PMR always has our backs. Here, above, the answer to the question, “Can you look hot making a PPL for mix coffee…PROTEIN-PACKED mix coffee??”

And also, below, the answer to the question, “When is it toootally appropriate to end the sentence of the hot ML with the noise of a sheep bleating?” (Yes, there’s sound!)

Juuust one or two more in the comments. PMR, episode 3.

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    So 귀여운!!! So cute, in fact, I don’t even mind being dead wrong about who that phone call was from on our FL’s (first?) deathbed. It was indeed her grandfather, who clearly did something terribly, terribly wrong to her.

    **rubs hands gleefully***

    I just can’t WAIT to find out what it was…it could be anything. What do you all think it was? She’s his real granddaughter? He killed her parents? WHAT? What? 왜? WHY?

    Also see how those glasses are totally real and totally have a prescription in them??


      I’m cackling. Ep 3 was a gold mine. So many LOL and “You Go Girl” moments.

      I can’t decide between the ML’s sister putting the FL’s sister in place or the FL winning the ML’s mom using back her own words, as my favourite scene.

      Another fire scene was the FL saying “Don’t worry, I’ll have you and dad both in the parents seat and Yoo Ra catch the bouquet at my wedding”
      Yoo Ra: Why would I do that????
      Yi Joo: Because I have no friends.
      Me: LMAO…It doesn’t make sense.

      Green onion mom got promoted to a carrot mom. I can’t wait to see her next veggie costume and I think her dressing sense has to do with some rich connection to her cooking class. Buhahahaha….

      Carrot mom (surprised to see ML and FL at ML’s house): Omo
      Yi Joo: It is not like what you think. Nothing happened.
      Carrot mom: I’m open minded. I studied abroad.
      Yi Joo: oh, but I did not study abroad.


      The ending one on one between the ML’s mom and FL’s mom was the perfect cliffhanger to end my day. I can sleep in peace.

      @seeker I was right about the grandpa!

      ML and FL playing catch by the couch was so romantic😍


        The ML’s Bro-In-Law uses a hair curler😂😂😂


          Reload–and you’ll see it below. You gloriously showed up one post before I was done 😉 GREAT MINDS….


        The episodes just fly by! The closing credits started to play on ep. 3, and I was like, “왜? WHY?”

        I loved the ML’s ÜBER INTENSE love confession that he brushed off as ~acting~, the ML’s sister (put those little brats in their place!! YEAH!!), and the shoutout to Wok of Love with the ML’s mom at cooking class.

        So it was grandpa… hmmm… is she an illegitimate child of the family that grandpa disowned and hid?

        Also, hot evil glasses secretary hiding in the bushes to film the FL was unexpectedly hilarious. And brother-in-law secretary is also hilarious. I LOVE THIS SHOW 😆


          I know! So short, and it was 1h16m long!!!

          I mean of course he was hiding in the bushes, what the hell else was he gonna be doing with his day? Polishing his glasses? OR CLEARLY GOING TO THE GYM BECAUSE ahem. Anyway.

          You know what I also love? The production quality. They’re really also playing up the webtoon quality…oh wait, that’s a picture I didn’t take…hold on (you know me, I realize as I type)…

          TA-DA! Webtoon shot!


            Polishing glasses and going to the gym – that’s a busy schedule for hot evil secretaries!! I hope he gets a redemption arc. Because he’s fascinating and looks like he stepped right out of a manhwa.

            Oooh good catch of the webtoon shot!! You know, I hadn’t even been thinking about that, but now I’ll be looking for those! The overall production quality is so much higher than what I would have assumed.


            Giggle, you guys are so invested now that you have been reading the webtoon.
            Good on you. 👏


          Ooo good possibility on illegitimate child of grandpa,but murder hasn’t appeared so far, so maybe he killed her parents.


          So glad I was not the only felt that time just flew by …


        It is becoming such a good watch after a largely disappointing year.


      Episode 3 cemented my love for this show. I need to find a way to describe it other than “so bad it’s good” because I think it’s more like actually good — an original work of art within a makjang frame. So many satisfying scenes. ML’s sister is awesome. Her husband is hilarious. Liked seeing FL use her knowledge from the future to deal with grandpa.

      And yes, he definitely knows something about her real family situation.


        I know, it’s actually GOOD. It’s the self-awareness for me. It’s like they know what you think is coming and then wink at you and turn just a little bit so you don’t QUITE get what you thought…instead, you get an “original work of art within a makjang frame,” as you so utterly, beautifully and rightly say, @marysadanaga.


          Agreed!!! Great description, @marysadanaga! I think part of what makes it so engrossing so far is that we have a handful of NICE (or at least, they seem to be so) characters to balance out the nasty ones, and to give little moments of comeuppance. The ML’s sister seems awesome, and I want to see her wreak havoc amongst those prissy society brats. And to top it off, the ML and FL have GREAT chemistry. The cheesy romance of him being a prince charming is over the top, but I’m just like give me that velveeta I love it🫠


            Aw, thanks! 😊 I’m looking forward to uncovering more layers to the characters, too — I was so pleasantly surprised by potential MIL. She’s way brighter than FL’s mom. Too early to call her an ally but she has more substance than I expected. And his sister getting together with her hubby must have been some story. 😅


        It is really very engaging… we are literally getting dragged by the drama and we are asking for more!


    Oh, comic relief secretary. You and your hair roller make you the best comic relief secretary.

    Last one for this episode!! More tomorrow 😉


      I want more gifs tomorrow. Especially Sang Hoon’s “Seriously?” look when Yi Joo asked if they should play 20 questions😂😂


        OK…if I can manage it, everyone can have one gif request per episode–I love this stuff–but for best service, give me approximate timestamps!! I happen to know right where this one is (because HILARIOUS) but much of the time in gif-making is just finding the stupid scene and so you’ve a better shot of me doing it if you tell right me where to find it 🙄😁



      Totally unbelievable, I didn’t recognize him at first and then did a double take – twice!


    Does he ever go with her anywhere without wrist-grabbing? And without a word of explanation! I know some people have actual difficulties doing and speaking at the same time … maybe he has that problem?
