Gu Family Book: Episode 13

There’s so much cuteness today. Plotwise, the episode itself is almost filler, because it’s a lot of fallout from the last one with a bit of setup for what’s to come. But the adorable moments just come one right after another, and after all the emotional wreckage last week, I suppose we all deserve it.


Lee Sang-gon – “Love Hurts” [ Download ]

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Kang-chi narrates, “He asked me,” as we go back to Lee Soon-shin asking Kang-chi what he wants to live as. “And I asked her…”–flashback to Yeo-wool taking his hand in front of her father—”how is it that you’re so good to me?”

She had said: “Because I just want to do anything for you. That’s how I feel right now.” Kang-chi closes the opening flashback in voiceover: “So I want to become a person. I want to be a person again.”

We backtrack a little to find that Master Dam was firmly against Yeo-wool’s idea of training Kang-chi herself, and assigned Gon to do it instead. She does her best to sweet-talk him, but it’s no use.

But to her utter surprise, Gon steps in to say that she should help, agreeing that he and Kang-chi come to blows when left alone, and Kang-chi won’t do as he’s told unless she’s around. Yeo-wool beams, Dad frowns, and Gon rolls his eyes. Heh. So that’s how Yeo-wool and Gon ended up on Tame the Gumiho Squad, complete with useless bean-counting exercises for an exasperated Kang-chi.

Master Dam worries about the pain it’ll cause both Kang-chi and Yeo-wool when they find out he was the one who killed his father. Lee Soon-shin muses that a heart that’s already flowing can’t be stopped.

He says that nervous thoughts make for a nervous future, so all they can do is try to pave the right path for the youth to follow. True, but also, easy for you to be zen about it all, since it’s not your daughter. Just sayin’.

As Kang-chi counts beans, Yeo-wool asks about his birth parents, and if he isn’t the least bit curious about tracking down his mother’s family to see if he has living relatives. He shuts her down, saying that he doesn’t care at all about people who tossed him away in a river.

And then we finally catch up to the events that closed the last episode: A mysterious woman arrives at the Hundred Year Inn. Wol-ryung (aka Daddy Gumiho) wakes up with ominously red eyes.

Down below, Kang-chi feels something and darts up, shaking. Yeo-wool asks what’s wrong, and he doesn’t know. “I just feel… afraid.”

They go see Teacher Gong, who does a follow-my-finger test and decides that Kang-chi’s ki is in disarray, and feeds him some medicine. They’re skeptical, but making medicine seems to be a hobby he’s cultivating, and he says that someday when his successor is found at the school, he’ll be a traveling apothecary.

Yeo-wool asks if he has a successor in mind, and he smiles, “I do have someone in mind, but he’s got such a temper.” Aw, is it Kang-chi? Adorable. Yeo-wool gapes in disbelief, while Kang-chi hilariously advises him that a guy with a temper can’t be dealt with in words. “You want me to slap him around for you?” Hahaha.

Kitchen Fogey whaps him in the head with the broom, and they both leave him standing there pouting and confused.

He stops to greet his fellow classmates on his way out, but they all either run away scared, or treat him like a leper. Aw, poor puppy’s an outcast now.

Tae-seo gets called in and Master Dam gives him something his father left behind—his identification as one of the Men of Honor—to be passed on to Tae-seo in case he died. They explain that if he accepts it, he will carry on in his father’s place.

He doesn’t hesitate, and asks what needs to be done. The room goes silent, and Master Dam finally speaks: “Become one of Jo Gwan-woong’s men.” What? But we just got him back! With the tears, and the hugs, and the bromance that needs mending! Urg.

Kang-chi goes back to counting his beans, and smiles to see Yeo-wool nodding off to sleep beside him. She starts to fall over, so he catches her with two fingers to her head, and then looks around before letting her rest on his shoulder.

As she sleeps, he says aloud, “Honestly I am curious, about who my parents were, why they threw me away in a river. But if I keep thinking about those things, I’m afraid I’ll hate them, resent them… that’s why.”

She opens her eyes, which he doesn’t see. He continues, “But thanks for asking, Yeo-wool-ah.” She closes her eyes again with a smile. Kang-chi looks out toward the mountains and wonders to himself what it was he felt earlier.

Later that night, by the light of the full moon, Wol-ryung rises and returns to the Moonlight Garden.

Kang-chi comes looking for Tae-seo while he’s still trying to figure out what to do, and the boys sit side by side for a chat, without even trying to kill each other. Now that’s progress.

