Prime Minister and I: Episode 5

This hour continues to deliver the cute and play up the funny as our married couple is forced to keep up the ruse while living under one roof. Playing married isn’t always easy when there are so many accidents that put them in such close proximity. Not that I’m complaining of course, but it certainly makes their job of pretending that they’re an adoring couple and my job of squeeing by the sidelines a heckuva lot easier.


Yul is taken aback by the surprise kiss (but… kisses!), but even more alarmed to learn that there’s a spy within the estate. He gets defensive about said kiss later, blustering that their lip smacking was more like a car crash, and warns her against assaulting his lips again. Pfft, the man doth protest too much, methinks.

Anyhow, he instructs her to throw out her copy of their contract while he’ll do the same, but Da-jung isn’t about to get rid of her insurance that easily—what’ll they do if he eats and run on their agreement? As in he’ll get what he wants and runs?

That statement leads to another spat until Yul finally tells her to do as she’s told with his trademark “That’s an order!” line.

Back at the bar lounge, Joon-ki is still suspicious about Hye-joo’s intentions for keeping him company. He bristles when Hye-joo wonders if he still blames Yul for his sister’s death, but when she asks what will put an end to his longstanding bitterness, Joon-ki answers readily, “If you come to me.”

His answer can carry either a political or romantic connotation, but perhaps there’s a bit of both as Joon-ki says he’s willing to cast everything aside if Hye-joo is by his side. Though he isn’t surprised at Hye-joo’s reply that that won’t ever happen, he’s still disappointed and takes his leave.

Da-jung mulls over whether to actually tear up the contract before ultimately deciding against it and stuffing it with her wedding gift from her editor boss: a collection of celebrity scandal photos, including one of Kang Ho-dong and Madam Na. HA, I love that the show followed-up on that joke.

She tucks it in her suitcase, thinking that it’ll stay safe there. But then ominous music looms over the estate as we see someone creep into the bedroom and searches for something in the dark.

Da-jung wakes at the noise and attacks the intruder, who climbs on the bed to muffle her screams and turns on the light…

… and Da-jung finds herself face-to-face with Yul. WELL NOW. He lingers there for another few seconds before he explains that he’s here for his meds.

He shows concern when she complains about her ankle, however, and when she pulls back at the touch, he takes a beat before explaining that they’ve already bumped lips, and then awkwardly tosses her foot aside and says she’ll live.

He dismisses her question about his meds and reminds her to leave his room before dawn so he can get ready for work. She gapes at that, but tells herself it was a good decision not to get rid of the contract.

Hye-joo overhears the bodyguards gossip about last night’s kiss incident, to her dismay. The thought of the kiss leaves Yul distracted during the kids’ morning kendo practice as well.

Da-jung is given a house tour by the housekeeper, who gets especially snippy when Da-jung grows curious about a locked room, saying that there are certain areas like this one that she mustn’t enter.

Da-jung falls for another one of Nara’s pranks as she serves breakfast, slipping and falling into Yul’s arms. Hee. Yul sighs exasperatedly at Da-jung’s kid-friendly breakfast menu (cup o’ mixed rice, ha), but the family digs in without further complaint.

He launches into his usual round of criticism of each child in turn, until Da-jung speaks up about his nagging tendencies, using another slang that has Yul fuming.

Once they’re alone, he reminds her that she’s subject to his rules while they’re under his roof, and takes issue with her hanbok. His criticism doesn’t faze Da-jung in the slightest, as she explains it’s all part of her newly married concept. And that’s why we love you.

Joon-ki’s wedding present is met with skepticism when it finally arrives to the house. Da-jung wonders if the porcelain vase has been bugged, to which Hye-joo says there’s only one way to find out and breaks it onto the floor.

It’s clean, but that doesn’t reduce her suspicions about the spy. When In-ho asks how she learned about it in the first place, we see that she successfully broke into Joon-ki’s phone about the vase’s successful delivery, and told to look into the employees once more.

Da-jung notices In-ho’s cut hand just then and patches him up. Why she bandages his arm when it’s just a graze is beyond me, but it’s cute. Their friendly rapport isn’t lost on Hye-joo, who gives Da-jung the stern reminder to be more careful about her demeanor around the house.

Joon-ki asks after the wedding present, and when he’s told that he was informed about it last night, he realizes that Hye-joo found out about it.

Speaking of whom, Hye-joo holds a press conference about an upcoming diplomatic banquet, to which Reporter Byun grumbles whether this will be another private event like the wedding. She assures him that it’s a public event, which shuts him up.

So that’s how we end up at the banquet that started off the series. Da-jung leaves a great first impression when she greets their guests in fluent Spanish. Even Yul can’t help but be impressed… and then we see that it’s In-ho feeding her lines through her earpiece. Ha.

Thanks to his help, Da-jung greets their guests with ease, but she nearly lets slip when Joon-ki comes by to congratulate the couple’s recent marriage. He warns that marriage is fragile like porcelain before excusing himself.

Little Man-se pouts in his father’s bedroom in boredom, but then his eyes fall upon Da-jung’s suitcase. Uh oh.

Yul does his best to keep matters civil with their foreign guests as they dine. However, they keep pressing up on the prime minister for his opinion on the importation of foreign goods in Korea, and the added remark that that makes Korea an easy trading market in the eyes of the world bothers him.

He maintains his composure, however, and turns to ask Da-jung about that “eat and run” phrase he called childish earlier before using it on their guests. He comes out strong with the reminder that France once promised to return a collection of Korea’s historical documents and didn’t fulfill their promise. He asks if their guests won’t do the same with their technology transfer proposal.

(A bit of history: In 1866, French troops seized 297 volumes from Gwanghwado Island in a campaign, and the two countries later agreed upon its return in exchange for installing a high-speed bullet train system in Korea [KTX] akin to France’s TGV. The books were shipped back in 2011 and currently stored at the National Museum of Korea, but on renewable loan.)

But that’s enough for the crown prince to vow to participate in a fair trade agreement with Korea for the next five centuries, and both parties raise their glasses to seal the deal.

