Open Thread #111

For those of you/us in the States, Happy (day after) Thanksgiving! Hope you all had lots of turkey and good stuff. I personally have no desire to brave the mad shopping crowds for Black Friday, but may you all be blessed with good retail luck. I’m off to bask in the LA sunshine! This is the first time I’ve been in this city as a mere visitor. Weird.


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Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I've just finished watching Dal Ja's Spring, yes, I started this Korean rage a tad slower than most. Watched this after reading JB's recommendation and am so glad I did. Am so missing Tae Bong and Dal Ja. sob! :P Now, I'm at a lost at what to do or watch next. Any suggestions? Usually I prefer romantic comedy genre but since I think I've covered all the good ones, I think I'll go for Mixed Up Investigative Agency next.


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Hi all... I'm still feeling v down about the end of YB. I was planning to watch it all again, but I think I have to wait a bit.

So, on my viewing-next list, in honour of JGS (of whom I'd never heard pre-YB) I will watch Hong Gil Dong. Last night I tried a few Nonstop4 episodes and rather liked it. I like that kind of daily short show--it's 20 mins per episode and nothing momentous, it just sort of cruises along, you can dip in and out without losing any major plot development. Let me just say though, JGS has radically improved as an actor since those days! Wow. Got to give that guys kudos for putting in the hard work--he's clearly concentrated on his acting and it has paid off.

@ Nom_Kitteh : we have pretty similar tastes, I think, and you have two on your all-time list which I haven't watched yet (Dalja's Spring and Time of Dog and Wolf) so I will try those soon. DB gives a good review to Mixed-Up Investigative Agency, so I'm thinking of trying that, too.

My all-time list is now:

1. Coffee Prince (first ever full K-drama -- great plot, great screen chemistry all around, great ending... and I had NO expectations about what might happen, rooted for The Voice for the longest time in full expectation he and Go Eun Chan would end up together -- in some ways I miss that lack of foreknowledge of k-drama conventions, now b/c that kind of suspense doesn't happen anymore. The question isn't now are those two going to end up in love, but only, is one of them going to die before they get around to confessing and consummating?).
2. YB (made me laugh so much and made me really feel engaged with the characters--maybe that's also partly the DB community communal watching experience-- good plot, amazing screen chemistry all around except Shinwoo (sorry ! but he didn't do anything for me -- but oh boy, the other secondary characters were fantastic), and an ending I can live with after thinking through JB's comments, but which left me seriously underwhelmed... yet the series still makes #2).
3. My Name is Kim Sam Soon -- in a tie with City Hall. Loved the plots, CH had much better screen chemistry between the leads (I didn't like the 2ndary leads in MNIKSS, but in CH I was a huge fan of Boo Mi (? KSA's best friend)). Both had good and satisfying endings.
4 (or should it be 5?) My Girl.

OK, I'm going to have a late Thanksgiving dinner tonight with some transplanted US friends--they're deep frying the turkey this year (?!! I'm assuming it's some quaint American custom) and I can't miss that.

OH, sorry, far too long post. Didn't realize how much I was blathering on.


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Wow... So this is the YB addicts support group... It's always good to know that you're not alone. :)

Withdrawal from my drug is nasty. At least in the US you can distract yourself with shopping and overeating. While the rest of us are left hopping that Will It Snow On Christmas will be good enough to fill in the void. I also have to find a way to overcome my dislike for Han Ye-seul. If I don't, enjoying Go Soo's gorgeousness will be really difficult.

Anyway... Thanks JB for recapping this wonderful drama for us.


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Happy Friday everyone. Today is a beautiful day here in Phoenix. I just came back from some black friday shopping, and thank goodness it wasn't too crazy out there.

I'm in a really good mood today (shopping therapy at its best..lol). Driving around with the windows down listening to kpop was probably the most wonderful part of my day!

I am in love with Smile, You. My goodness it is so hilarious, but I cannot stand Jung In's appa. He pisses me off so much, with his selfish attitude and deceiving ways. I feel like he is an older version of Han Se.

Have an awesome weekend.


