My Princess: Episode 5

The lulz, they keep coming. Between My Princess and Dream High, my weeks are looking bright and fluffy. The two dramas appeal to me in very different ways, but both also make me laugh out loud and aww for the characters, and that’s enough to make me happy.


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Seol is taken to her new home, a modern palace that Chairman Park had secretly built just for her. It’s beautiful in a grand, stately way that befits a modern princess, and a butterfly even lands softly on her shoulder like she’s Cinderella, I kid you not. They take it as a good omen.

The chairman tells her to stay here for now, and in a week, they’ll hold a press conference to reveal her official entry into the palace.

Seol clarifies that she’s still confused about this whole princess thing; she only came because she couldn’t abide her father being subject to unjust accusations, and he’s the only person she knows who can fix that.

Now that the news is out, Mom has been brought to see her and Seol rushes to hug her. Unsure how to act to her newly royal daughter, Mom nervously calls her “Highness” and stammers at first, until she she gets the chairman’s permission to hug her back and treat Seol as normal.

The chairman explains the details to Mom, who brags about always knowing that Seol was quite unique as a child. She exaggerates just a wee bit with the praise of her scholastic prowess, which might be annoying if Mom weren’t sincere. We know it’s not how she actually thought of Seol, but her memory seems pretty malleable, and Seol takes just after her, happy to soak in the praise as though it were always true.

Seol requests a trip back home to collect her things, to which Grandpa asks if she’s sure she’ll be able to come back. The only person with the power to block attacks against her father is herself, as the princess — a reminder of a solid reason for her to return to the palace.

When Hae-young shows up to work at the foreign ministry, he finds he has been issued a warning for violating rules, and reassigned to standby duty. On top of that, the media is clamoring for a piece of him, having gobbled up the story of the chaebol in love with the princess, as the shifty reporter reminds him.

Yoon-ju drops by to inform Dan that in the wake of this news, bodyguards have been assigned to assure her safety. Never one to accept something gracefully, Dan retorts that if they’re not going to be assigned to her indefinitely, she’d rather not have them, because it’s an insulting feeling to have someone give you something, then take it back later.

But Yoon-ju’s not offended and just smiles, giving Dan her card. I wonder if she sees a bit of herself in Dan; I suppose we’ll have to anticipate a team-up with these two manipulators. Wonder Bitch Powers, Activate!

In her room, Dan takes out an embroidered pouch and gives it a meaningful look. The scheming begins…

The chairman offers Yoon-ju any gift of her choosing in thanks for all her help, which he’ll buy before handing over his assets to the monarchy. He’d thought of giving her the museum, but she says that’s not necessary. Instead, she asks to be put in charge of the Royal Foundation, saying that she’ll run it per the chairman’s wishes, which will in turn prevent Hae-young from interfering with the princess.

The chairman likes this idea and thanks her for the offer, but her father looks alarmed and asks her in private why she’d make the request. He wants her to rescind it, but she won’t.

Seol’s palace attendants introduce themselves and show her to her lavish quarters. (The term for their position is sanggung, which translates to court lady.)

Seol’s a pretty girl who likes pretty things, and looks in awe at the mini-department store installed in her room. Picking out one party dress, she tries it on and adds a pair of sparkly heels. They trip her up (literally), and she sighs, “They don’t fit.” Symbolism!

Yoon-ju has recommended Jung-woo to be a director in the royal foundation, and it’s like she has no understanding of her actions hurting people, because he’s hardly in the mood to accept a position working with her and tells her he’s doing fine for himself.

Unfazed, she urges him to consider the position seriously.

Grandpa begins the process of turning over his assets, beginning with Hae-young, and sends a team of men to claim all the stuff in his apartment. Hae-young argues that he bought all the stuff inside the apartment, but apparently stuff tied to his credit is also up for grabs. The men go around sticking red claim stickers on all of his belongings — down to his coffee mug and shoes — which begs the question, Wouldn’t it be easier just to tag the stuff they WON’T be taking?

The lead agent doesn’t like this any better than Hae-young does, and asks plaintively, “Are you not going to leave? Will I have to use force?” Heh. Ah, I do enjoy this rags-to-riches, riches-to-rags juxtaposition of Hae-young and Seol’s circumstances, especially since he was rather smug about being so filthy rich.

So Hae-young leaves with one suitcase, annoyed but not TOO upset because he has plenty of other places he can crash. Or so he thinks, until Yoon-ju gives him a list of all the assets to be reclaimed — all his secondary apartments, vacation homes, and the like. Including the resort he was given as a birthday present when he turned eight.

