I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day: Episode 12

We fill in more pieces of our heroine’s family’s story and catch up with some of our side characters this hour. While I’m all for rounding out characters and backstory, this episode feels a bit disjointed. Maybe it’s the shifting away from our central couple which serves as the grounding force of the drama. Hopefully, we’ll get more cohesion again as we move into the penultimate week.

EPISODE 12: “A Confession”

We open on sweet flashbacks of little Hae-won with her dad MOK JOO-HONG (Seo Tae-Hwa) as they sit on the swing and play soccer in the yard. In a good mood, Joo-hong rushes to help Myung-joo carry in groceries. Myung-yeo comes in later and sees a bruise on Myung-joo’s leg. We revisit the scene from last episode with Myung-yeo and Myung-joo watching Hae-won and her dad walking hand-in-hand.

Now we’re back to the fateful day Myung-yeo witnesses Joo-hong’s brutality. As they flee, Myung-yeo picks up the keys Myung-joo dropped and hops in the driver’s side. Joo-hong uses a golf club to strike the car again and again, screaming for Myung-joo to get out.

When he goes to smash in the windshield, Myung-yeo seems to accidentally step on the accelerator. He’s knocked to the ground uninjured but more enraged. Joo-hong goes to attack with more vigor, and Myung-yeo speeds forward. This time, he doesn’t get up.

The sisters are terrified. Myung-joo gets out of the car and calls for an ambulance while Myung-yeo sits unmoving in a state of shock. Myung-joo pulls her out of the car, telling her Joo-hong is dead. Myung-yeo mutters she did it, but Myung-joo holds her firm. “No! I killed him.” She instructs Myung-yeo to take a bus back and avoid any security cameras walking home.

Myung-yeo can barely process anything, so Myung-joo shouts at her to pull it together. She puts her own shoes on Myung-yeo’s feet as they both sob. Myung-joo strokes her sister’s hair and tells her to take a shower once she’s home. “Nothing happened. It’s okay,” Myung-joo repeats again and again as she pulls Myung-yeo into a hug. She forces Myung-yeo to leave.

At home, Myung-yeo weeps as she sits fully clothed in the shower. We hear Myung-joo telling her to get a shower and take a nap, after which she’ll receive a phone call. When the cops call as expected, Myung-yeo stifles her sobs as the officer relays the incident.

We skip to court where Myung-yeo stands in the back of the room and watches Myung-joo get sentenced to seven years. We flash back to Myung-joo wiping Myung-yeo prints and intentionally placing her own on the driver’s side of the car. Myung-joo had told her sister she’d get less time since she’d been abused whereas Myung-yeo could get life. She’d asked Myung-yeo to take care of Hae-won.

At the bookshop, Eun-seob stares at Hae-won as he lies beside her and claims he won’t ever forget this moment. He doesn’t even want to fall asleep, although he’s tired. Hae-won starts to say something but decides to tell him later. They snuggle together and go to sleep.

At Soon-yeong’s funeral, Myung-yeo and Soo-jung watch heavy-hearted as Soon-yeong’s teenage daughter arrives, sobbing. Myung-yeo thinks back to Hae-won at the police station after her dad’s death. Afterward, Myung-yeo had told her mom she’d stop being a writer and move in to help take care of Hae-won. She’s not as talented as she thought, anyway. Her mom’s reply was to smash an iron pot with an axe.

During visitation in prison, Myung-joo had blamed herself and told Myung-yeo she wasn’t responsible. She’d ordered her to stop crying and go live her life. “Spend lots of time with Hae-won. Hae-won will be lonely.” She’d later sent Myung-yeo a letter that said simply, “I’m okay.”

We cut back to Soon-yeong’s funeral where Myung-yeo is now wailing. Everyone stares in shock as her cries carry through the parlor. Meanwhile, Eun-seob wakes in the night and begins writing a post titled “This is my first love letter to you.”

Hae-won tries to sneak back home in the early hours of the morning but is caught outside by Myung-yeo. She asks her niece what she’s doing coming from Eun-seob’s place, but then sighs it’s none of her business now that Hae-won’s grown. Myung-yeo is drained from the funeral and asks if she can skip making breakfast. Hae-won offers to make her something instead, but Myung-yeo tells her not to bother.

Myung-yeo heard from Soo-jung that Hae-won gave an amazing cello performance. Hae-won lights up at the compliment but modestly claims she wasn’t that good. She’s confused when Myung-yeo muses, “I wonder who plucked out all of our family’s hedgehog spines.” Myung-yeo snaps she’s being poetic and sends Hae-won inside with a sigh.

Elsewhere, Bo-yeong – who’s been absent so long I almost forgot she existed – glumly stares at “Traveling After a Breakup.” She thinks back to high school days and her crush on Eun-seob.

Jang-woo, meanwhile, sits outside the convenience store sipping on a yogurt. A teenage boy sits down nearby, and they both smile and chuckle to themselves. Feeling self-conscious, Jang-woo asks what the kid’s so happy about. The kid, a self-proclaimed astronomy nerd, is looking at a depiction of a constellation.

Jang-woo matters that the kid’s crazy, so the boy asks what Jang-woo’s so happy about then. Jang-woo shows him a picture taken at the reunion event. “She’s pretty,” the boy notes as he points to Hae-won. Jang-woo makes him take a closer look and points out Eun-shil. He goes on about how pretty she is and asks the kid about his stars. Cute.

After reading Myung-yeo’s opening line, Yoon-taek anxiously calls Myung-yeo over and over, but she’s busy sleeping.

Hwi grins smugly when she sees Yeong-soo waiting for her. She controls her expression and walks over. Apropos of nothing, she informs him he looks good out of his school uniform. It could be his broad shoulders, she ventures. Pfft.

He gets awkward and reminds her she said her crush was over. Hwi confirms it is. When he’s skeptical, she sighs like he’s dense. “If I say I don’t like roses, are they no longer beautiful?” Ha! She said he looks good because he does, she matter-of-factly explains.

Uncharacteristically, they’re having the book club meeting in the afternoon. Hwi waltzes in with Yeong-soo in tow. Hyun-ji is amazed at Hwi’s audacity and thinks she kidnapped him or something. Heh. Hwi vaguely introduces him to the group as a new member. Eun-seob is scowling non-stop, making Jang-woo ask, “Eun-seob, why do you look mad?”

While Jang-woo reads the poem “When We Sit Face to Face,” we see Hae-won and Eun-seob blissfully playing in the snow and enjoying each other’s company. They discuss the beauty of the poem, and they all find it adorable when little Seung-ho claims he can relate.

