Would You Rather #12

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this weekly feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


While the obvious answer for last week’s poll would have been “neither,” where’s the fun in that? 😉 I was curious to see what kind of survivalists our Beanies are, and it was very clear that you would all rather take your chances with a swarm of zombies than be pitted against other track-suit-wearing contestants in a series of deadly playground games. And honestly, I’m with the majority on this one. Even though zombies scare the absolute bejeebers out of me, I’d rather fight against a known enemy than, as @welh640 put it, “gamble on almost death for slim chance of gaining money.”

Although the games featured in Squid Game seem easy, you are very much on your own, unable to fully trust anyone. In contrast, @lordcobol pointed out that one of the perks of fighting off the undead is that there can be more than one survivor. If there can be multiple “winners,” then, as @jls943 suggested, there is an increased possibility of cooperation among your peers, and the shared knowledge, skills, and manpower would also increase your own survivability rate.

Although the survival rate of a zombie outbreak seems higher, will it be a life worth living? @rubytuesday seems to think “existing within an inherently hostile capitalist society” is preferable, especially if “the zombies save us some trouble and eat the rich for us.” @ajewell, on the other hand, would rather survive the squid games and win a boat load of money — and pay for the needed therapy — than win the chance to — what? — continued living.

The most interesting argument against participating in the squid games, in my opinion, came from @kurama, who said she wouldn’t want to get slapped by Gong Yoo, no matter how much she likes him. Well, uh, if the memes circulating the internet during the peak of Squid Game’s popularity are any indication, I think she — just like Squid Game in this poll — might be in the minority on that one. 😳




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@daebakgrits I'm always surprised by the amount of violence in thirst tweets for celebrities :p

For this one, I choose Good Job. It was less violent and he's a rich CEO!


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In Good Job, the space was somehow connected to the lawyer's office *AND* the guy's office building (as if they were right next to each. I don't think they were) any who, because of needing to be accessible from both places and needing to have all the ready disguises, it was super big & long. It also seemed like a place to lounge if the mood struck.

The bunker in Taxi Driver is big & spacious in its own right but it also seemed a bit more practical (just a bit). It was right underneath where they worked and that's only what they did there. The entrances made sense, the company & the ceo's house are next to each other. The bunker has some stuff needed for the missions but from what I remember, it's mainly stuff for the car(s) or for his driving (and his driving look).


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I want that underground bunker in Taxi Driver. #1) I get to help people with a group of wonderful people who become family. #2) It has all the cool toys. And #3) (this is MOST important) It comes with Lee Je-hoon! How can a girl go wrong?! Okay, okay I'm shallow. Sue me.


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You're making a compelling argument in favour of Taxi driver underground bunker... I had not considered that it came occupied !
I will have to change my vote then. For even if I have not yet seen Good job, it seemed to me that an underground lair is more comfortable and equipped than a bunker rich in computer and car stuff.


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No disrepect to shallowness here! And I haven't seen Taxi Driver, but Jung Il-woo is hardly day-old bread. Maybe he suits a more mature yet still shallow taste. If I ran into him in an underground lair, I wouldn't even notice the lack of toys.


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My taste is plenty mature. And I have nothing against Jung Il-woo. I've been a fan of his for years.


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Good Job it will be.
For one thing, he's a rich CEO. 2) There's an labyrinth system that links his lair to his house to this workplace? That's some good network I wouldn't want to pass. 3) He's rich, once again😋.


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You know, ANYTHING with a strongly built underground bunker sounds extra tempting lately... I didn't watch any of the dramas presented so count me on whatever has the better survival equipment in it. OBY's batcave under library and that gaming Narnia ML had in SWDBS inside his closet look cool too, but that's for other, less grim days... Currently I'm 100% into bunkers above all.


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I'd take the Batman/ man cave in Good Job.
It apparently has miles of underground tunnels so you would never have to walk outside in bad weather.


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Although I would rather have the Good Job place to hide away, with the underground lair in Taxi, you would always be on time for work (if you could afford the ride in that taxi). I'd offer my housekeeping skills for free rides)


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I voted Taxi Driver...
- I remember it better
- Pyo Ye-jin
- better music!


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Neither, I would have the secret lair in Strong Woman Bong Soon!!!!


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Uhhhh, I may be responsible for a good forty percent of the violent Gong Yoo thirst tweets at any given time, including Squid Game. Sorry not sorry.

Anyway, I had to go with the Taxi Driver lair just because I actually remember it. To be completely real with with you guys, I barely remember Good Job is a drama that exists most of the time. The Taxi Driver lairs also have the added advantage of potentially running into Lee Je-hoon or Pyo Ye-jin, not to mention a quick and easy ride whenever I'd want. Also, the rule of cool totally applies, so that one it is.


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I haven't seen either. Does that mean I can choose the Bat Cave if I happen to know where it is?


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Talking Batman and Robin here.

K A P O W ! ! !


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There’s nothing appealing about the Taxi Driver lair other than the fact that Lee Je Hoon could possibly be waiting for me there.


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As far as I can tell, the lair in Good Job was a way station outside of space time that allowed our characters to rest, shower, eat, drink and change before allowing them near instantaneous travel to various parts of the city. I'm definitely voting for that.


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The snacks and the giant walkthrough wardrobe of disguises were pretty appealing, but its connection to that Willy Wonka elevator that could warp time and space was its most valuable feature. I'd take the elevator itself over any hideout - think of the savings on commute time and costs! Not to mention the ability to get out of sticky situations at the press of a floor button.


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Whoa underground bunker in Taxi Driver is ahead in the poll!

I'm with all those people choosing the lair in Good Job. I love short commutes and amenities. Assuming the locations also come with the men...though I'm more attracted to Lee Je-hoon and his character, I feel like Jung Il woo's character will give me a more comfortable life.


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The lair in Good Job looks like a great place to have a party, so that is my choice! A large sectional couch, accessible entertainment equipment available when not being used for "business." There is a nearby bakery when hungry and what seems like available cold beverages to drink especially when done with using the well equipped gym. Guests seem to be able to find this hideout without difficulty and this loft like space with high ceilings offer multiple levels to hangout and enjoy the ambience. Beautiful people and funny repartee all at one easy to find location that offers at least the guise of being secretive. Now, I haven't seen Taxi Driver but bunkers can't be as much fun as lairs.


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Good Job-lair for me. It is somehow cooler and has more variety than the Taxi Driver 2 tech lair. Also, I like having a bakery right around the corner.


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I picked to stayed in Taxi Driver's underground bunker because this show was such a hit thanks to the highest ratings when the highest rating was 18.3% (s2, ep12/ep28) from second season recently. I knew that Lee Je-hoon was still totally one of the hottest Kdrama actors.


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