Beanie level: Eunuch in drag

Has anyone watch Student A and understand the ending… I watch it with shitty sub and they didn’t translate Jae Ha’s letter to Mi rae.. So is he *gasp* ‘gone’?? 😱😱😱


    I haven’t seen it yet, but seeing your post I’ll put it on the top of my to-watch list. Was it good?


      Honestly… I got bored. Not because of Suho… He is actually the most interesting one. But the story mainly about the main lead girl and how she handled bullying. IMO, her acting is not that appealing.. I found her so bland, until she interacted with Suho’s character. Sadly, Jae Hee (Suho’s character) story arc ended with one letter from him to the girl… And it was not translated. That is why I am so curious with what happened to him.


        Ah, that’s why. Thanks. I should still give it a shot. The actress is the girl from Wailing who met Suho on Happy Together, right? The one who stans BTS.


          Yes.. I think her name is Park Kwan Hee?? I have high hope coz she is an already known child actress.. While Suho is… cough *Rich Man* cough. But turns out it was the opposite.
          Anw.. Please give it a shot, maybe you’ll watch the version with better translation or maybe you understand Korean? Let’s discuss it again after you finished watching it… 😁😁


            Haha! Yeah, Rich Man…
            Okay, I will! My Korean is still quite limited, but maybe I’ll get something from it.


It’s over.. Really enjoy seeing exo’s 3 chipmunks having fun & the final ep is so cute (xiumin’s dance). After watching Kai’s ‘outfits’ in, the show reminds me back that exo are singers 😅


So beautiful…!! 😍😍


This and Baek said comeback on August… My heartttt… Aughh 😍😍


    He. Did. Not. When?! I need proofs!


      So according to twitter, this is what happened..
      Suho: fans keep asking for our comeback/album.
      Baek: next next week
      Suho: what??
      Baek: well, next next week is august right?
      Suho: what are you saying???

      That’s it… 😂😂


      It’s trending in Korea: next next week (in hangul)!! Lots of fans put the fancam of what Baek’s said… 😱😱


        Thanks a lot! I couldn’t follow the concert live on Twitter yesterday but I’ve seen it now. I wonder if he’s just teasing or if it’s real! Come on, an August comeback? I’m not ready! At the same time I am so ready. But it better be an OT9.
        Btw, Lay isn’t in Korea anymore! So that means no surprise appearance today?


          Nope… Day 3 and still no Lay. They keep saying wait a little more tho.. So, august/sept comeback is certain, but OT9 is not yet confirm.
          Btw did you see what Kai was wearing for his solo im dot?? Starting from crop top, then transparent shirt and then a body chain+outer.. Even Baek was wearing a body chain for his solo. And here I thought EXO is a flower, boy-next-door, sexy but PG-13 sexy boygroup. I guess I was wrong… 😅😅😅


Ahh… My wallet can’t relate.. Hopefully someone will upload a nice fancam of this show.. 😂💸💸




      Well.. Lay is still in exo, right? 😂😂
      Although I doubt he will be in their next comeback 😔😔


        Oh, so he’s back from China? I don’t keep up with EXO news.


          He is! Or was last I checked.
          @alyad I still believe in an OT9 comeback! The signs are there… Really, the next comeback should be OT9.


            But… Marz said Lay is in Korea for his 3rd solo album.. 😔😔😔
            I do hope next comeback will be OT9 coz Xiumin will have to enlist soon.. 😢
            Maybe Lay can do both? Just like Jackson who did his solo album and promotes with GOT7 at the same time.


            Marz is who? His manager? Never mind. I am not losing hope. The next comeback is OT9… Must be. Why would he come to South Korea for his (I suppose) Chinese album? To meet the producers?
            Anyways, he can do both. He will drop the album now and then focus on the comeback. I have seen too many hints to believe otherwise…
            Btw, not sure if you’re on Twitter, but if so, Lay just joined Twitter.


            @estee Marz music, one of SM producers. He did IG live and fans were asking questions about Lay and EXO’s comeback. Oohh… I hope Lay will be on the comeback. Lots of speculation especially with recents posts and videos from sehun, cy and baek instagram!!
            Yes, I am on twitter bcoz all the gossips are there… LOL. Lay’s twit: 13.07.18 –> what does it meeeannnn???? 😂😂😂


            @alyad Girl (if you are a girl, of course), you seem to know more than I do! Oh, so that’s where you learn about comebacks, at the source of the music! Lol.
            Did he say anything interesting?