Jang-woo asks what brought Yeong-soo to the club. Hyun-ji cuts in that he loves books and is their school’s top student who even has a girlfriend. “Hwi has a big crush on him, but he’s not interested at all.” Ha! Way to out your friend. Yeong-soo rolls his eyes as Hwi chides Hyun-ji for not putting that in the past tense. Eun-seob does the concerned big brother scan.

Jang-woo introduces himself as a fellow unicorn and thinks Yeong-soo looks smart like him. Is that why Hwi likes him? That sets Hwi off again. Oh, this kid didn’t know what he was getting himself into. Soo-jung and Geun-sang join in, wondering if it’s his good looks that Hwi likes. Only Hae-won steps in to take Hwi side.

Eun-seob’s continued glaring gets Hae-won’s attention and even makes Hwi stop arguing to ask what’s up. Hae-won notes he’s sweating and seems to have a fever.

Walking back from the bookshop, Jang-woo gets a call from Eun-shil. He’s so surprised he goes into a coughing fit. Eun-shil is doing a coffee event and figures Jang-woo can find her a good barista with all his connections. He’s disappointed that’s the only reason she called, but he still jumps to do it. Flustered as always, he wishes her a good lunch only for her to point out it’s 4:00 P.M. Ha.

Jang-woo can’t stop grinning as he saves Eun-shil’s number and relishes their first phone conversation. Over at the bus stop, Geun-sang marvels over Yeong-soo being the top student. Geun-sang notices Hwi speaking casually to Yeong-soo although he’s her senior and wonders why she uses polite language with him, then. Hwi starts talking nonsense about whether or not it’s all in his imagination, making Yeong-soo laugh.

Never missing an opportunity to make people uncomfortable, Hyun-ji asks why he smiles whenever Hwi talks. Does he like her? That wipes the smile off Yeong-soo’s face, and he insists it’s because he’s dumbfounded by her. Hyun-ji finds that reasonable since Hwi talks a lot of nonsense.

That night, Yoon-taek is still trying to reach Myung-yeo. He finally gets ahold of her and demands an explanation for the fax. She calmly states she sent him the opening sentence like he wanted. Myung-yeo reminds him he promised never to ask which parts of her story are fact and which fiction. Yoon-taek hangs up on her in frustration.

As Eun-seob walks Hae-won home, she stops underneath the streetlight he fixed. Whoever could’ve fixed it? Hae-won playfully bumps his arm, and they laugh. Hae-won promises to sneak out to the bookshop once her aunt falls asleep.

Eun-seob heads back to the bookshop in good spirits. That is, until he sees Bo-yeong waiting for him. Yeah, that’d mess with my mood too. Inside, Eun-seob comments she could’ve called rather than coming all the way there to return the book.

“It’s an excuse,” Bo-yeong admits. “Is everything going well with Hae-won?” she asks. Eun-seob says it is. Bo-yeong finally reveals she had a crush on him for a very long time. Eun-seob claims he didn’t know, prompting her to ask what if he had known? “Nothing would have changed,” he plainly states.

Bo-yeong says that’s okay (her face says otherwise) – she expected it. Outside, she cries as she thinks she liked him first. But that doesn’t matter since Hae-won was always the star. Even Eun-seob, who stood on the fringes, looked at her. We see Eun-seob staring at Hae-won in the school halls and passing Bo-yeong by without a glance. “I’m here too,” Bo-yeong narrates.

That night, Jang-woo has a beer and reminisces about his brief phone call with Eun-shil. He stares at pictures of her and thinks back to high school where, in the middle of declaring his non-interest in dating, Eun-shil accidentally bumped into him. She smiled, and he was a goner.

At Hodu House, Hae-won sneaks to the door and almost makes it out, but Myung-yeo pops around the corner. Hae-won pretends she just got in and asks why her aunt’s still up. She tells her aunt to get some sleep and heads right back upstairs.

Eun-seob continues writing his love letter post to Hae-won. He writes about seeing Hae-won looking hurt, like he was, at the station that day. Taking a break from his problems, he’d followed her all the way to the river. Ah, so it was him who alerted Myung-yeo.

After calling Myung-yeo, he sat nearby reading and kept an eye on Hae-won as she ate and napped. Later, when he’d looked up from his book, she was gone. Eun-seob ran around searching for her and narrates that he was scared she’d die. He heard Myung-yeo scream Hae-won’s name and rushed over to see her pulling Hae-won back from the water.

As he’s writing, Hae-won pops her head in and moans about how hard she worked to sneak out. She notices him guarding his computer and tries to sneak a peek. Hae-won whines she’s hurt he won’t show her and walks away. Eun-seob trails after her trying to assure her it’s nothing bad.

Outside, Eun-seob “teaches” Hae-won how to chop wood, but he fails on the first swing. He just wanted to show her how not to do it, he bluffs. Pfft. When he fails a second time, he blames the axe for being dull. Hae-won wants to give it a go, so he gives her some pointers. She swings and neatly chops the wood in half.

“How’d you do that?” Eun-seob self-consciously asks. Hae-won claims she just did as he taught her. Ha, right. He catches on that this isn’t her first time. She pretends her shoulder hurts and encourages him to do the rest. When he fails for a third time, Hae-won can’t hide her amusement. Embarrassed, Eun-seob ducks back inside.

Meanwhile, Bo-yeong is wandering alone through the dark forest. We flash back to when Min-jung went missing, and Bo-yeong had overheard her mom and a neighborhood ajumma discussing how Eun-seob went in to save her. Oh, hell no. This girl better not be playing the damsel in distress so her crush will save her. She needs some lessons from Hwi.

At the bookshop, Hae-won and Eun-seob sit outside, enjoying the night. Hae-won comments she likes Eun-seob so much she doesn’t know what to do. Eun-seob smiles at her, and she lays her head on his shoulder. “You?” she asks. “Me too,” he replies.

Bo-yeong stares down a tree-covered slope and narrates that everyone, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has feelings. We see the times she tried to get Eun-seob’s attention or engage him in conversation and failed. “I just want you to know,” she thinks desperately as she calls Eun-seob. But Eun-seob is busy playing around with Hae-won, and the call goes unnoticed.

Eun-seob’s Blog Post

This is my first love letter to you. That day, through the window, I saw you looking as hurt as I was. I want to leave. But no, I shouldn’t. I’d feel too sorry. Forgetting all of that, I ended up following you. Cheongdo is famous for its persimmon trees. The Nakdong River that runs across the city looked clear. I was scared you’d jump into the river. Even after calling your aunt, I was still scared that you’d die. And that was probably our very first autumn trip together.