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I think I might be the only one, but YB started off really great for me, however, I gradually lost interest somewhere in the last quarter of the series. The ending wasn't satisfying at all and I was constantly wondering if Mi-Nyeo ever met with her own twin brother face-to-face (or if she even wanted to). lol. Oh well, it IS Drama Land.


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Me too, I started out loving YB, but lost interest due to Smile,You. Nothing else was captiving and interesting enough for me. This is the first time I'm not enjoying my four day weekend because I keep hoping it's Sat already. hehehe

One more day, here come Sat.


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Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving (those that celebrate it), there is just so much to be thankful for.

Since this is the YB support group. Let's give thanks to the wonderful production crew, staff ,creators and artists that brought us so much joy these past few months. And hopefully they can have a special like the ones they have for Goong and such. But instead of it being the talk show kind , they can sing and dance show us the BTS and concert footage too. That would send us to heaven...since we shall miss them so much. So we all need to all buy pig rabbit so that we have something to cuddle and talk to in our hours of sheer desperation since we don't have any new YB stuff to get our hands on.

Javabeans, enjoy LA and go to Ktown yummy food and lots of stuff to discover. The weather is great too.


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Just got back from Black Friday shopping - the crowd was not really that bad. Maybe because I started late - left the house at 12noon. lol. Too lazy to wake up at 4am to shop. Still got good bargains from Target and Old Navy. I'm off again to Macy's later to buy Christmas present for myself and the rest of the clan. lol

Enjoy the rest of the long weekend everyone!


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I was one of the crazies out there @ 3:30 AM for Black Friday shopping. I finished the majority of my Christmas shopping - so I can't complain too much. After much needed sleep, I got up around 5pm and thought about YAB and the finale recap. It was there! Woohoo!

I've been watching Tokyo Dogs in the interim. I've been enjoying it. I'm just not sure which drama to take on next. I really want to watch Down With Love w/ Jerry Yan and Ella Chen (lawyer tricked to think his nanny is lesbian b/c she needed the job and he prob ends falling in love w/ her - ah! the drama) but I'm not sure as to when that begins.

To hear of Gong Yoo's release is an exciting event. {Please...please..choose a note worthy project.} Hmm...now thinking of Gong Yoo, I think I might dig into some old stuff like She's on Duty or Biscuit Teacher, Star Candy.


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G'DAY! Happy Thanksgiving Day to your side of the globe!
THANK YOU for the recaps. Missing YB already. Watching it again. Rereading the recap too.
MORE PLEASE! 'YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL" season 2, please!

Reading & waiting for more The Sons of Sol Pharmacy recap.
What about "Creating Destiny" recap.


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Welcome to my city, enjoy! Don't let the people freak you out! I did black Friday once, never AGAIN! People are crazy!

Thank you for You're Beautiful! Loved it!


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happy turkey day!!!

its black friday and the sale are ..... waaaaaah!!!!!!!!!! the only thing u need is money!!!!
but there are alot of good stuff to buy..and good deals too...


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So, we're going to play all time favorite k-dramas?

1 - Coffee Prince - well done through and through. Great writing, acting, use of supporting players, and never overdone.

2 - MNIKSS - also great, well done, well written, well acted and so very different from the usual. And I still have a crush on the chef.

3 - Emperor of the Sea - for me the drama that started it all by accident on AZN as I tuned in early to watch the Japanese evening news one day. For that alone it deserves to stay in my top list, but it has everything a sageuk needs, history, battles, acting, good guys, bad guys, bad guys who were almost good guys, bad guys who reform, the unobtainable girl, the evil witch, etc.

4 - You Are Beautiful - taking over the 4 spot. This is the first show that I've watched live, that I decloaked for here and in soompi, that I enjoyed every silly minute of.

5 - Dae Jang Geum - After EOTS, it was on AZN and it just fed the addiction. From there I went online and into full blown k-drama fan with DVDs and the whole shebang.

And strangely enough, for someone who is a KRW fan through and through - none are KRW shows, although Attic Cat probably is in the top 10.

