Open Thread #739

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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Time to prepare the top 10 of 2021.

This season i don't appreciate - Well, i have to face it somehow and hope that i'll change things in 2022.

Little Boy is on the run or not.

Delicious is this week's SPACE.

Financially want to have +ve next 2 weeks.


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Some military action is always due in this season and usually happens. why so cliche.
Also anti-work is lot of work or should it really work?

Personally i'm always in for more machines, robots, AI and automation in food sector. People just have no values of hygiene. You juts have to visit youtube and will find dozens of videos of atrocious behaviour of humans in malls and marts and that towards products, items they won't even use or most specifically consume.

I would prefer to get direct transport from production to my house but well, for that i do need to become rich, quite rich.

I just don't have much trust in human hands and i as a customer is ready to pay more for this.


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Dramaland needs to stop the practice of casting randos at the Incheon arrival gates for non-Korean roles. That is all I wanted to say.


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In the entertainment industry, success is what have you done lately. The pressure to repeat successes is daunting.

Word is week is that CLOY PD Lee Jung Hyo's UNTIL MORNING COMES has suddenly halted production after filming 8 episodes. JTBC stated it was to take time to rearrange the show.

The story of a forensic scientist who becomes a murder suspect. It depicts the process in covers the hidden truth through a profiler. It is based on the Chinese novel, which itself was controversial earlier in the year when SK and China launched another round of culture wars.

The film halt was not due to Covid so that means there could be issues with story, acting, direction, scandal or financing. It is so unusual to dead stop a series at the half way point. In live shoot series, crews can pivot story to fit viewer comments. But this is a pre-produced show which makes it more mysterious considering the PD's last show, CLOY, continues to rank high in international ratings two years after its release.


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Is this the one that also has Han Seok-kyu? I hope he doesn’t end up in a project that has lots of problems.


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Actors Han Seok‐gyu, Jung Yu‐mi, and Lee Hee‐jun are the actors listed in the article.


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I read about that yesterday. Jtbc is having lots of problems. Low ratings. This drama shut down. They have another drama, Fly High Butterfly, that finished filming six months ago after dragging on for 8-9 months. Something's weird there because it still hasn't been scheduled. Snowdrop may or may not blow up in their face.


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To all beanies, next week will be a Christmas Eve and next Saturday was Christmas!
For me, I'm saying that Christmas isn't officially cancelled and I wanted to wish a safe Christmas!


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Merry Christmas Jezz!


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Sort of looking forward to watching the new suspense show Snowdrop - or at least one episode of it. When I call it a suspense show I'm not referring to any intended suspense in the story. I mean, will it get Joseon Exorcised and if so how quickly? I might break in to my New Years Eve Supplies and make a drinking game out of one beer for every episode that actually gets aired.


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Hello everyone. This is fever speaking.

I just got my second shot today, and I’m having low fever. I put a wet small towel on my forehead - the thing I can’t remember the last time I did.

I should be sleeping now, but instead I’m here typing feeling like I’m drunk.


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I hope the fever is brief and you’re feeling back to normal soon!


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Thank you!


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I hope you feel better soon! It is only temporary and it means your body is doing its job! Take good care of yourself and try to rest!


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Thanks Turtie!


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just try to sleep it off, you will feel fatigue also. does your arm not hurt? mine ached and was swollen, but i didn't have a fever. was fatigued however, so i basically slept the day/night away...

glad you got your second dose! stay safe and get that booster when you can later.


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Thanks Spazmo! When I got a shot, it didn’t hurt until the evening. Then, my arm hurt and I got a fever as well as feeling fatigue. I took a paracetamol before going to sleep but it didn’t help much with the fever. That was why a wet cloth was needed. I didn’t sleep very well either.

Today (2nd day) the symptoms were a bit worse: My body aches and the fever is still here (lying down with a wet cloth on my fore head typing rn). But I got a good nap for a couple of hours and it did really help. At least I thought it helped at that time. 😢

I drink plenty of water, and hopefully all these side effects will be gone soon. It’s good that I took the shot on Friday, so I can rest at home today.


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Ouch for you @mmmmm what a pain. Second needle seems to be the problem for some. Be kind to yourself and get Cookie to cuddle up to. That's what doggies are for.