I swear, this girl is going to raise my blood pressure. Bo-yeong is insufferable. She’s the only character I outright dislike and find unnecessary. I think I’m supposed to feel sorry for her, but I don’t. Her problems are all brought on by herself. She’s so fixated on others, particularly Hae-won, and what she thinks she deserves. Everything is a competition for who gets the most attention or love, but she’s the only one competing. And this latest stunt is the last straw. It’s been 10 years, so she knows that Eun-seob isn’t into her. But all of a sudden, when Hae-won “wins,” Bo-yeong endangers herself so the boy she likes will have to pay attention to her? That’s frighteningly extreme and concerning in terms of her mental health. Really, it seems like everybody in that town needs some therapy.

Also, does everyone in that town fall in love in high school and never get over it? So far, we have Eun-seob, Bo-yeong, Jang-woo, Myung-yeo and Yoon-taek who all pine(d) for their first love or crush. I get that it’s a small town and all, but there are other people around. You’d think you’d become interested in someone else after, I don’t know, a decade or so. I know dramas are pretty obsessed with first loves, but this seems over the top.

Our resident piner Eun-seob and Hae-won were in the background again this hour, and nothing particularly significant happened with them. Besides some cute moments, the only thing we got was the revelation that Eun-seob was the one to call Myung-yeo the day Hae-won went to the river, which I’d suspected. I do have to say that sequence in all its autumn glory was gorgeous.

Delving into our weekly dose of tragedy, Myung-joo went to some extreme lengths to protect her little sister. As I thought, she took the fall since her sentence would be mitigated by the abuse, and it would leave Myung-yeo available to care for Hae-won. That’s a heavy burden to carry all these years for the both of them. Myung-yeo must’ve been tormented having to look Hae-won in the face everyday and watch her suffer like that. Being unable to acknowledge what she’d done, she couldn’t even properly grieve the cost of her actions and atone. It’s amazing she’s held it together as much as she has for so long. But if we know anything about their family, it’s that all the women are fierce, withholding types that push through their pain alone to their own detriment.

Now we know that Hae-won and her dad were close, at least when she was little. From what we’ve seen, he was affectionate and adored her. It doesn’t seem like his abuse extended to Hae-won at all, and she appeared unaware of his treatment of her mother at that time. Of course, we still don’t know if that holds true into her teen years. We’ve never gotten any indication that Hae-won has ever been close to her mom, so maybe that distance kept her from asking too many questions. Although, I’d still find it somewhat unrealistic if she had no idea whatsoever.

Onto lighter fare, I had a feeling our persistent Hwi would get her guy in the end, and it looks promising for her at the moment. And Yeong-soo thought he was going to a normal book club meeting. He should’ve known anything involving Hwi was likely to be out of his depth. That meeting was hilarious. They’re the embarrassing family who outs all your secrets and makes everyone awkward for funsies. Yeong-soo is a brave soul if he chances going back after all that. And Jang-woo made a teensy bit of progress with Eun-shil! Well, more the other way around, I guess. Her smiles suggest she’s not disinterested, so the boy just needs some confidence. Maybe Hwi can give him pointers. For a fee, of course.


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Thanks for the Recap! I agree with you completely about Bo-young. I got antsy, feeling that the camera and the soulful music lingered far too long on her, as if we are supposed to be wringing our hands over her imminent plunge down the mountainside. I couldn't muster up anything but annoyance. Group UP already. So he just isn't into you, go find somebody else who will be.


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Yikes that's supposed to be Grow Up. And did anyone else get a little worried about Hae-won? She seems a bit clingy, needing a lot of reassurance and not willing to give ES a centimeter of space. I know she's head over heels, but that sort of behavior is not going to wear well, long-term.


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Well...they're just starting a relationship and they are head over heels. I totally relate to her not getting enough of ES (can you blame her?) and find her sweet, not clingy... I guess it's all a matter of timing, it's ok to be a bit intense in the first stages of a relationship, it would be worrying if it lasted forever


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She's in the first days in a relation with the one she loves, I can totally understand she's clingy. I would be if someone looked at me whit those eyes!!


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I find her sweet and not that clingy to be honest. I'm like that with my boyfriend. I give him space, but I'm an affectionate person.

It seems that Eun-seob is not annoyed by Hae-won close proximity to him. He loves her a lot, so he must feel very happy when Hae-won shows she loves him too.


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I don't think she is clingy. HW knows it's hard for ES to express himself. That's why she is the one making all the first moves. She doesn't beat around the bush and asks questions directly at ES. I think this kind of attitude is better for ES


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Agree. Bo-young seriously has some real mental issues. Her trying to get lost and injury herself just for the sake of Eun-seob attention was dangerous.

In fact, I'm starting to believe that she spilled Hae-won's secret in High School because she noticed that Eun-seob was secretly in love with Hae-won. That's why she never apologized to Hae-won properly, and never atoned for her "mistake". If it was really a mistake, she would feel sorry for Hae-won. But she didn't and even blamed Hae-won for it, which makes me believe that she spread Hae.won's secret on purpose.


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I have to say that Bo Young and her decade long unrequited first love more than bores me, she actively annoys me. I mean come on. Isn’t she about 30? She should have gotten over her high school crush already. Look at Hwi. Bo Young had years before Hae Won returned. If something was going to happen between her and Eun Seob it would have happened then. So what if she liked him first? The whole time she liked him he liked Hae Won. Was she dense enough not to see that or did she see it and spill the beans about Hae Won for spite? I still don’t see the misunderstanding she keeps insisting on.

I am so sick and tired of pining off after the first love theme in drama after drama.

I love Hwi and her crush and puppy Jang Woo.


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They both lived in the same town for 5 years (I'm taking the 3 years ES spent taking care of his ill mother and the ones he was in the military), so if she still felt she was in love with him, she should have made the move before. She's only doing this now because of HaeWon, that she doesn't want her "to win".


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Yes, it all feels like a competition for Bo-young because of Hae-won. I mean, why be friends with Hae-won in the first place? It seemed that Hae-won was really famous with the guys before the secret spread. Bo-young was aware of it, and didn't enjoy it. So, why try to be friends with someone who held a grudge? I really don't know, and it seemed that she got friends easily after Hae-won was outcast by everyone in school.


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I think she tried to be friends with HaeWon because she didn't really have any close friends, so she could have a close friend only for hers, as HaeWon arrived in the middle of the year and didn't really had friends in town. The only thing that seems to move BY is selfishness.