BTW, I was out in the real world today, and during a break was taking a nap listening to my iPod. As I got up a friend of mine said "what are you listening to?" "Korean pop music - k-pop" (it was actually the Fly to the Sky at that particular moment, but try explaining that or Epik High when plain k-pop strikes people as odd enough) "K-pop? Why?" Which launched me into yet another impassioned explanation of the genre. I have yet to convert anyone to my k-pop addiction, although the j-pop faction here at home is putting up less of a fight (thank you Lee Hong Ki! YAB and FT Island has sucked in a J-pop/J-metal fan into the K-pop world!) However, what with one thing and another, I now have a strong desire to get some yookgaejang carry out at Monas down the road from where I was.....


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Ninja Assassin is the BEST THING EVER! I left the movie theater and hour and a half ago and my heart has still not returned to beating normally. I'll admit, it's a near continuous rain (get it... Rain? Haha, I slay me!!) of blood and body parts from about 2-minutes in but it never feels gratuitous. I'm not even really a gore and mess girl and I loved it. Absolutely amazing... definitely the best action movie I can remember seeing. Also my Boyfriend Rain did very well with his English. It came across a tad bit stiff and monotone, but that totally fit with his whole "I was raised to be a heartless killing machine" character. Pretty much, my eyebrows went up in shock sometime during the opening scene and never came back down. My exact words upon leaving the theater were "I can't close my eyes." I went to see it with my friend, Lance, and about halfway through we both leaned over to each other and were like "This is wonderful." Some other quotes were

Lance: Why do I really feel like I just got off a roller coaster?
Z: Yeah, except it's all down.
Lance: Exactly, just "Ahhhhhh!"

Z: I don't think I can ever watch another movie again.
Lance: It's definitely going to be a long time before I can see a movie.

Seriously, drop what you're going and get thee to the movie house!!


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Dearest Javabeans,

You constantly amaze me by the way you just provide provide provide/give give give on your website. I'd like to say I'm thankful for you and your wonderfulness in the form of your website, dramabeans. I mean...I didn't think you'd actually have the You're Beautiful recap ready b/c of Turkey Day (hey, everyone needs a vacation!) but you willingly did that for the fans.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Gobble Gobble


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This is my first weekend without YAB.
Life will go on. I hope.


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....yeah, I sneaked my laptop to work and hiding in the back office...

Like the rest of you, I'm suffering severely from YB withdrawal. Even though I didn't plan it, I ended up "cheating" and watched the raw version of the last 2 episodes til the wee hours. (I couldn't wait!!!!!). And THANK YOU JB FOR THE RECAPS!!!
At first, I was looking forward to another kiss between HTK & GMN, but I thought about it- the first "kiss" was "mannequinish", and second one was just plain "cute' (GMN, don't you dare turned into Pig Rabbit ;) Instead the Hong sisters gave us a better endearment from HTK. The fact that the proud HTK gave his pride up, searching desperately for his Pig Rabbit , and then delivered one of the all time best, romantic line "Listen Well what I will tell you everyday- I love you". It was definitely a "awwwwww" for me ( @130am) last nite/this morning??

Come to think of it, both HTK and GMN are "immature"( as in inexperienced )in the love department. He never knows about a loving relationship, no thanks to his mother. She lives in a sheltered environment her whole life.So, the chast/mild ending is actually quite adequate for these two. I mean the only kdrama that I've seen that had a passionate relationship is of course CH. Now, that's passion, whoo, whoo. Mirae/Gookie should definitely win in the couple award, hands down.
I'm very happy with the ending, and the Hong sisters hit this one "out of the ball park " again. I actually like this(YB) more than HGD-sorry @langdon- the fusion saeguk and the ending kinds meh for me.
I will definitely miss my "sunshine" Jeremy; the 1-step-too-late/but caring Shin Woo; the nuttty Manager Ma/Coordinator Wong; and of course the sweet, but naive GMN, and her love-the ever sulking HTK. Sorry, a ICOMYM moment, I still love you, JGS.
As for my cure for the withdrawal, I will continue watching Hwang Jin Yi ( even though JGS's character is no longer there). I'm also doing "round 2" of YB since I got my 16yo to marathon with me from the beginning.( She adores Jeremy. She even d/l all the ringtones for me, he he @momosan) ....all these will keep me busy until my main"manrem" Gong Yoo will be done with his military service(.**ahem @langdon, I saw you in another post, drooling on him...I'm going to "Samsooki" you- HE'S MINE ;) Besides, the end of the year is usually crazy in the clinic, when every one is trying to use up their FLEX / insurance plan before the end of the year @_@


