Open Thread #127


First Rate People – “Girls’ Night” [ Download ]

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@Epyc, eiko and OBGYN watchers:

Word! Epyc, that comment you found on soompi, hit the nail bang on the head!

I've said this before but will say it again that this drama has reduced me to tears in its every episode (except the premiere)! That is not an easy feat.
I'm happy that it's 16 strong, solid episodes, thus I'm content with its shorter run. Quality vs quantity? But I am very sad to see it go, the past 8 wks have flown.

The amount of times I've stood up off my seat and applauded the screen while watching this drama. Insane, but that's how much it moved me, and I barely even realised I was doing it.

I have a few of the OST songs on my ipod, including an instrumental; that beautiful cello piece they'd play when Dr Ahn used to run off towards his secret stairwell to brood, in earlier episodes.

OK then! I'm off to watch the finale... and hope to see Sung Ji Ru make a re-appearance, even it's a very brief one! Do you think it's possible?
I have a box of tissues ready.


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I'm definitely going to have to watch that now. It sounds like my kinda thing.

I think I'll have to go back and watch Thank You too, I've always started watching it and then given up at around episode 4 or 5. Not that it's a bad drama, far from it. Love the acting and the cast, but there's something very mundane, depressing and frostbitten about it.


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@51 supah

Gosh...you're almost finished with OBGYN and I haven't seen the english sub episode yet! :-( Looks like there's one scene in 16 where Lee is walking away from Seo and he looks "sad"..... with the way they have kept her personality/character in tight wrap....a relationship with any of the guys would be too fairy taleish....sighhhhhh......

In watching Last Scandal there is a scene just like in You're Beautiful except in LS it's the 2nd lead who hands over his jacket to cover up the head of the female. I liked the way the lead actor shielded female by holding her to his chest and you couldn't see her face. I think a lot had to do with the size of the male whereas in YB...he wasn't really shielding her. I can only assume that the Hong Sisters made changes in their script but used that scene.

Saw the info about Lee Yo Won in Surgeon Bong Dal-hee and I'll check it out.

i hope you're still enjoying your week off!


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You have to see White Tower but after Thank you. Its my #2 of all time and I've seen it twice. However you have to be in the mood for it. It took me 4 years to watch Schindler's list and I was tense the entire time watching it and I have yet to see Saving Private Ryan. I would never make a film critic.


I've been wanting to re-watch Thank you so perhaps we can get a discussion going with Serendipity and Ockoala but Ockoala watchlist is getting larger by the minute.


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@ nycgrl

You know me too well, my watch list has in fact expanded considerably in one day due to the ending of Chuno. I am honoring JH in my own way in my drama watch. TY will have to wait behind Tazza and Robbers, which just got leapfrogged by.......

Jang Nara and Bora are sitting in a tree, not a particularly large tree but has a nice low sturdy branch for these ladies to loll on.

JNR: I am cute, and spunky. Aren't I?
Bora: Yeah. So?
JNR: Well, I can drive grown men bonkers with exasperation, which in kdramaland means they fall madly in love with me.
Bora: Again, so? I walk around with a perpetual b*tch face, wear the most magnificent wardrobe you'll ever seen in ANY kdrama, and can expire at any second. And did nothing yet made Binnie and Park Kyu fall madly in love with me.
JNR: Well, if it was year 2000 instead of 2008, Binnie and Park Kyu would not stand a chance against me. One of my patented and trademarked and perhaps even copyrighted tongue lashings at their shortcomings, coupled with my girlish voice and mildly exaggerated expressions, they would be putty in my hands.
Bora: *yawn* maybe, but alas, it's my world now and all the oppas don't stand a chance against me.
JNR: but charm never gets old, and if either Binnie or Park Kyu parachuted into my naked hottub, they'd be like young JH and gone before you know it. Toodles, Bora dear, you might want to lose the perpetual scowl.
Bora: *rolls eyes* rather than dream and impossible dream like you, I'm off to count the victims in my OPW domination: Binnie, Park Kyu, Namgong Min, Gong Yoo, Ji Sung, Hong Gil Dong, between man-boy JGS, SJS in a bad wig, those guys in A Prince's First Love, and oh yeah....even your JH succumbed to me in a movie.
JNR: *smiles fondly* Bora dear, you may own the universe now, but I MADE the universe.
Bora: fine, fine, I'm just your successor. You know I almost got Bidam, too, right? Now that would be a sight, KNG falling madly in love with me. Hahahah....sigh, next time.

