The Veil: Episodes 1-2 (Review)

MBC’s new action thriller The Veil is off to a bloody, brutal, and rather compelling start. We meet our hero, an NIS agent capable of doing anything to complete his mission, and then we learn first-hand what that looks like. But beyond the typical “wronged spy” set-up, the plot is layered, full of great twists, and most importantly, relies on us trusting our untrustworthy hero, who we already know is an unreliable narrator.

Note: Coverage will continue with weecaps.


The Veil made its premise pretty obvious while promoting the drama: an NIS agent returns after disappearing in the field for a year. That’s exactly where our drama opens, so we vaguely know what we are going to get, but the story’s juiciness is when all the details and twists start to be revealed. And to that end, each episode is quite well-crafted.

We open up with a sizable fishing boat that has a cargo hold full of people, and a deck covered in blood. A man tries to hide his young daughter, and the terror and gore around tell us what we’re seeing before it’s even confirmed: organs are harvested, people are murdered, and it’s just a total, revolting bloodbath.

But there’s a man hidden in the corner. He looks like a lunatic, with overgrown hair, bloodied and battered, but when he finds his moment and rises up against their captors, he’s a total beast.

This man is missing NIS agent HAN JI-HYUK (Namgoong Min). We see him tearing into his captors in a rage, but it’s not until the boat is raided, and the intel reaches the NIS, that all the details are confirmed. Not only has he slaughtered all these horrible people, but he seems more animal than man when he’s apprehended and finally brought back to Korea.

As Ji-hyuk is questioned and examined and given a cute haircut, we learn more about his reputation as an agent, and about the operation where he went missing and presumed dead. Ji-hyuk is psychologically damaged and physically scarred, as one can imagine, but the most important bit of information they uncover is this: he’s been given a dose of ZIP, or Zet-IP, an extremely strong drug that erases memories. And so they learn that Ji-hyuk has no memory of what happened in the last year he’s been missing — his memories end during his last operation, right before it all went bad.

The people in command are quite unhappy with this, as can be expected. They want to know what went wrong during the operation, and are even willing to treat Ji-hyuk like an enemy to get the information that they want out of him. He passes the lie detection interrogation, so they move on to their next tactic.

Meanwhile, the story of the operation is slowly filled in for us. Ji-hyuk and two other agents were in China, on an op to take out targets responsible for the death of a few NIS agents. The targets are involved in the Huayang gang, an incredibly powerful drug ring. We see Ji-hyuk and his two teammates kicking serious ass. Their information network seems solid, they torch literal tons of drugs, and walk out with the flames roaring behind them, in true hero fashion. But not soon after, it all goes south.

Ji-hyuk is with his teammates (played by Hwang Hee and Jo Bok-rae) in their safe house. We haven’t seen that much of Ji-hyuk at this point and we already know what a badass he is; he’s silent and serious as he cleans his guns, while the other two talk about how they want to go relax on a beach when this op is finally over. And that’s all it takes — once an agent mentions wanting a simple life with a woman they love, you know they’re destined to die. And that’s exactly what happens.

Ji-hyuk hears something and silences them. He gets up and walks to the door, gun in hand, but when he tries to turn the doorknob it’s locked. Huh? He turns around to look at his teammates and they are also frozen in time. A voice announces that Ji-hyuk is hypnotized.

It’s such a great twisty moment! We thought were were simply watching the op play out, but what we are watching, really, is the NIS interrogator trying to get deep in Ji-hyuk’s mind to find out what happened. Where the memories in his head lock and freeze is where the drug did its job, and no matter what they do, Ji-hyuk remembers nothing.

The NIS doesn’t know what to do with him, so they clean him up and reinstate him in a “field office” to basically rot behind a desk. But at the same time, they’re keeping very close tabs on him to see what he does, and what his behaviors might reveal.