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Greeting from Saigon Viet Nam...only one more day here...It has been a very nice 4 weeks in my homeland except I am going crazy with no Kdrama...only IRIS and they just air eps 6 last thursday. No turkey dinner for me but hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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Is this the YAB Withdrawal Support Group? Pleased to meet you all.

I am getting my internet fix before catching a taxi to the airport to catch a flight home. After two weeks on the road, I'm ready to sleep in my own bed tonight. A couple of busy work weeks and more socialising than my introvert self would like have not much dampened my YAB ardour; plotting how to get enough internet to keep up with the watching, and reading JB (But, alas, not enough time or internet access to discuss much).

Now for normal life -- and my City Hall dvd! Watched episode 4, and have to say that I'm still not captured. But will persevere -- the Sisterhood Insists.

*Really* enjoyed YAB. But not blown away by ending. And ready to move on. Life is rich! I love the internet (All of the piracy and none of the scurvy!)


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yada yada to YB Anonymous
Still getting the BTS - last concerts and parodies .. not going cold turkey yet :p
Have high hopes for the DVD set - should include footage from both concerts and the parodies (longer than the 40 sec cuts please!) and the BTS interactions b/w the actors/ actresses :p


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@63 momosan: yes, it is totally listing fav k-drama game time! I revise my list after every fav show -- but Coffee Prince and MNIKSS have consistently been at 1 and 2 forever. It looks like those two appear in just about everyone's lists.

It's interesting how many good dramas there were this year! YAB, City Hall, and, to a lesser extent. Story of a Man (the latter doesn't make it on my list just because of the whole incest ickiness and the lack of a strong female lead) are all from this year...and the former two are going to be on my list for a while.

@ 52 reluctantbutaddicted
Ooooh, you will LOVE Dalja's Spring. It has a quirkiness and a touch of madness to it that I think you will like.

I don't know if you will enjoy Time Between Dog and Wolf. It is not a romantic comedy -- which all of the others on my list are, obviously. TBDW is more like a precursor to IRIS, if you will, with action, spying, and undercover work. But something about it really got to me, and I ended up moved by it. I think it is because how nicely the characters are drawn, especially Lee Junki's and the crazy mob boss's. In fact, the mob boss was so good, I hated him while liking him. It's a bit on the melodrama side, which is unfortunate, but it really is a good, solid drama.

I'm curious to hear what you think about it, actually. It's not the kind of stuff I usually enjoy...

About Mixed Up Investigative Agency: I didn't care for it. It was too...cutesy for me. But it is an unusual set up for a k-drama... Think Lizzie McGuire and Even Stevens and Scooby Doo and a touch of Sabrina, the Teenage Witch -- lots of hi-jinks and lulz.

I completely forgot to include What Happened in Bali in my list. There -- now I have the melodramas covered!


Am I the only one to want Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy to fall in love? They would be so good for each other! The last couple of episodes showed how much Jack is willing to screw everyone EXCEPT Liz over. He consistently watched out for her. Granted, he thinks she is unattractive and looks like a boy, but I think there is something there. Or it is wishful thinking.

@ 69 serendipity: Please do stay with City Hall for another couple of episodes! It gets better -- then magical!


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I'm watching Ninja Assasin tomorrow!!!!
Need my fix of dear ol' Rain


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hope you had a good thanksgiving JB..and hope your visit to LA was good!!..
i love LA..!!..weather here's been great here too :)


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my mom woke me up at 4 am and dragged me to walmart so she could get a crockpot on sale....seriously a crockpot?? everyone else was grabbing tvs and electronics and my mom was like " grab one of the crockpots linz!!" loove black friday!