Hae-young heads to his department store to buy some essentials, and during his perusal of a pair of tighty-whities (I would’ve pegged him for a boxers man, myself), he spots Seol’s entourage rounding the corner.

She’s on a shopping spree for gifts for Mom and Ungrateful Sis, and Hae-young’s not about to admit to his embarrassing new homeless state, so he ducks behind a mannequin.

It’s too late, though, and Seol has seen him, and now it’s worse because it’s clear he’s trying to hide. He plays it off, not noticing that his hand has landed on a questionable area of the lingerie mannequin… or that he’s still holding up a pair of underwear to his crotchal region. Oh lord, this is so funny. Can we rob Song Seung-heon of his dignity in every episode? Pretty please?

Amused, Seol tells him he and the mannequin “look good together,” which is doubly hilarious given Song Seung-heon’s own reputation for characteristics associated with the like. Ha.

She gets the last word and heads out, leaving Hae-young to face more humiliation when he finds that all his cards have been deactivated. No underwear for you!

Grumbling, Hae-young takes off after Seol and forces his way into her elevator. It’s almost like he’s intending to ask her for some help, but the air in the elevator is awkward and the two of them engage in another round of looksie.

But she doesn’t engage him in conversation and he doesn’t have an opening, so when she sails out ahead of him, he’s left behind frustrated.

He gets called in to meet with the president (of the country), and asks why he approves this monarchy restoration. Even if the people like the idea, Hae-young can’t wrap his head around such an immature young girl like Seol being turned into a princess, and calls his grandfather irresponsible for initiating this whole mess. He adds that for all the interest in the restoration, it’ll undoubtedly prove difficult to manage.

Surprisingly, the president agrees with him — but he can’t cancel the vote. He asks for Hae-young’s opinion on how to handle it.

The president takes a meeting with the assemblyman who leads the opposition of the restoration, which they use as a PR opportunity as they both donate blood.

Once the photo ops are done, the president levels with the assemblyman about the princess, and chides him for creating that scandal about her father. He warns him to stop messing with the princess, as the people will have the last word in the restoration matter.

Hearing the welcome news of a guest at the palace, Seol tears out of her room to greet Jung-woo, though she pauses for a moment to primp. She’s so touched when he says he missed her that she has to stop him momentarily to soak it in, saying she can’t quite handle it.

Jung-woo advises her that her whole life is about to become full of things she can’t handle, so she’d best come to him to vent rather than shouting into the bamboo forest, “The King has donkey ears!” (That comes from a Korean folktale; a man was entrusted with a secret, which grew more and more burdensome until he couldn’t take it and had to shout it out to the forest.)

Reluctantly, she takes a call from Hae-young and tries to cut it short by saying vague but discouraging things like, “We shouldn’t do this anymore” and “I told myself I’d forget you.” Lol at her dramatics, which make the others assume that she’s speaking to a spurned ex-lover.

She doesn’t want to let him know where she is, so Hae-young warns that he’ll “cause an accident” if she doesn’t, and that makes her blurt, “What more accidents are there left to cause?” This one raises Jung-woo’s eyebrows, since “causing an accident” is also a euphemism for getting knocked up. Hae-young answers that there are a lot of possibilities to choose from, like marriage.

Seol gasps, “Marriage?!” and hangs up. Freaking out, she excuses herself to call him back in privacy, and he threatens that he’s about to hold a press conference announcing their marriage plans. He tells her that the bigger the scandals grow, the more helpful they are to him.

This is a blatant lie — he’s at a convenience store — but she buys it and panics. Frantically, Seol grabs Jung-woo — to the bamboo forest!

That’s just a euphemism for spilling the secret, and once they’re in private she tells Jung-woo of Hae-young’s threat, and begs for his help.

They’ll have to go find Hae-young to intercede, so they sneak their way out of the palace, managing to make it to the car unseen. At the last moment, the new royal kitchen boy Gun spies the princess ducking into Jung-woo’s car, where Jung-woo furtively wraps Seol’s head to hide her face. Not too bright but full of heart, Gun reads a lot more into the scene and jumps to conclusions — is the princess being kidnapped?

He goes tearing after them on his scooter and pulls up alongside them, honking to get their attention. Gun yells for his noona to get out of the car — like I said, not the brightest bulb. (I suppose the moving bike will just break her fall?)

Seol and Jung-woo wave him aside, but in their distraction they don’t see that they’re heading straight into a construction zone until it’s too late. To the hospital!