Tae-seo asks if Dad knew about Kang-chi’s gumiho half, but neither of them knows the answer. He asks what it feels like when he changes, and Kang-chi says it’s hazy, but he can hear and feel everything at once, and his whole body feels like it’s burning up, and he becomes sensitive to everything. “And I get really hungry.” Heh.

Tae-seo asks if he still knows that he’s Kang-chi when he’s in that state, and he says he didn’t at first, but eventually learned to remember who he was, and even control his emotions. “Yeo-wool was a big help to me. She saw me that way and wasn’t disgusted or afraid, and just kept calling me Choi Kang-chi, reminding me.”

He says it’s strange, but being around her (he still talks about her like a him, which is funny) puts him at ease—his pain, and even his anger dissipates. Tae-seo: “You love her.” Kang-chi nods yes without even thinking. Omo.

He quickly comes to his senses and denies it with gusto, all, Who, ME? With that guy? Tae-seo laughs and says it’s perfectly natural to be in love with a girl like Yeo-wool. Spoken from experience?

Kang-chi gets all flustered with the denials (but can’t actually get the words out, ha) but Tae-seo interrupts to say that if it’s because of Chung-jo, he shouldn’t let that stop him. He thinks back to seeing her the morning after Jo Gwan-woong raped her, and just tells Kang-chi that she’s someone in his past now.

If that’s because of her life choices, then fine. But if this is a virginity thing, then you suck as a brother, and also as a human being. Kang-chi refuses to let Tae-seo or Chung-jo be people in his past, and reminds him that they’re his only family.

But Tae-seo says the moment Father died, their fates diverged, and they can’t turn back time. Kang-chi argues that they might not be able to go back, but they can retrieve it—their family, the Hundred Year Inn. He promises to get it all back.

Tae-seo says that’s his job, and puts a hand on Kang-chi’s shoulder: “It’s not your fault that Father died.” Aw, okay, you suck a little less now. He tells Kang-chi to stop getting stuck saving him and Chung-jo over and over (amen to that), and says he’s already more grateful than he can ever repay for what he’s done. “But it’s time you lived your life now.”

Yeo-wool goes looking for Kang-chi in his room, but he isn’t there. On her way out, she overhears the other students having a secret powwow about him, and how they can’t just wait around till Kang-chi goes nuclear and kills them all. They agree to get rid of him first.

Meanwhile, Kang-chi goes looking for Gon, and gets a sword poised at his throat. Is that for interrupting your meditation, or is that just your basic hello?

And deep in the woods, a lone traveler hears a rustling behind him. He runs, and out pops Wol-ryung. He grabs the man with one hand and then… sucks the life force out of him, and absorbs it, leaving nothing but a desiccated body behind. Wut.

Well that answers that question about whether or not he came back evil. Yeesh. He’s a ki-sucker now?

Soo-ryun trains Chung-jo to play the drums, and Wol-sun and the other girls have a fit about being passed over for the new girl. But Soo-ryun doesn’t budge, and when Wol-sun slaps Chung-jo, she just slaps her right back this time. Nice.

Chung-jo leans in close and dares her to touch her face again, and goes right back to practicing the drums. Soo-ryun’s assistant wonders what happened to Chung-jo to make her so different, but Soo-ryun tells her not to ask any questions. “Don’t you hear it? That child is crying so sorrowfully right now.”

Yeo-wool sneaks up on Kang-chi, who’s nodding off to sleep mid-bean-count. She checks to make sure he’s out and goes to poke his eyeballs, when he lurches awake and throws her down. “Was it you?”

And the reason you’re still lying on top of her to have this conversation is? She tries to wriggle free but he just teases that with a teacher so weak, it’s no wonder the students are so terrible. At that, she bites his hand to get free. “I was going to kick you someplace more painful, so you should be grateful.” Heh.

She asks where he’s been sneaking off to the last two nights, and he doesn’t say, but admits that he knows the other students are wary of him. She says they just need time to accept him, and he suddenly leans in close: “Did you know… that you’re nagging me an awful lot lately?”

She apologizes, and he scootches even closer, till he’s right up in her face: “Did you also know… you’re a little bit like a girl right now?” She blink-blinks in shock, and he waits for a reaction… and then asks why there’s not a fist flying at his face right now. Oh, you cheeky.

Yeo-wool: “Are you messing with me?” He laughs, and her fist goes up belatedly. But a student comes running up with bad news. Bodies have been found in the woods—three of them, in fact, and they died so strangely that it couldn’t have been by natural human causes.

