The Guest: Episode 13

Lives are in the balance as the trio risk everything to save someone close to them. Despite working together, their friendship once again becomes fractured as doubts about Park Il-do’s identity cause friction between our psychic and our priest. As they deal with the growing distrust, we finally learn where — or in whom — Park Il-do has been hiding all this time.


As they drive to meet the person who was supposedly possessed by Park Il-do, Kil-young realizes that Detective Go is actually the one possessed. When Hwa-pyung calls to warn her about what he saw in his vision, Kil-young shouts her location just as Detective Go crashes the car.

When Kil-young comes to, clutching her arm that’s either broken or dislocated, she sees Detective Go peering in the rearview window, a scary grin on his face and a large knife in his hands. She hurries to lock the doors so he can’t get in, but an open window allows him to desperately slash at her until she manages to escape.

Kil-young limps down the highway as Detective Go chases after her. She tries to hide in an old hotel that’s closed for renovations, but Detective Go merely grins as he follows her up the stairs. She runs into a room and locks the door behind her as Detective Go maniacally laughs and bangs on the door, demanding that she open it.

He sounds more like her partner as he pleads with her to come out, but Kil-young refuses to fall for the demon’s ploys. Detective Go says he has no idea what she’s talking about, and starts begging her to help him since the surgery he got for his knife wound is hurting him.

She starts to edge towards the door as if to open it, but Detective Go screams in his demonic voice, demanding she open it. If she does, he’ll kill her nicely. If she doesn’t, he’ll break her neck.

Kil-young listens intently through the door, but there’s no sound in the hallway. That’s because Detective Go has climbed up through the window. She fights as best she can, but with her injuries, she’s easily overtaken by Detective Go’s supernatural strength.

He drags her down the hallway and throws her out a window. Kil-young grabs onto a wire with her one good arm, clinging tightly so she doesn’t fall hundreds of feet to her death.

Hwa-pyung and Yoon find the empty, crashed car. Hwa-pyung notices the nearby abandoned hotel and realizes that Kil-young and Detective Go must be in there. They arrive at the hotel in time to see Kil-young dangling from the window. Detective Go spots them, too, and he snarls that of course the psychic and the priest are here.

The two men race upstairs and Hwa-pyung is greeted by Detective Go, who tells him that all of this is his fault. In fact, all of his family’s deaths are his fault — Kil-young’s just another to add to the long list. Yoon orders Hwa-pyung to go save Kil-young while he chases after Detective Go.

Kil-young’s strength is evaporating, and she’s close to letting go when Hwa-pyung grabs her arm. Defeated, she wearily tells him he’s too late. He yells at her to stay focused and hold onto him, but instead she lets go of the wire.

Detective Go’s mocking words ring in his ears as Hwa-pyung remembers the family members he wasn’t able to save — particularly his father. With an extra burst of determined strength, he drags the nearly unconscious Kil-young into the room, saving her life. Whew.

He helps her downstairs and into the car, then calls Yoon to see if he caught Detective Go. Yoon didn’t, but that’s because Detective Go is behind Hwa-pyung, ready to swing at his head with a large stick. Hwa-pyung turns around and sprays Detective Go in the face with pepper spray, then handcuffs the agonized man to the car so he can’t escape. Oooh, was it a trap?

Writhing, Detective Go screams at Hwa-pyung that “he” will find Hwa-pyung, adding that Priest Choi already told him twenty years ago who “he” is. Echoing Priest Choi from that night, the spirit in Detective Go screams “Come out, Park Il-do!”

Yoon finds Detective Go seemingly hypnotizing Hwa-pyung with his seriously creepy mutterings about death and dismemberment, finishing with “kill the priest.” Alarmed, Yoon runs over and grabs the dazed Hwa-pyung, snapping him out of whatever weird spell the spirits were trying to weave on Hwa-pyung.

Yoon assumes this means that Hwa-pyung really is Park Il-do, but Kil-young wearily says that it’s a different spirit, and pleads with them to save her partner who continues to snarl and writhe.

They return to the abandoned hotel and set up a room for the exorcism. Detective Go mocks Yoon’s efforts, pointing out that Yoon doubts Hwa-pyung and believes that Hwa-pyung is possessed.