            I thought more about the subtle things like Kai posting a lot of things from Love Me Right era (on his Instagram) – which was the first OT9 comeback. Also, the new Twitter emoji is a combination of Love Me Right era symbol and Mama symbol. And in the Power MV, the narrator didn’t say anything when it came to LMR era – was it a spoiler?
            Plus, Lay has recently changed his Insta bio from Zhang Yixing to Lay Zhang. And now he came to Twitter! And his username is again Lay Zhang.
            One more thing – from EXO’s choreo spoilers there were theories that the comeback could be a Michael Jackson concept. And there is a video of Lay doing the moonwalk some time in May. Is it so wrong to hope? 😂 And what does it make me if I know all this stuff? Lol.

            It’s the beginning of Elyxion dot in Seoul. Maybe he will drop his album? Or teaser? Because there were no teasers so far.
            I suppose it is too far-fetched to hope he might perform with them. Lol. But a surprise appearance would be nice. The Aeries there would go crazy!

            I’m on Twitter too for the same reason! All the news are there. 😂


            @estee yes, I am a girl. Well, after I followed exo, cy, baek and sehun in instagram.. my IG explore is full with posts about exo. It seems that exo has many fans in my country.. So I keep seeing all the news/spoilers/memes/theories about them. That’s why I know about Marc as one of SM producers. He didn’t say much tho.. Fans asked when exo will have their comeback, and he said it is not in July or August (so maybe in September??). Fans also asked about Lay, and he said he came to s.korea to have a meeting with the producers and not mentioning if he will/will not be in exo’s comeback.
            Anw I am just happy if they (ot9 or ot8) will have a comeback (hopefully an epic one) anytime soon.. It’s already been a year since kokobop… 😔😔


            @alyad Ah, I see. I see that mainly on Twitter, I follow mainly the celeb accounts on my IG.
            Yes! September comeback it is then. (Or October at most.) This matches with some theories I’ve read. Oh my. Maybe he can’t spoil it? You know, if Lay is coming back, SM would want to keep it a secret for now. I think.

            Yes, EXO has one big comeback a year. Plus the winter album, of course, but that isn’t a full comeback because there are no music shows and no variety. It has been a year. They better come back. (*whispered chant* OT9! OT9! OT9! OT9!)


How sweet that BamBam said all k-pop groups are family and how he wish the world would love other k-pop groups too and not only GOT7.
I wish all the best for GOT7.. They are so humble and sweet..


    That was so sweet of him to say 💚


      It was nice of him to say that they want to make k-pop bigger so another group can come and perform in Barclay too. I wish it would end all the fanwars cause all k-pop groups from 1st to 3rd gen actually have contribution to make k-pop being recognised globally.


2nd fave Pathcode: Xiumin’s. It has Poltergeist/The Ring vibe (horror-my fave genre). And the BGM is awesome.. I hope SM do this kind of teasers for their next comeback..


    Yes, please. More mysterious teasers. More theories.


I really like Pathcode teaser.. My fave is Baekhyun’s. It was scary/horror, mysterious and the BGM is perfect!! The ending tho… Daebak!! 🎉🎉


    The first shot is actually Prague, not Lyon. Fail, SM… 😛


Why am I so happy when I watch Kai doing insta live, when he is not even my bias??? The thirst for their comeback must be real.. I don’t know what am I going to do if xiumin decides to join IG as well


Why so many hate for momoland? In some point, you have to admit that Bboom bboom and Baam are pretty catchy, upbeat and energetic… Their concept might not the original but good songs are good songs


    The dancing, costumes & concept seem ok. The voices seem weak compared to Mamamoo, but that can be said of every k-girl-group I have ever listened too.
    Ps: I don’t hate them. I never paid any attention to them until I followed your link.


      I agree. Momoland is obviously not power vocal group like Mamamoo.. Their concept is all about cute, young n a bit sexy (?), which is pretty generic.
      Apparently from most comments I’ve seen are accusing them of plagiarize (in terms of song melody, dance moves and mv concept), some members are racist (??), their songs are trashy and their company is said to bulk buying the group’s album.. 😳😳


    I was honestly quite disappointed with this song. I can’t say that I loved “Bboom Bboom”, but yes, it is very catchy and fun. This song however, is practically copy-paste of “Bboom Bboom”. (Even the name – Baam – Bboom Bboom. And I’ve read the choreography is very similar too).