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ooh, all this talk about ninja assassin makes me want to go watch it. now, how to evade that pesky 18+ rating... :D


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Greeting from down under! Once again in Sydney.

JB, thank you so much for the recap for YB. Without that, I don't know how I'd been survived YB withdrawal symptoms. As soon as I arrived here this morning, I came here to this computer room to read your recap. to at least know what happened and how it ended. I haven't had a chance to watch the real deal it yet and am debating whether I should do it or not as it is a computer room for all of my co-workers down here with only 3 computers and 2 broadband cables...

And it's a bit strange down here, no Black Friday down under, I even skipped Friday, it was already Sat. by the time I got here....

I'm carrying over the conversation about Bigbang from previous OT here..

318 lovenyc52

Hi, I know, Now I created a new play list only with their songs and I'm just listening them over and over and over. There was a cool download list on 4share.com with tons of their music and more. I was going to post the link, but it's on my desktop and not on this laptop. If you have any good recommendations, please let me know.

And for someone who recommended Kafka on the shore...
Thanks to that, I've finished the volume.1(J version has 2 volumes). so far and and I'm so entranced that I was sorry I didn't bring the second volume with me on this trip. According to Amazon's reviews, 2nd half become rather predictable or linear or something(I should have stayed away from them, couldn't help it).

Still, it has been a most intriguing and fascinating reading for me(except the cat spart, almost didn't make it through). It's almost like reading paintings or something, words dancing like colors in on his canvas... to me... As opposed to, like of Annie Proulx's writings. Her world to me is that of Haiku. So minimalistic, so much is expressed with concise, precise choices of Whoops, fireworks are starting, I'd better go up to my room to watch them.


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@67 cingdoc

So glad you managed to see the finale. The past week and and my anxiety to watch YB finale drove me to tears!

As I post in last OT my PC died, literally burned! after many days (and internet problems etc) I managed to get an older PC running just in time for YB finale. Just about 2 hrs before the live viewing my 2nd PC CRASHED!!! I just couldn't believe it. I couldn't eat my dinner. At 10pm (my time) I rushed to a friend's house and managed to catch the last 15 mins. I persuaded my friend's 13yo daughter to download the last episode for me. LOL, when she saw HTK she laughed...ewe, why is he looking so strange and having eye makeup! Friend's 20yo son saw TK and sezs why is this guy so pretty. LOL. Btw, they are not into kdrama at all. :-D

Now, I just got my 2nd PC running for half an hour. I am not taking chances so quickly watched the ending and posting in OT before anything happens!


Just a quick THANK YOU for another boabei video. If my PC holds up I will definitely watched it many, many times. :-)


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anyone else really happy that chun jung myung is back? about 3-4 weeks ago i was on severe YAB withdrawal symptoms just waiting for the freaking episodes to come oh so slowly. then i frantically looked for another drama to lessen the pain and watched what's up fox? Big mistake. now i have a much more severe chun jung myung addiction. gosh, such a good actor. so glad he's out of the army. dammit, what would i do to have my own chul soo, eventho in real life any guy 9 yrs younger than me would be a turn-off. come to think of it i always have a strong interest for the drama with the 30-something woman character, like dal ja's spring.

anyway, chun jung myung is love. how can cuteness and sexiness coexist so beautifully in a human being?


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Just got back from a two nights three days vacation. REFRESHED!!!!!

I would like to thank everyone who voted during the CNN HERO OF THE YEAR. I posted it about three weeks ago, I think. For those who are not aware, GUESS WHAT MY FELLOW FILIPINO WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Efren Penaflorida. The winner was declared last November 21.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all those who voted.

Maraming salamat po.

Now off to read and watch the final two episodes of YAB.


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@ 52 reluctantbutaddicted

It's difficult not to spoiler, but please don't expect to finish HGD with your heart intact >.< It's beautiful but sad, and JGS isn't the main character so he obviously doesn't get the girl. However, he is very pretty in the show ;)


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@78 celia inside

"anyway, chun jung myung is love. how can cuteness and sexiness coexist so beautifully in a human being?"