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Yes, but when Hae-won got outcasted in school, we saw Bo-young getting along with several girls. It seemed that she got other friends quite easily.


@kathia I believe the only reason she got those friends was precisely because she exposed HaeWon in the first place. If she had valued HaeWon's friendship she would have stood by her side, and instead she chose to be with the bullies. At least that's the way I see it.


I do find the first love theme quite unrealistic and overrated in dramaland. I never discussed first loves with my friends because all of us move on...We spoke about boys in school and such, but nobody got clung to first loves...nobody. The only person in my life who talks about first love is my grandma since she married her first love, my grampa. That's why I can't relate to this theme, AND childhoos connections, which is another one where I can't relate as well.


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I can't remember my first crush. I'm doomed in dramaland.


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I remember my first crush vividly. But that means nothing more. I find it refreshing when Kdrama characters actually move on and have no past connections at all.


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I remember my first crush. I think most people do. And I remember it as a good memery when attraction was new and we were discovering "new feelings". But I would never call that my first love. And I never think about it now except when the discussion is about first crushes and that does not happen as often as dramas make them out to be! So yah the kdrama obsession and the childhood fated connections was new to me.


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I remember a number of serious crushes I have had but not really the first one because it has got to be way back in elementary school.


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"Also, does everyone in that town fall in love in high school and never get over it? So far, we have Eun-seob, Bo-yeong, Jang-woo, Myung-yeo and Yoon-taek who all pine(d) for their first love or crush. I get that it’s a small town and all, but there are other people around. You’d think you’d become interested in someone else after, I don’t know, a decade or so. I know dramas are pretty obsessed with first loves, but this seems over the top." ---- Yes!!! I was thinking this too, but it's such a good drama that I didn't want to be the one to complain. And Bo-young deciding to put herself in harm's way to get noticed after all these years is just absurd. All the time that Hae-won was in Seoul, she couldn't manage to get Eun-seob's attention, and now she'll just die because he found happiness without her?!!


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Bo-young's story has got to be the weakest in the drama. Though that talk about misunderstanding someone was great in the earlier episodes, her story should have ended there. I guess there's a need to shake Eun-seob and Hae-won's relationship at this time. Oh well.

Jang-woo, oh, Jang-woo. How adorable!


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I don't think her actions will shake their relationship. To be honest, I don't take mind Bo-young's story. Everyone here has a story, some are good, some are bad. I don't like Bo-young at all but she's taking on the tough role of an antagonist, in this otherwise undramatic drama. In typical I'll find you when the weather is nice style however, her antagonism is understated and kept to the background, rarely shows up. She's not an important part of the leads' lives and never will be.


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I don't think so too. It felt like the writer had to add Bo-young at this point because there was nothing left to shake the OTP's relationship. The addition of Nam-ju (forgot his name in this drama) was a good one. It moved the plot while Bo-young, as you said, a background. And since I'm more interested on the Mok's sisters lives, I'd rather see more of them than Bo-young.


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Yes, Nam-ju (ohh I can't remember his name too, so Extraordinary You here I go), helped the plot move along for Hae-won and Eun-seob's relationship.

So far Bo-young is only damaging Hae-won, and doesn't contribute to the story. I hope she learns from her mistakes, and try to be more independent. She clearly seeks attention, so she needs to love herself more and try to live freely without those dangerous desires of hers.


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I agree with you. I don't think Bo Young is meant to "shake" our OTP, but that her behavior fits what we already know about her. She didn't receive attention when she was younger when it was all she wanted. I guess that's the reason she became friends with HaeWon, because she didn't have any friends and she could have something "hers", then when she saw the chance to be more "popular" she told HW's story. I no longer believe in her "misunderstanding" but that she did it on purpose just to get more friends.
She's been ignored, I don't know why, but even her mother talks to her as if she was of no importance (the phone call when she tells her she can do an errand for her because she wants to attend the school reunion, or when her mother barely looked at her to tell her she should have gone directly home).
She seeks attention.


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There are actually two themes underlying the relationships in this drama;

1. Everyone fell in love in high school/has been pining since high school

2. The men are incredibly nice to the women they love. From Eun-seob to Jang-woo to Eun-taek to even Hae-won's dad at one point in this show & the other bookstore man who liked Hae-won's mum. I bet Young-soo is on his way to being incredibly thoughtful and kind to Hwi too.

These similarities make me roll my eyes but other than this, it's such a well done drama that I barely even notice them. No complaints at all so far. I was happy to watch high school Hae-won's near suicide day through Eun-seob's eyes, and glad the show took its time with that sequence, giving us his thoughts, feelings and views.


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This observation is on point! It's all so unreal. Which is why I also appreciated the dose of realism that was shown through the domestic violence episode (though, of course, not condoning it). I thought it was important to temper the fairy tale we are being shown with something, anything. Bo Young is also part of that exercise.


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“I wonder who plucked out all of our family’s hedgehog spines.” I snorted when I heard Myung-yeo say that epic line! As pointed out by @quirkycase, this is a family of fierce women, as we have already seen of the sisters and now of the matriarch when she swung the axe to the jar to express her sentiments. Ha! No words needed!

But the sisters at least have been tamed and are no longer as prickly as they used to be. I don't know how Hae-won was as a child and in her early teen years. We learned that in high school, she was just as beautiful and maybe as popular as her Mom and Aunt were, but I didn't see any manifestation of her being irascible.

But I know Hae-won can be fierce, and I hope she will fight for Eun-Seob against Bo-young's manipulation. On the other hand, if Eun Seob decides to leave her, it will be his loss because I am certain, she will not just survive but be stronger for it. I really hope Eun-Seob at the very least gives her the agency to decide for their future together.


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I loveeeed the hedgehog spines line! I chuckled too. It was great.


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What does that line mean ?


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Myung Yeo said that line meaning that she has become more soft and less mean/irritable. When we think of hedgehog spines, we usually think of them as sharp and prickly.


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Yes .that line was hilarious and enlightening. HW thinks of her aunt as dull witted and uninterested in her life. But MY sees everything and cares deeply about her niece. Their interactions often make me wish that the murder plot was never involved. HW could just be estranged from her parents and HW-MY could still have th dynamic they do. Would have deeply enjoyed her confronting ES-HW in her straght shooter yet subtle ways. But with the introduction of MY as the murderer, it feels like they are on borrowed time. MY by nature is aloof and may b the guilt of her father's murder had always kept her from showing HW just how much she rally cares for her.


