Big time spoilers of Summer Strike episode 6 coming soon.

I watched IDWTDA episode 6 hours ago (it took me like 3 hours to finish it, but I did).

Since then, I’ve watched like three other shows but I still can’t get that episode out of my head.

I feel so freaking offended, I think I’m gonna have nightmares tonight. Today I was in such a crappy mood and this show made it worse.

I know kdramas love their abusive parents, but I’m done with that. DONE. And the fact that they only used it as a tool to make Dae Beom sell his soul… *inhale exhale*

1. A drunk stabs his daughter then disappears. He never goes to the hospital, he doesn’t reflects on his actions. He just says that someone should take him to rehab. Why? Because he stabbed “someone”. What’s that person’s condition? He doesn’t know and he doesn’t care.

2. The mother and son of that drunk decide that the girl should lie by saying she stabbed herself so the drunk won’t go to jail.

3. When the girl refuses, people go full on psycho on her with emotional manipulation and acting like she’s an ungrateful brat for doing that to her grandma. Scolding her for expressing her feelings.

4. The girl does what everyone wants and lies. Then she gives a sad speech about how her favorite memories are when her dad came to visit when she was younger (and he wasn’t a drunk).


Since they said it was self harm, they had to pay for the hospital bills. No insurance, full payment.


1. The mother of the drunk almost takes another loan (she couldn’t do it because the drunk didn’t pay the debt).

2. The FL almost end up homeless because she was going to use the money of the rent to pay.

3. (The real deal, the real reason all this crap happened): The ML sold his soul to a toxic “professor”.

You know what’s funnier?

According to the preview, next week isn’t better. Dae Beom’s “friend” is going to blame Yeo Reum for Dae Beom’s mental health issues or is going to tell her that she can’t handle all the mess he is, something like that. Which is hilarious coming from the person that literally gave the direction of his house to professor that causes him panic attacks.

What is this.
If I remove the two seconds of Yeo Reum and Bom interactions and the other two seconds of Yeo Reum and Dae Beom interactions, this show is 100% annoying.

For my own mental health, I think I’m going to FF every single scene except for the ones between the leads or Spring and Summer.




    Ugh, sorry, that sounds like the opposite of an enjoyable watching experience. This show really seems to have been sold as something very different from what it is so far.


    I watched both episode 5 and 6 tonight. Tabong that is a great summary of episode 6. I smiled (sadly) as I read your post because I agree with everything you wrote. I kept thinking that that guy (Bom’s drunken father) should have been sitting on is ass drying out in a prison cell.
    In episode 5 the writers’ felt the need to present Ji-young negatively at the group meal and then move on to getting drunk at another establishment and then show up at Dae-beom’s. Like he needed that.
    (Also, I think the plum lipstick has followed Siwan to SS.)


      When he said he wanted to go to rehab, I was like “don’t worry, in jail you won’t have alcohol”.

      But what really annoyed me the most was how everytime acted so proud of him for saying he wanted to go to rehab. “Oh, yeah, well done darling. Proud of ya”. WTF was that. The guy literally stabbed his daughter but everyone was testing him like the victim.

      I hate Ji Young with all my heart. Since the first time she appeared I knew we were in incompatible.


    It seems like the name ‘WeShouldNotWatchThis’ is a more apt title.


    I could not believe them enabling the stabber and guilt-tripping Bom. It’s baffling. I thought this was supposed to be a stress-free, find-yourself kind of drama, but it’s really not (never trust drama promos smh). Also I wanted to tell Daebum’s colleague to shut up. She really thinks she knows him but she has no idea. It’s embarrassing watching her nag everyone like she’s their mother. It’s going to be truly satisfying when she leaves for the city.


      I really felt bad for Bom.
      There’s no one in that house that’s actually a good for her. I’m done with her family.

      OMG yes, that woman needs to move to Seoul right now.


    I watched this episode yesterday, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I want to drop the episode, but I can’t give up on Siwan, although I am absolutely disappointed by it.

    When YeoReum scolded Bom in hospital because she was “hurting” her grandma I just couldn’t believe it. She should have taken Bom’s part and try to convince halmoni that lying was not the reason (not to talk about the fact that Bom can’t explain how she cut herself because there is no way it can be explained her injury was self applied, but yes, let’s forget about forensic evidence).

    I don’t like where the drama is leading. WTH, I don’t like the drama, but still… I can’t give up on Siwan… I’m weak.


      “She should have taken Bom’s part and try to convince halmoni that lying was not the reason (not to talk about the fact that Bom can’t explain how she cut herself because there is no way it can be explained her injury was self applied, but yes, let’s forget about forensic evidence)”.

      OMG yes!!!

      And I can’t believe no one in the hospital knew what they did to Bom. She literally screamed that she wasn’t going to lie for that drunk, but no, no one cared about the minor that got stabbed. Aren’t they supposed to call the police and child services, even if it was self harm?

      I can’t believe everyone acted like a kid getting stabbed isn’t a big deal, and the real problem was to pay the bill.

      No one made sense, only Bom.

      Feel you, I’m weak too.