Seol moans and groans excessively and insists on being checked in despite the doctor’s confirmation that there’s nothing wrong with her. Granted, she has a reason — it brings Hae-young running immediately, which means he’s most certainly NOT giving a press conference.

Oh man, I just love when these two men are in the same scene together, because it means hilarity is just around the corner. My reaction is practically Pavlovian; Hae-young and Jung-woo face off, and I get all excited. Wait, not in that way. (At least, not only.)

Naturally the men eye each other in their macho-posturing way. Noting that the accident occurred in Jung-woo’s car, Hae-young gives her the ol’ I-told-you-so lecture about not taking rides from Jung-woo, and grabs her arm intending to check her out, since he knows she’s putting on an act. That earns him a glare from both Seol and Jung-woo as she cries out in pain and clutches her shoulder.

Hae-young hadn’t realized she was really hurt, and Jung-woo leans down to speak soothingly to Seol (no doubt going a little overboard to rub it in Hae-young’s face).

The two men head to reception to deal with paperwork, but as Hae-young tries to sign the forms, his pen won’t work. Jung-woo whips his out (LOL) and takes over, prompting Hae-young to retaliate by swiping the pen from him: “I’ll do it, since she got into an accident on the way to meet ME.”

Jung-woo grabs the pen back, Hae-young does as well, and this goes on a while. OH YOU TWO.

Jung-woo challenges Hae-young’s authority in matters pertaining to Seol, since he’s got no claim to sign for her. Hae-young replies that he does as a fiancé.

He drops the act briefly to level with Jung-woo, saying that he has a “knot to tie” with Seol today, but if Jung-woo steps aside, he’ll be able to end “this damned fiancé act” today. Taking the pen, Hae-young signs the form.

In the room, Seol (and her perfectly normal shoulder) asks Gun for a favor, replete with puppy-dog eyes and a “Do it for noona” plea. Innocent little Gun is no match for a pro like her, and he caves. Like he ever had a shot.

The “favor” entails helping Seol cover up her hospital stay by taking her place at the palace. Yep, you read that right. I know you’re an idol boy, but you’re not that pretty, LOL. He huddles nervously in bed while her lady in waiting chatters on about how handsome her professor is, clutching the bedcovers like they’re a lifeline (to his dignity).

At the hospital, Hae-young keeps watch at Seol’s bedside that night; she has insisted on staying overnight, no doubt trying to keep tabs on Hae-young. He looks at her worriedly when she starts to mumble in her sleep, her face crinkling in pain, and he makes out her tearful words, “Dad…”

He looks at her in sympathy… until she then adds, “I’m hungry.” HA.

When she wakes, she resumes the patient-in-pain act, wincing about her hurt shoulder and making it a point to ask him to help her drink, since she can’t move her hand. He guesses that she’s faking since she seems so chipper, and she replies that he can believe as he likes.

He accompanies her to the restroom, and on their way back, they see that a mother with a crying child is being turned away at the front desk due to a lack of space. The mother is frantic, so Seol offers her bed to the girl, assuring them that she’s fine to check out.

But she wasn’t entirely faking, because she has a dizzy spell outside, and falls to the ground. Hae-young wants to go back inside, but Seol mumbles that there are no beds available and won’t let him check her back in.

With nowhere else to go, a worried Hae-young drives her to his apartment, where he tends to her fever through the night. He wraps her in a robe and tucks her into bed, and in the process he spots the bruises that have shown up belatedly.

Realizing she wasn’t faking her injuries after all, he feels a bit guilty for doubting her and spends the next hours at her bedside, finally sighing in relief when the fever breaks.

In the morning, Seol awakens, and finds Hae-young cooking up some porridge in the kitchen. She eats slowly while awkwardly propping up her sore arm. Hae-young takes the spoon from her and holds it up to feed her, overriding her protests.

It’s only now that she realizes she’s in a bathrobe, so before she can freak out about him taking liberties, he assures her that he didn’t see anything. (And can’t resist the muttered dig, “There’s nothing to see anyway.”)

All this kindness is making her uneasy, and Seol suspects that all his excessive attentiveness means he wants something from her. She’s not wrong, so he starts by asking her to believe him. Warily, she asks, “Believe in what?”

He replies, “My apology. You don’t have to accept it, but I hope you can believe it.” He says he shouldn’t have let her father be slurred like that, which he means as a reference to his part in the bad press, though she remains unaware of those specifics.

