Instances when Kim Young-dae gives the viewers something/anything in the last, 14th episode of Moon in the Day (this is kinda emotional, hee):

– lots of smiles at the start: loving smile (pic. 1), a smile with sort of finality to it (like when a person is resigned to their fate and gives this not fully sad, not happy, a little bit relieved smile – this kind); in a daze, and roused from it (so goddamn unnatural, lolol); gritted teeth, scrunched up nose – fighting through pain (pic. 2); tearful, which turns into crying; eyes widened

– emoting is in one place, and that place is nowhere, but I’ve deduced that he expressing: sorrow, alarm (pic. 3), pain, adoration/love, peacefulness, shock (pic. 4), bashfulness

– KYD’s entire performance got better once Do-ha was out – voice, gestures, expressions, everything (please compare pics 3 and 4, where similar emotions are shown) – meaning the character was poorly written + horribly directed + given to the actor who failed to breathe enough life into him (but I’m blaming largely the first two)

The last lesson to be learned: I have mentioned before that I’m formulating a certain argument in my head, and now that the drama’s finished, let me briefly touch upon it. I believe the problem with KYD’s acting (not sure about other dramas, cause for the life of me I do not remember Stars, which I have watched, but which bored me immensely) lies in his eyes. His eyes were only expressing something when there were teary, and tears obviously indicate intense emotions, which he did deliver on. But the mundane, everyday emotions, emotions that would make him seem more real and human, were swallowed up by the black holes that were his eyes. As you are well aware through my posts, he was very expressive with his eyebrows, but it felt like a cope out, a desperate attempt to try and express something by any means, since his eyes failed on that front. Eyes are said to be window to one’s soul… Well the only thing that we saw through his windows was a brick wall.

I’m aware that this got a liiiitle bit long, but I want to thank the Beanies who supported me in my analyst endeavours, especially the one and only @seeker who stuck with me through thick and thin. I give you all the hearts! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍


    I’m carefully avoiding all the text in your post until I have time to watch tonight, but without context I would have sworn that last pic was from Sh**ting Stars. Finally a KYD I recognize!


    👏 👏 👏
    Well done on completing the drama and on your final ‘live’ watch analysis!! I’ve not been watching this drama but I’ve been silently following your posts for insights and a good laugh 😂 so – thank you!


    I have LOVED this series of posts and am sad they’re ending (NOT sad the show is ending!). Maybe you can continue when KYD’s drama with Shin Min-a is out 🤣


      Yes, pretty please My Lady will eagerly await the next series of face analysis posts. Bae In-hyuk is no fun – so many expressions- quelle horreur!! Also how does he manage to NOT repeat those expressions. 😳 Aren’t you itching to do an anti-KYD post where we can count how many expressions Bae can bring out. **rubs hands gleefully, hoping for another round of face analytical posts**


        Now that is an idea! I’d have to opt for making collages, I’m afraid, cause BIH has just too many expressions.


      Well, I do adore Shin Min-ah… Dammit.


    Ooww My Lady, I’m so touched. You too have all my hearts ❤ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🤎 🖤 🤍 💕

    I have really really enjoyed being part of this journey. In fact I was eagerly waiting for this post and hoping that Kim Young-dae puts his game face on for the finale and that Alls Well That Ends Well.


      Well… Let’s say he performed exactly as I expected him to.

      Happy you enjoyed yourself; it means my posts achieved their purpose 😎


    It seems that KYD has delivered a “performance” which was to make Do-ha as expressionless as possible. If that was the goal then I would say Mission Accomplished, bring out the Daesang and he is an uncontested winner amongst (a) block of wood, (b) lump of stone, (c) deader than a doornail, (d) president of, (e) picnic table in parks.


      “president of” OMG 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀

      @ladykrueger, here’s your 🌱🫘 Beansprout Award 🫘🌱 for making me laugh after every Wednesday and Thursday session of WTF-ing at this show.

      Has my brain completely ceased to function, or was the last part of ep. 14 actually pretty good?


        Omo … you are inspiring me to collect one more Bean this year. 14 episodes = 14 hours. What is sleep?


        Why thank you so much, it’s truly an honour! Glad to read you’ve enjoyed my shit posts, hee.

        I will refrain from giving any diagnosis of your brain functions, but no. It was by no means good. I’m just happy they didn’t go for the route of School 2013 (and actually many other reincarnation/doppelganger/twins plot), and tied this mess of a plot with a somewhat acceptable, teeny tiny little bow.


      “(e) picnic table in parks”


    Your fervor to find something good in KDY’s acting was the highlight of each episode!


      Thank you! I’m overall a glass half-full kind of person, so KYD got lucky + I was invested enough to interpret and explain his performance.


    I do think this is perhaps one series of photographs were Kim Young-dae has five different expressions which even I can see. As you know I have struggled with the game of spot the difference before, but I’m very happy with this set. 😊
