The Witch is Alive: Episode 2 (Drama Hangout)

Behold, your weekly Drama Hangout! We might not be covering this drama, but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a place to talk about it, whether that’s squealing with excitement or piling on the analysis.

This thread is exclusively for this week’s episodes and anything prior, so let’s try to keep it as a place to chat about what’s aired — not spoil future plot points for unsuspecting eyes.


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Unhinged Lee Yu-Ri is the best Yu-Ri. Very good comedic tussle with husband. A few early twists of MaRi NOT giving cheating hubby a divorce but anticipating his move, and blackmailing him! Unintended consequences finds her friend apparently stabbed by intruder (whom I predict is the mistress).

Fun show, so far.


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Oh I hadn't even though it might be the mistress! Because Ma-ri is using her as an intermediary for the blackmailing? That would be a crazy twist


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Just finished watching episode 2 - oh boy! it's very hard to find the episode. Watched ep 1 on Netflix last week but ep 2 will be due on the 9th! Good thing I had other alternative sites to go to! Crazy Ma-ri is the best! I'm not sure how the story will go but this looks like a Lee Yu-ri drama.


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This one had me hook, line and sinker with the Im Go-eun transition from Lee Nak-gu's affair to fan to affair. For one, I began to think she was just a fan. Well played.

I think that stalker is not an ordinary stalker. He could be Jin-a's dead husband. That sulk-ish display by the street gate must mean something.


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The second half of this episode is each storyline really seemed to kick off! I love that Ma-ri's so spiteful to as not even give her husband the divorce he wants, even as she stands to gain literally everything from doing so. Also her bull-rushing her husband is so funny, I want it every episode.

I second the idea that the stalker is actually Jin-ah's not-so-dead husband but I wonder if she even got stabbed by an intruder? There's something weird going on there (not that it's not also very weird to keep so much money in your mattress! it's stressing me out lol!)


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