Madam Na’s gossipy friends chat about Da-jung before they drop the bomb that they saw Hye-joo riding in the same car as her husband, which makes them wonder if there’s something going on between those two.

I can’t blame Madam Na for being upset since they are married, and she protests that those two share a professional relationship, nothing more. That’s when little Man-se grabs her attention to say hello.

Hye-joo is upset to hear that the meeting she came for (which was also the reason why she rode with Joon-ki) has already ended. The real reason why Joon-ki has called her here is to bring her over to his side, and he asks how she broke into his phone.

He confirms that the passcode was her birthday, which was also the same date she turned down his marriage proposal. Well, that explains those mixed intentions of yours. But right now he’s talking business, and he wonders how the media might react to her little break-in.

Hye-joo caves at that, and Joon-ki tells her that she’ll put in a good word for the ministry of strategy and finance.

Da-jung rests her tired feet at home and nearly jumps to see In-ho behind her. She returns the earpiece but he tells her to keep it for next time. Taking his hand Da-jung calls him her guardian angel.

He deflates at that, and listens to Da-jung talk about the prime minister’s impressive retort with a glum expression. She skedaddles before Yul comes by and picks up her high heels she left behind in her haste.

Yul calls after Da-jung and stops her in her tracks. He returns her heels and jokes that he should call her Nam Geok-jung (or “to worry about others”) instead. He smiles that he can’t even scold her because she did such a great job today, and Da-jung beams at the words of praise.

At that moment, Da-jung slips and falls backwards, and Yul catches her, bringing their faces mere inches from each other. The close proximity makes both their hearts skip a beat and Yul purses his lips. Puhahaha.

He pulls her back up and gives her another lecture before walking away, muttering to himself that she’s accident-prone. Hee. Then Yul lingers outside of the locked door before thinking better of it.

Da-jung fans herself at the thought of the fall and catch, and then muses that there are too many “accidents” lately. You say that as if it were a bad thing; I see no problem with it.

But that’s when she sees the destruction path left by Hurricane Man-se, and gasps that he used the scandal photos to make paper frogs… which means he made off with the contract as well.

She searches Man-se’s room, where the boy wakes just long enough to admit that he gave away a few paper frogs to his father… and also his aunt to give to his uncle aka Joon-ki. Acccckk.

So it cracks me up how Madam Na drops one off to her husband, but she can’t work up the courage to ask him where he went with Hye-joo today.

We’re then transported to another hilarious imaginary scenario that depicts Da-jung’s worst fear: both she and Yul are arrested for their sham marriage along with his staffers as co-conspirators. I love how they all bicker and shift the blame on each other, upstaging Reporter Byun covering the story.

Then there’s Joon-ki, who gifts his wife with a paper frog used to incriminate the lot, and this entire sequence plays the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack, ’cause who knows why. Hahaha.

Da-jung snaps out of it and decides to start with Yul first, who’s busy playing with his mean-looking paper frog. Gah, why so adorable?

Da-jung lingers outside his study long enough to see Woo-ri finally comes home. She gets a whiff of him, but they hear noises, and she hides him away moments before Yul appears.

Yul has his suspicion radar up, but Da-jung leads him back to his office with the excuse that she has something important to tell him. She pours on the praise for his “eat and run” retort, calling it but Yul fears it was a careless move.

He asks if that’s it and sends her out, and Da-jung scours his desk before getting caught. She says it’s impressive how he keeps tabs on the children’s homework too, which he considers as part of his responsibility to instill good habits in the younger generation.

Da-jung thinks that it’s more important that Yul gets to know his kids—it’s not a criticism of his parenting skills, but that he needs to learn how to communicate with them. She mentions that Woo-ri is going through puberty and all the other kids have smartphones, but Yul cuts her off to dismiss her.

As for Woo-ri, he unlocks the locked room which houses a piano. Brushing his keys with his fingers, he ekes out, “Mom.”

Da-jung’s words about communicating with the kids stay with Yul, who then starts to unravel the paper frog. But Da-jung catches him and literally pounces on him to snatch it. It’s not the contract, however, and she returns it, leaving Yul totally confused.

Joon-ki is next on her list, so she calls In-ho for help, but he isn’t in the area. That’s because he’s sitting vigil beside his comatose brother’s bedside and wonders when hyung will wake up.

“I’m beside that person now,” In-ho says. “Wait and see I do from now on.” He runs into Dad outside.

Hye-joo comes clean about her absence, and she’s told not to worry about the budget issues. Yul is more concerned about her, worried that she’s spreading herself too thin for his sake.

It troubles him that she’ll overwork herself, but Hye-joo counters that it’s not tiring at all. It makes me wonder if she still feels indebted to Yul, who doesn’t want her making the wrong decisions, something he’s saying for her sake.

Da-jung visits Madam Na with the excuse to get to know each other. There’s a hilarious silent exchange where Madam Na thinks she’s being a brown nose as Da-jung sweats bullets about the paper frog.

Da-jung asks to take a look around once she learns the paper frog is around the house, and jumps happily when she’s given the okay. So she rifles through the bedroom until she discovers the paper frog on the floor… which is when Joon-ki stops to ask what she’s doing.

Joon-ki doesn’t buy her excuse and immediately dismisses her with the curt reply that Yul will be able to explain why she isn’t allowed to be in his home. He asks for the paper frog in her hand, which she reluctantly hands over.

At the same time, Yul walks into the bedroom, wondering where Da-jung has gone (and reels with disgust at the mess) when he spots another paper frog on the floor. I’ll laugh if that’s the copy with the contract. Sure enough, it is. Hahahaha.

Which means Joon-ki has the copy of the scandalous photo of his wife and Kang Ho-dong. HA. Madam Na interprets this as a catty move on Da-jung’s part.

Da-jung prays to the heavens for help, saying that she can’t get caught. That’s when Yul appears and laughs at her excuse that she was visiting a friend, and then asks if she found the lost copy of the contract yet. Eep, busted.

