Today’s Nuggetfest will involve the aliens. I’m just gonna assume that everyone who’s gonna watch this show either knows–or suspects–that the point here was that there were aliens who came to earth and brought these machines. The machines aren’t for turning things into chicken nuggets, chicken meatballs or dakgangjeong. They’re from a travel agency.

Anywhom, our aliens are trying to get home. And they want to threaten the humans without harming them, because they will be punished if they do. So…they pantomime things that we fear. Or at least, that they think we’ll fear. Yellow Pants comic timing above just cracks me the hell up. So, here are just a few things that they chose as their threats.
FIRE FORMATION. Pew. Pew. Roar. Psst.
MISSIIIILE. Dude sings that word in the show while he does this dance. You should go and take a listen.
BTS. No one fucks with BTS.

At the end of the day, though, this was actually one of the most affecting scenes in the drama. They only went through a second round of “attack” because they thought that their impassioned speech about “why do you always solve things through violence” didn’t get through to the humans–but it had. The humans were only silent because they were thinking. But, they took too long…and attack-by-BTS ensued. Too bad, really.

Special request for this series came from @ally-le.


    Aww this is the most adorable boss fight that ever was 🥹 I love how K-dramas do things – even really weird things – with heart ❤️ Pew pew!!


      🎶🎵Misiiiiiiilllle *pause* Missiiiiiillllle *pause*🎶🎵

      I’ve watched my own BTS gif like 1000 times. I laugh each time. You know that alien dude was the villain in My Demon and of course Mi-na starred in that same drama…so it’s a mini-MD reunion. Not as big as the Be Melo reunion, of course.

      The way he WINKS! It’s just like V. 😉


        Oh my gosh his dance is SO GOOD!!! His BTS is on point!! And I hadn’t realized about those reunion details – so cool! (And I love Ryu Seung-ryong’s reaction to his dance ❤️)


        I’m so glad to see him cast as someone (something?) that’s not a villain! There is so much talent in this show, it’s crazy.


    Thank you-thank you! I LURVED Kim Tae Hoon as he was channelling BTS through this. He’s a wonderful actor! This scene was my favorite of the whole drama. And you didn’t even mention the music behind it when they started fighting again. Genius. Anyway, thank you! I appreciate it!


    That was the most heartwarming superpower fight scene ever.