Oh. No. Please tell me you have an alibi for where you’ve been going every night, Kang-chi. In the woods, the bodies are all found in the same condition—sucked dry, like they’ve been mummified.

So-jung comes upon the scene and stops cold. Please tell me that look of horror on your face is one of knowing horror. Jo Gwan-woong is happy to hear that Kang-chi has started a murder spree, and tells his minion they’ll wait for the rumors to spread, until fear takes hold of everyone.

It’s already come to nasty accusations at the school, where Kang-chi’s classmates confront him for an explanation. Yeo-wool asks her father to intervene, but he tells her that this is something Kang-chi has to conquer on his own if he wants to survive here.

The students ask where he’s been going at night and Kang-chi refuses to answer, saying that he’s been treated this way since he was a child, and has no interest in offering excuses to people who have already decided that he must be guilty.

They outright treat him like a monster pretending to be human, and Kang-chi doesn’t back down, spitting back that he’s just as aggravated to see people like them. They’re about two seconds from coming to blows, when Teacher Gong shows up to yell at everyone.

The other students make their case for why Kang-chi shouldn’t be one of them, and Teacher Gong just tells them to prove it—if they can offer proof that Kang-chi being here is bad for them in some way, or if they can prove he killed those people in the woods, he’ll kick Kang-chi out himself.

He adds as a caveat that if they’re wrong, they’ll have to kneel in front of Kang-chi and apologize. “In a bet, both sides have to put something on the line.” Ha.

Kang-chi follows him into the kitchen to complain about making the bet without asking him, and Teacher Gong asks if that means he’s guilty of something. Kang-chi still refuses to tell him where he’s been going at night, and the old fogey just says, “If you want to stay here with Yeo-wool for a long time, then learn how to get along with the others first.” The old man has a way of getting right to the point.

Gon is lurking outside, and wonders why Kang-chi doesn’t just tell everyone the truth. He says absolutely not, and makes sure he didn’t rat him out to Yeo-wool. He makes Gon promise not to tell her. Whatever you two have been doing, I hope it’s embarrassing.

As soon as he leaves, Yeo-wool steps out from around the corner and demands that Gon tell her the secret. He’s a terrible liar, but it’s funny to watch him try and deny that there’s a secret to tell.

Jo Gwan-woong tells Soo-ryun that he’s hosting a celebration in honor of his guests, and they’ve requested her to play the drums. She hasn’t played in ten years, but he doesn’t leave her much room to say no—apparently this was a personal request from Mystery Woman.

There’s a moment when Jo Gwan-woong notes the ornamental sash Soo-ryun always wears, which we’ve always seen but never heard mention of. She tucks it away at his comment, so we’re left to wonder for now. Innnteresting.

That night, Kang-chi sneaks out of his room, and one of the students follows him all the way into the woods. Kang-chi feels someone following him and darts away, leaving the other guy all alone…

…just in time for Wol-ryung to creep up. At the sight of the shadowy figure with glowing red eyes, the guy runs screaming, but Wol-ryung is faster and comes up behind him. Oh phew, it’s Kang-chi.

He motions at the guy to stay quiet, and then gets in front of him to confront the monster. Wol-ryung growls and steps closer… but one glow from Kang-chi’s bracelet sends him running in the other direction.

Once the danger passes, Gon and Yeo-wool arrive, and she explains to the guy that Kang-chi and Gon have been coming out here every night looking for the beast because he could sense something weird about it.

Kang-chi just sighs at Gon for being such a blabbermouth, and it’s cute that Gon gets defensive, insisting he’s not a secret-leaker. Yeo-wool says she’s just a good detective. I’d argue both are true.

At least now the bigoted classmate feels like a moron, which is satisfying for us. Yeo-wool warns him to keep the secret for now though, until they know what they’re dealing with.

So-jung feels shift in the wind that scares him, and he goes down to his library. He doesn’t see anything even though he seems terrified, and finally someone comes out from the dark. It’s Wol-ryung, looking like his old self. So-jung gasps, and Wol-ryung smiles, “It’s me.” Aw, I know you came back evil, but this still makes me happy.

The next day, Kang-chi goes to the dining room to find his lone table cast aside and everyone sitting as far away as possible. Cafeteria politics man, it’s brutal no matter what century you’re from.

One of the guys even walks out, refusing to eat in the same room as Kang-chi, but then the guy he saved yesterday in the woods grabs his table and sits across from Kang-chi without a word. Aw.