Needless to say, she’s relieved to see the copy intact, but Yul doesn’t see how the end justifies the mean. He asks if she didn’t know that Joon-ki was his late wife’s brother, thus making her presence there at the very least, inappropriate.

She apologizes for her carelessness, but her actions have already pressed the wrong buttons with Yul. He’s upset and disappointed in her, and asks what more havoc she needs to wreak to come to her senses.

She may have thought their deal was done once they got married, but Yul argues that he risked everything when he made that decision to marry her. He feels that she’s taking his decision too lightly, and hopes that she doesn’t forget why they agreed upon this fake marriage in the first place.

Those words has Da-jung in tears, and she quickly wipes them away when In-ho finds her outside. He asks what’s wrong and listening her woes about the prime minister angers him.

He sees Yul approach at a distance, the latter having decided on a walk, troubled by how Da-jung cried in front of him. Then In-ho hugs Da-jung, offering her a literal shoulder to cry on.

Yul sees them and the image of them together disturbs him. He sees his bodyguards approach and hurriedly sends them in the other direction.

Afterward In-ho reminds Da-jung that he’s on her side and offers his shoulder for whenever she needs another cry. She assures him that there won’t ever be a need for that in the future, and then vows to herself that she’ll make Yul regret those harsh words.

She jumps in fright to see Yul sitting alone in the dark bedroom and asks what he’s doing here. He walks towards her and says he’ll sleep here starting tonight, which has her blustering that this is her room.

But Yul draws close and locks the door, telling her that he needs to be a good husband before being a good father. Bow chicka wow wow.

Da-jung nervously stutters in response, and Yul explains that he’s become a laughingstock in front of the staff with her displays of public affection. He says they’ll be sharing a room like an actual married couple.

The image of In-ho hugging Da-jung still fresh in his memory, Yul asks that she doesn’t forget that she’s still the prime minister’s wife and should act accordingly.

Then Yul stays up late at night working, occasionally glancing at Da-jung, who sleeps on in dreamland.


It’s not much of a cliffhanger, but I love the overall breezy vibe of this show that makes it a cute and enjoyable watch. Not only that, Da-jung continues to rock my socks off with her overall upbeat can-do attitude—she has an optimistic outlook about her role as the prime minister’s wife and even has fun with it, which may be why I love her all the more. I’m impressed at how she carries out all her duties with such gusto that makes me believe that her genuine determination to do a good job is because of her good-hearted nature. She even goes the extra mile at times, but doesn’t hold her extra efforts against Yul; instead she brightens at his approval and praise. It’s adorable.

Da-jung doesn’t act as if she’s indebted to Yul for agreeing to this contract marriage, which is more than I can say for Hye-joo, who seems to keep finding ways to do more for Yul’s sake. It’s as if she’s driven by whatever happened in the past, and she’s not doing enough to repay him. I would say that kind of loyalty is rock solid, if only for the fact that we’re already seeing how her devotion is also her weakness. For now, I rest in the knowledge that she reports to Yul about everything, though it worries me that she could later fall prey to Joon-ki’s manipulation under the umbrella reason that it’s for Yul’s sake.

On the upside, I like that Hye-joo questions whether Joon-ki’s villainous motivation is solely because of his sister’s (Na-young) death. It gives him (and us) a chance to challenge a straightforward but painful motive in dramaland, and could make him an interesting rival. Now we know that Joon-ki once had romantic feelings for Hye-joo (and it sounds like they’re still there under the surface), and I admit there are times their charged interactions makes me feel guilty since Joon-ki is a married man.

In-ho still remains a mystery, and at this point, I’m intrigued to learn more about his backstory since it holds the key as to why he sought to be employed by Yul in the first place. It seems like he’ll become Da-jung’s Daddy Long Legs with his one-sided crush as we move forward, and I’m sure his storyline will continue to tug at the sympathy heartstrings, especially now that there’s the misunderstanding (to Yul) that his and Da-jung’s feelings could be mutual.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Yul’s awkward reactions to his physical closeness with Da-jung in this hour, and just love how he doesn’t even know (or perhaps cares not to acknowledge just yet) how much he lights up at the sight of her. Then Da-jung isn’t even aware of how much of an impression she’s already made on Yul and the kids, and how her words are challenging him to get to know his children. Maybe they need more accidents to occur for them to realize the fantastic chemistry they’ve got flying off the screen.


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Thank you for the recap!


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This episode was especially heartwarming. I love how our heroine has a strong sense of identity. She's not your everyday girl-next-door who is very feminine. Neither is she a model mother, or the prime minister's wife, may I add, from the exterior. But she proved that she can accomplish all those tasks through her own method. Because she is relatively young, she can relate to the kids, like a friend would. Her job as a reporter, or a paparazzi, allows her to be quite agile in accessing certain situations. I love how she never allows herself to be the damsel in distress, but she is so adamant on solving her problems herself. She takes the initiative to pull out some sort of weird story to find those paper frogs at the Minister's house, even though she's not on the greatest terms with the wife lol. Speaking about that house visit, I was soooo worried for her, but totally laughed out loud when that frog turned out to be the photo of the wife and Kang Hodong. What an awesome turn around lol.

I really love Yoon Shiyoon's character, and deep inside, I would like it if he could end up with her. I see that there is a potential change of character in him, in a good way. I mean, if he were able to give up whatever sinister motive or revenge he has with the PM, shouldn't he deserve some love too? Haha! But I absolutely adore Lee Beomsoo here too. Either way, I'm good. Heh :)


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Well said!

Looking forward to seeing how she manages to slowly enter the Prime Minister's heart in the next episode. He is starting to take what she has to say a little more to heart, and that's a great sign.

AUGH overall, such an addictive drama. Have not been bored once!


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So happy this drama does everything right! There's sense, there's logic and its so breezy. No confusion, no overacting, no dull moment. I hope this carries on right till the end.
I just love the on screen chemistry between the lead couple. Great acting, and its been awhile to see such chemistry(last one i thought that did a great job was the couple in "I can hear you")
They both don't realize they're falling in love with each other and keep finding faults, they bicker and they argue until they can't hold it in no longer...and KISS!!! my favourite kind of romance!!