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Thanks @jorobertson. Cookie is normally dirty lol. She is a funny (and sly sometimes) dog though. You shouldn’t be deceived by those innocent eyes. She knows everything (ex, should chew leather shoes) but still does it sometimes.


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Should NOT* 🤣


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*sly* doggo rofl


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Fighting! The second shot was hurtful for me too. I had some feer but just one night and the next morning was totally ok. But my arm hurted for days...

I will get my 3rd shot in January, so I hope the booster will be less hurtful :p


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Good luck with your third shot! Will it be Pfeizer?

PS to everyone, now I’m feeling a little bit better. The fever has come down, and I’m feeling lighter and also with less chills.


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Nope, I got Moderna vaccin.


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Hope you’re better now!


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Yes, I am! The fever came back in the evening, but it’s still better than before. Thanks!


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Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!

I just plopped down in my sofa after a very exhausting week. Some anxiety triggers had to be dealt with and everything else was paused as a result. After the triggers had lost their power, I still had to unpause everything else before I could rest properly. I guess it will be bedtime for me right after posting this.😴On the bright side, I finished everything before my winter break!🥳Now it is up to time to hold up their part of the deal to grant me lots of hours of sleeping, writing roundup pieces and watching K-drama episodes!😊


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happy friday beanies!
it’s been so long! i miss you guys a lot. college has kept me busy, but today is the last day of my final exams, and then i’m flying home for a month! about time, because the last few weeks have been incredibly chaotic.

not only have my exams been grueling, but my health is doing quite poorly. (luckily, no covid tho! *knock on wood*) i got a cold last week for about the 10th time this semester, leaving me fatigued, and yesterday i figured out it was due to a blockage in my nostril. i also managed to puncture my eardrum last thursday, which has been very annoying and painful (tip: stop. using. q-tips.) the health centers here have been pretty careless— i had to wait 2 hours to see a doctor, who told me she would send a follow up email with treatment tips the same day… and i still have not received an email despite reaching out. the cafeteria food here is terrible, and i’ve lost my appetite during this bout of sickness, so i worry that i have lost weight (i already lost a visible amount when i went home for thanksgiving).

it’s almost funny— one of the reasons i applied to this college and wanted to go so badly was to go far from my family and be independent. but after this semester, i’m excited for winter break and to be back home. i think independence is nice and college has been good overall (i’m really lucky to be here!), but the past two weeks have been too much with academic and physical stress, so all i want now is to be sheltered and not worry about all these things that i took for granted at home.

anyway, i wish you guys a happy holidays and a good week! ◡̈


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It’s been a long time! Sorry to hear you haven’t been well - I hope you have a lovely time at home being spoiled and fed great food. There’s nothing like being away from home to make you realise what you take for granted (and nothing like being at home under your parent’s rules for a bit to make you remember the joys of independence 😅 or is that just me 😂) .


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One of the most difficult things is life is striking a balance between being independent and being away from home.


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Ohhhhhh, shachi, good to hear from you! It’s hard to be under new stresses and living with bunches of people and stay well. I hope you will have a chance to recover while you’re on break. I prescribe lots of kdrama 😉
Enjoy your family and Happy holidays! ❤️


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Is the series "Uncle" Jeon Hye-jin's first starring TV role? I first noticed her excellent work as the golfer's wife in 'Misty', though I swore she looked familiar. It turned out the first time I saw her was in a bit part in a film was all the way back in 1998!


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I've been cleaning walls, something you should only do once or, at most, twice in a lifetime (or not at all, if you can get away with it. It's strangely satisfying but oh, my body hurts.

My book arrived from the publisher this week. I opened the box and put the copies on the table and did not touch them for three days. Yesterday I read some of it and said to myself, "It's not too bad. I might even be proud of it." It's much worse than having a baby because you're determined to love the baby come what may, but with a book... It's more like someone you've spent too much time with. You know them by heart and you're trying not to yawn when they repeat themselves, but you've given so much of yourself to them, you just have to see it through.