I agree! I adored him in What's Up Fox? and when I read about his release it just made my day. I can't wait to see his next project.

RE: Ninja Assassin

It was so much fun. Actually better than I expected. It was mindless fun with a lot of blood and body parts everywhere. And Rain...yum. There were only about a dozen people in the theater and I started several applause sessions whenever a gratuitous shirtless Rain appeared (which was pretty much +90% of the movie). I don't know about anyone else, but the long hair really worked for me.

Reasons to go watch it: NINJAS, RAIN, BLOOD, RAIN, and NINJAS(!!!)

Reasons to avoid: flying body parts, gallons 'blood'....just watch it. Don't watch too closely and enjoy it for what it is. Support Rain!

I loved all the fighting. Especially the last fight! I've always been a fan of ninjas, assassins, and mindless action movies (the result of growing up the only female in a house full of guys).

Mildly *SPOILERY* Quote:

"You are not my family. You are not my father. The first breath I take after I kill you will be the first breath of my life."

....how could you not love that! It has put me in the mood to watch every martial arts, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Bruce Lee movie I can get my hands on. Any recs?


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Hey guys,happy friday!
After YAB is over, I need a new drama to heal my YAB's addiction. I'm in the mood to watch a heavy melodrama, could u guys reccomend me a good one?
I've already watched MISA (love it), A Love To Kill (suck), autumn's tale (so-so), winter sonata (bleh,didn't bother to finish it), PSH and lee wan's drama (forget the title), stairway to heaven, kwon sang woo and kim hee sun's drama (again,forget the title), and dorama one litre of tears (very good).
Thankyou for the reccomendations, and sorry, my english is bad:)


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@81 doublethink101

Ah, you're killing me! I'm dying to see Ninja Assassin but of course it hasn't come to this crappy town I live in. I'm thinking an emergency road trip is called for. I WILL drive 2+ hours for Rain. Oh yes, I will.

@82 aargh

Snow Queen (Hyun Bin)
What Happened in Bali (So Ji-sub, Jo In-sung)
90 Days, Falling in Love Days (Kang Ji-hwan)
Let's Go To School, Sang-doo (Rain)
What Planet Are You From (Kim Rae-won)

You didn't mention if you like historical dramas but I LOVED these two:

Hong Gil Dong (Kang Ji-hwan)
Return of Iljimae (Jung Il-woo)

I cried absolute buckets at every single one of these dramas. Some of them I can still cry just thinking about. :-(

I also highly recommend the movie A Moment to Remember (Jung Woo-sung).


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@ 82 aargh

For classic melodrama - I highly recommend Beautiful Days with Lee Byung-hun, Choi Ji-woo and Ryu Shi-won. Every melodramatic moment is done perfectly without being overwrought, with a killer soundtrack and amazing chemistry between LBH and CJW.

It's probably my favorite classic k-drama melo, and actually ages quite well without being too dated (if you discount the copious amounts of hair dye).

Enjoy the tear-fest. ;-)


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Since you two are in the same boat as I am( read the wonderful recap's and watched the raw version of YB), have any of you find a eng subbed version yet? Every time that I've gone to Vikii, it's blocked due to high traffic. I managed to find a partial version of 15 in youtube, but so far no luck with the final episode arghhhhh.

hey, I was part right about the ending, GMN did return to (another) nunnery, but no , Jeremy and Jolie didn't have to go find her, but I love Jeremy at the last episode!!!( not going to tell you in case you haven't watch it , yet)

....back to work, later you guys.


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you picked an awkward time for LA sunshine... it's raining T^T


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@ 80 meltedd :

Thanks for the heads-up... I spoiler-ed it myself a bit by watching a couple of HGD fan vids and realizing that the very very pretty JGS doesn't get the girl. It took a few glimpses to realize that he wasn't The Girl himself, actually... the long hair is quite lovely. But I will keep your advice in mind.