Hwa-pyung watches in worry as Yoon’s passionate prayers seem to have no effect on Detective Go, as the spirit inside taunts the priest, telling him that God has given up on him and he’ll join his family who died at the devil’s hand.

Annoyed, Hwa-pyung tells Yoon to try something else, and Yoon grabs his vial of holy water. But in his haste, he drops it as he dips his finger in the vial, spilling the water on the floor. The holy water at least has some effect, as the spirits writhe in agony, but they also defiantly remind Yoon that they warned him the second time they met, Yoon’s body and soul would rot.

Yoon covers Detective Go’s mouth before he can say what will happen the third time they meet (which we know is that Yoon will die). He orders Hwa-pyung and Kil-young to leave the room — perhaps because they’re a distraction, but also perhaps because he doesn’t want them to hear about his curse.

Kil-young’s worried about her partner, and blames herself for what happened. She pleads with Hwa-pyung to save him, and he gently reassures her that Yoon is a skilled exorcist priest. She notices Detective Go’s wife calling on his phone, and she hesitates before answering.

Detective Go’s wife is worried about why she can’t get in contact with her husband, who should still be in the hospital. Kil-young’s voice breaks as she reassures her partner’s wife that Detective Go is fine — they just needed to talk to a suspect, but he’ll be back soon.

Kil-young chokes back her sobs as she tells Detective Go’s wife that she’s sorry for what happened, and that it’s all her fault. The wife reassures Kil-young that there’s no way Detective Go blames Kil-young for anything, since she’s like a little sister to him.

Meanwhile, Hwa-pyung returns to the exorcism room, demanding to know if it’s not working because Yoon is distracted by his doubts about Hwa-pyung. But Yoon realizes that he needs more holy water. Wait, they were able to apparently find a gazillion candles no problem, but now it’s a frantic hunt for some water?

Hwa-pyung finds the main water valve and turns it on just as Yoon discovers an old bathtub. Once the tub is filled with water, Yoon blesses the water and drops a crucifix into it.

At that moment, Detective Go — who’d fainted — now wakes up and stares at something in the room, saying that it’s time. Suddenly he jerks and twists as Hwa-pyung and Kil-young try to hold him. Kil-young tearfully pleads with her partner to fight against the evil spirit.

They carry Detective Go to the tub and drop him into the holy water. Detective Go screams and writhes while Kil-young and Hwa-pyung hold him down. The possessed man shrieks for Park Il-do to kill them all as Yoon continues to pray. The lights flicker as Detective Go once more screams for Park Il-do, and then Yoon pushes the detective’s head under the water.

Kil-young watches in worry, afraid her partner is drowning and wanting to intervene, but Hwa-pyung holds her back. Yoon finishes his prayer and suddenly Detective Go sits up, vomiting water. The exorcism is over.

Detective Go returns to the hospital, where he has no memory of what happened while he was possessed. Kil-young is also there, getting treatment for her injuries. Hwa-pyung sits with her, telling her that she needs to take care of herself, too. Aw.

He also doesn’t accept her thanks, since even though he saved her life and helped save Detective Go, they wouldn’t have been in that situation in the first place if it weren’t for him. Hwa-pyung admits that’s why he said they shouldn’t work together anymore. He didn’t want to see anyone else hurt — or killed.

Kil-young points out that she’s still alive — and it’s thanks to Yoon and Hwa-pyung. Kil-young: “The three of us have to stick together.” Damn straight!

Yoon also checks on Kil-young, but his and Hwa-pyung’s polite nods to each other are a little frigid. Hwa-pyung follows him out of the hospital, demanding to know what the spirit meant by meeting again for the second time and what will happen the third time.

Yoon cooly reassures him that it’s no big deal (lies!), but Hwa-pyung, hurt, wonders if the reason Yoon won’t tell him about the prophecy is because Yoon doesn’t trust him, still believing him to be Park Il-do. Yoon doesn’t answer and just walks away.