Namgoong Min is absolutely great here, with a glimmer of madness in his eyes, and a blankness too, as he struggles to cope with the gap in his memories. His psychiatrist tells him that even though his memories are erased by the drug, the emotions are still there (since they operate differently than where the brain stores memories).

They have a telling discussion about how memories are so fluid, and how “the power of emotions is stronger than memory.” This is such a great, messy topic to explore, and pulls in the idea I mentioned early of an unreliable narrator. We know his memories are erased, but how much of what he slowly remembers can be trusted?

This idea lands with a bang as we reach the end of Episode 1. Ji-hyuk is languishing his old apartment, the doorway littered with local advertisements and nonsense while he was missing.

He doesn’t seem to sleep, and is in such a strange psychological state that he soon picks up that the light flashing into his apartment building is actually morse code… and that morse code points him to a locker at the local mart (whose flyer was lying on his floor). It’s also stitched together so convincingly, and that only gets more so when Ji-hyuk unlocks the locker, finds a USB drive, and watches a video.

The video is of Ji-hyuk himself, back in his long-haired captive state. He filmed the video as a message to his future self. He tells Ji-hyuk that there’s a rat at the agency, and that he must uncover who it is. Then comes the bombshell: I erased your memories so that you’d be able to solve it.

Chills! The video makes it clear that he was closing in on the rat, but that there was one piece of the puzzle he wasn’t able to fill in, and that is what his present-day self needs to do. He’s warned to trust no one by past Ji-hyuk, and present Ji-hyuk takes the warning to heart.

Among those characters are DIRECTOR DO (Jang Young-nam), KANG PIL-HO (Kim Jong-tae) who recruited him long ago, the antagonistic HA DONG-KYUN (Kim Do-hyun), and finally there’s SEO SOO-YEON (Park Ha-sun). None of them seem particularly good-hearted or trustworthy, and Ji-hyuk associates emotions and motives with each of them: hatred, greed, obstinacy.

The plot thickens even more as we get deeper into Episode 2, and a local police station is infiltrated by thugs from the Huayang drug ring. Ji-hyuk goes against his boss’s orders and offers to do the interrogation, and it’s akin to Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole. Ji-hyuk is ruthless in his tactics, but the huge piece of his memory that’s missing starts to compromise his actions in the field. This plays out in wild and twisty ways, setting the stage for the rest of the drama to come.

Despite being super violent and harsh overall, what is it that I liked about this drama so much? It took me a hot second to realize it feels a bit like an old favorite TV show 24, where agents are pushed the edge, have to deal with corruption from within, and are forced to use unsavory tactics to complete their mission.

The other part of why this was so much fun is Namgoong Min — I don’t think I’ve ever liked him as much as do here as Ji-hyuk. He’s somehow emotionally detached and emotionally crushed at the same time. And half the fun of the drama seems like it will be watching him play against himself. Those memories he wiped from his own mind are exactly what he needs to move forward, and it makes for an interesting dynamic.

While most of the drama’s premiere week is overflowing with violence and gore and interrogations and threats, there’s also hints of some lightness to come. In the “field office” where Ji-hyuk is assigned, he’s partnered with an intelligence agent who was dying to get some field experience. She’s YOO YE-JI (Kim Ji-eun), wet behind the ears, has absolutely know idea what she’s getting into, but also has a strong knack for piecing a puzzle together.

Right now Ji-hyuk can barely be bothered to make eye contact with her, but pretty soon I bet he will see her value as the two become a bit more of a team (and this is one instance where I will say that a love line is not welcome, and I think hope the drama knows it).

With so much story behind us already, it’s impressive that our premiere week set the stage for the drama to come, but at the same time didn’t feel like a typical first week of setup. On the contrary, by the twisty end of Episode 2, we are already neck-deep with Ji-hyuk. Whether we trust him or not, or condone his methods or not, we are still on his side, and willing to follow where his story leads.


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You had me at unreliable narrator. This looks so up my street!


