
  • Crash: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

    Crash: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

    Jam-packed with zany comedy, heart-pumping action, and a deceitfully despicable villain of the week, Crash kickstarts its vehicular crime-busting journey in style. Though said style comprises offbeat humor and ridiculous...

  • 43

    The Atypical Family: Episodes 3-4

    This week, our con artist heroine warms her way into the lives of her target family, and try as he might, our superpowered hero is not as immune to her...

  • 75

    The Midnight Romance in Hagwon: Episodes 1-2

    Slow paced with a dose of realism, tvN’s latest romance is setting us up for complicated emotions as a star teacher at a hagwon collides with her former student....

  • 5

    Chief Detective 1958: Episodes 7-8

    Our heroes watch as the nation enters a time of development with shiny signs and taller buildings lining the streets of the city, yet beneath the glamour lies the forgotten...



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