I got so carried away and still in awe. I hope they bag awards for this show.
I like this climax of the story and has been very satisfying for me. Now, let see how well they tie loose ends on the final ep. Hopefully, the Hyun-soo and Jiwon get their happy ending coz they deserve it more than anyone.


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Moojin is safe and so is haesoo. Those two are really one, given how they go to lions Den completely unprepared!!
But Lee Jun ki ❤️❤️ sexy eyes ❤ and moon chae won ❤️💕
Thank you for the recap. I used to question his obsession over Hyun soo, but what you have said makes complete sense. He wanted to prove that he can do what minseok could not!!
Last episode be awesome for the sake of these gems


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I feel like the show is finally back on track after episodes 11-14. Hoping for a good finale. Also, Lee Joon Ki is serving an incredible performance. His anguish and grief radiated throughout his entire body.


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I've just finished the episode, I didn't watch it last week because I read so many bad reactions on the beanie wall that I decided to watch it this week. And... well... it was a surprise, because I liked it a lot. I guess I was expecting something terrible and it wasn't that bad at all (it doesn't mean it was good).

Things I liked about this episode:
- We finally got to see what MooJi had recorded. No wonder he felt remorse and was so obsessed with the murders. He had seen the last victim, because I guess the person in the bag was MiSook. The show is good enough to not have killed her, so he will be able to apologize.
- Det. Choi double checking the facts because nothing seemed right. It was a nice change from the hunches and the not checking the facts that all police officers except JiWon were doing so far.
- Dr. Baek being human and crying over the person his son had become and the fact that he couldn't change or accept it. As despicable as he was, I was really touched by his reaction.
- HeeSung. I've written a lot about how sloppy and dumb his psycho character was, but man, that "Stop hitting me, it hurts!" and the "hello, nice to meet you" won my heart. Oh, man you can be a sloppy psycho but you've got something! And I have to agree with LollyPip that the way he wanted to make HuynSoo mad makes him a real good villain.

This episode made me feel again how great this drama could have been, but it wasn't. Last five episodes could have really been one or maybe two, just to begin with.


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Dr. Baek's reaction made him one of the few consistently written characters. So I totally agree that was really touching.


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I still laugh when I think about "Stop hitting me, it hurts!" 😂😂😂


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This is my favourite episode so far! LJG totally owned this episode with his performance and the emotions. The fact that we all know Jiwon was safe but that basement scene when he was trying so hard to keep in control, contacting her and then calling the police and when it all fell apart. This is just some badass acting by LJG. The cliff scene was also so well done. “I can see dead people...” gawd it broke my heart to a million pieces.
I think he’s gonna survive and lose his memory (cue drama trope) but I think the writer will be able to link it well to his trauma etc I’m confident it will be reasonable. I mean what the heck if I am him, I will want to actively erase ALL my memories to be normal. There is no way to be normal after all that. No way.


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I am hoping that they are going to tie in how he doesn't have any memories prior to age 10. That HAS to mean something. If he remembered a happy childhood but forgot some of the horrendous later years, that would be all to the good for him, poor guy.


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Just watched this episode, after slumbering through eps 13 and 14 over the last few days. Now, this was a good one! LJG is amazing, and that final white scene after all the nerve-racking was 💚

On a sidenote: isn't that the Cliff of No-Doom from Empress Ki? The one from where even falling babies survive 😂


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I binged the last 12 episodes yesterday and this one had me STRESSED OUT. So much love and respect for Lee Joon Gi and Moon Chae Won


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Jung Mi-sook is an angel for crying with Hyun-soo over his wife's death despite not knowing her, begging him not to kill over someone like Hee-sung, and offering to be Hyun-soo's witness that it's not his fault. I miss Yeom Sang-chul. Even though he's bad, he still helped Hyun-soo and didn't kill Jung Mi-sook. He didn't deserve to go out like that by rat poison. I cry every time Eun-ha cries: when she sobbed after opening the door for her mom and when she sobbed from missing her dad in Episode 12. Hyun-soo wailing to Ji-won, "I see dead people, so I don't know if you're real." was gut-wrenching. I wouldn't call Hee-sung a successful villain at all. Once he awoke from his coma, he became an eye-rolling caricature villain. Where did Do Min-seok get the money to buy his victims? Metalcraft can't be that lucrative. Did accomplice Hee-sung fund Do Min-seok from Dr. Baek? Thanks for the recap, @LollyPip!


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Your recap is...wow! I like your comments about this episode. Actually I finished this a month ago, but weeeell, I can't forget about it.


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Why didn’t DHS have his phone with him? Did I miss/forget something? Don’t wanna rewatch this episode bec the turn of events here is so annoying. Like, why did JMS let BHS escape?? Shouldn’t she also want him dead because of what he did to her in the past? I found that scene so contrived just so BHS and DHS will end up in that cliff. Sheez.

Also, why did JW send her daughter with HSOO without any police escort – knowing that the killer or killers are still on the loose? That didn’t make no sense at all. Also, JW giving HSOO her coat – with her ID in it – was also contrived.


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