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Some rambling thoughts:

These last two episodes have left me feeling kinda disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, I was loving this show on a deep level up through ep 10. But these episodes just fell a bit flat for me. There were good moments, but the show seems to be spinning its wheels a bit. Especially in regards to Hae Won and Eun Seob’s relationship. They seem to have hit a plateau with no growth or forward movement.

I’m feeling conflicted as to whether their relationship moved too fast before they properly dealt with some of their individual issues. I realize that we are probably heading towards typical kdrama format, and their current happiness is the calm before the storm. I will wait until the finale to decide if this was a good format for this show to follow or not. I just hope the show digs deep during the last four eps to address the unresolved issues and bring some healing to these characters.

I’m also really ready for Eun Seob to initiate more. As a shy/reserved/anxious person, I completely understand how hard it is to take initiative and voice feelings. This is one of the reasons Eun Seob is the character I feel most connected to in this drama. But the longer this relationship goes on with Hae Won being the one doing all the initiating, the more unbalanced it feels. I’m hoping that if Hae Won withdraws back into herself upon learning the truth about her father’s death, it will bring out a fighting spirit in Eun Seob.

In my opinion, this show was at its best when it was exploring the inner workings and conflicts of Eun Seob and his relationship with his adoptive family. Ep 11 and 12 hardly touched on these things at all, and ES’s adoptive parents were completely absent. This felt a bit off, especially considering where ep 10 left off. I even started to wonder if something is going on behind the scenes. We never heard how he responded to his uncle or how he pushed back against the notion that his family are destined to be loners. I would really like this drama to get back to exploring these things instead of things like Bo-yeong pulling childish stunts.


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Yeah 💯 there with you on the lack of ES's familial conglict.ES briefly touched on it in EP 11 monologue when he said he has come to believe that he deserves to be happy but that whole monologue was a bit off for me. he seemed to suggest there were people who looked down on him, but the feeling we had gotten so far was that it was ES's own inner thoughts and sense of duty toward both families that was causing him troubles. He never is shown to care much about the villagers or their occasiobal murmurings. Would jav greatly appreciated if instead of trying to introduce external conflict (Bo Young 🙄) they could hav shown how he works on resolving the familial strife and deals with his uncle Nd the book store in the city while also developing his relationship with HW.


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Yes, exactly. I was dissatisfied with that monologue too. It felt like they were trying to wrap things up too quickly. I feel like there is so much potential with this storyline that could be further fleshed out and explored. I’m still holding out hope that they haven’t completely brushed it aside, but with four episodes left, Hae Won’s family’s story may take precedence. There's still a lot that needs to be addressed there too.


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I agree, I feel the series so far has peaked around ep 9-10. His parents are not the most entertaining characters (Hwi is, of course) in the show but they're my favorite characters and their love and loyalty (Hwi too) anchor the story. Bo Young, on the other hand, seems to have dropped in from kdrama annoying tropeland and I almost stopped watching this episode until I realized it was almost at the end.


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I can get what you say, and I think maybe the reason is that theses two episodes have not been centered in HW and ES but more on the side stories, specially MY.
In fact I had the feeling during both episodes that we didn't get much of our OTP, yet I was ok with it.
MY story is important enough to be the center of the drama for this episode because we need to know all the background to know if they will be affected if the truth unfolds.
Honestly, I don't think they will be affected by BoYoung or by others. Their main conflict right now is that they have to resolve if they go on together as a couple, if they decide to continue this relation and if ES asks HE to stay. He wants to say, she wants to hear.


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I really thought BY had finally accepted and learnt to let go when she said it didn't matter if she liked ES longer. ES had always liked HW. I thought this would be the closure she needed and it'll be the end of her story. But alas!

Also HW's mom really cared about her. That scene after the accident was the first time I think where both the sisters showed their emotions so openly and after that both of them kind of closed up. Even though her mom wasn't close to HW, she was the only thing on her mind while thinking of all the repercussions and it's time she explains herself to HW.


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Yes .I was also rooting for BY to finally accept and move on from her unrequited crush. Trouble is, we have only been shown BY in the context of MW, so it's very hard for the viewers to feel for her. It doesn't help that we haven't been shown a single scene in the interim years where BY has tried reaching ES until HW came along. This makes her crush look more like a competitive piece in HW-BY's fraught friendship(?) Bay's piece of grievance that HW was always the star and she seems to hav not respected the decade old fact that BY ha told HW bout her crush on ES smacks of pettiness and self importance. Le sigh, I had high hopes when BY was introduced of an old friendship healing or them finally getting some closure but it isn't to be. 🤷


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Hae Won and Eun Seob were not the main focus this episode, but I liked their various couple scenes for the most part. The light fixture tease and the wood chopping scene were particularly cute & funny and in character. I know they care for each other. She is fully embracing their love and showing her affection. I would like Eun Seob to open up a little more though. She's the one who's been leading and asking questions about their relationship. I want to see him talk about his feelings besides his answers of one or two words.

It was a blessing when the previous episodes didn't have any Bo Yeong screentime. Her reappearance was a drag. She is selfish. She hasn't learned from her mistakes or she doesn't want to admit them. Hae Won and Eun Seob each gave her a response to her pleading and her questions about their feelings. She has to move on.

I thought it was cute that, like Eun Seob, Jang Woo has a crush from way back in high school, but now, quirkycase made me realize there is first love/high school crush overload.
Still, it would be great if the reciprocal ones work out.


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It's a pity that's always Haewon making the questions, but true to the characters. I guess they're setting the scene for Haewon to find out his diary at some point - possibly after a while lot of angst - and realize how important she is to him


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I agree with you: EunSeob taking the lead would be a little out of character. It's true that when HW was annoyed when he came back to Seoul, he acted straightforward with her: come by my side, please, and tell me why you are annoyed.
And when she said "I want to sleep with you" I had the feeling if HaeWon had just waited a little, he would have made the approach. I mean, he didn't go to get rest as HW told him and I guess he was just figuring out how he would say "don't go".


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That scene in ep 9 where ES asks HW to come to him is one of my favorites of the drama. It was a pleasant surprise because it did seem almost out of character, but I do believe ES has a playful side to him. We've seen glimpses of it with his sister. Obviously, I don't expect him to suddenly start being as straightforward as HW. That would be jarring. But a gradual opening up and becoming more comfortable expressing himself by way of overall character growth would be lovely to see. Healthy relationships are a two-way street.