Not for long, though: While changing her clothing, Seol spots the stack of newspapers in the bedroom, all with front-page stories about the possibility of restoring the monarchy.

She flips through the papers and finds an envelope at the bottom of the stack, which contains documents about her father, Lee Han. Included are transcripts of news reports about her father and his supposed criminality (burglary, con artistry). She recognizes some of the details from the report at the restaurant where she had lost her temper with the other patrons, and as she reads through, Seol starts to register more familiar words… because the words she is reading match the words that are coming from the television outside.

Shocked, she starts putting the pieces together and understands what Hae-young meant by his apology. Angrily, she confronts him with the documents, demanding to know what’s going on.

Knowing the jig is up, Hae-young sighs and asks if she thinks he’s behind the news reports about her father. He doesn’t deny her accusation that he has the most to gain from it, and takes it a step further by telling her frankly that he’s got lots more where that came from. Hae-young lays out his threat, that she can’t ever be a princess as long as he continues, and therefore she should give it up.

Seol wonders if everything was a lie to make her give up being a princess. That’s a pretty loaded question, and he takes a moment to sigh and think it over before telling her to listen up:

Hae-young: “When you were hurt, my concern was real, and my apology regarding your father was, too. But even more than all that, what I’m most sincere about is wanting you to give up being a princess. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Turning without a word, Seol stalks out of the apartment. Hae-young chases her out, but just then, his grandfather arrives, having heard that Seol spent the night here. He tells Seol that the president awaits a meeting with her, and with one last glare at Hae-young, she gets into the car.

She takes her meeting with the president, in which he advises her that attention will increase in the coming days and that the support of the people brings with it responsibility on her part.

Afterwards, Chairman Park tells her that it’s time for her to decide where to head next. She makes her decision, and arrives at the palace. She walks through the halls in a silent, dark mood, and goes to bed in heavy spirits.

When she looks up, though, she sees Hae-young sitting at her side, smiling down gently on her. He reaches down to brush her hair and check her forehead for fever. With that, she falls asleep.

I’m inclined to believe that not only is this Seol’s imagination, she’s fully aware that she’s conjured him up out of thin air. (For one, he’s wearing the clothing he’d worn while tending her fever, and for another, her next reaction supports it.)

In the morning, Seol awakens from sleep to see Hae-young waiting at the foot of her bed. She dismisses him, as though assuming he’s yet another fantasy conjured by her mind, and doesn’t react. Until he opens his mouth and introduces himself, sending her jerking upright in shock.


Aw, Seol’s fantasized Hae-young is sweet, and theirs is a conflict that I can really buy for a couple. They both like each other, have great rapport together, and care for each other on a personal level. But he’s a chaebol and she’s a princess, and both of those are about as symbolic a presence as exists in this day and age, even more so than celebrities and other public figures. They’re bound to this status by their birth, not by choice, so the conflict becomes something deep-rooted and difficult to untangle. Plus, both stand in each other’s paths — he has to destroy her birthright to protect his, while if she accepts her position, she’s literally stealing from him.

There have been so many k-dramas where the big bad separating the couple is a mere “My mama doesn’t like you” or “You’re poor” or whatnot, and while those are very real conflicts and effective on some level, I can’t help but feel that they wear pretty thin pretty quickly. I like my romantic angst to have some meat, and this one’s got some.

While the most immediate reference/allusion wrought by this drama has been Roman Holiday, I actually think that Anastasia is a much more apt parallel (I highly recommend the Ingrid Bergman movie, although I find the true story plenty fascinating on its own). Both are about reluctant princesses, but the setups are different; Audrey Hepburn’s character has always been a princess and longs to be out of her gilded cage. In the case of Anastasia, you have the lost princess reappearing out of the dark and claiming her position, being accepted into the fold, and falling in love with someone she cannot be with as the princess. So her dilemma becomes a matter of choosing between her duty — one thrust upon her late in adulthood, not one she has grown into — and her heart, with a healthy dose of confusion about her responsibilities to the royalty mixed therewith.


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ohmaaaaaaaay =)) can't wait for the 6th episode :)

i've fallen inlove with this series <3<3<3


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The scene where hae-young shops for underwear (and red at that) is so freaking hilarious. I died laughing!! :D


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Great episode. Loving your song of the day!


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i'm asking myself to be patient.. i have my final year exams for my master degree, please2 be strong and ignore this drama for a while.. and also this site too..