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Recaps on Christmas eve!! Really appreciate that..thank very much :) happy holidays everyone!


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Am i the only one who cant get over the 20 year age difference between the leads? I mean, it wouldve been okay if the two looked close to each others ages but the thing is , they dont. Its a bad reason, but a reason nonetheless, to not be so into their chemistry. No hate, both are great actors... But im still not used to the fact the LBS is nearly twice the age of YoonA. I feel bad though, coz i really want to keep watching this as it has a good story, etc.... Uhmmmm. What to do....


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You can try to remind yourself that people with large age gaps, but also differences in appearance and attractiveness date. It's normal. It's life. If you can't get past that, then it's no use continuing with this, since they are the main couple and this is rom-com.


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I am with you on this regard, but I do feel that the young stars would benefit greatly from acting with the old veterans and open themselves up to greater possibilities, i.e., getting out of the high school dramas that very few people watch. UY did great in Lee Soon Shin working with an actor 13 tears older. There are a lot of noona romances as well where the actors are younger than the actresses. When I watched I Hear your voice I felt like rooting for the foul mouthed teenage girl because she was of the same age as Park Su Ha but the young actor's love for the noona was so convincing and that made a special actor.


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I see a greater difference in that one has been married and a parent while the other one has been somewhat sheltered at home with her Dad. DJ is responsible (love that about her) but she may have overly fairy tale ideas about what marriage is. I expect Yul to be far more practical and realistic about marriage.


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I totally feel the chemistry. She reminds me of several women I've met who fell in love with older men. Not all true love is cookie-cutter. Whether there is a bit of a need for a father figure, or a need to have a family, or affection based on the need for a guiding older man, true love is there. I see it totally.

I've seen true love between folks of different cultures, different religions, different races, different social status. It's just the way one person fits in with another person. Love is definitely not based on two sane age-appropriate people thinking alike and doing the same thing. I think we all have our own little issues and neuroses and Love meets us where we are.

I think the drama would lose a bit of my respect if they didn't honor the fact that the characters are different ages and they love each other BECAUSE of those differences and really could NEVER love anyone else.


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Great comment! I liked that the writers made Da Jung old enough to have really settled into her skin and her own personality, which addresses my biggest pet peeve about age gap romances - when the younger partner hasn't really gone through those formative experiences that will shape their future selves. So thank god we have two mature, believable partners in this relationship instead of some icky love slave dynamic.


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Well said Carole!


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+ 10! :D

That was beautiful - thanks, Carole!


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why cant you..

i mean; just look at demi moore & ashton kutcher
16 yrs diff
in real life...not in drama
(lets not look at their divorce, at least they fall in love and get married. despite age diff)


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There are all kinds and styles of love to fit all kinds of psychological profiles.
Some young women like older men, for hero worship, for their maturity, for the structure and protection they provide in their chaotic young adulthood.
DJ is beginning to see PM with a halo around his head. Also she clearly loves her dad a lot. Maybe she just likes older men. Most of them are extremely doting on their young wives. Those can be satisfying, loving marital relationships.

DJ is young, good natured and caring enough that she naturally sides with the kids. She relates to them more like an older sister to them than a step-mother. I love that about her. It is a big bonus that said noona will have the ear of their dad.


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I think this is not a matter of age or other details, but whether two people fit and the spark ignites between them...
At the beginning I was wondering if I would buy the love story, but here I am loving it, because they have so good chemistry. I think this is the important point. The age gap, we can forget about it, because you know, love is blind and these things happen. :D

That said, I'm loving the drama more and more each day ^^


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I usually have problems with a too great age difference between romantic leads but in this case I don't. The chemistry between the two actors is so obvious and the whole relationship seems to be presented with a full awareness of the big age gap.

In most movies, dramas etc, a man in his forties (or even older - witness some of Woody Allen's films) romancing a woman in her early twenties is presented as the most normal thing in the world but it's really not. I know several very happy couples with big differences in age and this was something they all really struggled with in the beginnings of their relationships. And children often present an additional complication. I hope that this struggle is explored further but right now I'm loving them as a couple.


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My family celebrated Hanukkah a month ago but I wish everyone here the best of the season and a Merry Christmas.


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Merry Christmas.

And a belated Happy Hanukkah to you!:-)


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It is something I notice, but it does not bother me that much. In the show she is playing a 28 year old, so in the drama it is actually 14 years difference. On one hand yeah, it might have been more "appropriate" to have an older woman play that part, but I like Yoona enough that I can get past it.


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Normally I'd agree. Although I have relatives with a roughly 15 year age and they're great together. I'm personally not interested in guys so much larger in age to myself too.


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I love the last scene. Seems like he's already falling for her.


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Also, that breakfast cup of rice was hilarious! I wonder how that tastes, though.


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Gee, Dad, if breakfast is the time you chastise your children, no wonder why they want to skip eating. But step-mothers do have to tread carefully when asserting parental control at the start of a new marriage. She probably should have not tried to undermine his authority with the kids, but instead taken him aside. Not that he would be receptive to listening at first, but we know she'll wear him down.

I do think he has some issue with feeling like DJ is making him look bad in front of everyone. There is a certain dignity to the office that DJ is trampling so that his staff are all laughing at him. When PM joins the laughter too, it will be all good, but I can sympathize with PM's discomfort.


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i love how the story continues to be so gripping. da jung got chemistry with both males and make me confuse at times to whom i should take my side. the accidents that bring them closer and those skin ships make my heart beating and i cannot stop laughing watching the comedic moments in it,,, it is indeed a watchable drama,,,definitely on my list


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I love this drama.....and of course the chemistry between LBS and Yoona....


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I love how well the show is setting up the payoffs! For instance, we already know: 1) Man Se breaks into his father's room when he's bored 2) Da Jeong taught Man Se how to fold frogs 3) Da Jeong was given candid pictures of celebrities as a present 4) Joon Ki's wife had a scandal with Kang Ho Dong. All of these were set up in earlier episodes (except 3, which was in this one) and put it all together-- perfect gag of Joon Ki and wife believably receiving a picture of the Kang Ho Dong scandal. That' s great writing, there.