    I understand that after making a breakthrough their company would want to solidify their popularity with another hit and so they played it safe. Momoland is not the only one coming with a copy-paste song after a breakthrough hit, I know, but this was a bit too much for me. I am not hating on them as a group, I believe they are all very lovely, beautiful and talented, I just wish their producers got a bit more creative and were less obvious about this.
    At least it worked and they are charting.

    Now I am afraid Pentagon will make a comeback with title “Light” from album “Optimistic”.


      I see… Now I understand what is the main problem with momoland. I heard that they come from small company, so they did want to play it safe to secure their popularity. Well, maybe in the future momoland can do more better… It would be sad if they end up like Crayon Pop.


        Even Crayon Pop did have a few years of popularity, I believe. I see people keep mentioning them as an example of a one-hit wonder, but from Wikipedia it seems they were successful for a while.

        I think the next comeback or the one after that is going to be different. EXID was mentioned a lot as another copy-paste group (“Up and Down” and “Ah Yeah” being the songs in question), but now they are doing different concepts too. 🙂


So someone actually made a gif for this move…. Why am I not surprise?? 😂😂
Now I am feeling guilty for saving it.. Or maybe not.. 😂😂


    KoKoBop was Xiumin’s era. The black hair helped me appreciate him so much…


      Ahhhh… The gif is not working.. 😭😭
      Yep.. Straight black hair, black outfit, heavy black eyeliner and seductive looks are the best for Xiumin!! 😍😍


        It works when you click on it. I think gifs worked for me only when I uploaded them from the Internet through the URL. 🙂
        Yes! He was seriously my bias during that time. 😍 “The Eve” was very hot in itself, but Xiumin always stole the show.


I should pat myself in the back and praise myself for staying till the end for someone who is not even my bias!!! 😂😂
Well, for now… Goodbye Rich Man.. It was a fun rollercoaster ride indeed!! 😂


    CONGRATULATIONS!! I’m watching ep. 16 tonight and then I’m done. Wohoo!!!


      Oh thanks for reminding me that I have stale junk food left in the pantry for consumption! *hugs to all RMPW comrades*


    I have not watched the last episode yet.
    *pat on our backs who somehow sicked to this drama*


My fave interaction: EXO and VIXX… How adorable ‘maknae’ Hyuk when he met exo.
I wish exo would do bdsm concept for their next comeback 😂 but it would be bad for the fandoms (fanwar would be nasty)


Year 2014-17: k-pop slump… No longer interest in any k-pop artists/songs. They all kinda look the same to me… With too much make up and plastic surgeries *gasp* 😱😱


#4 k-pop exposure (2012-14) contd:
I even like Growl by EXO and downloaded it..
Didn’t bother to remember their names tho coz they have to many members. It was hard enough to remember Suju’s members..


    But!!! I remember that the one with white(?) hair was kinda stand out. I thought it was Kris… Watching this mv again in 2018, now I realize that it was Sehun!!! 😱😱


#4 K-pop exposure: turns out i like lots of k-pop songs in 2012-2014
1. Suju’s sexy free and single
2. Miss A’s goodbye
3. Psy and Hyuna (who wouldn’t?)
4. Shinee’s lucifer
5. 2NE1’s i am the best


3rd exposure to k-pop: thanks to Sungkyunkwan Scandal, I was in love with Yoochun.. Thus listening to this song!!
Jaejoong was so pretty and Junsu kinda looked like Gaara from Naruto.
Love this song!


    Lawl! Was listening to My Girl yesterday! Yoochun’s hair (and makeup, heh) looks fab in that thumbnail.


      They all look fab in this video.. Makeup and hair were on point. The dancing and video were so cool when I first saw it in 2010(?), but watching it now in 2018 I realize it is so cringey… 😂😂


2nd exposure to k-pop: Suju’s sorry sorry.. God, It was hard to differentiate the members. But I remember that Lee Teuk was the one who caught my eyes… So nostalgic ☺️☺️


Trying to remember what very first k-pop song that I liked and had in my ipod.. I was more into J-pop in year 2k-2k10 (Utada Hikaru, Ayumi, L’arc & TM Rev).
Then I realized that it was this song!! 😳


Aw… It was short but so much fun.
Sungkyu was just too funny.
Minho and Suho’s friendship is adorable
Kyu the kyuline leader
Jonghyun the genius musician who slept with his boxer

Hope for season 2