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lol.. i discovered dramabeans during the final semester of my master's. i spent most of my time then doing my thesis and watching dramas and reading recaps. this arrangement actually worked for me, as thesis=work, stress, headache... while kdrama/dramabeans=play, unwind, rest and relax.

hope you do well on your exams :)


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I'm currently doing my Masters too, but I'm still on break. Classes will be starting in Feb so I'm watching as much as I can now, because as we all know, when the semester gets into full swing, there will be no time for anything. All the best for your exams!


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this ep is okay for me..it's a bit boring but well just my opinion! :D but i still like it though, i hope the next ep would be better than this one! the preview seems to be good :)


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♥♥♥♥♥♥ LOVE ♥♥♥♥♥♥
I jump up when I hear “IT” & can’t stop laughing! So cute, lovely & funny! ♥♥♥♥♥♥


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LOL, They actually reclaim assets of SSH, even the shoes of SSH. OMG! … ….can’t stop laughing!……
… Why they do not reclaim his shirt?….ha…ha……ha…
Like SSH shirtless,….ha…ha….
I prefer director, writer at more details & make drama faster, so I have a lot more to enjoy my life.
Thanks for RECAP
If anyone see EP5, Eng sub somewhere, please share the links, Thanks!
Really enjoy MY PRINCESS!


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The very last part of the preview did you guys hear the heavy breathing?


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I am honestly very annoyed with the grandfather, why is his grandsons stuff/home being taken away. I mean he is your family you would think you would care a little about his welfare, also why arn't you living in a grass hut? shouldn't you give up all your luxuries(sp?) as well? also i think Yoon-ju’s face is terrifying and Dan is a bitch and i hope against hope that this is the drama that really sticks it to the evil ones, but alas the princess seems way to nice and they will probably only get 1/3rd of what they deserve. grrrrrrrr


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I think Hae-young being stripped away of his properties is the grandfather's way of forcing him to cooperate in restoring the monarchy. But that's not saying that the grandfather is doing the right thing.

I just thought that if they wanted to do the sequestration of assets and other endowments to that extreme (hey, they even tagged the mug!) they should have stripped Hae-Young his clothes (which would cause a worldwide celebration, I guess) and make him barf out his undigested meals. Just sayin'. Or tie him down, put him in a gift box and send him over to the palace for everything that was used to rear and educate him was originally the royal family's. Seol practically owns him.

I also noticed that the grandfather's allies get what they want - as long as they stay in the his boat, as evident by him offering the museum to Yoon-Ju as a gift.


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izzie, you're doing it again.....you said "stripped" oooooh


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want some Joo-Won sanity pills? ;)


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Keep some for yourself... perhaps it cures Speedo fixations ;)


It does. It replaces SF's with obsession for all things sparkly. ;)


Are you sure? What happens when confronted with sparkly Speedos....?


You froth in the mouth, collapse, and when you wake up you mutter "Kim Su-Han-Mu... " for days. Until you see the next sparkly thing.


YY, izzie said "stripped" twice...not just once, but twice! LOL! is this wishful thinking? hehehe


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and now we're back to speedo....not just any speedo, but now sparkly, too! waaahahahaha! this is insane! :-)


I wish I could say that about Yoo Ah In without having guilt pangs... :)


Hm... near the end of ep 5, I smell the heavy odor, LOL, then I burst to laugh like a fool.
What u mean with heavy breathing? I can't hear!
This drama is very funny. Me too, i like director makes it faster, interesting details, thus I can see the love blossom.


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the preview of ep 6....very last part on the bed....heavy breathing


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must be someone having an asthma attack...


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Yeah.....Grandpa....cos HY switched Grandpa's fav boxers with his black slinky speedo to spite him for kicking him out


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poor old man. probably couldn't figure out what the speedo is for. or why it had to be so tiny.


it's tiny cos grandpa's...tiny


it was originally HY's, so does that mean he's... tiny as well?


You know what they say....like grandpa like grandson


Thanks for your prompt RECAP & mini comment. RECAP helps me to understand the drama while waiting for English subtitle. After each episode of MY PRINCESS had aired, everything gets more & more interesting! Love it!
KTH looks so gorgeous although her make-up is very, very light to almost none.


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To me,this episode is meh.
I do like certain parts tho.
But in general this episode isn't good compare to the previous episodes. The preview does make me excited for ep6.But if i skip the preview,i may end up dropping this drama.

hope the drama will pick up on ep6 again :3


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I think all casts did great job, but the director & writer have to work harder & create more unexpected, interesting situations. Story builds up when each episode aired & writer takes a break here. Hope, story will pick up again in ep 6 & the later episodes.