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Hwang Hee and Jo Bok-rae why so soon? I love both actors :(

In the scene with Do Jin-Sook, Lee In-Hwan, Jung Yong-Tae, Bang Young-Chan and Kang Pil-Ho, I was wondering who was the traitor :p


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Me trying to focus on plot and technical stuff: *Namgoong Min's face enters the screen*
My brain: *not a functional thought in the building.*

A slight exaggeration because my brain couldn't stop analysing if it tried*, but I've never seen anything with NGM in it before and he's very distracting lmao.
(*although in this case it can just switch to analysing his bone structure can't it)

I find the action direction in particular messy and not very effective so far, but I enjoyed the first two episodes in spite of this, and yeah, NGM is killing it. (pun... intended?)


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NGM is the best reason to watch this drama!

I think the fact this drama has only 12 episodes is a good thing.


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Yessss 12 eps is one of the best drama lengths imo, especially for Action.


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I like that it's 12 eps too. Make it easier to commit watching. I mean how many hours of blood and gore a person can take!?


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I get it. NGM and revenge. Like prime rib and horseradish, they just go together and everyone seems to know this, but the writer and PD need to make up their minds. Is this simply (minded) straightforward and gritty revenge a la John Wick, chess-like tactically minded revenge in the mode of John Le Carre, or flamboyant, operatic revenge in the style of John Woo? The show so far cannot seem to make up its mind, such that each of the style/influences do not quite work for me.


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Sic, welcome to the world of Namgoong Min. (Right off, what an unusual surname, imho. I did a little research and it is rare. Sorry for the diversion.)
I have only seen episode one. Episode two is on tonight.
NGM has an extensive career in television already but up to now I have only seen three of his dramas: FALSIFY, DOCTOR PRISONER and AWAKEN. Truth be told, now with his character in THE VEIL, in all four of these dramas hie plays a somewhat similar character: the lone wolf, if you will, seeking justice. He is a master of this type of role.
That being said I still plan to catch up on his CHIEF KIM (2017) as a terrific drama that I somehow missed.
I watched the 12 minute extended teaser for THE VEIL on Kocowa (maybe a mistake) and I think I have a general idea how the drama will play out. One tidbit i learned is that NGM put on 10kg for his role. He definitely bulked up and I could even see it in his face. He looks great.


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Suga aka Yoongi Min is descended from royalty. i wonder if Namgoong and he are distant relatives.


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Probably not since they have different last or surnames.
Suga (thanks for the introduction since this is the first time learning about him) was born Min Yoon-gi. His surname ‘Min’ and it also is uncommon in Korea. Here is a Wikipedia article on the ‘Min’ surname. (Based on this I guess it could be possible that he is related to Joseon royalty). Your Suga is cited in the article.
Here is a Wikipedia article on Namgoong Min’s surname. According to the article it is even rarer than the ‘Min’ surname. Our NGM is cited in the article:


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thank you for the research! very interesting how the names are!


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also, it may be a bit unclear but namgoong is his family name or surname and min is his given name or what english speakers would call his first name


tbh i thought his surname was Min. i got confused.


@marcusnyc20 not knowing Suga is the second most shocking thing I've read in this recap (did you miss the @greenfields era on DB?). The most shocking - that @sicarius has never watched a Namgoong Min drama.


@ndlessjoie actually I'm impressed he didn't know who Suga was. I am almost sad he now does. Pfffft.

... Is it really that shocking? And this is me we're talking about... What should've I seen with him in lmaoooo


@sicarius You should've seen him in Chief Kim and Hot Stove League, but not The Undateables.


@ndlessjoie Ah well you're in ... luck. Hot Stove League still might happen 😂😂


LOL, @ndlessjoie. Thanks @sicarius.
Mugs after I did my little bit of Suga research I thought that might come back to haunt me. Like, “where have you been?”
(I admit I am living in a sort of cave where pop culture is concerned.)
That being said, finding about Suga et al led me to view the ‘boys’ in their recent “Permission to Dance” video made during their recent U.N. visit. It is amazing. This is all I can say. So thanks @diana-hansen for bringing me into the 21st century!