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Exactly! The writer's doing such a good job on revealing what plot comes next without making it appear out of nowhere..

For example, I thought that it was brilliant how the writer could connect Prime Minister's affair last week (the polluted water case), how he needed to wash his blotted hands and then because of that his and Dajung's hands got attached, resulting Dajung to go with him with the helicopter, then followed by the honest talk between them about the contract (still my fav scene so far) at the end.

Such a nice touch. :)


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Thanks for the recap! Merry Christmas all.

Am enjoying the show too.

However, there is one instance in Ep 5 that I feel the plot just pops out of the blue.

For instance, is the banquet hall next to the prime minister's residence? If yes - that explains how Man Se came about to be there to give his Aunt the frog.

If not, then I will suspense reality and just accepts that Man Se has special powers to pop up to aggrevate folks!


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I half expected Da Jeong to find the frog but be caught by the wife, who would then think DJ was saving her from embarrassment with her husband and have it be the start of a friendship.


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Too early in the game for DJ to get on Madam Na's good side, which will lead to the rest of the sabo-nim following in line.
Later. All in good time.


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The chemistry between the lead couple is so fantastic :3
I love love love this drama so much :3 I hope it keeps going as it is.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays everyone~<3

Thank you for the recap gummimochi~<3


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If you've ever been the victim of a lip collision, then you know it does not deserve the dignity of being called a kiss. As a great kisser myself, I would be offended to be assaulted in such a manner. PM has reason to be put off. The only way to answer something like that is to hold the person firmly, calmly say "that is not how you kiss, let me show you how" and then with softness, lips, lust, tongue, teeth, and sucking show them a few of the thousand ways to kiss properly until they are delirious and unable to form sentences.

I am completely sure LBS as the PM has had these kind of kisses with his first wife. How can he not compare? How can he resist the urge to educate his little miss on proper form?

Swooning so happily at this drama.


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thanks for the recap of this wonderful show! the two leads have so much chemistry that for me the age difference is not an issue. she is supposed to be 28 in the show and he 42 which is not such a huge gap. no criticism, but perhaps it's cultural difference. one of the first dramas i saw "my name is kim samsoon" had a three year age gap and his mother was scandalized because samsoon was 3 years older than her son.

it does bother me how the ajumma housekeeper is very physical with da jeong, almost throwing her to the floor!


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I think the housekeeper feels like she is protecting the PM and her own territory, and looks on DJ as an interloper that won't be around for long.


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YSY's character reminds me a little of Shark ... he cares about DJ but wants revenge more. So we get all these sad moments with the two of them together. I am convinced In-ho's relationship with DJ goes much further back than their recent meeting, but what I am dying to know is why he recognizes her but she doesn't know him.


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When her father was recounting her past, he mentioned how she followed-around "that scoundrel Kang Ta" throughout high school. Is the same last name a coincidence?


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I think her father was talking about her being a fangirl of the celebrity, KangTa. He is also part of SMent so that would be like a little wink to those who know. This drama drops a lot of those jokes with people's connection to SM, like the Kang Ho Dong joke with Na Young. :)


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I gave in... and started watching and soon I'm sure I'll be cursing every Wednesday till Sunday. But I loved the funnies and the background music is a hoot. Am I the only one who sometimes get the 'Sound of Music' vibes from this show?

thanks for the recaps!


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The way I heard it, it *was* originally conceived as an adaptation of The Sound of Music -- Yoona's character was even a tutor who dreamed of being a musical theater actor, rather than the reporter she ended up being. I have to say I prefer the changes, the whole situation and her personality makes more sense with her current profession.


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Well, it's definitely working! I'm hooked... and the bemoaning of the week starts today! urgh!


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For more Lee Beom Soo, I'm watching History of a Salaryman, and I am amazed at how different the characters are.

With the PM, I just want to gaze longingly into his eyes to catch every emotion. I don't know if it is the suit or the politician or the widower or the kids he loves but can't totally relate to ... but the PM role has me completely fascinated.

I don't see him as short or ugly or too old or some of the other comments I've seen people make. I am completely smitten. There is this magic aura about the PM character that I can't get enough of. When he has her bent over the back of the couch, I am holding my breath as he is inches away from DJ. Will he kiss her? Is she feeling the sparks as much as I do?

rambling idiot has fallen again for another KDrama hero.


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I just finished History of a Salaryman, and am now starting Giant. Man, LBS is such a good actor.


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Never forget Versailles Yoo. lmao

Giant was fabulous, btw. It had four of my favs as the leads and I loved every bit. I marathoned that joint in about a week. XD

I'm currently running through a bunch of Lee Bum Soo movies, starting with some of my old favorites that I haven't watched in a while. I'm def on a LBS kick right now.

I am so madly in love with him as an actor, Yoon Shi Yoon and Ryu Jin aren't even a blip on my radar.


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Ditto. Every word. Lee Beom Soo…Why so fine? As PM.


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Compeletely agree, especially your 2nd paragraph. I can't seem to get enough of him. History of Salaryman and then Giant . . . My end of the year is pretty much filled with Lee Beom soo. :)


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haha, I'm watching HoS right now, and I'll admit the PM image gets a bit blurred sometimes when I think of Yoo-bang!

I reckon he's pretty hot and dashing in both roles, so I'm quite happy to spend my Xmas with LBS! :D


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This is my favorite drama in such a long time. Why we didn`t have more of this type of dramas last year and were stuck with bunch of boring sageuks and melos.

I only liked Master Sun and Replay 1994 and now Prime Minister and I. I guess i`m a romantic comedy type of person.


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Merry Christmas to all.
Thanks for the recap and all the work you for our enjoyment


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Thanks for the recap. Merry Christmas!


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"But Yul draws close and locks the door, telling her that he needs to be a good husband before being a good father. Bow chicka wow wow."