As he sits at the bus stop, Yoon hears the cursed prophesy again and suddenly clutches his chest. He runs off to a nearby bathroom to regain his composure, but as he stares in the mirror, he slowly unbuttons his shirt to reveal ugly red scars across his chest.

He sees the spirits laughing at him in the mirror, reminding him that the third time they meet, he’ll die. Angry, Yoon smashes his fist into the mirror — which does nothing except break the glass and hurt his hand.

Yook Kwang gives Hwa-pyung grief for making him worry, since Hwa-pyung was out all night and then just came to Yook Kwang’s to nap. Aw, Yook Kwang nags like a mother as Hwa-pyung just idly plays with the breakfast Yook Kwang made him, not eating much.

Hwa-pyung points out that Park Il-do is targeting all the people close to him — including Detective Go, who is only close to him due to Kil-young. Hwa-pyung’s worried about Park Il-do attacking his friend, but Yook Kwang retorts that he’s a legit shaman and can handle himself.

Everyone’s surprised when Kil-young immediately returns to work, but even more surprising is that Detective Go returns to work, too. Kil-young tries to focus on her paperwork as Detective Go cheerfully chatters at her, wondering if she got her injuries from beating up gangsters (not realizing they’re because of him).

Hwa-pyung returns to the hospital, pretending to be a detective as he asks to see the CCTV footage the night Detective Go’s unknown visitor stopped by. But the CCTV footage he needs has been mysteriously deleted.

Kil-young’s also at the hospital to track down the same information (as a real detective). Aw, there’s some character growth as she just wryly asks if he’s found anything out, instead of threatening to arrest him for impersonating an officer.

Hwa-pyung is shocked to discover that Kil-young’s suspicious of Priest Yang due to his connection with Hong-joo, since he also suspects Priest Yang because of the phone call the night his father was possessed. Hwa-pyung walks through the hallway, trying to remember what he saw in his vision, and he realizes what he saw wasn’t just from the perspective of a possessed person about to kill someone (like his last few visions have been), but from Park Il-do himself.

Yoon shows up to Yook Kwang’s unannounced. The shaman is surprised that the priest is there for a visit, but Yoon is there on a mission — he wants to know more about Hwa-pyung. Yook Kwang says he’s known Hwa-pyung for the past ten years, ever since Hwa-pyung showed up on his doorstep, demanding to know if the shaman could exorcise evil spirits.

Yoon wonders if Yook Kwang has noticed Hwa-pyung acting strange lately, and Yook Kwang immediately assumes it must be because Hwa-pyung has found a girlfriend. Pfffft. But Yoon, stone-faced, asks if Hwa-pyung has been acting like he’s blind in one eye, and Yook Kwang admits Hwa-pyung’s eye has been bothering him.

The shaman laughs at Yoon’s assumption it’s because of Park Il-do, revealing that Hwa-pyung’s actions lately are due to the suppression exorcism wearing off. Not because Hwa-pyung is Park Il-do.

With wide, crazy eyes, Yoon makes his case for Hwa-pyung unknowingly being possessed by Park Il-do. His brother’s last words were that Park Il-do was still in Hwa-pyung’s house, so it only makes sense that Park Il-do possessed Hwa-pyung that night — and stayed there ever since.

Yook Kwang reassures Yoon that there’s no way Hwa-pyung is Park Il-do, even volunteering to find a way to prove it, but Yoon doesn’t seem to be listening. Without saying goodbye, Yoon scurries out of Yook Kwang’s home, and Yook Kwang muses over the fact Priest Choi said Park Il-do was still at Hwa-pyung’s house.

Hwa-pyung returns home — hey, there’s actually water in his fridge! He takes a drink and then the searing, blinding pain hits his right eye. Glancing into the shadows of his room, he sees what he thinks is his father’s ghost — but it’s just Yoon, lurking in the darkness.

Surprised to see the priest, Hwa-pyung asks why he’s there. Yoon, staring intently at Hwa-pyung, demands to know if his eye hurts and if he’s gone blind. Hwa-pyung shakes him off, annoyed that Yoon is still convinced he’s Park Il-do.

Yoon grabs some holy water and the two men fight, since Hwa-pyung is still hurt and offended that Yoon believes he could be Park Il-do. But Yoon is obsessed and finally overpowers Hwa-pyung, pinning him to the ground.

