Her Private Life will be my new “go to” fluff, but I agree with knetz, PMJ styling is straight from WWWSK, just too safe and non descript, while this character just beg to have more crazy wardrobe.


    I have seen people complain about the wardrobe from Secretary Kim and I don’t think those people realized that it was appropriate for her job and at the time what the company and boss required.

    With this show, I can see why her wardrobe is on the conservative side as she had a boss that would cut her off at the pass if she is any capacity upstaged her or took even a second of attention.


      Yes, it was very appropriate for WWWSK, but here it is too “beige” for her job and her being “artistic” type, it not even about upstaging her boss but adding little spice like some accessories itd.


    I didn’t mind the wardrobe too much, but I wish they’d had PMJ cut her hair or something instead of giving her the same long ponytail she had in WWWSK.