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Yah yah, scenes are fun but why do I feel or perhaps, worry that plot would wear out easily? Begging our writer-nim to squezee some moreeee creative juices (and if not, aigoo this might affect the also ratings). Fighting!


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My Princess fighting!
Yeah! writer, please wake up & think of new interesting scenes. Ha...ha...


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I really enjoy MY PRINCES. My Princess is interesting, but I'm greedy more & more, ha...ha... writer has to work more....ha...ha.....


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Yes, me want more of those 2 in tight tight TIGHT 'situation'....


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“They don’t fit.” Symbolism!

Exactly what I thought when I saw the preview. That it was a foreshadowing of what is to come. Because Cinderella's shoes fit perfectly but not Seol's.


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whoah! it makes me laugh whenever the two of them meet.. the chemistry is just + Hae-young is really cute now than before;) thanks for this :)


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oh guys i've been away from kdrama for about a year now...i started back in with secret garden and now this (my princess) - waaaaa.....i love all the characters....


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oh yeah - thank you for the recap...i can always rely on u java!


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There's just soooooo much CUTE in this show!


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I love Anastasia! I haven't seen any other one except the cartoon one which is just so awesome.

Laughed out loud so many times in this episode, its just too funny- loving where this drama is heading, and can't wait to see hae-young and Seoul's relationship build


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Ahhh...if the drama goes the Anastasia route, then Seol is not a real princess.


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no, in the cartoon Anastasia she is the real princess but she chooses to be with the one she loves in the end.


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God, this show is kind of the best keep-me-sane-during-school drama ever.


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What is the problem of music drama it remove any sympathy for the characters ..in any Important scene
thx 4 the recap


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Y'know, I always thought "The King has donkey ears!" was an Aesop's fable. ...or was one of the European stories that got bandied around. There were several with kings, as I recall, one of whom was King Midas's story. So a bit surprised to see it also be a Korean story, but then again, I guess I shouldn't be cos these stories seem to get recycled through different cultures. Interesting.

Anyway, this episode was cute hahaha I enjoy the interactions between the main couple!


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I had a different interpretation of his apology. I didn't take it to mean that he's apologizing for whatever part he played in the public slurring of her father (because I don't think he played a part other than being passive about it and doing nothing to stop it). I thought he was apologizing because he himself said things to her in episode four ("What if the things said about your father are true?"), implying that he thinks they may be true.

Therefore, when she confronts him, I didn't take his words to be a threat, per se, at least not from him (as in, there's more coming from where that came from). He was telling her that there are others just as eager to stop her from being the princess (read, the assemblyman) who will do much worse. It was more a word of caution.


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very good point! thanks, red_pill!


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i have a question..how did HY take LS to his apartment when he was already kicked out of the apartment?!


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He looks like a man who would have a spare key tucked away in his Speedo


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Or the bodyguards forgot to change the door's passcode. :D


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thanks JB, i like your recap =)


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Thanks for the recap.


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love it


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Thanks JB! Love your insights! :)


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Although I do enjoy the cute, I kinda prefer Dream High a tad more. I find all the scenes where the main couple isn't interacting kinda meh, while in Dream High, I pretty much adore all the characters.

I know they're both completely different shows, but one can't help but compare. I'm definitely going to continuing watching both unless (touch wood) either of them starts heading towards MSOAN direction.


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lovin' Seol's gown collection... there's the wedding aisle, the prom aisle, and the generic party aisle. :)

They trip her up (literally), and she sighs, “They don’t fit.” Symbolism!

... for which?

the shoe doesn't fit ~ she's not fit to be a princess (yet), or

she didn't zip up the back part of the shoe which caused her to trip ~ her reluctance to assume the princess role which would cause her troubles later on.


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Eng. sub is available at youtube already!

My Princess Ep5 Part 1/6 English Subbed
My Princess Ep5 Part 2/6 English Subbed



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I love Gun :D


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I like the Anastasia comparsion, but I prefer the cartoon version better. Maybe KTH and SSH would break into song with future eps.


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Man, I live for those hot boy stare downs. More show, more!


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I am so obsessed with this drama. the characters and the story is somewhat typical but the way its played out is amazing. KTH is phenomenal glad she has finally come to her senses to make a rom com instead of those melo dramas. SSH picked slightly boring roles prior to MP in my opinion. ANYWAY......love this drama!


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thanks for the recap. i am really enjoying this one.


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My Princess is my new drama love. I'm so glad there are princess stories that grownups can love too. Oh, and Hae Young makes me forget to blink he's sooo PRETTY (in a manly way).