Furious, Hwa-pyung tells him to go ahead and try. Yoon prays and holds a crucifix near Hwa-pyung’s face, but there’s no reaction. Yoon sits dazed and defeated as Hwa-pyung pleads with him to face the fact that Hwa-pyung isn’t Park Il-do — it’s Priest Yang.

Yoon refuses to believe it. A flashback shows him as a boy at the orphanage, being bullied by the other children because he was a weird, silent kid that everyone said was possessed by a demon, just like his older brother. Priest Yang intervened and shooed the bullies away, but Yoon threw a rock at the priest, tearfully insisting that his brother isn’t a demon and wasn’t the one who killed his parents.

Priest Yang hugged young Yoon, reassuring him that his brother didn’t do it. As Yoon bawled into Priest Yang’s shoulder, the older priest promised Yoon that he would take care of him from now on.

Adult Yoon stops by Priest Yang’s office, but the nun tells him the priest is out. Yoon starts to walk away, and then decides to sneak upstairs to Priest Yang’s office. Everything seems normal (including the crucifix that is now hanging right-side up, whew).

Hwa-pyung stops by Yook Kwang’s home to talk to him about the fact he might be having Park Il-do visions, but the shaman isn’t there. That’s because he’s on his way to Hwa-pyung’s hometown.

Yook Kwang performs a ritual at Hwa-pyung’s old home, but there doesn’t seem to be anything nefarious there. He’s about to leave when he suddenly senses something, and he frantically digs at the ground, just like he did when he discovered Priest Choi’s body.

He stops when he sees something that horrifies him. He backs away in terror, but an invisible force grips him by the throat, lifting him in the air.

Meanwhile, Hwa-pyung makes himself at home at Yook Kwang’s. A candle blows out on the shaman’s shrine, so Hwa-pyung relights it — but it immediately blows out again.

Yook Kwang, dangling in the air, gasps for his life. He tries to put up a fight, but the invisible entity tosses Yook Kwang around like he’s a rag doll. Yook Kwang manages to escape long enough to retreat to the car, just as Hwa-pyung calls him. Yook Kwang gasps out that he’s found out who Park Il-do is, but before he can say anything more, the invisible spirit grabs him around the throat.

Yook Kwang drives off, but the stranglehold causes him to veer off into a field. He spits up blood as runs from the invisible spirit. Then he suddenly turns around and yells at the spirit to leave Hwa-pyung alone.

The spirit grabs Hwa-pyung and breaks his neck, and Yook Kwang falls down dead as someone slowly walks towards his body.

Back in the city, Yoon searches through Priest Yang’s desk, but doesn’t find anything strange or that might be a clue that Priest Yang isn’t what he says he is. About to give up, Yoon picks up Priest Yang’s Bible.

He opens the Bible, only to discover that every page has been scribbled over and blacked out.

Someone reburies the thing that Yook Kwang uncovered, then turns around to face the camera. It’s Priest Yang.


Not gonna lie, my heart leapt into my throat a little bit when Priest Yang suddenly broke the fourth wall with that glance and smirk at the camera. It totally felt like Park Il-do was looking at me. (Which was probably the intent, but hey, it still got me!)

I kept thinking that Priest Yang would turn out to be another red herring just like Grandpa, so it’s satisfying to know that my hunch after all this time has turned out to be correct. Buuuuuuut it also means that the only parental figure Yoon has left in the world is now the vessel for the most evil spirit ever, who also just happens to be the spirit responsible for killing Yoon’s real parents. Yoon’s definitely going to need some therapy to deal with that — if he lives that long. After all, if we go by the prophecy, there’s only one exorcism left Yoon can do, and then he’ll die.

So now I’m even more nervous about our trio making it to the end, alive and… well, maybe not “happy and healthy,” but at least not stalked by demons. Especially since we no longer have Yook Kwang. Sob. I was so happy that we managed to save Detective Go, only to have the show turn around and take my other favorite sidekick from us. It’s not fair! I know Park Il-do wants to kill everyone around Hwa-pyung, but I thought Yook Kwang would survive! Who is going to feed and care for Hwa-pyung now? (I’d say Yoon would, but he’s not exactly in the right state of mind at the moment.)