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How nice to be able to publish a book, so proud of you! What is it about? How long did you work on it? 😊


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It's in the history of medicine. Way too long. It's hard to remember. It took about two years to do the first draft - lots of research. Then after referees comments I did a full revision. Then it sat on a publishers desk for ages. Finally with a new publisher, I had to update it and it went through the usual editing process. What are you doing your thesis on?


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Teaching listening skills I think. I’ll begin doing the literature review after New Year, so please ask me more about it (if you need to) after that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m the lazy type: I hate to start and I hate to finish things. Hopefully, this proves to be something I’m passionate about. I felt burnt out a lot in the last couple months.


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That's an important topic. I've always said the journey is more interesting than arriving, so I'm sure you'll enjoy your journey.


Thank you for your encouraging words. 😊


AND yours is a very important topic, too. Unfortunately, I’m very bad with history of everything. But I can imagine you will be adored by my dad. He loves talking about history.


Btw, congratulations on your book being published! 🎉🎉🎉


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Congratulations dear!!! It's a big accomplishment first to finish your book and then bigger to get it published! Be super proud of yourself!
PS. We clean walls annually, but my mom involves the whole fam into it so it becomes fun, i remember when we were small we (me+bro) used to be so excited about cleaning, just to have fun with water, we used to do sliding competition on the wet floor, lol🤦‍♀️😂😂 Good old days!


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I can imagine kids having so much fun water sliding. This is a wooden house, built in the 30s. The wall are made of floor-to-ceiling fairly narrow planks of wood slotted together (it's called tongue and groove. Have you ever heard of that?) It's built up high off the ground because they've been some spectacular floods here and also because of the heat. It allows air to circulate better. Anyway, can you imagine the dirt and dust that accumulates? There is no air-conditioning and the windows swing out to catch the breeze. I'm not sure what sort of house you're used to, but it may sound v strange. It's nice to live in because you get lovely breezes, but as I said, the dust and dirt over the years...


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Congratulations on your book! What a great accomplishment and how satisfying to see it completed!👏🏽

I often think about how my grandparents washed the walls every year as part of Spring Cleaning, ugh. I tell myself it was necessary because the air was so much dirtier then but I don’t need to do it 🙄


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Best avoided if you possibly can. Thank you.


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I'm late to the thread but congratulations on the book! I must admit when I read your post I imagined it was a fiction book since your drama analysis is always spot on :)


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Thank you so much. I'd love to write a work of fiction.


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Congratulations @jorobertson !!


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Thank you @edgarpordwed


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So I'm happy to say that all my hours reading Agatha Christie's books paid off!

Yesterday, for the compagny diner, we went to a murder and mystery diner and I won \o/


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wohoo! congratulations from a die hard christie fan!


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Thank You :D


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Agatha Christie’s books are too scary for me. 🙁


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Scary? O_o

But the stories are pretty calm with Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple investigating (Mr Quinn is a little bit mysterious).


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Yeah, I find stories about detectives and crime and murder scary. 😅


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Ohk, so what are your go to genres then?


@unniunni I’m not sure if it’s called chic lit, but I adore books of Kathy Kelly. Her books has strong yet vulnerable and flawed female characters. Love them to bits.


Really? I thought they were pretty subtle, without much drama, focused on the investigation/detective part more than crime.
Btw which are your fvrts from Christie? @kurama @mmmmm
Though her every bok is unique on its own, my favs are 1.The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
2. Murder on the Orient express


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I love both of them!

I liked the Secret of Chimney's that was kinda different from her books, with her usual heroes.


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I haven't read that yet, will do so!
Uk I'm that ribbon on the rope of tug of war which never settles on one side,
... u already must've guessed the two sides! 🤭


I think I was traumatized by the second book you mentioned.


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aigoo! it's okay or gwaenchanh-ayo!


Haha I felt that way about kdrama when at a Trivia Night and I was the only one who knew the answer to a question about liquors was Soju 🤣


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I am a cops/crime/mystery genre guy and I have compared my beans for 2020 and 2021 in that genre. My opinion based on my viewing.
2021 does not compare to 2020 for the quality and quantity of dramas in that genre.
2020 was an excellent year for cops/crime/mystery. I watched 12 dramas in that genre and I consider 6 excellent (top marks): NOBODY KNOWS, THE GOOD DETECTIVE, FLOWER OF EVIL, FOREST OF SECRETS 2, MISSING: THE OTHER SIDE and KAIROS.