@marcusnyc20 as someone who frequently misses her pre internet brain and also her pre-kpop brain, I would personally support said cave 😂😂😂


@sicarius re cave, some of us, at least with respect to kpop etc., not only live in the cave, we don’t even know that it is a cave.


@hebang Good! Keep it that way! Hahaha


No idea who suga is either. Can’t say I have much interest in bts or their music hahaha


@allin BTS ? Whomst? ; ) ; ) Never heard of them ; P


Hope u catch soon with Chief Kim as it's an amazing drama and he has so much fun there...Also his chemistry with Junho is terrific...Bonus Kim Seon Ho as a nerd in his debut drama...


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Miky, hopefully I will get to it sooner rather than later.
I took a look at my viewing log to see what I was watching at the time CHIEF KIM aired early in 2017 and among others I was watching : HWARANG, VOICE, DEFENDANT, and SWDBS and PIED PIPER from 2016. I guess I had too much on my plate at the time.


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(as a hobbyist of anthroponomastics I don't mind the diversion at all- I also noticed his unusual duo syllable family name and monosyllabic given name. @diana-hansen I had to look up that I was understanding his name right before posting also, so I understand your confusion. )

It's interesting that this is apparently a bit of an archetype for him; having nothing to compare it to myself I can hardly comment nor be bothered by it haha.

CHIEF KIM used to be higher on my watchlist but unfortunately for its may fans, since I didn't enjoy VINCENZO, it has dropped much farther down in priority.


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I think Vincenzo is more coherent than Chief Kim and better written as well so this is probably a good choice. I think the appeal of Chief Kim is in the bromantic elements more than anything else.


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Well at this rate I'll strike it from the watch list completely 😂😂😂😂


Namgoong Min's character was the entire reason I watched Chief Kim. Junho and the bromance were just a nice bonus.


i had to drop Vincenzo. not the right humor for me. i loved loved chief Kim.


Love the pun!


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I'm going to regret not watching this one, aren't I? I'll wait for your final thoughts and then decide if I can fit it in before the end of the year.


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As I've already told you, being distracted by NGM is now part of your life. It never goes away once you are there, chingu.


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Somehow I never be able to finished a Namgoong Min drama! My only favourite was Hot Stove League . It is a kind of same character like previous last 2 series. Still i found some parts funny ! He has been in captivation in a year and have a 'just came out gym' body :)) Also at the end of 1s episode made me giggle:) Why he needed to loose his memory to find the mole :) Weird story writing :)


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Maybe he's really the villain and to prove his innocence to come back to NIS, he erased his memories himself? :p


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I don't want him to be the villain, or rather the "rat" and whatever that means, but I admit the thought did cross my mind already.


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I don't want neither!

But why erase his memories and not kill him?


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NGM (or should I say his character) will never be a rat. (I hope!!) He will track the guilty down and ….
I am not sure what he will do with them..


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Dismember them in some way, and slice many throats, if the introduction scenes were any indication...
This drama seems to favour the hatchet as a melee weapon. Curious.


Perhaps under the broadcasting code only knives have to be blurred out and a clear view of hatchets passes muster.


roast them on the open fire.........on a spit


not a rat or villain, but it does give me a feeling the past Ji Hyuk is lying or hiding something.


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I've never been able to finish his dramas. His characters are either overly quirky or overly intense.

I was surprised this script won the MBC screenwriting contest.


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He's a dependable and reliable actor. But like Ji Sung who is also in the same camp, people are either for him or not. I also think for NGM's case, his stories are more OTT, & typically he takes a backseat at times so some viewers might look him over.


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I was also surprised about his looks: how can he be so fit? But then, we were told he had ben tortured (he didn't recognise some of the scars he had in his body) and we don't really know how long he's been on the run.
Regarding losing his memory to find the mole, I've already said this, but it gives me Total Recall vibes: he erases his memories to become someone else and infiltrate and then get the mole, but... on which side is he? Goodies or baddies?