Teacher Gong sits and smiles, narrating what must’ve been the point of the bean-counting lesson: that though it seems like they’re thousands at first, in the end you discover they’re one.

Too bad Kang-chi hasn’t learned it, because he’s back to counting them all over again. Yeo-wool gets a delivery—a beautiful flowery hanbok she’s been waiting for—and runs to ask Kang-chi if he’ll meet her in town later tonight for the lights festival, so she can light up a wish.

He agrees to go with her, but wonders why they can’t go together, and she makes up an excuse about having errands to run. Aw, you want to surprise him with your pretty new dress. That’s so cute.

Kang-chi goes back to bean-counting, when Chung-jo’s maidservant comes by to tell him that Chung-jo is being inducted as a full-fledged gisaeng today, and that’s she’s headed to the Hundred Year Inn.

Chung-jo gets made up with her first headdress and bows before Soo-ryun. She writes her new name in the record book, changing the hanja so that her gisaeng name sounds the same, but means something different—nicely symbolic of the fact that she might look the same but is no longer the same girl.

Kang-chi goes running into town, and arrives to see Chung-jo paraded down the street as the chosen Flower Gisaeng (much to the ire of Wol-sun and the other girls). She stops at the entrance to the Hundred Year Inn, and Soo-ryun can see her weakening. She reminds her to never show emotion, and hide everything behind her smile.

She swallows back her tears and gets ready to go inside, when Kang-chi’s voice calls out behind her, “Chung-jo-ya.” She turns back and scans the crowd, and sees him standing there.

Oof, you can practically feel the lump in her throat, but she turns around to hide her face. He comes closer and calls out to her again, and she tamps down her emotions. When she turns back to face him, she’s steely and cold, and asks what he wants.

He’s taken aback, and before he can say anything else, she tells him to come to the gisaeng house if he has anything to say, and walks away without another glance. That was great.

He’s so floored that he just sits there outside the inn, lost in thought, completely forgetting about his date with Yeo-wool. You dolt.

She’s all made up, and waits and waits as the festival goes on around her, growing grumpier by the minute, until she finally erupts and kicks the nearest object into the crowd. Heh. No dress is gonna change that about her.

Kang-chi finally sees some kids passing by with lanterns and gets a clue (thank goodness) and goes running through the crowd. Yeo-wool sees him coming and lights up, only to have him brush right past her in a big ol’ hurry. Ha.

He even stops, turns around, and faces her to apologize, and still doesn’t know it’s her. He keeps going, until finally Yeo-wool calls out, “Kang-chi-ya!”

He freezes, and turns around again. Omg the look on his face. She just stands there and smiles, as he takes it all in and just gapes, totally smitten with the pretty. It’s priceless.

The thing Lee Soon-shin told Master Dam earlier gets repeated in voiceover: “How can a heart that’s begun flowing be stopped? How can a wind that’s already blowing be stopped?”


Love it. That moment was so worth the wait. I just adore Yeo-wool’s character—she chooses not to be bound by social norms, and doesn’t let any one thing define her, which is so refreshing. What I really love about her makeover is her agency in it—there’s no fairy godmother boyfriend with a no-limit credit card like in every other drama. She has no problems dressing like a boy until Kang-chi teases her about seeing her as a woman, when she realizes for the first time that maybe she does want him to see her that way. So she orders up a pretty dress and makes a date. How awesome is that? Plus, Kang-chi’s eat-your-words reaction is just so satisfying.

I’m loving Chung-jo’s transformation as well, because she’s so much more interesting now that she has that duality to play. It’s so great to see her being strong, and her hiding her emotions under a steely exterior is actually far more moving than watching her break down in tears every episode. Now that she’s choosing to be strong to survive, her story is rich in conflict and something I look forward to seeing play out, instead of always dreading what tragedy might befall her next.

Kang-chi’s conflict with his classmates felt a little like the After School Special problem of the week (subtle isn’t this show’s strong suit), but in general I do like that we’re exploring his status as an outsider, which is important for his overall journey in figuring out what it means to be human.

Of course what we’re all really waiting for is Kang-chi’s fateful reunion with his father. I’m glad that Wol-ryung can control his beastie side enough to appear like his old self if he wants to, even though I guess, yunno, from a whole evil perspective this is a bad thing for the good guys. I just didn’t want Kang-chi’s only interaction with his dad to be with Red Eyes the Lifesucker, because that would be a really short conversation. But now that he has a support system in Yeo-wool and Tae-seo, the kitchen fogey, and even Gon (I know! Squee) I think he’s ready for his Skywalker moment. Or as ready as anyone can ever be, for that kind of thing.