So......samsooki is once again a LLWL. JH is NOT chubby in SSoaBG (BG from now on), he's actually UN's version of DG. and by the time Robbers rolls around, JH has turned into HW's version of DG. And Chuno just melds it all together.

The first ep of BG lifted my down spirits. I'll watch because how I can not watch a drama where the final scene of ep. 1 ends with the OTP throwing buckets of water at each other then staring at each other with these glary dagger eyes when you know they are episodes away from making out.


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o gosh tummy's hurting, what an eloquent argument for y those 2 damsels MUST BE VERY DEAD!
I'm super tempted to watch TY now... after my laptop is back fr mends.

@nycgrl, gosh Schindler's list, I vividly rem me sitting there good 10 min of motionless silent tears, I was literally catatonic. imo Saving private Ryan has a great war scene, but fail to affect me as such. Hurt Locker otoh, so not sth I'll want to see but a very deserving director's Oscar.

I do watch every single med show, Jejoongwon, I'll finish thee. WT is must watch @twin. that's my FAV of k medical dramas, all versions of WT, and dramas of KMM I've seen ( ok cant say how it compares to BV, but i cant watch LJA, NEVER!) I still think JiSung was majorly upstaged by Jo Jae-hyun in New Heart... it's an alright show but accuracy was down drains... and it's very lazy and buggy in not even bothering w/some basic research on subject matter.


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samsooki 6

that's hilarious!!!


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How does Hurt Locker compare with Full Metal Jacket? Full metal jacket is like what I consider be the ultimate harrowing war film. Schindler's list is only one of the few films I've cried watching. I can't seem to cry in drama or films though I cry watching documentries but I thought Schindler's list was touching on so many levels but I can't ever bear to watch it again.


What the....? Your watching BG!? Camp factor or just JH marathon? The interesting thing is the two 2nd leads. You see Han Eun Jung without all the plastic surgery. She looks better back then and a skinny Ryu Soo Young. I've always felt Ryu Soo Young seem to be battling the bulge so I was surprised to see him so thin.

The girl talk on the tree was super funny and cute. You just need them to k.i.s.s., they are after all sitting on a tree.


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@nycgrl, Full Metal Jacket was a much more expansive essay for all the characters... it's lost me later on after they graduated when imo it's then all over the place and lost focus...thinning down the effect.. it's like watching a fake documentary when we've been fed a lot of powerful (and working) dramatics prior...neither here nor there. I'm just very pleasantly surprised w/ how every frame worked and nth was excessive/ manipulative in Hurt Locker, accuracy ... that I've no idea.


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What kind of a glutton am I if I confess I ate 11 raw oysters with two glasses of champagne, a large Frisee Lardon Salad, Steak and Frites with two glasses of red wine, a very large serving of apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, some dark chocolates and then two tangerines and I think i feel like I still want to eat something.

My husband asked if I had a hobo in my stomach. Must go on the treadmill tomorrow and redeem myself of the gazillion calories I ate at dinner.


I'll probably see Hurt Locker in about 10 years from now when I can muster up the courage. I'm such a wimp when it comes to heavy topic, potentially violent films.


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Hehe... glad you are picking up BG despite your anti JNR. :-) I sometimes think she's better in BG than in Love Pattzi, but then again...

SPOILER!!! I think you will cry with her in ep 3 or ep 4.

Kudos to JNR for lifting your down spirits. Methinks I better go and rent BG for this weekend! Gotta have some JNR love... Lol

Please give boabei a BIG HUG for me! Haven't gone to see her on YT with all my PC/Mac problems.


Sorry, I was too late to help you protect JNR but you do such a good job. But I am behind you all the way.


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@ simplesim-moni

Baobei is fine, she's learning ballet. :-)

I tweeted to samsooki that I owe JNR a mild apology. After watching a few eps of BG, I have reached this conclusion: JNR herself is not annoying, her Patzzi character was annoying and bleeded into my perception of JNR. However......I find that I do not like JNR's acting style (personal preference here), but find that she's a pretty good actor, engaging and immersed in her character.

BG - I'm enjoying its lighthearted fun for now, but that incident in ep. 3-4 is wrong on so many levels:

mild spoiler - You do NOT, ever, ever, ever, ever......shoot an animal or run over grandma. BG committed sin #2. I'm pretty traumatized except for the fact that it was necessary for plot development.