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I would also like him to open up a bit too, but I think the relationship is fairly balanced. HW is more open but she is like that because ES gives her a safe space to be so. She was so closed off when we met her and that is obviously not her real personality.
I love his little smiles when she teases him and puts her attention on him and her happiness when he takes care of some of her needs like changing the lightbulb or a ride into town.


You're right about ES being playful with Hwi: in episode 10 when he tells her "why? (did you like me since you were a baby)" he's showing her his brightest smile because he already knows he's her oppa.


Thanks for another insightful recap @quirkycase. I hear you about the infestation of first loves but may be MY-ET could be excluded from that list(?)
They actually did have a relationship an it seems to have lasted all the way to their mid thirties. So you know..1out of 5 ain't bad. I do have faith in the new gen - Hwi and Hyunji ain't gonna pine after no one.🤞 I initially feared that Hyunji might have a crush on one of the oppas(ES being the prime candidate) but I lov that she has remained the straight man of the group. It does have a downside of giving us much less of Hyunji though. She's a well written teenage girl and I would pay good dollars to see a Hwi-Hyunji spin off of their college and young adult days 😀.
For all his insistence on disliking Hwi, Young Soo seems to know what's up. His constant (panicked) peeks at her oppa whenever her crush was mentioned was enough indication of his interest. Was not expecting ES to react so strongly to his little sister's crush though . The moment Hwi held his hands to drag him in, YS has gone to the top of ES's(thus far non existent) hit list.


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Well said about Hwi and Hyun-ji. The drama format wanting to showcase an ensemble cast through the book club doesn't allow for more focus on their character growth. They're both well written, and superbly acted. A spin-off would not be a bad idea at all! Scope for some fanfic!


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I was just thinking earlier about how it would be nice to have a little bit more of Hyun-ji. She's a fun character too!


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For a moment his killer face reminded me of his character Kim Youngkoon in Watcher 🤣


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I was a little disappointed that the blogpost had the same text as what was mentioned in the course of the episode (unless the translation I was watching had issues). Usually, the blogpost is different and offers more insights into ES' character - and refreshing for that reason.

This is really random, and I don't know why, but for a peripheral character, there's something about Yoon-taek that is kind of endearing (his consistent pining for MY despite her acerbic putdowns, and that headlights scene from the previous episode), and it's a shame he hasn't had closure on his story either. I hope that happens soon.


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That's interesting. When I realized the blog post matched what we heard him think earlier, I kind of liked it. As if his "inner world" now slowly emerges into the real world and he is not so much of an enigma anymore.


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Yup..I was also super confused when the ending post was the same as the one in the episode.i was chalking this up to the show having yet another filler but I like @marylou 's interpretation better.
I do fear that they would end up using ES's posts as a convenient plot device instead of him verbalise his feelings in person. Almost groaned out in annoyance when HW (yet again) professed her liking and ES barely managed a weak sauce Nadoo..I am all for females taking the lead but don't make her be the first one to always say those words, boy.
Oh 💯 with you on Eun Taek @pickleddragon... I think I have an ahjushi crush on the actor 😌 In my head, I'm already watching an alternate drama with the same cast sans the murder and abandoned fam plot with MY as the eccentric writer aunt paralyzed with writer's block,ET coming around to nag her into writing and the rest of the book club getting more time to flesh their individual lives in the cozy village. ES is just a beloved yet heavily introverted person who finally works up the courage to develop a relationship with his lifelong crush .HW continues to be her awesome self of course and acts as a mentor unnie to Hwi and Hyunji as they navigate their HS years😀. Oh in my drama JW is being courted by Eun Ship, his colleague Min Joong and is constantly malfunctioning while trying to pick a lady love.


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Haha - yes, basically knock off all the bad eggs (and the kdrama tropes of the noble idiocy and bo yeung variety, and the murder, of course). Make this a happy fairy tale :D


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Hm. I hadn't seen it that way. The preview shows that Irene will read (some of) the blogposts, and maybe this matching text is portentous in that sense - his real and virtual lives are going to collide eventually.


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I like that interpretation. I do kind of wish they had used the first part of the love letter for the blog post though.


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I had the same feeling, both with the blogpost and with YoonTaek!!


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Haha @eazal we seem to have similar views on a lot of things! :D


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Until now, my only concern about this drama is HW and her relationship with her father. She told that when she was young, she was scared because she woke up and her mother wasn't there. But now she knows that her mother was abused and she was probably hidding to protect her daughter of this reality. Even if her mother doesn't speak about it and cut her from her life, the lack of anger against her father is weird.

For Bo-young, I don't really care. She's like all the second male/girl lead who is best friend with the ML/FL and realizes his/her feelings and confesses after the last one fell in love with someone else.

I like the relationship between HW and ES. They know they love each other and enjoy simple things together. But they have some important things to determine : ES will leave with his uncle? HW will go back to Seoul? How HW will react when she will know the truth about her mother and her aunt?

Poor Yeong-soo , he can't place one word when he's with Hwi xD


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WE NEED BETTER LAWS! Or atleast a revision. I think laws all over the world, favor men. In all essence what Myeong Yu did was an act of self defense but hadn't Myeong Ju taken the blame on her behalf, MY would have suffered for her entire lifetime. Our laws fail women in many aspects. We need a worldwide revision. I wanted to hug MJ after all this, yes more than MY. She must have lived a better life before marrying that man and after that she was just like a living corpse. A few episodes back I didn't get why MJ decided to still stay with him until I came across a real domestic violence story where the women asked other people and police who had caught the man beating her to let him go, either for her children or because she was dependent but also because of numbness, when you're tortured to an extent that you can't feel anymore and you're unable to take a step for yourself. I really hope MJ and HW mend their relationship, they need that.


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You must have missed the parts at the police station where the detectives were working desperately to find a way to keep Myeong Yu out of prison- but she refused to tell them enough to allow this to happen- largely out of a misplaced sense of guilt. The was absolutely nothing wrong with the laws here- The miscarriage of justice was engineered by MY. Did you notice how careful she was NOT to mention that her husband was taking a golf club to the car? The physical evidence would have supported that statement as the damage to the car was there- and so would have been husband's fingerprints on the handle of the golf club. It was not just the obvious battering of her body that lead them to try to dig for a fuller story- they could see the car!

In fact, had the full story been told there is a good chance that the prosecutors would have refused to prosecute this case, or most likely would have charged a much lesser offense based upon a theory that the two women were simply trying to flee and in the heat of the moment were not entirely rational in their actions- an involuntary manslaughter. They might even have acknowledged self defense because it was only a matter of time before their assailant would have broken through the windows and most likely have swung the golf club at their heads.