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I know he is eveil, but man. Wol-Ryun is STILL hotter than a firecracker! I am not watching this show only reading the recaps, but I WILL watch this episode.


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this episode is nice.. Thanks GF :D


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Cannot say anything about this episode..Totally love it! I feel my heartbeat goes faster just like KC at the last scene..Agghhhh..GFB,you kill me!


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Waaaaaah!!!! I can't stop smiling!! <3 Even though girlfriday is right when she said this is sort of a filler after the cliffhanger last week still, I LOVE it.

Gah! The look on Kang-Chi's face was perfect. *squeals* Waiting for Yeo Wool to dress like a girl in front of Kang Chi was soooooo worth it. This episode is just so adorably fluffy!

Papa Miho is back!! Although a little bit scary...but still, he's back!! Anyway, can't wait to know who the mystery girl last week is. Is it Seo Hwa (Mommy Miho), Mommy Yeo Wool or just a whole different character altogether? Hmmm...

By the way, thanks for the recap!! :D


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hmm the mystery lady as in the japanese lady who requested for the drum performance ?

i believe she's yoon se ah (the gentlemen's dignity) her lips are kind of obvious for me to recognise .

but as for her character in the drama i have no idea what she'll play out (my sentence seems abit weird)

AHH ! i love the part where yeo wool dressed like a lady in front of kang chi too ! *fangirling* =X hehes =D


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강치: 너는 내 아버지 주겄어!
월령: 아니 강치야. 나는 너의 아버지 인데.
가치: 아니이이이이이이이!


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I would totally roflcopter if they made that scene with Kang Chi and Wol Ryung.


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OK... I don't get it... *scratch head*
Kang Chi: No, You can't be my father!
Wol Ryung: No Kang Chi-ya. I'm your Father
Kang Chi: Noooooooo!

Call me stupid and blunt... But why @kelly goes LMAO?? *I want to laugh too


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Did you not watch Star Wars or something? LOL


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I've never actually seen Star Wars myself (the original trilogy at least), but that scene is so famous that it's interesting that some people don't get the reference. Lol.


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Please excuse me to hammer my head, *how can I do not think THAT!* boing* LOL, got it now!! Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


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You missed the infamous 죽이다 word.


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Sounds like another typical response either my dear girl... What a great review u'v done for this drama, intelligent and so on... For some reason maybe u could make ur own page specially to critisize a huge lack of GFB story i'm sure ur page will attract/gather a lot of drama/film reviewers., Since i'm older than u/all of u here i'll flow with my age typical response of course not to back-response u harshly.. Apparently I am just thinking ur response behave to my reply, it is a suggestion for ur unlimited of a good drama desire my dear young girl. And here come u pointed it negatively in common... Maybe u hv gone through a lot of negative act towards u, well i dunno. But u r a smart one dear...


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this is a reply to foulou reply's :)


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I think foulou needs to stay right where she is, thank you very much.
I could turn the tables and say that any commenter who cannot handle criticism should perhaps go to soompi, which postively overflows with fangirl-generated rainbows, unicorns, etc. etc. or some other site which self-polices itself to snuff out the merest hint of disapprobation.
But I wouldn't say such a thing, because Beaners are a tolerant bunch and generally like intelligent discussion of pros and cons.


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you're extremely deluded if you can't see that the discussion on this site isn't just as biased (in different ways) towards or against certain actors and actresses as it is on other websites.

perfect example: constant derisive complaining about a certain female lead's acting week after week ad nauseum does not constitute "intelligent discussion."

i suspect you're speaking from experience regarding your "slightest hint of disapprobation" (cute misuse of that word, btw) being snuffed out on soompi. tbh, if you posted as many trite, repetitive comments there as do here, the mods were right to step in.

there's actually plenty of valid criticism of this drama and its actors in the discussions on this site and others, but posters like you certainly don't provide any of it. guess you're lucky that there's a "tolerant" crowd here and people rarely call you out for the broken record you are.


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Until quite recently, tilde, people were pretty much free to state their opinions here - even if they were the same ones, week after week, and no one went for the jugular.