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Near end of episode 6, the hairstyle & the dress of princess are not good enough.

Casts’ acting are good. Anyway, I expect a lot more from story, director & musics. Director, screenwriters, people who take care of sound track, musics have to work harder. Hi…hi… because I expect more & more after each episode & my expectation grows up by time, non-stop…..hi…hi

MP aja-aja fighting! Work harder & MP will be the best romantic rom com in 2011.


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I love this drama so much & keep watching it again & again


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The reunion btwn Seol and her mother was pretty touching; KTH, in particular, did a real good job emoting (have been pretty impressed w/ her acting in the emotional/crying scenes thus far).

But then to counter that, the writers had KTH's character fart, after they already had KTH doing a bathroom/diarrhea gag - lol!

The writers, thus far, have done a good job mixing the emotional or tense moments w/ the comedy (had a good chuckle when Seol, upon turning her head and seeing the dressing room filled w/ shoes, etc., got so excited that she leapt across the bed and when Hae-young, before heading out w/ Jung-woo at the hospital, proclaimed once again that he barely touched Seol).

But just as impt., they have also done a good job in developing the relationship btwn Seol and Hae-young - going from forced-allies/somewhat adversaries to having a hint of feelings for each other.

Nothing like guilt over mistreating a sick/injured girl to bring out the protective qualities in a guy and nothing like being tenderly cared for to bring out the an emotional attachment for a girl.

Adding to the believability in the changing relationship are the characters of Seol and Hae-young, which are more than 1-dimensional (something that another "rom-com", which I won't mention, failed to do).

Yeah, MP doesn't break any new ground, but for what it is, it is doing pretty good job; it has its flaws, but the strength of the characters of the 2 leads and their evolving relationship is what makes this drama (much like MGIAG).

The only real beef I have w/ MP is that the character of Yoon-ju is so unappealing (in every way) that it makes it hard to believe that 1, much less 2 men are in love w/ her.

Dan, even tho being the Jr. "evil b!tch" (and the one likely to really screw Seol) is more tolerable as a character.

Have only gotten thru the 1st ep of Dream High and while MP started better, DH shows promise (even at this early stage, one can tell that it isn't exactly fair to compare these 2 since they both have a diff. feel).


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I like this drama.

It doesn't take itself too seriously, and it knows what kind of creature it is.

It's not trying to be 5 things simultaneously and careening from one genre to the next - sucking me in with sparkly stuff and strangely appealing emaciated manchildren and stunt people, only to leave me feeling deflated at the end - still pondering all those loose narrative strands flapping around (yes SG, I'm talking to you - I was going to make you pay for therapy but I watched Kim Sam Soon again instead. Feeling much better now)

Even better, none of the actors in MP appear to take themselves too seriously:

Speedo Man knows he's beefcake and plays it to the hilt, and also he doesn't try to overextend himself acting-wise (although he has done so in the past, I gather? Must be a good casting director this time around)

LS does have that naughty Bambi thing going that reminds me of Audrey Hepburn a bit, and I like how immature she is - hooray for a flawed heroine! Let's hope you can stave off being a wet lettuce until episode 12!

The actress playing the evil museum director must be quite brave, because in each episode Hair and Make-up seem to conspire to make her look less attractive. I wonder if she'll end up looking like Cruella de Ville in the end...

And then there's the professor.... oh the professor. There's one poster where he 's dressed up as Indiana Jones. See in my book, Indiana Jones trumps Speedos any day. An added bonus is the fact that he's quite witty.

Throw in the refreshing physicality of the main leads, the fact that there's real conflict, and secondary characters who do their bit but don't leave me wondering what happens to them in five years time, or why they were even necessary ({cough} JW's sister {cough}) and I'm a happy camper.

Which I really, really needed after SG.


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LOL. I agree with you about yoon ju. Who ever thought that she match that short hair is clearly delusional. Her face is too angular to pull it off. She looks like a pretty man.


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Josina, love how you describe this drama! cool ;-)


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I seriously love this drama and I never thought I'll enjoy it as much as I do, I'm passing through a lot of troubles right now, and this show is making me laugh and it really made my day :D


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Btw, thank you for the recap JB, its awesome as usual :D


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Love MY PRINCESS! it's so funny & interesting!


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the last few mins was the best. The part when Seol was imaging HY. No dialogue but the meaning came through.

and when she woke up, the scene of SSH dressed in spiffy 4 pc suit and posing at the sofa, wow, I would almost call that still frame an art piece!!! SSH is downright gorgeous and this show just playup all his strengths!