As terrible as it sounds, though, I do appreciate that this is a show that isn’t afraid to kill off characters. Since we managed to save Grandpa (despite being in a coma) and now Detective Go, I’d fallen into the assumption that our little misfit family would survive whatever Park Il-do threw at them — with some injuries and scars, of course, but they’d still survive! Yook Kwang, however, has shown us that there are consequences. Characters will die, and it could even be the characters we’ve grown to love.

I’ll still blindly live in hope that there’s somehow a “happily ever after” for our trio, but I’m growing increasingly worried that Yoon is on a suicide mission and that Hwa-pyung’s guilt will also make him a willing sacrificial lamb, since we’ve repeatedly heard the only way to truly get rid of Park Il-do is to kill the body he’s inhabiting. While it’s unclear yet how or why Hwa-pyung has his visions, it does seem like there’s a connection to Park Il-do. Maybe Hwa-pyung isn’t possessed the way Priest Yang is, but it feels like it’s more than just psychic ability that gives him his visions, and that even if we kill Priest Yang (which… as evil as he is, I don’t want the trio to have even more death on their hands), some part of Park Il-do might still live on because of the connection with Hwa-pyung.

For now, though, I’m dying of curiosity about what’s buried in Hwa-pyung’s grandfather’s back yard. Was it something that the human Park Il-do buried when he used to live in that area, before he killed his family and then drowned in the sea? Or is it something more recent, from that night twenty years ago? If it’s destroyed, will Park Il-do then be destroyed — so that neither Yoon or Hwa-pyung will have to sacrifice themselves? I’m going to tell myself it can happen, that there’s a way to defeat Park Il-do that won’t fulfill a curse. Maybe I’m being blindly optimistic, but for my own sanity, I’m clinging to the desperate hope that our heroes will win — that they’ll triumph over evil and, most importantly, live to tell the tale.


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This episode is completely SAD. It left me with so much crying like when GY begged Detective Go to stop and reminded his operation scar, and when she talked over the phone with his wife - sobs sobs sobs -

I feel sad for Yoon as well. Aside he's losing fatherly figure in Priest Yang, I'm afraid that Yoon will die.. OH NO... it hurts to see the scars all over his body... It might true that exorcism could drain soul - like what Priest Han told him in the earliest episodes and that he needs to stop.

For Yook-gwang... you'll be forever remember Yook-gwang Hyung... :(((


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Thanks @odilettante for the recap , and it really was a sad episode , which left me emotionally drained .


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This week is gonna be their last battle....


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I really couldn't bring myself to watch many parts of this episode. Particularly not Yook Gwang's death. *Stuff fingers in ears* it's didn't happen. LALALALALALA


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I know , and that leaves me both worried and relieved , happy and sad .
Worried about them coming out of this safe and sound and relieved with the hope that they will vanquish the big bad evil , happy because this drama through and through didn't drop quality and proved that what I was saying is true "The Guest Is The Best" and sad because I won't be able to see our lovely trio next week .
I really hope they consider doing another season not necessarily next week , because I don't want it just to see our Scoopy gang , I expect the same quality in everything so take your time preparing the next season please .


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@odilettante, just wanted to alert you to a typo after your lead paragraph: EPISODE 14 RECAP. Thanks for your dedication. I've just re-watched to refresh my memory, and will now read. Thanks for persevering through this intense and heartrending episode. This has been a horrible week for the God(s) Squad.


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They tricked us into a false sense of security when they saved Detective Go just to then kill Yook Kwang.
And poor Yoon these last episodes you could just see the seems holding him together unraveling.


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I mean, everyone said it but this episode really is sad. I was bawling during GY and sunbae's wife phone conversation especially when she assures GY that he wont blame her. Those three always feel like everything happen because of them so, that assurance, I just broke down as if I'm GY.. I mean, just writing this down makes my heart aches.

We all see a lot of exorcisms the past weeks but this one to me was the most chilling ever. They way the spirits taunting them, I actually had to pause because dang, I got goosebumps all over me. And I'm watching it during the day, unlike the other episodes!!