Gummi your recaps crack me up so much! It's as good as rewatching the drama itself ( and I have rewatched this episode around 4 times? so that's really saying something.) Please keep up the great work and keep us laughing with your awesome sense of humour. I really look forward to reading your Prime minister and I recaps at the end of each episode, and I *might* have done a little dance of joy when I refreshed the main page and saw your recap pop up. Might have. *shifty eyes* Please keep them coming!:)


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Wild speculation here, turn away if you don't want to read about my suspicions about In-ho. SPOILER?

What is see laid is the groundwork to establish that
1. Yul gets jealous
2. Yul may have been jealous of In-Ho's Hyung and Na Young.
3. Yul's jealousy may even have led to the car accident which In-ho holds Yul responsible for.
4. In-ho is using Da-jung to incite Yul's jealousy (even if he feels bad about hurting DJ)
5. In-ho might be a revenge seeking master mind. It seems personal, not politically motivated. You hurt my family, so now I will destroy yours.

I really saw In-ho's pulling DJ into an embrace as intentional when he saw Yul.


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I'm not sure if In-Ho is trying to consciously make PM jealous. He seems very protective of heroine, as if he doesn't trust the PM. It might be that PM was loving but too busy for his wife and his wife became good friends (not lovers) with In-Ho's hyung...and somehow they had an accident. You might be right about Yul's jealousy being the cause of the accident. But PM might not be aware of all this or he wouldn't have hired In-Ho. If PM's first wife was having an affair, then her brother will be quite surprised about how PM honored her memory and didn't tell the family secret.


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You are right, In-ho is protective.

Not sure why, but I assume that 1st wife didn't have an affair, jealousy can come even when someone is innocent, it can be an irrational emotion.

I also assume everyone is in the dark about In-ho/Hyung connection.

Protective seems to be a theme running thru this drama. Think how Housekeeper is protective of Yul, Yul is protective of his kids, DJ is protective of her Dad, Secretary Seo is protective of PM, etc.


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I love talking about this kind of stuff! Here's the pieces I've seen:
The hyung is in a coma and staying at a hospital ward that houses people with neurological problems. He is two years younger than Yul.

In Ho is four years older than De Jung. His last name is also the same as a "scoundrel" she followed around throughout high school. (Did he have another brother who is no longer in this world.).

Her college life was spent in and out of jail due to engaging in rebellious protests (implied political.)

IH started following (stalking?) Yul 10 years ago, as one of the initial members of a fan club that emphasized Yul's character.

Yul has an outward reputation of unimpeachable character; but a lesser known reputation for personal harshness and lack of an appropriate verbal filter.

For the past 7 years, Yul has rejected advice to get remarried. He seems unusually adverse to the idea.

One site I was reading (in a moment of impatience while waiting for this recap/discussion) said in Yul's character description that his former marriage had gone cold prior to his wife's death.

The flashback scene about the wife's death showed news reports with three different accidents involving white cars. One was a rear end collision between two sedans. The other was a demolished minivan. The third was the live action footage of the car with the wife in it; this car had one door that wasn't latched and a massive hole in the drivers-side windshield. In that, she wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and appeared to have already died of a head injury at the start of the accident. Yul was shown as if he was at an office building when that crash happened.

Yul left office in Jeju after the crash. There was a gap in time between that and his nomination as Prime Minister.

One thing I think is for sure, IH hugging DJ in view of Yul was deliberate. And because he would have known it was a massive breach of protocol (not to mention grounds for being fired) I saw that choice as him firing the first shot of a larger war that he has planned for Yul. So while he may have feelings for DJ - and resent the way she's being treated - he also doesn't seem hesitant in using her as cannon fodder in his larger war. (If he makes her central to a scandal, she'll get hurt.). However, the thing that makes me question this speculation, is that it makes his character a little too murky for such a straightforward drama.


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Yep, absolutely, I think In-ho's putting his Plan into effect, whatever that may be, and pulling Da -jung into an embrace was timed very deliberately - he kept his eyes on Yul the entire time. But he was very torn about using her like that (ergo he punched the steering wheel on the way home), and sincere about his feelings for her.

At this point, I think In-ho thinks he's obliged to carry out his revenge/mission on his brother's behalf, as a matter of loyalty, rather than being hell-bent on a passionate vendetta. Looks like there's a part of him that's reluctant to do this.

It may even be that he's acting under a misapprehension about what happened to his brother, and whatever role that Yul played or didn't play in it - so I'm hoping his brother wakes up from his coma and explains everything, which is when In-ho's gonna give up his revenge and find a nice girl who's not already LBS's woman. Right, show, right??


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Thanks for the recap, Gummimochi!

Love this show! That scene where they all piled out of the police cruiser in ropes and prison garb, cursing and blaming each other was beyond funny. This really is one creative show.

Wasn't too sure how I was going to like Lee Boem Soo in this, having disliked him in the excruciating Dr. Jin, but oddly enough just watched a movie of his where he played Joseon's first illustrator of porn books. He was lol in the film and really brought home the funny (in his serious way). So, seeing him in this Kdrama was a nice transition for me.


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Which movie is that please, in which he plays an illustrator of porn books? Would love to watch that.


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'Forbidden Quest'. I didn't like it, personally. He has done some way finer works, where he had much bigger roles and was able to show so much more. Very versatile actor, very talented. But like everyone, he has made his bad choices too. Some pretty great ones as well though. An overall balanced career.


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Aww, c'mon - other than the torture scenes, it really was a fun movie (and rather interesting, considering the time period and the subject).

I'm aware of his status as a noted actor, just haven't seen him in anything other than the two I mentioned up thread. And as Dr. Jin wasn't up for any Best Drama awards, I took LBS's role there with a grain of cynical salt.


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I can love the actor and not love all their works. ;) I felt the movie was quite misogynistic and did not appreciate that its heavy parts were too heavy compared to the original lightness.

So as someone who has seen most of his works, I simply suggest other ones to start with, at least. Especially if someone likes him from 'Prime Minister And I', there are many ways to go from here in viewing his works.


Totally a show for the season...
Thank god I can finally watch one without pulling my hair out.....
Lee Bum Soo is awesome....
Its the first time I am watching him and I just love the acting....
Wonderful Chemistry...
I am not going to expect a lot from the show apart from bieng just normal and feel good...
Just hoping that it will keep up the good vibe....


