I remember sometimes ago, very recently, some beanies were talking about how having prejudices against a certain actor or production team can cause you to miss out on an awesome show. I agreed. I’ve never been a fan of Seo Kang Joon. Dislike is a strong word so rather than dislike, I was in that area between dislike and indifference. It wasn’t his acting or anything, I just never liked his characters till Eun Seob even though I’m still not a fan. I’m just not not a fan. Not sure I’m making sense 😅 but I digress.
Anyway, my love for PMY and interest in the plot trumped my sentiments towards him but either way, I’m glad I checked it out. It’s been a favorite.
Which brings me to Eternal Monarch. I haven’t seen a bit of it (I didn’t even watch the trailer and I’m not sure what it’s about) but my snooty nose is already so bent, I’m pretty sure it’s a sickle. It’s a disease I suffer from – sitting on high horses I have no business being on cause I’ve said it before – I don’t know how to ride a horse!! But in my snooty defense, it just seems like a blockbuster that will end up being flat. I’m cynical for a reason. Still, I will watch it. I don’t know why I’m forcing myself to or why I’m caring or why I’m snooty. It shouldn’t matter. I should either watch it or not but I don’t want to miss a drama that may be something I’d really enjoy. Maybe it’d be a hot mess I’d enjoy. Maybe I’d be wrong or maybe it’ll just end up being lackluster like my snobby ass thinks. 🤷🏾‍♀️


    Tbh it’s not great so far, and not crack-y enough like some other KES dramas to really draw you in. I’m just in it for Kim Go-eun so far. Surprisingly, the best character in this KES drama after the first 2 episodes is the female lead.


      Unlike KES’s bang on first week episodes, there was actually nothing interesting in The King except for the fact that it’s maybe going for a time and space travel. I’m shocked that the female lead is in fact interesting, which maybe KES read our comments by chance? The story seems thin and Lee Min Ho is under acting, I want to be heard through the scene and shout please change that monotone, please emote!


      I’d argue that Kim Kyung Nam was the best character so far.


    I can understand you (except the part where you’re not a fan of SKJ just because I’m at his feet from the moment I watched Cheese in the trap 🤣🤣🤣🤣). Anyway, the fact is that I can understand you, and I have the same feelings about The King. I’m going to start watching it but I’m not sure: I loved Goblin, I liked DOTS (enormous plot holes aside), I hated Heirs, and Mr. Sunshine was meh to me. And regarding LMH I’ve been watching most of his dramas trying to see again what I saw in Faith, and failing all the time…
