Ep. 38 rewatch: He’s judging his bro so hard here. He’s confused. He’s frowning. Is he jealous? 😂



    🤣🤣 But he says he needs to push his bro to Liangchen so he’d be safe 🤣🤣 whatever that safe means.

    The middleman of this love triangle! We love him too much.


    We need a special episode of Ji Jin’s tale please! Need to see this drama through his lens.

    We need to know what thoughts are swirling in his head as he witness all this 🤣🤣


      Ji Jin makes the best faces (after Gu Yanzhen, of course), the looks he gives them kill me!


        😅😅 This drama def wont be the same without him.


          Yes, absolutely! I mean, look at that side-eye! LOL!
          Also, just finished episode 43, bawled my eyes out, WHY SHOW?!


            *hands over tissues and lots of water to keep you hydrated*
            It’s going to get a bit rough before it gets better, but hang in there!


            Oh no! I’m already worried a bout a couple of characters that have been suddenly getting a lot of screen-time, I’m thinking the show is trying to get us attached to them so later it will hurt more (Yes, I’m talking about Li Wenzhong, this new focus on him is scaring me).


            *sobs* azzo, these are very sensitive topics that my heart…. sobs…….


            Hopefully, I get time to do an AMA spam today because I NEED to talk to you guys about episodes 36-43, the angst hit hard in these episodes, also ep 43!!!!!!!!!


            ttyl azzo. *sobs* I’ve been refusing to accept that reality….


            Azzoooo, *pat pat**hugs* we here for you~~~ TT__TT


      I love him even more now. I miss his expressive face. 🙈

      I dunno if that kind of special episode would be aired… His version of the story might end up being censored. 😂

      By the way, your screenshots are such good quality! My poor little prehistoric laptop can’t cope with all the handsomeness.


        😭😭 I miss everything about this drama and yes that especially includes Ji Jin’s face.

        His version of the story might end up being censored. 😂

        😂😂😂 Darn China government! Lift these stupid bans and let Ji Jin air his version of this love triangle on national TV.

        Huehehe. I actually screenshot from my phone! I screenshot from viki app! The phone retains the pretty HD quality that viki has!😉


        “My poor little prehistoric laptop” hoping it won’t die anytime soon *being a bit sad here thinking of my previous old laptop T_T*


    Where are you watching this, if I may ask? I can only find 2 episodes on Youtube


      GASSSP! Are you gonna try Arsenal, bebe??? *excited* anyways, it’s on Viki. iQiYi has the rights to this show, so they’re not uploading it on YT channel but on their app. If Viki doesn’t work for you, try this https://www.fanstui.com/vodplay/817-1-1.html?_ga=2.109940870.2058163783.1575176423-363127047.1566059861


        Thank you <3 fantsui.com is working for me, so I won't have the need for Viki– thankfully, because Viki has been upsetting me as of late, especially even more after their turn in using bots and replacing actual human subbers 🙁

        Yes, I'm going to give this one a try 🙂 I just finished the entirety of "A Little Thing Called Love" (in just 5 days, no less lol) and I'm currently snailing my way thru the finale episode (ep. 16) of "My Country" .

        I am in desperate need of something to keep me busy, without going back to "The Untamed", and also need something to keep my mind off from my mind wandering off and thinking about and getting sad & upset about the death of Godfrey Gao


          Get past 3 episodes and you’d be on board by the 4th.


            I think I can do that… I had to make myself sit thru the first 15 super confusing episodes of “The Untamed “ before I really got into it 😅😅 2-3 episodes is nothing 👍🏻👍🏻


            Haha that’s great. Actually the story does move but only after 4 ep one feels a little connected and that ep 1 is bad and all over the place. It also reminds me how i left the Untamed because the first episode confused me a lot. It gave a lot of NIF vibes, which unpopular opinion, I didn’t like. Maybe it takes 15 to get invested.


            It’s okay, a lot of dramas feel like they’re all over the place during the first 2 episodes or so, regardless if it’s a Kdrama or a Cdrama

            Sigh “The Untamed” 😅😅😅 It took me 3 weeks just to get past the Episode 7 mark

            My mom has watched “Nirvana in Fire” season 1 and only half of season 2 (*SPOILERS: After a major character died half way, she gave up 😅😅), and I’ve only watched snippets of it while she was watching. I feel like it’s one of those dramas you really gotta glue your butt down to watch as much as you can in one go, for the reason that it is a strict political & strategies drama without any fluff or love lines on the side to give your mind a little breather— the main plot is what you get and all that you get with that one


            I echo @wapzy’s thoughts. Get past episode 3 and you’ll be fine.

            Re. Nirvana in Fire. I initially stayed for the gorgeous settings and music, and subtle but powerful acting. The camerawork is so good that you can see the textures and patterns in their robes. Fluff? There is none, but there is an understated sad romance and some heartfelt bromance. It’s not all plot. Yes it was hard at first because there are many characters, introduced gradually, so you don’t really know where the story is going until episode 6. In my view that’s the deal-breaker episode where things all come together. If you didn’t like it until then you won’t like afterwards.

            NIF2 is a straightforward story in comparison, following mainly the story of one family. If you like a story about family and brothers it’s good, and yes, it makes you cry.


            oh yay @bebeswtz you’re going to watch Arsenal 🙂
            like other Beanies said, don’t drop it too fast , then you’ll have a drama with balance romance and camaraderie . There’s patriotic theme sometimes but it’s all forgotten with the goofy male lead with his double winks and eyebrows movement x) .

            (Nirvana in Fire was my 1st C-drama , watched it in 2018 and it directly went on my fav drama list . I watched NIF 2 earlier in 2019 it was a nice one but not as good as NIF , also the red priest scared too much 🙁 )


            Yup!! I was planning to start it sooner (after I finished “A Little Thing Called First Love”, actually), but got sidetracked and remembered “Gank Your Heart”, so I started that instead lol If nothing else grabs my attention after “Gank Your Heart”, then I will for sure start “Arsenal…” 🙂


            @bebeswtz we’ll be waiting to hear from you when you start Arsenal 😉 😉


            @wishfultoki 🥰🥰🥰🥰😉😉😉😉