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I so love this! I love how honest the interactions are between all the characters. Poor Madame Na. I so want her love life with her hubby rekindled. If not, I want her to give up on hateful hubby and find love with someone else. In-Ho is so wonderfully conflicted. Way better than other probable avengers. Not sure he will go through with what he might be intending to go through.


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I think Madame Na is the one getting the short end of the stick here, at least so far. I hope things get better for her - she does not really seem to be evil like so many women in k-dramas, but more like desperate to get her jerk husbands attention, which leads her to being a bit snarky at times.


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Same here! I like the side characters so far - Madame Na's the poor "showgirl" character who landed an amazing husband, but is constantly being outclassed and compared to Secretary Seo (at least in her husband's mind). Of course, her response to the situation always ends up in a shoot-yourself-in-the-foot result, which just makes her more pitiful.

I even felt sorry for Joon-ki, who seems to have deep and unforgettable feelings for Secretary Seo, so much that he was prepared to throw away his career and marriage (of course, that just made me pity Madame Na more).


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They really make up for the age gap (which does not bother me) by giving tons of skinship. I always think the shows that don't skimp on the physical affection/skinship build some of the best romances, probably because its actually believable. But I love how this writer constantly finds ways to get them in each others arms (keep em coming) either through the kid's shenanigans or to put on a show.
I loved it when yul clearly stated that was not a kiss but a "lip smack" haha. Way to poke fun at 90% of kdrama kisses. This man knows how to kiss I bet and itd be a shame if we didn't get any hot kisses from these two.
who woulda thought. Yumm.


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The man does know how to kiss and this lip smack comment better be a hint to a hot kiss coming up. Do it, drama. You have our blessing.


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I am in a desperate need for help. I have been watching K-dramas for over a year now. I have watched all of Gong-Yoo's and Lee Min Ho's dramas. I have currently got one week before my school starts. So I want to watch as many dramas I can... please suggest some good ones. I have already watched Master's Sun, I hear your voice so please suggest some good ones. Rom-com to be precise :)
Please. I am counting on you people :) Help me :D


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This is a useful guide in terms of drama recommendations! :)



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Thanks :D


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It must be rom-com?

I don't know many rom-coms, but I will can suggest other genres:

Queen In-hyun's Man (Romance, Fantasy) [The main pairing is just amazing, trust me]

Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang (Romance, Comedy, Drama)

Reply 1997 (Romance, Comedy, Teen)

Two Weeks (Action, Thriller) [If you don't like lots of blood, it's better to skip]

Sungkyunkwan Scandal (Historical, Romance, Comedy)

Girl K/Killer K/Little Girl K (Action, Thriller) [lots of blood as well]

School 2013 (School, drama, youth) [The friendship is really touching]

White Christmas (Mystery, Thriller) [The drama deals with the question of whether evil is organic or environmental, and the potential for adolescents to be extremely empathetic as well as equally cruel. By wikipedia]

Shut Up Flower Boy Band (Teen, Romance, Music) [the title makes the drama sound superficial, but it's a pretty good drama, actually]

The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince/Coffee Prince (rom-com)

Hope it helps. Tell me if you liked any, ok? ;)


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HI :) I have watched Coffee Prince. It was the first drama that I watched. And School 2013. They really are good dramas...
Thanks a lot for your advice. I am going to watch them all :) (Will take me sometime but I will)


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Rom/Com suggestions (randomly plucked from my brain):
Attic Cat
Full House
Mary Stayed Out All Night
Lie to Me
Flower Boy Ramen Shop
Sweet 18
Dal Ja's Spring
Witch Yoo Hee


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I have watched PASTA, LIE TO ME and WITCH YOO HEE.... They are awesome... Thanks a lot for your suggestions. :D


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-my girlfriend is a gumiho
-reply 1997
-full house
-rooftop prince
-sungkyunkwan scandal
-flower boy next door
-flower boy ramyun shop
-you're beautiful
-secret garden
-protect the boss
-prosecutor princess
-my girl
-queen inhyun's man
-best love
-arang and the magistrate
-okjakgyo brothers (family drama, but the lead couple is so endearing you'll love it regardless)
-city hall
-oh! my lady
-my name is kim samsoon

all the good rom-coms ive watched that i can think of as of now :D enjoy your last week of winter break!


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Thank you so much all of you for your love and concern :) I am going to watch all of them. <3 I am currently getting over the empty feeling left after I HEAR YOUR VOICE ended by listening to its OST again and again and again and crying while curled up in my blanket. :( :'(


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Well if you're in the mood for a good cry (paired with an uplifting romance), I'd watch Queen In Hyun's Man.

To keep this spoiler free, I won't explain how it's uplifting but still manages to wring buckets of tears out of you. But this show manages to do it in a truly wonderful way. It has a great OST too.


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Thanks a lot :D I have not watched these but I am going to try to watch as many of them as I can..


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I LOVE this drama! I am sooo hooked on the OTP. LBS is soooo sexy and just like everyone else I'm hunting down everything he's been on. I do admit that I see the difference in age between the two of them but that's what makes it so perfect! He's mature and helps her grow in that sense because as we can see she reacts based on gut and doesn't really think. Whereas she's all heart and so she teaches him that he needs a bit of that from time to time especially with his own kids. They balance each other out and their chemistry is amazing!!!!

Although I'm kinda sad that YSY is not the go happy guy that makes him so cute. He's doing a convincing job though and probably the reason why I'm so sad about it.

I'm dying for epi 6!!!


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I love this drama it's the first time in a long time that I don't have an issue with a drama's characters, motivations or story line....thus far. I do hope we get to see Da-jung and the kids interact more often and of course learn what happened around the death of the prime minister's wife as most of the story lines seem to revolve around it


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Yul's reaction to IH/DJ's hug makes me wonder if his first wife had an affair. Probably with IH's comatose brother.