In understanding this story it is absolutely vital to understand that MY and MJ made a foolish and even immoral decision to subvert the law. No revision of the laws can fix that. If there is a lesson about the law here it is simply this: That it demonstrates the wisdom of punishing those who conceal evidence.


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I'm not sure about the law in SK. It can be different as in US or other countries. There are countries where she still would go to jail because she killed her abuser before calling police for help. I know it sounds ridiculous but it works like that.


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SK is particularly opposed to violent crime of any sort- and that is why self-defense might not have worked BUT self defense is a defense under Korean law- and the husband was actually bashing in the windows with a golf club- she did not really have time to call the police and in fact she was actually trying to get away at the time- so the is a good chance that even the Republic of Korea the self defense plea would have prevailed.


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When MJ is questioned by the police she said repeatedly that she killed him on purpose, not on self defense, not that she was defending herself. She said she wanted to kill him. If you declare you murder someone on purpose, it's murder, even if there are mitigating causes.
That's the reason she was sentenced to seven years in prison.
Of course, I've never studied SK Criminal Law, but this is the most likely thing that has happened.


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Yes you are right - that is what MJ said. But you actually prove my point here. IT WAS NOT MJ WHO KILLED HIM. Even saying that she killed him was part of her lie- because it was actually her sister who killed him - If you lie and say that you killed someone that you did not then that is not murder but it is the crime of obstruction of justice. If repeated under oath in the courtroom then it is Perjury. She may have been convicted of murder but that does not mean it was murder in fact.

This is why, even though I am glad that the abuser is dead, I am not at all happy with the two sisters. It is too easy to say that the abusive husband was the cause of their pain. That is true- but that is only half the truth. The other half is that their lives afterwards were blighted by the lies told by MJ. I said that this was immoral and it was: The moral principle was the importance of telling the truth. Had the sisters followed that principle the consequences for both would have been far lighter than what they have suffered.

This is a great drama because it tells us a deeper story with it tremendous insights into human nature, human life and the effects of our decisions.

The greatest lesson of these last two episodes is that moral principles matter. Morality does not exist as a device whereby we can 'judge' others- although there are misguided people who abuse it that way. Moral principles exist to help us avoid mistakes. It really is as simple as that. Had the sisters told the truth a lot of heartache would have been avoided.


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The jurist in me understands you so much.
I totally agree with you.


well said! I agree that there was considerable "noble idiocy" (to use kdrama vocabulary) on the part of both MY and MJ. They made an irrational decision on the spur of the moment without proper legal advice. Regardless of the actual language of the law in SK, principles of natural justice would have operated, and worked in their favour eventually, to some extent.


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Thanks for the link, @kerouregan! The letter of the law on DV and capital punishment is deeply problematic all over the world, and certainly requires reconsideration and redrafting on a global scale (CEDAW is one guiding document).

This is why I suggested that - hypothetically - principles of natural justice, which would require an adjudicator to consider universal principles that are beyond those embedded in statute - would, and ought to, operate here. I do feel, like @oldawyer, that MY and MJ could have gotten away with a better deal, had they been honest about what actually happened. This is all hypothetical. But we are in dramaland. We just sit back and bear it, I suppose! :/


Thanks for this BC. In this scenario yes, it would've been better had they told thr truth but I'm not sure if MY would've been saved. What i really meant was that I have seen people get behind the bars or even be executed for crimes they did in self defense. Usually women either because of dv or attempted sexual abuse and that is why I think we need better laws. While it may differ there is less protection for dv victims and lesser sentences for abusers.


I gave it a thought and I would probably react the same way as those two sisters... I won't have money for a good lawyer and what state provides is most of the time an overworked not well paid state lawyer. When you don't know how the actual law works and the country didn't do anything to protect you when you reported the abuse and were beaten more because you "ruined his good reputation" many of us would do naturally the noble idiocy afterwards. As well when you see what the judge did with Goo Ha -ra's exboyfriend I wouldn't trust anyone.


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Still irks me what happened with GH. And yes while MJ should've atleast mentioned that it was an act of self defense which I guess might have been proven in the court because they reduced her sentence due to DV, I don't think claiming it was self defense would've helped MY. This was an enraged comment after reading about many similar stories where women suffer even if done in self defense but men get away with lesser punishments even if done consciously.


"For a fee, of course." 🤣🤣


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That kind of wisdom? It cannot be shared for free. Not even with oppa.


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We all caught that, @quirkycase! ;)


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Much of this episode, and the one before it, told the story of Hae-won’s aunt and mother- and abusive father. It may surprise many people that the sweet nice guy who has violent episodes is not an uncommon pattern of abuse- so the drama is once again showing us the truth. But these dark truths are not the only truth- which is why we have the wonderful scenes of Hae-won and Eun-seob’s love intertwined with the dark scenes from the past. This is why this drama is so great.

No one could possibly like Bo-yeong yet I disagree with Quirky-case about her being unnecessary. I think that she brings balance to the abuse motif – there are abusive men but there are also abusive women and Bo-yeong demonstrates this, not with physical abuse but emotional manipulation, must especially when she ‘accidentally leaked’ the fact that Hae-won’s mom was a murderess, leading to Hae-won’s persecution through much of her high school days. It was not a mistake- we now know that it was intentional and had the effect she sought- the infliction of enormous emotional pain on Hae-won that left her psychologically scarred for a decade.

Yet, not all manipulation is hurtful, and that is what makes Hwi such a special character. She manipulates but she also loves with her whole heart. Yeong-soo is the young man that she loves- and of course he is completely out of his depth in dealing with her- but this is a good thing. What a lucky young man to have such a strong and clever young lady taking charge of his life. With just a little bit of luck she will be able to manipulate him all the way to the Blue House.

Now if Jang-woo could just muster up some courage things would go far better with Eun-sil than he probably expects.


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That is a clever insight on BY’s character..looking back, that is indeed true, abuse can also come from malicious manipulation.


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I totally agree with your insight of Bo Yeong. I don't find her unnecessary at all, and in fact was talking about it on another comment.
At first I did believed that BoYoung leaking HW's secret was not intentional, but when I realized that BY turned her back on HW and didn't stand by her in school, I realized she had done it on purpose (although in her sick mind she had done it to "help her").
She's a mean selfish person, trying to disguise as fragile and nice. Her strength is making others feel guilty and blaming others on what's happening to her.
She will get lost in the woods just to make others worried about her. She needs a doctor.