And seeing Yoon spiraling down scares me. It feels like I'm watching Mo Tae Gu taking over him the way he speaks to YukGwang and try to wrestle HP to exorcize him. Ohh Yoon~ He is mentally and physically weak already and knowing PY is probably PID, I'm not sure he can survive this week tbh.

Hyuunnggg.... whhhyyyy... why you have to investigate at night and alone. TT_TT I was screaming to HP to gets a vision, hoping HP can run to YG and save him but....


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I got scared for a moment when yoon was interrogating yook gwang- to me it seemed like he was possessed and trying to convince him that HP was park il do. Good thing that YG didn't doubt HP, but they really have to stop hurting the main trio (and us) like this😭


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Inferior demon(s) possessed Detective Go, which is why the exorcism succeeded in freeing him. Park Ho-san turned in a gripping performance as Kil-young's infernally-occupied partner. It was truly sad to see him carrying on like a rabid animal. I suspected that he would climb in the window after Kil-young, but even so, it was creepy as hell.

LOL about the gazillion candles that miraculously showed up. Yoon's exorcism kit couldn't have carried them all. Hwa-pyung must have conjured them out of thin air. The setting with the windows on the top floor of the building under renovation looks like a scene in SKETCH. I was surprised to see that there was running water, for the fire sprinkler system, perhaps? But shouldn't it have been set off by all those burning candles? LOL.

When it comes to exorcisms, one can never have too much holy water. Detective Go basically was exorcised by total immersion, which succeeded in driving the inferior spirits out of him. It looked very much like baptism, which was apt because it literally gave the detective a new lease on life and freed him from spiritual darkness, even if he didn't have any memory of it. If it had been Park Il-do in residence, Go would have gone the Oedipus route and killed himself. Not that what he endured wasn't bad. But it could have been so much worse.

It was truly painful to see the mistrust that broke the team's coherence during Go's possession and exorcism and later interactions. Truth to tell, I've been wondering for a while if both Hwa-pyung and Yoon are doomed because they had been directly exposed to Park Il-do as children, whereas Kil-young had not been. I'm concerned that PID slipped in under the radar long ago and has a foothold in each of them.

I have a feeling that Go's wife's phone call was a clue to an overlooked factor in the success of the exorcism. She regards Kil-young as his little sister, and is so warmly concerned for both of them that all I can say is that familial love conquers all. It is in this regard that both Yoon and Hwa-pyung are vulnerable. Yoon has lost all his blood kin, and only has Priest Yang since he was orphaned. Hwa-pyung still has comatose Grandpa – and Yook Kwang who took him under his wing after he left home. For all their busting of chops, the shaman is not a fake, and has helped Hwa-pyung along his ancestral path, just as Priest Yang has inspired and mentored Yoon. Whereas Yook Kwang has only ever tried to protect and guide Hwa-pyung, Priest Yang has been fooling Yoon, and leading him into temptation. Was that orphanage a sanctuary, or the lion's den?


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I was very chilled by Det Go's possession ... such a stream of words ... evil orders, lies and murmurings issued from him, more I feel, than for others who were possessed. The words affected both Yoon and HP who were on the receiving end of them, tearing at their bonds, eroding their trust.

The problem with listening to evil creatures, is that one runs the risk of being convinced by twisted logic, half-truths and lies (as in the Garden of Eden). I'm not sure how much store to set by the words of all the demons, although some foreshadowed things may appear to be fulfilled.

As an aside: I was reflecting on how fitting it is that we get the last 2 episodes of The Guest on the 31 Oct (All Hallow's Eve) ... Halloween and 1 Nov (All Souls' Eve) or All Saints' Day. 😌 In the Chinese calendar, we also recently finished with the month of the Hungry Ghost.

I'm looking forward to the last episodes but with trepidation, as I anticipate more pain and likely death. And yet I'm hopeful that our trio will somehow get beyond their distrust and disunity to achieve their bitter goal.