As far as issues with mods, I am not speaking from experience - I have never been in trouble with mods, ever. I may be critical of actors actresses, idols (especially idols) poor writing, bad direction, and contrived plots, but I always try to explain why I feel the way I do, and I try to address my comments to the whole group, and criticize an idea or a feeling rather than one person, or "posters like you."

I know I've never called someone trite, repetitive, "a broken record," etc. etc. If you are a Suzy fan, which I assume you are, wouldn't it be better to defend her, and explain all of the marvelous things she is doing well, rather than attack me?

And as for the crowd of "tolerant" people here, I guess they are. At least, they are all nice enough not to attack me, even if they do not agree with me. Most of them, I am sure, just ignore me if they get tired of my comments. I could suggest you do the same, but that would be like shutting the barn door after the horse has already run off.


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@skelly I, for one, really appreciate your comments and I hope that you continue to voice your opinions even if others don't agree with them.

I really love this site--it makes me happy to see so many people who share my passion for Korean dramas. However, there is one thing that continually bugs me and it has become increasingly apparent recently. If reviewers like girlfriday or javabeans like a drama, then EVERYONE seems to automatically loves the drama and you are mobbed if you express a different opinion. If they dislike a drama, well, sorry for you drama, but it's the kiss of death--everyone dislikes it and revels in the criticism. It's just very strange to me. I will be forever grateful to everyone who runs this site but there have been plenty of times that I have disagreed with the reviews. It doesn't matter though because it's just a difference of opinions...I just don't get it...

Anyways, I am so excited about the daddy-son gumiho reunion but I'm a little dissapointed that evil daddy just wants to kill KC...I was looking forward to many "join the dark side" moments.

@reglest LOL it's ok :) I do that all the time! I'm glad you get the reference now! That scene is what I immediately thought of when we found out that Wol-Ryun was back :)


OMG, please do not kill off papa Gu.. again. He deserves to be happy too. I'm so nervous about their reunion.


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Thanks GF.. still not watching , will wait till 2 ep with sub, then i can enjoy watching for cute moment KC and his master and from supporting actors


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thank you!


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thanks so much for the recap, GF
it's always fun to read your recap.
anyway, i was wondering if any one know the meaning of Chung-jo both old and new name?


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I believe her maiden name is 清照 - if you separate the two chinese letters, 清is clear while照is reflection. 青鸟(or blue bird) if you google it is mostly insectivorous or omnivorous birds that feeds on insects....

Quite interesting if you compare her maiden name with her new name... she was a pure innocent girl and now tainted by the villain she is starting on her path for revenge and taking out the 'insect' characters around her midst e.g. that Gisaeng that ran out of favour with Soo-ryun...


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@LoveSG thanks for your reply, i'm really grateful


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You're right, except Jo from her birth name means "morning" (that's what she said in the drama). So CJ went from "Pure/Clean/Fresh Morning" to "Blue/Green Bird." I don't know how the Chinese interpret that character 青, but in Korea, it's thought to represent both blue and green. It means that verdant, lush, youthful quality of those colors. So both a tree and the sky can be 青 (it would be unusual to describe a tree blue or sky green in English, though). When CJ said her name was now "Blue/Green Bird," the image I got was not so much of an insect eating bird, but a young bird, freest of all creatures outside a cage, but once inside one, the most pathetic plaything. As to what kind of bird CJ will turn out to be, I guess we have to keep watching but from the way CJ's character is developing, I don't think I'll be disappointed.


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So interesting! Thanks for the explanation and interpretation. Your caged-bird metaphor--nice!


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I am so loving this episode.Yayy!


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i don't know why, but lately i felt a bit strange with the dramas recently airing... why they have so many issues about "sleep with the wrong person" or that kind of thingy.... what's the problem with virginity in saeguk???
i lili bitti uneasy about this, too intense to talk about that in front of someone you like, isn't it?? i kinda miss the flat and common saeguk-romance dramas.... hufttt,

but again, that's just private opinion, this drama is good, thanks for the recap!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Well, that's how it was (and still is, in some cultures and in some heads). Virginity was a woman's prize, and when she gave it up, she gave up most of her value. As far as talking about it, it WAS a huge deal, sex was power and they probably talked about it a lot more than we give them credit for.


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So good to see Kang Chi's reaction to girlie-looking Yeo Wol. Isn't falling in love the bestest thing! I so hope Yeo Wol doesn't kill herself to spare Kang Chi from becoming a demon in the future. I really don't want either of them to "maybe have to die" as the prophecy says.

