Beanies, last week was such a good week for my one-sided crushes and I’m still on a giddy high that I just have to share.

Sunbae Crush 2, the one I talked about in my previous post, is so easygoing and fun, yet incredibly reliable with work. We just exchanged emails until a couple of weeks ago when he helped with a mistake I made. His enthusiasm and curiosity rub off and motivate me to learn more and improve. Huh, and to think I’m even excited to work nowadays?

Sunbae Crush 1, on the other hand, was a crush at first sight. The way the corner of his eyes crinkle when he smiles… I was a goner. We smiled whenever we catch each other’s eyes back at the office, but I didn’t really have that many chances to work with him… Until last week and gosh, that call was adorably awkward and it started like this:

*SC calls*
Me: Hello? Uhm, hello?
*Several seconds of silence*
SC: Oh, sorry I’ve been talking for a while and didn’t realize I was on mute.
Me: Haha that’s alright. You can repeat your intro if you want.
SC: Hahahaha! Uhm, hi, welcome to my channel?

That one call should last me for a long time though, because I only have reason to interact with Sunbae Crush 1 when there are big issues and I certainly don’t want that 😂


    I’m hoping the one who is already committed is SC 2 so we can safely root for you and SC 1 right 😁


      Yes, that was SC 2! Though tbh I don’t know much about SC 1 so we can’t really root for anything. I’m just gonna have to keep admiring them both from a distance like I do with our drama oppas and ajusshis 😂


      yeah, I need to know who is the ML and who is the SML. I don’t want to get SLS.


        To be fair I’m more like the side character who just has a crush on the male leads 😂


    Team SC2!!!


      Oooh. My ship sank already! Alright, will be jumping ship to SC1 then. 😂

      PS. I’m attracted to hard working and enthusiastic guys 😂


        I’m attracted to the smart guys with a sense of humor, but being hardworking and enthusiastic just add so much more! ❤️


    ☺️ Good luck with all the crushes! It’s always motivating to have something to look for at your workplace. 🥺

    I’m talking about work and promotion ofc. 🤣