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It hadn't registered that the drama's finale takes place at a spiritually significant time in real life. ;-)

Thanks for the reminder of All Saints' [Hallows'] Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls' Day (Nov. 2). I've posted one of my favorite hymns on my fan wall. It is uplifting and majestic, and should help lift our spirits in the wake of the dark night of the soul this episode depicts.

Halloween [All Hallows' Eve] overlaps with the old Celtic festival of Samhain, the third of the harvest festivals that start with Lammas in early August, followed by the autumnal equinox. (To the Celts, like the Jews, the day starts at sunset, hence the significance of the prior eve.) At Samhain, regarded as the start of winter and the new year, the veil between the worlds is considered to be more permeable than usual. The fairy folk and ancestral spirits are abroad, as well as malign spirits. It's interesting to learn that the Hungry Ghost festival in China finishes roughly around the same time. A similarity I see is that the venerated ancestral spirits and the "Faithful Departed" of Roman Catholicism are regarded as benevolent protectors and intercessors. Prayers and Masses are said for the repose of the souls of the deceased on their death anniversaries.

I first became acquainted with the Hungry Ghost Festival when I lived in Hawai'i. Propitiating the spirits of the deceased, particularly those who had no living descendants to care for them, struck me as both touching and pragmatic. In ARANG AND THE MAGISTRATE I particularly liked the offerings of food to bereaved ghosties. A little kindness goes a long way when it comes to the disembodied.

I agree that the barrage of words issuing from poor Detective Go cannot be trusted. The inferior demon(s) infesting him report to a boss known as the Father of Lies. https://biblehub.com/john/8-44.htm


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Thanks @odilettante. This was a stressful episode, full of feels ... suspenseful, hopeful, horrifying, frightening, saddening. It left me with a sense of unease (which the next episode did not erase). When the battle between good and evil was around and about but outside their little community, it was bearable. But this episode has brought it even closer and has overstepped the boundaries to tear at the fabric of our trio's fragile alliance.

There is a double play on the word house I feel. A person's body houses one's spirit and could be house to other spirits that possess it. Or house could mean literally the homestead. It remains ambiguous whether when Priest Choi, looked at HP as a boy and said PID was still in the house, he meant that PID had not left HP or had not left the residence/its grounds.

If Choi meant the latter ie, the residence, then something in the house/grounds of the house or something in a person in that house still contained PID. If Choi was speaking of the former, then HP is possessed.

With Yuk Gwang's harrying off to Gyeyangjin to check for traces of PID, and losing his life there, will that erase doubts that HP houses PID? However the connection of HP and PID becomes stronger because something buried in HP's home keeps PID 'safe'. Like the knife and the dead crows, I guess the evil talisman has to be destroyed before anyone can get at PID. Let's hope Yuk Gwang is right when he insists that something else contains PID and PID is not in HP (and Yuk Gwang said, not even in Priest Yang).

What do the defaced pages of the Bible mean? That P Yang is definitely evil, but possessed by which spirit(s)?

The coincidence of YG going to Gyeyangjin and P Yang being there at the same time is rather much. Did I miss something that brought Yang to HP's old home, at that particular time?

I like the bathtub of holy water, and how it's similar to the baptism of immersion, and how effectively it worked to cleanse Det Go of the spirits. I'm thinking how about our trio does that for everyone else who could be possessed? 😆


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Maybe Yuk Gwang ritual alerted Priest Yang, I wonder how far the Sharing Hands headquarters/church is from HP home? Yoon, HP and KY reside in different city than Priest Yang from what I remember. I still don't think we know who PID is, Priest Yang is one of his underlings, maybe even the main one, but not the spirit himself imho, I wonder what make him join the dark side, not cookies I presume.


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I was hurting for mateo the entire episode. 😢


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Now we know who PID is, the writers are! They are out there to get us, and turn us into broken, sobbing mess!
I still have my doubts if Priest Yang is truly PID or his evil right hand man, I wonder what was his price for selling himself to PID.
Interesting clue from the writers seems to be that the best defence is trust and conviction, KY seems to be least affect by PID machinations because of that, whereas Yoon is now broken man because he lacks that. Now I wonder if all of them sees the end of the series, I fear what the evil writers prepared for us this final week.