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@ 81 doublethink101

I'm a huge Jackie Chan fan... I love his historical and funny movies not so much the straight up action (eg Police Story), particularly the Project A movies and the Drunken Master movies. Also liked Mr Canton and Lady Rose. I can't remember which of the Project As has the fantastic bicycle chase scene through old HK but it is a classic... and one, I think Mr Canton, has an amazing ladders fight scene. It's been a long time since I watched these and now I think I need to go back to them....


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@ 85 cingdoc
there is high quality video of YAB 16 up on drama crazy dot net. They used viikii subs but restreamed them on very high quality vid. Just a warning though -- that site seems to be a buggy site with a lot of pop-ups. I would recommend clearing cookies after visiting it. It seems to be a legit site but all the pop-ups they have usually make me stay away. I ventured in there out of frustration with viikii -- and the quality of their videos made it worth it. The viikii subs themselves are excellent. I wish they would release them as soft subs!

After re-watching the final episode, I feel really sad that the show is over. After rewatching it, I find myself not as unfond of the ending. I still think that the Hong sisters should have watched the ending of City Hall for pointers on how to end dramas well. But I suppose it was a sufficiently good ending, all things considered. I already miss the boys! :-( .


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ockoala 84

yes, killer soundtrack indeed, and what a tearfest it was.

i learned how to say beautiful in korean (and remember it) thanks to that show.


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@89 nom_kitteh
Thanks...i was using that site, and last nite when I tried it, it was "blocked" by viikii. I will try again later on.


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I've watched few music videos of FT Island as part of my recovery/rehab program. And they made me very puzzled. Why are they so violent? There is so much fighting and backstabbing in them. Is it something normal for Korea's music videos only or life in general now days? I sure hope not. I hope someone could explain it to me.

Btw, songs (of FT Island and others) remind me Russian music a lot. It is hard to explain, but like melodies are closer to Russians than American music. That was the reason I liked Winter Sonata few years ago (beginning of my addiction), after being in LA for almost ten years, soundtrack in it and snow :o) reminded me my previous life.


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@85 cingdoc, lovenyc52

Re: YB raws and viikii subs

I found viikii srt subs of ep15 and ep16 resync uploaded at aja-aja.com

Some kind soul (forgot the name but many grateful thanks) did this for all YB fans while we wait for WithS2 excellent subs. Once WithS2 release the viikii subs will be deleted. Hope you get it. Enjoy :-)


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cingdoc, on that site, for YAB, they have viikii links AND veoh links. The veoh links work -- and are HQ.



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@ celestialorigin - the more i listen to Big Bang the more i like them. I was REALLY kind of wary of G-Dragon when i first started exploring them, but he's totally my 2nd favorite now (after TOP of course) and would potentially jump to first if only TOP wasn't such a smokin hot beast who's voice lulls me into a trance. i love GD's quirky personality and how he has co-written quite a bit of Big Bang's music (including Haru Haru). I got most of their music from 4shared before buying their albums online and i also have a Big Bang playlist that i've been listening to on repeat. Not sure of what you already have, but here's a list of some of my favorites besides Haru Haru, Hallelujah and Koe Wo Kikasete:
Heaven (both korean and japanese version)
Remember (both korean and english version)
Lie (korean)
Top of the World (japanese)
Stay (japanese)
Gara Gara Go (japanese)
Fool (korean)
Together Forever (english), Candle (japanese version)
Make Love (japanese)
We Belong Together (korean with park bom)
Foolish Love (korean)
Come Be My Lady (korean)
Number 1 (korean)
But I Love U (korean)
Bringing You Love (japanese)
Always (korean and japanese)
She Can't Get Enough (korean)
A Good Person (korean)

They have a lot more of course but those are the ones that i really like :)

@ cingdoc - i've watched the last 2 eps raw twice so i'm just waiting for WITH S2 to release subs before i watch it again... cuz i got my YB fix twice already i think i'll be alright waiting another week or so for subs :) and then i'll be time to marathon it!!

in other news.. 10 year high school reunion tonight... in half an hour to be exact. eep! where did the time go!?!?!