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Eunseob mansplaining is probably then only the only mansplaining I approve 😋


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Astronomy Nerd would be perfect for Hwi. "This noona is pretty too." He's weird, she's weird, they can be weird together. As much as I love Hwi and Jang-woo, I don't think their crushes like them back romantically. I think Young-soo wants to be friends with Hwi as he is amused by her, but not as a boyfriend because she is too~ much for him. Despite Oppa's self-induced fever, Young-soo wants to join the book club because he loves books and needs extracurricular activities to pad his college applications. I think Eun-shil knows Jang-woo likes her since his coughing today and blushing in Episode 7 make it obvious, but she treats him only as a friend whom she can causally call and ask a favor. I think Eun-shil admires and envies how Jang-woo loves his job when she hates working at her City Hall.

So far, we have Eun-seob, Bo-yeong, Jang-woo, Myung-yeo and Yoon-taek

Add Young-woo who still pines for his crush even inviting Hae-won to his café in Seoul.

Many thanks for the recap, @quirkycase!


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There were little details which speak volumes again popping up like the yellow thread on ES's sweater.

First I was dumbfounded by MJ's eyes. Did you the blood in her eye balls? It was so real I wondered how did they managed to make it. (HW's cello finger work failed a big time) The rage of HW's dad, the fear of sisters in the car. The garage doors kept being closed because of the panicking and horror of one possessed strong man. MJ's cold rational behaviour because that's how brain works when trying to save someone. The four dandelions - we saw three at first and behind the wall was forth one. Trying to blow it trough the glass and waiting for emergency to come.
MY's deep cry as wounded animal, a bear's mom who can't anymore protect her children from hunters claws. The injustice. Yes, you can hide being abused especially while trying to be cold to your child that he/she will think you don't like her.

I loved also the hedgehog's spine.♥️

Second Hwi's YS's comparison to roses. That when she will like another flower roses stay being beautiful. ES's pierce glances at HW's crush and observing him if he's worth her. He didn't have fever just HW amusingly noticed his observations and when Hwi told that it's all in the past tense it reminded HW of ES's claims that he also liked her in the past. They are indeed a family. It was so funny.

Chopping wood sequence - ES's How did you do it? ES's love letter and how he's making perfect PPL for Cheongdo.


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I think young soo... Is very much warming up to hwi... No need to hide it boy we know u find her antics amusing... 😆😆😆


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The chemistry between our OTP is just through the charts. It is gorgeous to see them together. I look forward to their scenes. They are absolutely adorable to watch. However, I do agree with some that their relationship has plateaued. Something has got to give. It's like each scene I am expecting something is going to happen to shake this almost perfect love affair. The aunt is another charismatic figure, played by a brilliant actress. Love love this drama.


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What a sad fate for the Sim sisters... But now we know that HW mother really love her daughter asking her sister to take care of HW. This two do care for each other deeply as they do show love for each. This do bring some reality into this drama...

Aww ES and HW basking in their newfound relationship. So cute. 😍
I see some comment that they feel ES and HW are stagnant. But to me there is still things they need to figuring out for this to be e a long lasting relationship. I do think BY is not gonna be the big obstacle, but it is gonna come from internal place. We see ES kinda still hold himself back as he do think HW gonna leave eventually. He still belive he gonna be left alone... HW wanting him to hold her back. We gonna visit this in next week episode as HW need to find out if she want to go back to Seoul. Beside her finding out about her aunt secret. I want ES to say those words to her though.


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I have to say I was right about ES calling aunt to prevent HW suicide. It seemed the only logic thing to do. Note aside: I didn't find his stalking creepy or out of place as I find it in A piece of your mind...

MyungYeo stole my heart on this episode. And so did her sister. What a terrible experience, so much fear, pain, panic, and it was all so well shown in the scene: the panic, the rush, the realization of what had happened. Great actors, better directing. Hats off.

I've already written in comments here and in fanwall what I thing about BoYeong and how I find her mean and selfish. I don't think she her stupid and reckless behavior will endanger our OTP. She should be pitied by us, but doesn't even deserve that. Hats off also to the fantastic job Lim SeMi is doing!!

Finally, that Bookclub scene was just fantastic. I've rewatched it a dozen of times, and everytime I would just laugh. Poor YoungSoo was there listening all the other member's opinions whether Hwi liked him for his looks or not while EunSeob was giving hin THE look. Priceless.


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I mean, I can totally see someone having the exact thoughts of Bo-young, I can even somehow see someone doing what she's trying to do, it's called gaining attention no matter what, and this means she has some serious personallity disorder she has to get fixed -_-


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Bo Young. Shakes head. As annoying and crazy as her actions were this episode, I have to say it's the first time I really "got" her. I said out loud "I know this girl." So well done one that, show. Now get her into therapy. Get them all into therapy.

I don't think Bo Young is going to drive a wedge in ES and HW's relationship. I do think BY and HW are likely to really have it out.

Myung-yeo wailing at the funeral was so hard to watch.

The book club scene was fun. Poor Young Soo lol.


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I like how they have ES and HW choosing to break patterns and do what makes them happy, without any sort of big catharsis with their respective families. I'm actually really satisfied with how they tied up the uncle and ES's storyline. We hear the uncle tell him how his and all the men's in his family's life is supposed to go and then we see ES come back to where he wants to be and break that pattern. I hope the show doesnt backslide on this.
Also, glad that HW is able to start to build a happier life for herself without the big reveal from her mom and aunt.


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Thanks for the recap.


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It is strange, I watched this when it came out, but just commenting now, because I had to give some thoughts about it.

I am okay with the strange feeling that episode 11 and 12 brought. Because it is such a heavy subject. It had a different feeling fromt he rest of the drama too, but I am kinda ok with it. Things like this are strange, it is supposed to be strange and give you an unpleasant feeling. I think it would be weird if I watched and was "ok, move on, lets go back to the couple love story".

4 episodes left. I cant believe it.


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And I like that they keep it separated the reasons and the facts for the aunt to recall that story (see, they didn't even do it when the older sister came back), and our lovey dovey couple who knows nothing about it. The drama is showing us pieces here and there, but they are two different stories somehow, and that's why these two episodes are ok for me... the editing hasn't bother me at all.


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I love park min young :( but why this commenters seems all the same. Dont do this :( .Reading all of these made me proud coz i really want to see the review of others. I love this When the weather is nice so bad. Looking for some review to clear up everything i did not understand in the story. Until i found this, but why? Obviously, different accounts belongs to one person. Please email me or message me 😞 instagram acct @sfcjown


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