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NGM looks great, he went full Marvel and I am here for it. As for the drama, it is fairly predictable, what will help it standout is the execution. So far that hasn't done much unfortunately. A giant foreign mob boss is arrested at your precinct. You know he killed a bunch of people. Suddenly, you get a flood of foreign nationals in your precinct and you don't think hmmmm, this is suspicious. Come now,🤔. It is what it is, I guess, lol. I will still watch.


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The premise is solid. And he wiped his memory to solve the mole problem, it would be interesting seeing how this pans out cause that's a very crazy move.


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Right because what if he still doesn't solve it again? Will he keep wiping his memory lol


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as usual i loved everyone's comments. i love Namgoong Min! i will savor every facial expression, every hint he gives and every move he makes! i am going to savor every minute of this drama. he is the BEST charactor actor and i am already knee deep into this charactor. i don't like blood and gore but he does it so well i can just stare at his person (face and body) and look past the rest. ok i just love his acting and imma going to enjoy each minute!


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Too much violence for me, but somehow the storyline is quite interesting. Why did he decide to erase his memory? What's the logic? Why?

It breaks my heart when we saw his trusted double agent was the informant, and might be the one who backstabbed his team.

But I also has the feeling that the double agent might have his own good reason, like he's being threatened or anything.

Somehow I'm thankful for the existence of Yoo Ye Ji and the other officemates. They kind of soften this drama and kind of giving a break when I'm too tired from seeing too much blood splashes.

Hopefully there'll be less violence in next episode.

Can't wait for next week!


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So, does anyone have a good theory on how/why erasing your own memory will help find the rat?

Should we expect more messages from the past, or is it the one message?


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I thought this would help him to get back into the agency First, he will be able to pass the lie detector and then the possible rat might not know that NGM knows the rat exists.
He probably realize that without being right next to those people, he can't get any further with his investigations.


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Exactly what I've been trying to piece together.


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I loved the lie detector scene where Ji-Hyuk totally turned the table on those observing. Great dialogue: “I am the one who should be asking the questions etc”.


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To begin with, he has a partner. Who sent him the morse code pointing to the locker where the usb was? That person was the one who previously left the flyer on his door.
I have the feeling it can be Yoo Je Yi, because she has never in the field, and she's an intelligence agent that asked to be with him. Maybe they came up with the plan...


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It could be Seo Soo-Yeon, she didn't do a lot until now except telling him to regain his memories.


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Early in episode one the point was made that the Coast Guard got a ‘tip’ about the smuggling ship that HJH was aboard and the call was traced to a burner phone like the ones the intelligence service uses.
I think there may be a connection with that and the Morse code person.


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Someone on the inside that he trusts to that degree?
Or someone outside helping him - unknown to the agency?

Either way, he’d had secure communications and resources…the ditch bag, in sailing terms.


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Anyone else getting Bourne Identity vibes from this?


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The first two episodes' blood bath and evil story lines paints a world with no ethics, morals or humanity. Into this realm comes HJH, part Rambo, part Godzilla, who mentality is that he must destroy the nation in order to save it

To erase one's own memories means eliminate all bias, friendship and loyalty that could cloud objective, logical facts. But my biggest concern in that set up reveal is that HJH was not in Korea to make the USB video; nor to have placed it in the food market locker. The only explanation is that he has/had a trusted co-partner to place this for him to find. Otherwise, that entire video could have been a big fake to lead HJH down the wrong investigative path - - - erasing his real memories to give him new, false information.

I wonder how callous the savage extermination of a police station by the gang will be handled by the NIS officials. Someone has to be called in to be accountable since it would be a huge scandal. A mentally unstable HJH is the perfect scapegoat for one of the feuding NIS directors to take more power and control of the agency.

Is HJH merely a rogue agent on a personal revenge mission? Probably not. Is he a ticking time bomb thrown into the field to cause chaos and take down some powerful people? Probably. At this point the story can go anywhere.