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Ok - I loved SG but doesn't mean I don't love this one as well. I can always go for fluff that's fun and entertaining. :) I'm really not a fan of SSH, however, he sure as heck looks way cool in that pose when Seol wakes up. HAHA... love it cause he does that pretty well too.

I went in without many expectations and so far I'm not really disappointed. I didn't think it was going to be all that deep. I don't even care if it's the conflict of rich vs poor, or as JB pointed out -- something more invested (one has to lose their fortune to the other) -- I think either way it's still works out the same for me so I shall continue enjoying for now.

Thanks for the recaps.


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“The King has donkey ears!” (That comes from a Korean folktale; a man was entrusted with a secret, which grew more and more burdensome until he couldn’t take it and had to shout it out to the forest.)

Umm, JB, might you be referring to one of the tales referring to Midas of Greek mythology?

You see, after the tale of Midas's "Golden Touch" (and how he had asked Dionysus/Bacchus to remove it), he became a musical referre between Apollo & some other lesser god of the forests. Midas (truthfully) chose the lesser god, whilst Apollo, enraged, turned Midas's ears into a donkey's (with Apollo joking he was just giving them the proper shape).
Midas, embarassed, hid them in a specially desgined cap, but when time came for the barber to shear off his unnecessary tresses, he had no choice but to reveal them, instantly swearing the barber of secrecy. After some time, the barber, who couldn't take the guilt, dug up a hole in the ground, whispered, "The King/Midas has donkey ears", then filled the hole up, quite contented.
Unfortunately, reeds grew up in the hole, and, when the wind blew, the reeds echoed the barber's message to everyone.

Moral: Don't go against the gods (at least, that's what I read)


Wahaha, Gikwang was "Gun"?!! And the scene where he pretends as Seol! Priceless!!!


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This tale has versions in Central Asia, and yes, Korea.

In Central Asia, the secret keeper (the only surviving one among the barbers who got killed after they cut the king's hair) whispered it into a well, which overflowed and formed a lake. In Korea, the secret keeper was a hunter who saw the king's ears and was to told to keep it, but his health suffered while he kept his mouth shut so he ran to the forest where he shouted out the secret - which made him feel better instantly. A bird heard the secret, and then flew to the palace, where the king heard it spilling the beans.


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Thanks for clarifying. It's good to know that Midas's misfortune has many versions.

Take Cinderella, for example.
-In Italy, it's "Cenerentolla"
-In China, it's "Ye Xian"
-In the Philippines, it's "Mariang Alimango" ("Mary's Crab", where the fairy godmother was basically the spirit of her dead mother in a crab)
and many others


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Thanks for clarifying. It's good to know that Midas's misfortune has many versions.

Take Cinderella (Charles Perrault's "Cendrillon"), for example. You have:
-In classical Greece, "Rhodopis" ("rosy-cheeked")
-In "One Thousand and One Nights", you have 3: "The Second Shaykh's Story", "The Eldest Lady's Tale" & "Abdallah ibn Fadil and His Brothers"
-In Italy, "Cenerentola"
-In Grims brothers' Germany, "Aschenputtel"
-In Ireland, Gaelic "Critheanach"
-In China, "Ye Xian"
-In Korea, "Gong-jwi/Gongji" (& Pat-jwi/Patzzi)
-In the Philippines, it's "Mariang Alimango" ("Mary the Crab", where the fairy godmother was basically the spirit of her dead mother in a crab)
and many others


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sorry for the repeat in comments...do disregard the 1st one...


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no problem. ;)


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i'm dreading the evilness of yoon ju and seol's sister. i wonder what they'll do.


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Sorry JB, I've tried. This is the first ep I really watched the whole episode. The first 20 min was just *yawns*, only when SSH appeared and the 2 male leads together were priceless.

Either the story is hard to believe or they are not making it convincing enough.

That said, SSH is truly amazing in his role, the chemistry of the leads are solid. I don't buy the second female lead though, she's kind of flat.

I hope the story will be engaging later on. For now, I feel Seol is just a puppet in the political game which makes the whole princess scheme becomes a big joke.

Somehow it still doesn't capture me through the whole hour. Well, that 's just me. Thanks for your recap.


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That's some miracle porridge. One minute he's feeding her because she can't use her arm. The next minute she's putting on her clothes and pitching papers at him. Of course kdramaland science has kicked in and is hoping we won't notice because we're glued to The Confrontation...:-)


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