Anyhoo, I just needed to watch that parachuting into the naked hottub scene for a good laugh after today's total downer, and found that I was actually enjoying BG more than simply to laugh AT it. There's something about it that's refreshing and cute without being cloying.

@ nycgrl

I totally get what you mean about Ryu Soo-young getting milding zaftig. It's actually all in his face, I've seen him in STLDFM and 18 v. 29 and he's just got a way chubbier face compared to BG. But physique-wise looks about the same.

Anyways, BG washes away my misery with Chuno, its like a giant long island ice tea after a day in the coal mines.


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Trouble with MacBook sob. Folder with flashing question mark wn try to boot up. No drama watching or long ot posts till I get home Monday, how will I live? Thankfully work duties done or I'd really b in trouble. Oh well, will just hv to kick back n enjoy japan.


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If anyone cares to watch along - 7am eastern US now - the Baeksangs are on KBS2 - which is the first KBS channel on Livestation! Woot - hey, someone just beaned JGS with a rose on the red carpet. Nice shot!

Ohhh, opening number of dancing evil swordmen from Chuno. There's something you don't see every day.


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LBH in the audience....interpretive IRIS anti-terrorist dance.... hmmm - we'll leave that to your imagination.

First up some TV awards - LMH and some girl whose name I should know but don't giving out....Best New Actor....lots of cheers for the High Kick boys....Kim Nam Gil -FTW - odd category, really and a handsome devil he is here...talking about what a great role Bidam was, and thankful he was to play it....thanks the fans and others.


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Now, best new actress - again the High Kick girls get the pop in cheers - and it goes to .....I think that's Shin Se Kyung of High Kick 2....which I didn't watch. Nice dress anyway.

Now the movie new actors -
and of course now it's buffering...Lee Min Ki of Haeundae. He's totally gobsmacked and can't think of a thing to say other than thanks!!!

best new actress -more buffering....darn it....so I don't know!!!Yikes. Calm down KBS2!


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You know, this is the quietest award show I've ever seen. Very little applause and cheering or laughing. Very odd.

Anyway....technical stuff - Chuno and God of Study pick up one...
Game show/variety - yeah, I could care less about that, too - well at least the winner was an animated sort of comedian. Going to get cup of coffee and twiddling thumbs for these awards here....well, there was a tie for this one for the ladies, but again...who cares. At least they are cracking the audience up for a change and they are wearing nice dresses.


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Nice ads - Lollipop 2, Coke, some game machine.....hotel chain...KBS....makeup, olympus cameras....

lets hope they get to the big awards some time soon!
and they're back!
Girls Generation singing Run Devil Run...

Hmmm, that looks like the popularity awards for films -
Jang Guen Seok - with the biggest cheers from the crowd of the night so far....

and on the TV side Lee Seung Gi and Yoona - he gets a HUGE cheer...


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BTW, Chuno's award was screenplay - God of Study was for new producer.
best producer was - Queen of Housewives

And I am pretty sure that was So Ji Sub there in uniform. And JGS was well...I'm not sure what you call that jacket other than silver and probably uncomfortable. And I'm pretty sure that was one of our ICOMYM mascots Jung Yong Hwa as one of the presenters looking natty but with an ugly hair style - took me a minute to try to figure out why his voice was coming out of someone with a Ji Hoo hairstyle.

The coffee seems to be taking effect now!


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IRIS wins for Drama - although Brilliant Legacy actually got the biggest cheers.


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And our boy JGS is back as a presenter....along with looks like Moon Geun Young -
presenting best actor
way to milk the presentation JGS but yeah...
LBH for IRIS - yeah, that was obvious - nice speech -

SJS got a huge hand, and JH for Chuno got a nice pop but clearly it was LBH's award.


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Now for the ladies!!!
And the only cheering is indeed for Go Hyung-Jung

Kim Nam Joo? What what what?! on what planet? - nice green dress -

but Mishil was robbed.


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Go Hyun Jung for the Daesang! Gets a hug from Kim Nam Gil as well. 8-) That makes up for alot.


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YAY! My I LUB YOU won! He was really good in that movie. :-D Still scratching my head over who they consider "new", though.

Wonder why SJS showed up in uniform??


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