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@83 langdon813

Wow, where do you live? I can't honestly say Ninja Assassin is worth a 2 hour drive, but Rain definitely is.

@88 reluctantbutaddicted

I like the historical, funny, and the straight up action. I'm a pretty easily pleased viewer. I LOVE the Drunken Master movies. They were so much pure fun to watch.

OT Confession Time: I'm kinda ashamed to admit this, but I caught the special preview of the new Nick show Big Time Rush. It's about 4 friends who are taken to Hollywood to become the best boy band of their time. To be honest, it caught my attention about a week ago when I saw the preview.

I'd like to blame YB for my interest in a show about a four member boyband, but I've aways liked this kind of thing. Who doesn't remember the boybands of the '90s? That's why I fell for KPop so fast and why I love YB. Any show, movie, book, other media form centered around music and I'm hooked.

BTR is has the typically family/tween show feel to it. But it is actually cute. I won't be following it, but I probably will watch it if I catch it on. The cute guys are a plus (They're all legal, all 19 or 20). It's like a fangirl dream come true.

I probably will never outgrow these types of show >_<


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@67 cingdoc -

Egad... I've become a verb!

Of all the things I could be, to be defined as claiming someone(s) arbitrarily and to the exclusion of others... could that really be moi?

And as I think back, hmm... yes, I guess perhaps that's the way that it looks. My Califorinia gold-rush prospector's claim comes later than the others - if JB et al would be considered the 49'ers, I would be deemed a 50'er...sigh.

THEN AGAIN, I point to Ji-Sung and Eugene's romance in Save The Last Dance For Me, as a rebuttal. Eugene's character comes in waaaay later than the girlfriend of Ji-Sung's character, but she makes no apologies in claiming what's hers. Same thing happened in My Name Is Kim Sam Soon. Samsoon was not first, she was second. Jung Ryo-Won's character was there first, but guess what?

It is a tried and true k-drama fact. You snooze you lose.

If it be the case that I am now associated with this fact of life, by verbial definition, I cannot gainsay the coinage. I am honored to be used definitionally along side the likes of Kim Samsoon. After all, I do take my name from the stuffed animal pig that Binnie (mine, along side KJH!) totes around everywhere.



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@ 97 samsooki :

I have to speak in Kim Sam Soon's defence on this point: yes, whatsername was Hyun Bin's first girlfriend, but she DUMPED him. And dumped him BIG. No matter she had a secret reason, she forfeited all future claim. THEN Sam Soon turned up, and at that point, he was a free agent. So it's not the same thing at all as waltzing in on someone else's b/g'friend, scooping 'em up, and walking away while original b/g'friend is left with jaw dropped and heart broken. In fact, the waltzing and scooping was what whatsername attempted on KSS, but failed to accomplish (take that! whining oh-I'm-so-sick-but-didn't-trust-you-enough-to-tell-you-still-you-should-forgive-me-b/c-I'm-so-skinny-and-have-nice-long-hair losergirl). (OK, I didn't like her much, does it show?)

I cannot speak re the other example b/c haven't seen Last Dance.


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@ Samsooki

(as is JB, I'm sure...noraebang-singing, eating, and enjoying her time in LA) ;)

Your attempt at hijacking and retroactive justification. FAIL.

And surely, you realize the negative connotation of the verb-ification of your name...come on, show some positive modeling for Ji Hoon, please. ;)


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@ 96 doublethink101

Your post reminded me that I've been meaning to recommend an Australian movie which I loved--and which is about an aging boy band (ie now in their 40s)--Boytown. It's hilarious ... especially the way they try to target their songs to their new (40s) demographic, eg "Picking the Kids up from School".

Might make a nice follow up to YB (if it takes a long time to get the cast together again for 'Season 2' this might be how it ends up! ha!). I don't know where you can watch it online but I'm sure it's somewhere. I ordered it through http://www.homesick.com.au/. A few of the songs are on youtube, eg:




Another Australian series I've been reminded of recently is Grassroots, which some City Hallers might enjoy... in that it's about murky local politics in a suburb of Sydney. Not so much a romcom as a com. Very murky and very funny.


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