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Yes the writer/writers and director are out to get us , they are sadists and evil .
If our Trio didn't see the end of this drama , I'm out to get them by making them drown in my tears 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


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But every times we thought that PID possessed one person, in fact he didn't but it was a weaker demon instead. Even the ones who stabbed their eye. So I'm lost what PID is really doing? What is Hwa Pyung for him?


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The scene with Yook Kwang was truly terrifying! Any guesses as to what he unearthed from the ground?


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@odilettante, thanks for identifying the house Yook Kwang went to as Grandpa's. In the dark, I couldn't recognize it. I'm itching to find out what it was that he felt compelled to dig up in the yard. He acted the same way he did at the base of the tree on which Priest Choi hanged himself. It was as if he were a metaphysical bloodhound pawing in the rubble for an accident victim.

Ominously, when Yook Kwang carped about the priest sending him to investigate an evil presence remaining in the Hwa-pyung's childhood home as he skulked around the yard, all I could think of was Mateo's strange conversation with him at his shrine. I didn't assume that Yook Kwang was referring to Priest Yang when he groused to himself about a priest sending him on a wild goose chase. I have the uncomfortable sense that Yook Kwang was digging his own grave.

I must commend Lee Won-jong for his performance as shaman Yook Kwang. The guy who appeared at first glance to be a fake fortuneteller actually turned out to be a caring and compassionate human being as well as an accomplished shaman. All of his interactions with Mateo were respectful, even when the priest was uptight and standoffish. I really appreciated his professional courtesy. RIP, Yook Kwang. I hope that Hwa-pyung is able to see your ghost, and that you can guide him from the other side in the most efficacious way to combat Park Il-do. Hwaiting!


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Is this really supposed to be Grandpa's house? Yook Gwang parked his car on a road in the woods with tall trees all around. To me it looks much more like he parked on the road to the tree where Priest Choi hanged himself. Grandpa's house is exposed on all sides and out in the open. The way the scene is shot is very confusing, perhaps intentionally.


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To me, it was heartbreaking when Detective Go asks Gil Young if she was beaten by gangsters. I can't even imagine how he'd react if he found out he almost killed his partner.


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Is there a reason Yook Kwang has a swatztika painted next to his gate..


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Swastika is an ancient religious symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism that occurred in left-handed and right-handed versions and was used across the Indian subcontinent and East and Southeast Asia. Native American tribes as well as Eurasian peoples used it, too. It was co-opted by the National Socialist German Workers' Party in 1920. Note the direction in which the Nazi "Hakenkreuz's" outer arms point, and that its alignment is rotated 45 degrees from horizontal.


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I Seriously think that one who is not in the right mind or experiencing hurdle in life, do not watch this show. Don't treat this drama just another kdrama to kill time. I DARE NOT WATCH AT THE NIGHT. I only watch in the day. gosh.. the possessing part and the exorcism are too much for me to handle.


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Great re-cap. Does anyone know the song that is playing when HP and Yoon were fighting in his house? Haunting melody. Love it


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This episode was too scary to watch. Thank you for the recap!

I was not prepared for Yook Kwang’s death. T_T Please no more deaths, but things are looking bleak for the good guys. Yoon needs to let the others know the truth asap, argh.


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That stare at the camera gave me the chills!! We knew it but its still shocking to have Park Il Do look at you in the eye! Its really sad everyone is losing their loved ones again... In the present day, one could say Yoon was the first victim of PID when his mentor died and even tho his menton told him exorcizing takes a toll on the body and soul, he didnt hesitate to exorcize those who needed so it makes my heart ache to see him so fragile right now! One could totally tell why he went a little crazy... He had to pretty much pick between a friend and his father figure to know who the biggest baddie of them all is! Im so worried for him because I feel he would anyway end up taking the fall


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Re-watching this amazing show and only now realized that the translation got it all wrong and more than sure made us also not see the big clue that it was in fron of us in respect of PID wereabouts....The message that Priest Choi always says to young HP is not "Come out PID" but "He is with us" yet it got mislleded by the VIU translators...IF u listen clearly to it u will see that that "Nawha" isin't for "come out"...


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