Preview showed Kang Chi and Wol Ryung meeting by way of monk. Wow! If that is really next episode, that would be sooo good. I'd hate to have to wait til the last episodes for them to meet. Will see what the early meeting will do to the plot.

So wish Daddy-Gu hadn't killed anyone. In American drama, there's always some chance of going unpunished if a baddie hasn't actually murdered anyone. Of course, a demon is a demon...so i guess a death was necessary...but....now I'm thinking death is a coming.

Was so good to see Kang Chi telling his soul to Tae Soo. It was like he got his brother back. Glad he has someone to talk to. That said, this family's ability to write off family members does boggle the mind.

Thanks for the recap.


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Yes, Chung Jo in particular seems to be considered very expendable, but that's historical fact. It's just amazing that a fantasy fusion sageuk is bothering with something like historical fact--I like it!


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Thanks for the speedy recap!! Fantastically written as always.

Just had to spaz about the fact that Papa Gumiho is Back!! >_<. Been waiting for this ep since ep 2 ended xD


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Hehe, love your Skywalker comment and now Wol Ryung will be the Darth Vadar?

Kang Chi's reaction to Yeo Wool as a girl is priceless... hilarious! And he stammered quite badly before her ^,^


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hello ! ur recaps are always pleasant to read !
just my two cents about this :
"There’s a moment when Jo Gwan-woong notes the ornamental sash Soo-ryun always wears, which we’ve always seen but never heard mention of. She tucks it away at his comment, so we’re left to wonder for now. Innnteresting."

i didnt gave much thought to it but when i read it , it made me start wondering about it too hahas .
given that jo gwan woong mentioned about it being a very well embroidered ORCHID (yea this made me linked to something i would have never thought about if i didnt read ur recap)
and linking it to master dam giving tae seo the identification which has the chrysanthemum flower that represented his father as one of the 4 masters (men of honour) .
and out of the 4 masters only 3 were revealed aka master dam , teacher gong and tae seo's father which is lord park .
why cant the fourth master be a lady ? hmm my assumption may be wrong =X pls do not bash me .

anyways what i think is that soo ryun's identification may be the orchid ? like how tae seo's father's identification is the chrysanthemum ?

and not forgetting that she has always helped master dam after receiving the letters with their symbol

OHH and of course its getting more exciting with wol ryung trying to find out who is this kang chi who is , obviously , not human ^^


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That's exactly what I think! When Jo Gwan Woong mentioned the flower orchid, I immediately thought back to Lord Park's chrysanthemum.

Soo-ryun being the Fourth Master would be soooo cool. More girl power in this show!!


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I lovelovelove KC and Teacher Gong. Their scenes together are always fabulous and never fail to contain LOL humor.

KC's reaction at the end was priceless and perfect.

WR is back! Squee! So great! I'm really looking forward to when he and KC come face-to-face and square off, and when KC finds out/realizes that WR is his father.


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WR'S BACK!! He's even hotter than before (how's that even possible???) I love this episode's OTP moments. KC and YW are so adorable together.


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hope to see more kang chi in different color of outfit. i mean, other characters often change their outfit ;)


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I'll voice what is probably an unpopular opinion. I do not like CJ. I think she was a pampered, privileged girl whose love wasn't strong enough to stay with Gumiho. I think she always chose what was best for her, including coming into the giseang house and deciding as long as she was there she would be top dog.

CJ did not choose to die honorably. Nope, she walked in, got her pot of porridge, and immediately set about carving her own way there. So she had a client she disliked at work ... she chose to work there, she agreed to sleep with him in exchange for something she valued, she picked the powerful man. It was not rape. It may have been unpleasant, but it was consensual.

The only honorable thing she did was to give a cold shoulder to her former love now that she has chosen her life path. CJ needs to remain steadfast to her choice, and let poor Gumiho go.

Boy, talk about getting the raw end of the deal for a first love! Luckily, it seems like YW will be persistent enough to help nurse his broken heart and love him true.


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Erm, it was NOT consensual! No no no no no!!!
He puts her brother's life on the line. Even if she goes willingly into that bargain that is so far from consensual sex!!!
I get that the choice to go into the gisaeng house was hers but considering the other choice was a life on the run-something she's not accustomed to I'd say she didn't have a lot of options. I'm pretty sure she's not there to be top dog. She's there to live to see the day her father's killer gets his comeuppance.
You sound like you're excusing the man that put her there in the first place. This s the man that killed her dad in front of her eyes, stole here whole life from her and reduced her to slave status. Then tells her he wants to sleep with her whether she likes it or not. THEN tells her the consequence for NOT sleeping with him is to watch her brother die. Yea I'm not seeing the business side of things here?? Honor has f--- all to do with any of this.
I get wanting to ship YW with KC but you DON'T have to turn the second lead into a villain just to justify your preference.


