Story time with me but not a fancy fun one like beanies’ with gifs. 😁

Since I have a drama slump I decided to go back and recount all the kdramas I love. My Ajusshi moved me to indescribable levels. It’s a gem and I added it to my small list of ultimate favorite drama list. There is just a handful of dramas I love so much that I can overlook their weaknesses. One such drama is Beautiful Mind. Okay so I’m 99% sure that no one else loves BM as much as I do. I ADORE this drama. Yes, it had its flaws but it just hit all the right notes for me. It was my first encounter with all the leads and thus I became a fan of PSD, JH, and YHM. I was so obsessed with the drama when it was airing. Every other word out of my mouth was related to BM and my beloved wifi couple. I camped at Soompi and read every single post there. Posted about it 24/7. It was a severe case of kdrama obsession. And then it ended (don’t get me started on the episode cut). So you’d think it was over, right? NOPE. Idk if I should feel embarrassed but I rewatched it 4 times in the span of two months and refused to watch anything else. Then I rewatched it with Spanish subs because why not? But it didn’t end there!

A few months after it aired I saw some kfans on Twitter where making a fanbook for BM. With my limited Korean I tried to figure out what they were talking about. Then I mustered up the courage to ask! Gosh, if my understanding is limited, my writing skills are a mess! But I took out my dictionary and asked what it was about. The kfan was super nice, thankfully (she was also happily surprised that an international fan noticed their project). 😭 So pretty much it was going to be a book with fanfics, a comic, fanart, and a photocard. I complimented her/them on their work based on the samples they had tweeted and envied kfans who were going to get ahold of it. So I moved on….for a few days until I decided I needed the book! Cue another session with my dictionary. I asked if she would ship it to the US. Yup! But then came the dilemma of how I was going to pay for it. PayPal. (As you may imagine my dictionary never abandoned my side for days.) We had difficulties figuring PayPal out and yes I had a long Twitter conversation with her ALL in Korean. My brain was fried by the time we figured it out. And tada! Two weeks later I received my package!! And she sent me 2 extra photocards! So my little BM fanbook is such a treasure for me. Not only because it’s about one of my favorite dramas but also because of all the effort I had to go through to get my hands on it. The comic is super cute and very in tune with the characters. The fanfics are longggg. I don’t understand them entirely but I got the gist of them. One day my Korean will be 100% and I’ll understand them though! …Or maybe one day I’ll find someone to translate it for me Haha. And the fanart! Gosh its gorgeous.

So yes. This has got to be the drama I went completely bonkers for and when I look back I just shake my head and laugh at myself. But meh. It was worth it.

Sidenote: I ended up learning that in Korea they make these type of fanbooks for different shows, games, original stories and all the different fandoms get together and have a little festival of sorts. They each have their own little booth where they sell their creations. I saw pictures of it and I thought it was really neat. The Lee Young Oh in me wondered how legal it was because sometimes, such as was the case with the BM fanbook, the characters aren’t their original works obviously.🙊 But they had it on a college campus so maybe it’s okay. Who knows lol.


    I love BM too but definitely not at your level. The fanart is really nice.

    Btw, just curious -may I know what’s behind your handle?


      Yeah I admit I like it to a possible delulu level. 🙃

      “yong” from Yong Junhyung (kpop Highlights bias) and “-sital” from Gaksital (matter of fact one of the other dramas that fall into the ultimate favorite category) I made up this username years ago when I was on a Gaksital high and it just stuck.


        Great handle! I won’t pretend I know kpop but yeah Gaksital was a great drama.


        I appreciate your Yong handle! Yay for Highlight! I was listening to him almost exclusively yesterday in my room. There’s a Beanie presence there if you want them join us. @bamgent started it so go through her wall to see what’s up! And your story is amazing. What we fans will do for our favorite dramas!


          Aw yes all the love for Highlight! Hmm have I done anything crazy for them? 🤔 I mostly just spent a good portion of my teenage years fangirling them on tumblr/twitter/onehallyu. Hours..and hours…and hours gosh.

          Cool! I’ll definitely check it out when I have a bit more time. Thanks!!