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yeah please no love line, but why do I feel I can´t trust past Ji Hyuk. It would be great if dramas explored other kind of relationships (and they have before)
two things work for Namgoong Min: experience + dedication. Makings of dynamite.


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Very serious in vibe and tone. NGM really went all the way w/ his transformation here. That being said, Korea doesn't do many spy/action dramas that much or very well either. The only top examples that were big budgeted/NIS related was IRIS/Athena (Hey, that's the pic at the bottom of Dramabeans lol!). But those shows were more flashier/star filled/less nuanced, but that's not a bad thing necessarily...

This show is straightforward w/ its plot, & the fact that this is 12 episodes is a bonus. For me, its means less filler, more action scenes being well dispersed, & more focus on the story. The premise is simple, & I think that's a good thing here. I suspect Ep 3-12 will be seeing how NGM takes down each and one of the people he suspects. With that in mind, it does take a bit off the pressure off, b/c it seems the writer knows where the story will go and end (instead of throwing stuff on the wall & hoping something sticks).


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Well, I'm certainly onboard for this action ride!

As other Beanies have mentioned, it is interesting that Ji-hyuk decided to go the route of erasing his own memories. It would certainly make finding the rat difficult, to say the least. But then again, he also knew what kind of interrogation process he'd be subjected to at the agency, so there's that to consider.

What I'm curious about is the morse code via the flashing light into his apartment. How long has that light been flashing? If he set it up himself, then it's been a year (of constant flashing? on a timer-type of thing? who knows!). If not, then someone is working with him behind the scene, and he hasn't realized/remembered that yet? While he may in fact be curious about the light, we didn't see him ask these questions to himself.

It's all very interesting.


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I think he was a partner. The one who left the flyer and who sent him the message. Who that partner is... we'll see...


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liking the first 2 eps despite, like everyone else, wondering what's the logic behind erasing ones memory in searching for a rat? my take he probably did it because he doesnt want that rat knows what he knew. but now, he didnt know what he knew. 😅


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yeah, the morse code thing seems like a bit of a stretch. a cool idea but not super-plausible


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Like these 2 eps, got me thinking who is the 1 send him morse code, that person was with him when he went on mission, who is the rat. There are a few, with their own agenda but to kill all 3 but who save him n why. Glad it's 12 eps cos its a bit brutal. NGM looks good n understand why he bulk up- he is up against very violent crook n his last drama, he looks a bit thin. I hope he does not need to suck sweet (a few drama he did that).
For a change, would prefer the rat to be a woman, PHS character?
Hope NGM can do comedy, like him in Chief Kim n extra bonus Seon Ho, watch the drama twice, laughing at funny sences all over again. If they can act together again in comedy will be fun.


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Thank you @missvictrix for THE VEIL review. I am sorry it will not be recapped.
I am glad I got over my initial reaction to the NGM ‘caveman’ pics and took the plunge into THE VEIL. A few thoughts.
Namgoong Min in nailing the part of Han Ji-hyuk. The opening two episodes were maybe the best episodes 1 and 2 to a drama that I have seen in awhile. Director and writer are new to me but based on what I have seen so far this drama is in good hands.
The car chase/action scene in episode two is the best I have seen in a very long time.
The cast looks terrific and we barely got a glimpse of Lee Geung-young who is great in these kind of dramas.
There are a lot of twists and turns and it will be great trying to figure things out with Ji-hyuk.
(What’s with (as of this post) the 7.2 (out of 10) rating for THE VEIL above? Only 5 ratings so far. How about posting a rating above).


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*whispers* stay tuned...


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Definitely. Thank you!
(I am shaking my lucky New York City snow globe right now!)


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I checked out this drama because of all the promo showing how ripped NGM (yes so shallow). It's a lot more gore and darker than I thought but knowing it's 12 eps. I'm now committed


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This movie sounds really promising!!;;


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