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Some of the other hyped dramas have been a major disappointment this year, but this unlikely pairing of two extreme opposites has been such a joy to watch! Excellent chemistry and the writing has been hilarious! I love it when everything is working right with this comedy.

Can't wait to see how the Prime Minister is going to be his version of a good husband.. More lip smacking please.

I hope you continue your recaps. Love reading them..they are as funny as this comedy...Bow Chicka Wow Wow!


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BTW does anyone know the title of the piano melody that comes on every once in a while in this drama ?


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Liked the whole piano bit especially since now we have the music connection with the wife and really just makes all those moments where piano music is playing more meaningful.


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Wow, i just read in the Chinese website about the scene when DJ was looking at Kwon Yul's wife news in episode 2. It actually says that the wife disappeared due to the accident. Could this be a crucial thing for the future ? I mean, could she turn up alive ? My imagination running wild here like DJ. I mean I am puzzled why YSY would take on a role as a second lead, could it be there may be chance of twist in the ending ? Not sure if you can see this image


Meanwhile, i see that things are settling down a little on the insanely funny imagination DJ imaginations but the funny scenes are still plenty. So far up to episode 6 and still happy with it!!


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Ohh and Kwon Woori mentioned it too today in EP6..


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In-ho ? Spanish ?

suddenly missing our cutie Enrique Geum..! :D


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Lol I said the same thing ?


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Thanks for the recap and Merry Christmas!

The scenes where Yul can't stop thinking about the "lip-smacking" and the obligatory Da Jung's imagination are so hilarious! I hope this drama continues to be a rom-com done right until its end.


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Thank you for the recap!! This drama keeps pushing all the right buttons with me, mostly because I love the couple and find it great that despite the age-gap they can respect each other and be attracted to each other. I love that it's not only her that respects him but also the PM has a lot of respect for her he just has a mouth that speaks before he thinks when he's around her which is usually not his style in front of the rest of the world. Which is why I think she's been influencing him and might be the reason he spoke so forcefully to that foreign dignitary.


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Anyone know enough Korean to tell me what "eat and run" slang is? Is it

먹고 실행


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It's '먹튀' or short for '먹고 튀다.' You could think of it like the idiom to "dine and dash," if that helps.


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Really liking this drama so far!! Loving the leads...they're so awesome together! I love Da-Jung...definitely one of my favorite female lead characters. I want to watch someone with a spine who isn't afraid to speak her mind!

The drama is light and funny but with enough heart to keep me going. Love!


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Is it like "having your cake and eating it too?" Or more literal suggesting impolite or discourteous. If you are a guest, you just came for the meal and left.

On the topic above on May-December (gad, so old fashion; revealing my age) affair, have you heard the latest about Bae Yong Jun and a 26 year old non-celebrity? Finally, BYJ is taken!


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Re BYJ: No, I haven't heard. Everyone been saying he's gay. Wow!
I always thought that to give up on dating when you are the biggest star in Asia is too hi a price to pay for celebrity and success. Glad for him that he got a second chance.


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I really like the fact that there are no cliffhangers as such, all the problems get solved within the episode itself, it means we can focus on the developing relationship between the two.


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I'm watching ep5's engsubs from viki and there's something i don't understand.
At the scene where Kwon Yul throwing harsh words toward Da Jung, what does he mean by saying she is 'impossible'?
Sorry if this question sounds stupid, since English is not my first language ;___;


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He's saying that there is no point in trying to help her or expect her to be more careful of her actions since she ends up causing trouble for him. He is saying all of this out of anger, so he is implying that any effort on his part to do anything for her and expect her to reciprocate in not getting into trouble with her actions is hopeless.
I hope my explanation helped. :) I tried to explain it as best as I could. Let me know if it was a bad explanation and I will try to fix it! XD


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I'm in love with this drama because of its balance of romance/family/comedy/politics! I haven't watched a drama that got me this hooked in a while!

I think the main reason is the great acting, excellent script (and writer), lack of confusion and oddly the age gap between Yoona and LBS (the PM) in real life. He's old enough to be her father (21 yrs age difference), but their relationship as a wedded couple is blossoming really quickly.

I also really like how they didn't choose the most handsome, tall and young actor out there to play the PM, but instead chose a more reasonable choice which makes the series all more realistic. If the PM was played by a relatively young actor (eye candy-like), it definitely would've been different.

LBS is an excellent actor and this series really brought out all of his skills and influenced Yoona to do an excellent job as well.

Usually in dramas, I either dislike or find the second leads a bit of a drag, yet in 'PM and I' the balance of the second female and male leads are just right and their personal back stories are really intriguing as well. I find Shiyoon's character a lot different and more deep/mature than the previous characters he played. Is he a good guy or bad guy? What are his motives? Those are the questions that are yet to be answered.

As for Secretary Seo, what's her relationship with the PM's brother-in-law and what's their history? Was it because of her one-sided love for the PM that she rejected Joon-ki? Or are there other reasons?

What's the story behind Yul's late wife's car accident and was it actually an 'accident'? Will DJ ever mend Yul's broken heart from his wife's tragic death? Will she soon win the kids over?

Anyway, I can't wait for more Yul♥Dajung action!


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"Will DJ ever mend Yul’s broken heart from his wife’s tragic death? "

In the rom/com "Just Like Heaven" with Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon, the guy's wife died and he's pretty sad, but he also remembers her realistically ... the things she did that annoyed him like leaving bras hanging on door nobs.

Yul hasn't remarried, but there might be more than one reason why he hasn't been looking for a wife the past 7 years. I assumed at first the marriage was a happy one, with 3 kids as proof. What if it was troubled? Look at how troubled the brother-in-law's marriage to Madam Na is. We haven't had much insight into the first wife's character. Realistically, it might just have been an average marriage with everything looking great in front of the camera, but with its own strains behind the scenes.


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agree with your comment. i love this whole drama, not just the actor/actress, but also the story, bgm, all of them.
at first, i also worried about their age issue, but since 1st episode i really like their chemistry.
ohh, im so glad to find this warm drama, and i think this is the best rom-com drama


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I LOVEEEE how this episode ended!


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