    What a sweet story!!
    I love the fan art, thank you for sharing!!

    Awwww! ^^ <3 <3


    Wow, nice 💖💖💖
    You go girl 😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


    Wow! I got around to watching BM recently and loved its complex narrative but it’s impressive that you held entire convos in Korean and got such a gorgeous fan made package/story!


      I believe I read your BM review a few days ago. It was such a delight seeing it mentioned on the fanwall. I actually kinda regret not taking screenshots of my conversation before deleting my Twitter account. Oh well lol.


        Noo you deleted memories! 😭 I’d have screenshotted it to show off my determination and language skills to others. Like “look at this. I held entire convos in Korean with an actual Korean!” 😂


    I loved this drama so much, it will forever have a special place in my heart.
    I would also never forgive KBS2 for cutting it, I even remember -probably- starting the whole hate wave against Doctors (…sorry to its fans by the way). This is how mad I was when my favorite show wasn’t getting good ratings.
    I doubt I would be able to read the fanfics, but I really hope that someday I will get to learn korean and ask you where I can find this fanbook


      KBS and I still have an unsettled grudge. Personally I feel that PSD’s late entry into the show was a factor in how everything unfolded. I mean I would never swap her out with another actress but it did delay BM’s run. But the production company for Cinderella held her back for what I think were ridiculous reasons. It’s unfortunate because that drama ended up being incredibly lackluster compared to BM.
      I’ll share the comic with you one of these days. It’s short, cute, and this I do understand 100%. 😉


        After BM ended with an episode cut, I was heartbroken and scouring the internet for fanfics. Glad to know that there’s a korean following for our wifi couple! If anyone sees this and decides to write a fanfic for this show, chaebal let me know!


          And thanks @yongsital for sharing this lovely story! The length you go for BM is inspiring. 🙆🏻‍♀️ Enjoy reading the fanbook!


            @delphy010 Whaaaatt?!?! Lol! We must be kindred spirits of sorts (you like Highlight too!).

            See I also stalk(ed) your fanfic every now and then for the same reasons. 😄 It was adorable and I loved YO’s thought process. And aww thanks.

            …I’m still in shock over this realization tbh. Actually this is starting to remind me of kdramas where the leads were destined to meet, etc etc. 😉


            Ikr @yongsital! What are the odds that the only two bm fanfic writers would find each other
            LOL. I’m still in shock too. This feels like some sort of un myeong. *Runs into your arms*


          There’s like 2 fanfics?

          Little one-shot:

          Hehe and I forgot to add “writing fanfiction” as part of my BM obsession. Here’s mine 😊:


            Oh my gosh. The other fanfic is written by me. Hahahahaha…

            I remember your fanfic and enjoyed it so much! The quirks of youngoh and jinsung are so on point and your story brought me more closure than the drama’s ending.

            I checked and read it a few times hoping this writer-nim would add more chapters to it.
            Ahhh @yongsital i can’t believe this.


            I wanted to read them before replying.
            I had a lot of fun reading them, and I loved how comfortable they were with each other and how simple the scenarios were. KDramas really need to spend more time on writing relationships after the leads become a couple.
            Thanks for recommending such a sweet and cute stories. ^.^


    This is so cute! I applaud your efforts in contacting them, and to whomever replied to your tweets, they’re awesome for responding to you.


    Ahh what a great story. 🙂 I liked BM too. Glad you got the fanbook! I didn’t know they made them. The artwork is so nice.


    I never knew about people making fanbooks before. That’s so cool 🙂 All the translating work you had to do to get the fanbook is making me interested in the show 🙂


      Do give it a try one day!!!!!!!! Like I said, I love every minute of it but I (begrudgingly) accept that it gets incredibly good at episode 5. Some viewers found the first few episodes boring or frustrating because of the girl but I loved her from day one so I didn’t feel that way. The OTP is super cute btw.


    I mean I could totally talk BM for four hours with you. Lol. Where were you during my BM high? I actually got my mom to watch it and she absolutely loved it!


    Fancy that. JBL is another fave. Seems like we have similar tastes.👍