For 2021 I watched 5 kdramas and 4 cdramas in the cops/crime/mystery genre. I would rate 3 of my kdramas as very good: MOVE TO HEAVEN, D.P. and HAPPINESS and 2 of my cdramas as very good: THE IMPERIAL CORONER and DOUBLE TAP.
(I had not watched a cdrama in years.)

Looking ahead to 2022. I am really looking forward to Kim Nam-gil’s upcoming drama from SBS: THROUGH THE DARKNESS.


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After all that, how could I overlook BEYOND EVIL which I equate with the best crime dramas of 2020. Apologies to Shin Ha-kyun and Yeo Jin-goo.


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I want to talk about Snowdrop.

As I am writing this, I have finished Episode 2 (It is pretty difficult to watch the show because it only available in Disney+ in Asia, so don't ask me how I watch it) as well read some of those controversies on the news. I understand the 1987 democratic movement is a very important event for South Korean (and through movie 1987: When the Day Comes, I care about the movement because of my birthplace). However, I frustrated because of the over-reaction of South Korean netizens (it seems).

I am not a South Korean, so I can't fairly judge what they are thinking, but I always hope to see some more episodes before I can determine if they have distort history (According to what I am watching, I don't see anything yet--or someone should enlighten me?). For the time being, I feel like those people are shutting out some message simply because they don't like to hear.

I may not be right, and I am hoping for more dialogue, because on some issue South Koreans love or hate, it's hard to discuss without bias (like Japan, which is another issue which is so easy to hate--It doesn't mean they didn't do those heinous massacres, biological and chemical tests on people, etc. I am following this YouTube playlist as well its attached podcast to try to understand more about it), but at least we need to open the path to discuss them.

A suggestion to @db-staff: shouldn't we open something to talk about the show? Certainly a recap of every episode is the best, but I am open to everything.

Wish you all well.


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I’m not Korean and nor have I seen Snowdrop yet but when it’s come to a certain time of one’s history in their own country, they have all the right on what to feel on how it is being portrayed. Though I wish for the cast and crew that it goes well, knetz and media will play a big part on how this will unfold.


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Also tbh, the accusation is that this is right wing propaganda in the lead up to the next election... it's not an opinion that can be easily dismissed.
Saying that there really were communist spies infiltrating student groups at the time is to provide an apologia for the atrocities that occurred. These people weren't North Korean agitators. They were students. Saying otherwise is rewriting history and justifying state-sponsored violence. The implication here is that the NSA was fighting a real threat and therefore any time they - oh, I don't know - detained, tortured and murdered innocent people was mere collateral damage. Rather than the truth, which is that the students themselves were seen as a threat because the military dictatorship was trying to hold onto power and stop the move toward democratic elections.


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@neener & @leetennant, if my understand is right, the No. 2 and No. 3 of the ruling party signed an agreement with North Koreans 6 months in advance in Beijing to asked North Koreans to kidnap an important figure in the South Korean opposition party, so that the ruling party can win the general election three months from now (i.e., the story's present, which is Spring 1987), and Sooho (played by Jung Haein) is one of the members North Korea sent to Seoul to execute the plan. One of the controversies is when he is evading capture he runs through a protesting crowd, as they are singing a protest song, which the netizens believe "disrespect the democratic movement". I am not sure how it related to this, because it is obvious that the dictatorial government asking North Koreans' help, not the student movement. Youngro's roommates misunderstand Sooho as demonstrator, that's a small issue (Maybe a bigger issue will be one of her roommates who is a demonstrator herself reading something related to Communism).

The other is comparatively minor: Pi Seung-hee (played by Yoon Se-ah) the housemother of Hosoo Women's University dormitory stopping the investigator to search the dorm, which they question how she has such power to stop them. In my opinion, she just asks for official document before permitting to search the dorm. It may not be realistic in that time period, but it is not being too unreasonable.