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I don't think this drama ever tried to advertise the 'serious'. It's a fantasy sageuk action/adventure type drama. There are lots of flaws with this drama I agree. But overall? I don't mind the lightness because it balances out the dark. Which is what you need to attracts a wider audience.
There's a lot of angst and sadness that isn't there mainly because dramas aren't meant to spell out every emotion in literal form. If this had more episodes, sure you can dwell all you want. But limited episodes= limited narrative storytelling.

I think they mean to show that overall KC will always be there for family but he's going through his own transformation too so in a sense, he couldn't/wouldn't go after them when he's feeling ashamed of himself and what he's become.

Overall his purpose for being at the school is to learn how to be in better control of himself and learn how to be more 'human'. Also recall he's not supposed to be making trouble against evil rapist so he can't exactly be planning an immediate revenge plot. The whole goal about taking back the 100-day Inn is supposed to be a long term goal i.e. I'll get it back when I'm stronger, more in control of myself and my situation, and I know better what I'm up against.
Also I don't think the monk spelled out for KC what he needs to do in order to go about being human just yet. The guy doesn't even know how to control himself yet!
I don't agree with people calling you out for a 'negative review' because obviously you ARE entitled to express yourself. And in no way are you bashing this drama. You bring up valid points that there is definitely a disconnect with the seriousness of what's happening (rape, murder, treason, and corruption) with what's emphasized but alas that's the result of catering to the crawd. And I definitely agree there's quite a bit of sloppy writing (my particular gripe was with TS's little spell/curse) but for me the lighthearted comedy/romance is a major draw even if it isn't entirely mature or relevant. I'm not really tuning in for the solid plot though lol.


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This was @foulou...oops!
But seriously people on these comments need to chill out! Just a drama y'all!!


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Love, Love, Love this episode! Kang-chi's little slip about loving Yeo-wool and then trying so hard to cover it? I just about died of laughter! So funny! And he's aware of it, at least subconsciously. EEEE! Sorry, but I needed to do that.

I'm happy Wol-ryung is back, but I hate his evilness. I'm really looking forward to his (next) meeting with Kang-chi.

Loving this show! So freaking much! Thanks for the recap, GF!


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Does anyone else think that we've seen the symbols that are on mystery woman's hat before? I feel like we've seen them in a different context in an earlier episode, but I can't place them. There's obviously some significance to them, or they wouldn't keep focusing on them. Does anyone remember them?


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I am going to go off-tangent here for a moment. I have been thinking about this topic of life forever - while we in today's society are always looking for ways to live longer , yet here we have a story of those who are living forever "gumiho" wanting to become humans and live a short life? Hmm (if this exists in a parallel world) it must be boring to be living forever where there is nothing to do? except observe human beings and envy what they do? like fall in love -? It's true that there is such a mystery between a man-woman attraction especially when romance begins to bloom and grow-- it is a mystery and a joy and sorrow all at once.
I bet gumihos don't fall in love with each other? or are there so few gumihos that they can fall in love with?
Maybe there should be a love story about a boy gumiho falling in love with a girl gumiho? Can they sustain that love forever? just thinking...

Back to the story --- Lee Seung Gi is too cute and Suzy ? i have always liked her - she has a lot to go acting wise but i like her now just the same.
Whooaaa Wol Rung is so irresistibly attractive!


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Nice episode.
Does anybody feel the head gisaeng is the 4th master? i mean she received a similar letter as lord park and she has always been helping YW's father. i think its quite possible.


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Darth Vader and Skywalker moment! Haha...hopefully the next episode is more interesting. Gotta agree that Yeowool moments with Kang Chi are the best. loved that waiting scene at the Lantern Festival!


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@skelly sorry girl i dunno about fangirling soompi site, i dunno who suzy/lsg/lyb etc are.. I'm just enjoying the drama through DB recaps, all of DB dramas recaps here since DB first drama recaps was posted. I have my job with all it duties and task already as my daily routines, and from the first time i came here on DB's first drama recaps all i take was just for refreshing, away from my duties, and i never feel neccessary to claim myself as a Beaners .. Fangirling is never be my consideration i'm too busy for that my dear. Anyway i appreciate ur reply..


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