This is why I said South Korean Netizens may have been "over-reacted". If the show has been disrespected to history, I agree the production team as well the TV station airing the show must be criticized, but that doesn't mean the government must destroy creative freedom, let alone stopping the show from airing. In the issue of Joseon Exorcists, history did distorted, but the government didn't interfered, only the TV station cut the airing. Public opinion must be respected, but I don't agree mob justice, this is what I am thinking.

(The next controversy, I guess, will probably be Jisoo's character: Eun Youngro is daughter of the aforementioned No.3, Eun Chang-soo, played by Heo Joon-ho. Well ...)


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I mean there's a whole thing whereby they named Jisoo's character after a real person whose husband was tortured and murdered by the NSA, thereby posthumously supporting the narrative the NSA used to justify his death. They've scrambled to change her name but it's still similar and it still supports the propaganda used by the NSA at the time.

If the NSA is in any way being portrayed as being genuinely motivated by domestic security then it's revisionism. Their entire role at the time was to keep the military regime in power by whatever means necessary.

Literally nobody is suggesting the government cancel it - like why would people who were pro-democracy activists in the 1980s (or their children) be advocating for the government to behave like they would have in the 1980s?

Anyway we can agree to disagree on the drama itself but all domestic audiences are asking from international audiences is that we don't use our purchasing power with Disney+ and the show sponsors to support it. And that is what I'm going to do - or not do in this instance.


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The reason I write here is exactly want to know the opinion that disagree with me, so, first of all, I like to thank you for answering me, @leetennant, and don't feel bad for what I am saying, before and after (If I did offend you, I say sorry in advance).

My biggest question about your comment is "Literally nobody is suggesting the government cancel it"--If my understand is right, there is a petition to the Blue House asking to stop airing the show, and 240,000 has been signed (as of I am writing this comment, the number, however, is from this Chinese report), so I guess there are people really asking the government to stop the airing, am I right?

"If the NSA is in any way being portrayed as being genuinely motivated by domestic security then it's revisionism." It is possible, if this drama do accuse spy from North Korea in the protest movement, and/or NSA is determine to catch "real" spies in the protest movement. My little question is, however, one of Youngro's roommates, who herself is a protestor, do say security officials accuse protestors as "Communists", and in the main plot, which I said above, seems the Communist North are helping the government not the student demonstrators?

There may still be, as you said, a kind of "revisionism" in the plot, because in the beginning the same roommate was reading something related to Communism, but I guess it would be up to how the story goes and how they portray the character, because, let's say I have a copy of Karl Marx Das Capital in my home, and I even read it occasionally, doesn't mean I am a Communist, right?


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I simply don't want to follow the media and netizens' opinion to judge the show. Certainly the show has a lot of problems (one of the most significant is Jisoo's acting, she can't even put her tongue to the right place when she speaks, to say it mildly). I guess that may probably why it is Disney+ taking the international copyright (and not Netflix and Viki--guess Disney think Jisoo fits into their princess image? By the way, they will also air a Blackpink movie on the channel--kind of a bargain?). What I want to do is to judge by what I see through my own eyes, simple as that.

To be honest, I am a bit tired about K-dramas' repeat moral themes and plots last year, except some extraordinary ones (to name a few, Vincenzo, The King's Affection, Law School, Squid Game, or even fail in the end, Devil Judge, Inspector Koo, etc). Bulgasal may be another great show, since they have 2 of my most admired actor and actress as lead, but isn't that just a more bloody Goblin? I sometimes want Korean Screenwriters to be more creative ... In short, I must be bored ...


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Boredom I get but tbh I don't see this as being creative or breaking any conservative moralistic mould if it's playing into far right narratives generally.


No, I don't see "revisionism" a way of creative, just like you, @leetennant. I just want K-dramas to be more challenging, provoking to our mind and their society. At the same time I keep reminding myself that both JTBC and tvN are controlled by the same family (i.e. the family that owned Samsung), just belongs to different brothers. This is why I am not giving the final verdict yet.


Well on this we're in complete agreement. I like it when dramas are braver and I have enjoyed how some have broken the mould over the last few years. But there are still a lot of generic dramas being made. I have become somewhat frustrated too with dramas kind of pretending to be brave and groundbreaking when it's all just window dressing.